Table of Contents
The name of the society is the Sydney Computing Society (SYNCS), hereinafter referred to as "the Society".
- The aims of the Society are to:
- provide a forum in which members can interact and network with other like-minded individuals;
- further interest in the use of information technologies;
- assist members to participate fully in university life; and
- facilitate contact between members, academic staff and industry representatives.
- The aims, activities and practices of the Society must be consistent with the Student Association Policy 2020 and Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University of Sydney (hereinafter referred to as "the University").
- The Society will undertake the following activities to achieve its aims:
- social activities, including but not limited to barbecues, first year camps, industry social events, end of year functions, and games events;
- technical activities, including but not limited to programming competitions, programming practice sessions, programming help desks, hackathons, capture the flags, workshops and seminars relating to topics in existing or emerging information technology;
- industry activities, including but not limited to site tours, careers fairs, diversity events, alumni networking events, careers workshops and seminars; and
- websites, online forums and other electronic resources.
The classes of annual membership of the Society are:
- Ordinary membership
- All current students enrolled in the University are eligible for Ordinary Membership of the Society. Any current Ordinary Member will be eligible to hold Executive positions and hold one vote at all meetings and elections of the Society at which they are present, except as provided in sub clause 9.3 of this Constitution.
- Associate membership
- Persons other than those who qualify for Ordinary Membership may have Associate Membership conferred upon them by an Executive Meeting of the Society. Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections or vote at meetings of the Society.
- Ordinary membership
Members of the Society must not engage in any behaviour that may be deemed bullying, harassment, or discrimination under the Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy 2015 of the University.
The Society must at all times:
- maintain a written membership list; and
- have at least 10 current students of the University as members.
There must be no membership fee, but members may be asked to contribute to cover the cost of events either for each individual event or annually.
Upon successful submission of a membership form, a person is deemed an Ordinary Member or Associate Member of the Society and henceforth be bound by this Constitution.
A person ceases to be a member of the Society if the person:
- is no longer a current student of the University; or
- dies; or
- resigns membership; or
- is expelled from the Society following the procedure in sub clause 3.7 of this Constitution.
A member of the Society may have their membership terminated after the following procedure is followed:
- A complaint may be made to the executive committee of the Society by any person for reasons including but not limited to:
- that a member of the Society has wilfully acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Society; and
- that a member of the Society has refused or neglected to comply with sub clause 3.2 of this Constitution.
- The executive committee may refuse to deal with a complaint if it considers the complaint to be trivial or vexatious in nature.
- The executive committee may decide to deal with a complaint and:
- must cause notice of the complaint to be served on the member concerned;
- must give the member at least fourteen (14) clear days from the time the notice is served within which to make submissions to the executive committee in connection with the complaint;
- must take into consideration any submissions made by the member in connection with the complaint;
- may, by ordinary resolution: that is, a resolution carried by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote, expel the member from the Society if it is satisfied that the facts alleged in the complaint have been proved and the termination is warranted in the circumstances; and
- must within seven (7) clear days after any executive action is taken, cause written notice to be given to the member of the action taken, of the reasons given by the executive committee for having taken that action and of the member’s right of appeal under sub clause 3.7.d of this Constitution.
- Any member of the Society who believes they have been wrongly expelled may appeal to the executive committee by lodging with the Secretary a notice to that effect within 7 days after notice of the resolution is served on the member, during which expulsion does not take effect. The executive committee will arrive at the final resolution of the matter at a General Meeting,
The Society shall have an Executive consisting of:
- Two Co-Presidents
- A Treasurer
- A Secretary
- A Social Events Coordinator
- A Design Director
- A Marketing Director
- An Industry Liaison
- A Development Lead
- A Technology Events Coordinator; and
- Up to a further ten Executive Members, comprising:
- An additional Social Events Coordinator
- Two additional Industry Liaisons
- An additional Technology Events Coordinator
- Two additional Development Leads
- An Undergraduate Representative
- A Postgraduate Representative
- A First Year Representative
- An International Student Representative
- A Diversity Representative
Subject to the ACNC Governance Standards, there will be a subset of the Executive that will serve as the official committee of Responsible Persons governing the Society in its capacity as a charity organisation, comprising of:
- the two Co-presidents
- the Treasurer
- the Secretary
Subject to the University of Sydney Act 1989, the Student Association Policy 2020 of the University, the Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University and any resolution passed by the Society in General Meeting, the Executive:
- is to control and manage the affairs of the Society;
- exercise all the functions that may be exercised by the Society, other than those functions that are required by this Constitution to be exercised by a General Meeting of members of the Society; and
- has power to perform all the acts and do all things that appear to the Society to be necessary or desirable for the proper management of the affairs of the Society.
