This script is made to allow query geographical tiles, defined by any bounding box, from a WMTS services. Based on the bounding box and the service configuration, the scripts queries all the WMTS tiles required to compose the desired geographical tile and produces georeferenced GeoTIFF images as a result.
The tiles are defined through a geographical file, typically a shapefile, that is provided to the script as parameter.
The script is used in the following way :
$ python3 -Wignore --url [WMTS capabilities URL]
--layer [WMTS layer identifier]
--tiles [Tiles shapefile]
--width [Width of tile, in pixels]
--time [Any valid year for the layer]
The URL has to point to the WMTS service capabilities XML for the script to fetch the required information.
The layer name has to be the one specified in the WMTS service capabilities.
In the shapefile, the tile are defined each by a rectangular (or square) polygon. The bounding box are extracted from the polygon to compose the WMS-like query before to translate it into WMTS queries.
The width is provided in pixels according to the desired resolution. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the bounding box and pixel width does not lead to overshoot the image ground sample distance.
It is then assumed that all the tiles defined in the provided shapefile are of the same size, as receiving the same pixel width. The pixel height is deduced from the tile aspect ratio.
The time value is provided only in case the data is available as a WMTS parameter.
GDAL linux binaries are used, through a system call, by the script to compose the tiles GeoTIFF image. In the future, this features should be part of the script itself.
In addition, the script uses temporary files, that are stored by default on the linux :
ramfs. This location can be changed by using the --tmp parameter.