A member may hold up to two (2) Executive positions, other than two (2) Executive positions among the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.
There is no maximum number of consecutive terms for which a member may hold Executive positions.
The term of the Executive will commence immediately following the close of the Annual General Meeting and conclude at the close of the handover meeting in the following year.
The Executive has the power to manage the Society in accordance with this Constitution.
- The Executive must have an Executive Meeting at least quarterly.
Attendance of Executive Members at Executive and General Meetings is obligatory. Any Executive Member who does not attend three consecutive meetings without leave can be dismissed from the Executive by ordinary resolution at an Executive or General Meeting.
- The Co-Presidents will:
- convene and chair all Annual General Meetings, other General Meetings, Executive Meetings or Subcommittee meetings, provided that the President is not standing for election to any Executive position at the meeting;
- provide a written report to the Annual General Meeting;
- plan the activities of the Society in consultation with the Executive;
- liaise with the Executive and any Subcommittees formed by the Society; and
- provide and ensure an appropriate handover, including all relevant documents and materials, to the following Executive.
- The Treasurer will:
- maintain the Society's finances in accordance with the Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University;
- present to the Annual General Meeting of the Society a report detailing the financial activity and status of the Society; and
- provide and ensure an appropriate handover, including all relevant documents and materials, to the following Executive.
- The Secretary will:
- conduct the correspondence of the Society;
- book meeting rooms for the Society when required;
- keep minutes of all Society meetings;
- maintain the records and documents of the Society;
- maintain a list of current members and associates; and
- provide and ensure an appropriate handover, including all relevant documents and materials, to the following executive.
- The Social Events Coordinator(s) will:
- liaise with the technology events coordinators to plan, organise and supervise a schedule of events of the Society throughout the year;
- book meeting rooms for the Society when required;
- coordinate the activities of other Executives assisting in the execution of events; and
- liaise with the Design Director and Marketing Director to ensure that members are aware of events.
- The Design Director will:
- create and update materials on the Society website and other publications;
- create materials for publicising the Society and its events, including but not limited to websites, posters, newsletters and merchandise; and
- devise strategies to ensure the active participation of members.
- The Marketing Director will:
- create and update materials on the Society website and other publications;
- handle external communications through social media platforms of the Society and emails; and
- liaise with the Design Director to devise strategies to ensure the active participation of members.
- The Industry Liaison(s) will:
- develop and maintain connections with industry partners to further mutual goals; and
- liaise with the Social Events Coordinators and Technology Events Coordinators to establish and organise events involving industry partners of the Society.
- The Development Lead(s) will:
- install and maintain computer hardware and software for the Society, including but not limited to the Society website; and
- maintain the email distribution lists of the Society.
- The Technology Events Coordinator(s) will:
- plan, organise and supervise technical events of the Society, including but not limited to programming competitions and information technology workshops; and
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and Industry Liaison(s) to promote member participation in technical activities of the Society.
- The Undergraduate Representative will:
- facilitate communication between the undergraduate students and staff of the School of Computer Science of the University, and the Society;
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Technology Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and other student representatives of the Society to promote student participation in Society activities; and
- coordinate the organisation of room booking and helpers for the regular programming help desk event of the Society.
- The Postgraduate Representative will:
- facilitate communication between the postgraduate students and staff of the School of Computer Science of the University, and the Society; and
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Technology Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and other student representatives of the Society to promote student participation in Society activities.
- The First Year Representative will:
- facilitate communication between the first year students and staff of the School of Computer Science of the University, and the Society; and
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Technology Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and other student representatives of the Society to promote student participation in Society activities.
- The International Student Representative will:
- facilitate communication between the international students and staff of the School of Computer Science of the University, and the Society; and
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Technology Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and other student representatives of the Society to promote student participation in Society activities.
- The Diversity Representative will:
- facilitate communication between members from diverse groups, the staff of the School of Computer Science of the University, and the Society; and
- coordinate activities with the Social Events Coordinator(s), Technology Events Coordinator(s), Design Director, Marketing Director and other student representatives of the Society to promote student participation in Society activities.
- The Executive, subject to this Constitution, must not engage in conduct that may reasonably be deemed destructive to the Society. All Executive Members of the Society are subject to the following conditions:
- when Executive Members are participating, observing, or otherwise present at a public event, they are representing the Society and must act in a respectful manner throughout the entire event;
- all Executive Members must not engage in any behaviour that may reasonably be deemed bullying, harassment, or discrimination; and
- all Executive Members must not share proprietary information of the Society with other organisations or the general public without prior approval by at least two members among the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.
- The Society will have the following Subcommittees:
- an Events Subcommittee, which includes a social events division and a technology events division;
- a Sponsorship Subcommittee;
- a Marketing Subcommittee; and
- any other Subcommittee as the Executive sees fit.
- The Subcommittees will consist of a group of Ordinary Members of the Society, selected by The Executive via processes where the Executive sees fit, to perform a particular task or tasks of the Society.
- The Executive must give a written notice of the opening application period of the Subcommittees, which must last no less than seven (7) clear days, in one of the recognised media platforms of the Society.
- The Executive listed below will be directly responsible for managing the Subcommittees and report at least monthly to either the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, or Secretary:
- the Social Events Coordinator(s) and the Technology Events Coordinator(s) will be the Directors of the Events Subcommittee;
- the Industry Liaison(s) will be the Directors of the Sponsorship Subcommittee;
- the Design Director and Marketing Director will be the Directors of the Marketing Subcommittee; and
- any other Executive Member(s) appointed by the aforementioned panel in sub clause 6.4 of this Constitution will be the Directors of any other Subcommittee(s) of the Society.
- The term of the Subcommittee Members will commence immediately following a written notice by the Executive to the successful applicants of the Subcommittees, and conclude at:
- the Annual General Meeting in the same year; or
- a written resignation letter by the Subcommittee Member to their Director; or
- the dismissal of the Subcommittee Member by their Director
- A Director from The Executive may dismiss a Member of their Subcommittee with prior approval from no less than 3 Executive Members among the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.
- Any act or thing done or suffered by a member of the Subcommittees acting in the exercise of a delegation by the Executive has the same force and effect as it would have if it had been done or suffered by the Executive.
- A subsidiary club will be defined as an informal group of students that, with permission from the School of Computer Science, is supported by the Sydney Computing Society, by means of PR, financial administration, and intellectual property.
- A subsidiary club will adhere to the following mandates regarding inception, existence, and termination:
- A subsidiary club may include one or more subsidiary club presidents, with the quantity determined by the SYNCS Committee.
- The appointment of a subsidiary club president and therefore the integration of a subsidiary club into the society must first be proposed and approved by the School of Computer Science and then ratified by at least three members of the SYNCS Committee.
- The structure of the subsidiary club is at the discretion of the subsidiary club president; however, it must include at least one PR Director and one Events Coordinator. A member may be permitted to fulfil multiple roles.
- By majority vote, the SYNCS Committee may detach a subsidiary club from SYNCS.
- A subsidiary club may be refused support by the SYNCS Committee in terms of PR, finance, or intellectual property should they deem that support is unwarranted.
- A subsidiary club will adhere to the following mandates regarding elections and members:
- The subsidiary club president will be elected at the inception of the subsidiary club and subsequently at each SYNCS Annual General Meeting.
- Subsidiary club members may be appointed at the discretion of the subsidiary club president, but they must be Ordinary Members of SYNCS.
- A subsidiary club member may be dismissed at the behest of the subsidiary club president with approval from at least three members of the subcommittee.
- Only members of the subsidiary club may vote in the election of their respective subsidiary club president.
- A subsidiary club will adhere to the following mandates regarding finances:
- All financial requests made by a subsidiary club must follow a standard treasury request process.
- Upon the initiation of a subsidiary club or the annual election of a subsidiary club president, the subsidiary club must present a prospectus outlining future events and projected costs until the next SYNCS Annual General Meeting.
- The Society will hold General Meetings as required during semester (teaching period, Weeks 1-13) of the University.
- The Secretary may at any time, for any worthy purpose, call a General Meeting, and must also do so forthwith upon receipt of the written application, of at least 5% of the total number of members of the Society, which states the purposes for which the meeting is called and is signed by all members making the requisition. The business debated at a General Meeting must be confined to the purposes named in the meeting notice.
- Notice of a requested General Meeting must be provided to members:
- in writing;
- no later than fourteen (14) clear days after a request under sub clause 7.2 of this Constitution; and
- in accordance with requirements for an Annual General Meeting
- Notice of a requested General Meeting must be provided to members:
- The Secretary must give at least seven (7) clear days' written notice of the time, date, venue, and nature of the business proposed to be transacted at the General Meeting through one of the recognised media platforms of the Society.
- Quorum at General Meetings will be the lesser number of one-third of the total membership of the Society or fifteen (15) Ordinary Members.
- If, after thirty (30) minutes from the advertised starting time for a General Meeting, a quorum has not been achieved, the meeting will be adjourned to the same time and place one week later.
- Regardless of how many members attend the reconvened meeting, it will be considered to be quorate and may proceed accordingly.
- The agenda for a General Meeting may include:
- opening and welcome;
- apologies and leaves of absence;
- minutes of the previous meeting;
- business arising from the minutes;
- correspondence;
- motions on notice;
- reports of Executive Members;
- other reports;
- general business; and
- date of the next meeting.
- A General Meeting of the Society has the same powers as an Executive Meeting, and may also carry the following motions on notice relating to the affairs of the Society by a special resolution where a special resolution is one which is passed by at least 70% of those present and entitled to vote at the meeting:
- repealing motions and the effect of motions carried at an Executive Meeting;
- amending the Constitution;
- dismissing Executive Members for reasons other than that in sub clause 4.7 and clause 10 of this Constitution, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply;
- dissolving the society.
- The Society must hold an Annual General Meeting annually in the month of September or a different time during semester 2 in the same academic year of the University as the Executive sees fit, for the following purposes:
- to receive a report and statement of accounts for the preceding financial period;
- to elect the Executive for the ensuing term; and
- to transact any other business, notice of which must be duly submitted to the Secretary.
- The Secretary must provide members with at least fourteen (14) clear days' written notice of the Annual General Meeting in one of the recognised media platforms of the Society. The notice must include:
- the day on which nominations open, which day must be at least fourteen (14) clear days before the day of the elections;
- the day and time on which nominations close, which must be no later than the time of the elections;
- the time, date and venue of the election;
- that only Ordinary Members are eligible to be candidates for election, except as provided in sub clause 9.3 of this Constitution; and
- that only Ordinary Members who are present at the meeting are eligible to vote.
- Any member wishing to move a motion at the Annual General Meeting must give the Secretary fourteen (14) clear days’ written notice of the proposed motion.
- The Annual General Meeting must be held between 9am and 9pm during semester (teaching period, Weeks 1-13) of the University:
- at a place on campus of the University; or
- over a video-conferencing software with an anonymous polling feature determined by the Secretary; or
- at another place determined at an Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting.
- The Annual General Meeting will be chaired by the President or an Executive Member not standing for election to any Executive position at this meeting.
- Members may attend an Annual General Meeting or other General Meetings by use of any technology which provides a reasonable opportunity for all members to participate.
- Quorum at the Annual General Meeting will be the lesser number of one-third of the total membership of the Society or fifteen (15) Ordinary Members. If within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting will be dissolved.
- The agenda for the Annual General Meeting may include:
- opening and welcome;
- apologies and leaves of absence;
- minutes of the previous meeting;
- business arising from the minutes;
- correspondence;
- motions on notice;
- annual reports by:
- the President;
- the Treasurer;
- the Secretary; and
- other Executive Members as the Executive sees fit.
- Election of the Executive; and
- General business.
- The Executive must be elected at the Annual General Meeting at a time stated in sub clause 8.1 of this Constitution.
- The First Year Representative, International Student Representative and Diversity Representative must be elected at the first General Meeting held in the new year.
- A current Ordinary Member must:
- be an undergraduate student of the University to be eligible to be a candidate for the Undergraduate Representative;
- be a postgraduate student of the University to be eligible to be a candidate for the Postgraduate Representative;
- be a first year student of the University to be eligible to be a candidate for the First Year Representative; and
- be an international student of the University to be eligible to be a candidate for the International Student Representative; and
- have held ordinary membership of the Society for at least sixteen (16) clear days prior to the elections to be eligible to be a candidate for any Executive positions and hold one vote at the elections.
- expect to be enrolled at the University for the entire length of the term of their nominated position to be an eligible candidate for Executive Membership.
- Nominations of candidates for the Executive position(s):
- must be open at least seven (7) clear days before the day of the election(s);
- must remain open for at least seven (7) clear days after nominations open;
- must close before election of the respective Executive position takes place; and
- must be seconded by two (2) current members of the Society (one of whom must be the nominee themself), and submitted to the Society before election of the respective Executive position takes place, in order for the nominee to be eligible for elections.
- Before an election, the Executive must nominate a suitable person, not being a candidate for election, to act as Returning Officer. The Returning Officer:
- will be charged with the conduct of the election;
- may appoint suitable persons, not being candidates for election, as Deputy Returning Officers; and
- must report all election results to an establishing authority of the University, that is:
- an Associate Dean (Student Life); or
- the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Life).
- The Executive must maintain the official list of nominees during the nomination period, and upon its closure, forward the list to the Returning Officer.
- Voting must be by secret ballot, and must be Single Transferable Vote.
- Each candidate must reach the quota of votes as determined by the Droop quota for that Executive position.
- If there is a tie for an Executive position between candidates, the candidate who has the most votes at the first stage or at the earliest point in the count where they had unequal votes, will be elected into the Executive position.
- Any vacant positions remaining in the Executive after the election(s) are taken to be casual vacancies.
- No election results will be effective until approved by an establishing authority of the University.
- In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the membership of the Executive, the Executive may appoint an Ordinary Member of the Society by ordinary resolution to fill the vacancy and the member so appointed is to hold office, subject to this Constitution, until the earlier date of:
- the Annual General Meeting next following the date of the appointment; or
- a General Meeting which must be held within 28 days of the casual vacancy to elect a new officeholder.
- A casual vacancy in the office of a member of the Executive occurs if the member:
- dies, or
- ceases to be a member of the Society, or
- is or becomes an insolvent under administration within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth, or
- resigns office by notice in writing given to the secretary, or
- is removed from office under sub clause 4.7 or clause 10 of this Constitution, or
- becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or
- is convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty for which the maximum penalty on conviction is imprisonment for not less than 3 months.
- A dismissal complaint concerning an Executive Member may be made by any Executive Member to the first Executive Member not involved with the complaint in the following list: the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, and the Secretary. A vote of no confidence can be held against the Executive Member concerned if either of the following parties unanimously decides to deal with the dismissal complaint:
- no less than half of all current Executive Members; or
- no less than 3 Executive Members among the Co-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.
- A vote of no confidence will be held automatically against any Executive Member who cannot show that they have attended any events or Executive meetings of the Society in the past 2 months.
- The Executive Member under scrutiny must be given at least 7 clear days notice about the reasons for accepting the dismissal complaint against them, the time and location where the vote of no confidence will be held, and allowed for reasonable right of reply before the vote of no confidence is held.
- If multiple votes of no confidence will be held simultaneously, they will be held in the order of the Executive positions outlined in sub clause 4.1 of this Constitution.
- A simple majority vote of the Executive is required to dismiss the Executive Member under scrutiny.
- Any Executive Member who believes they have been wrongly dismissed may appeal to an establishing authority of the University within seven (7) days of the resolution to dismiss, who will arrive at the final resolution of the dismissal complaint.
- No amendments to this Constitution, including but not limited to changes of name, will be effective until approved by an establishing authority of the University.
- Amendments to this constitution may only be made by special resolution at an Annual General Meeting or other General Meetings where a special resolution is one which is passed by at least 70% of those present and entitled to vote at the meeting.
- The Society must keep financial records as required by the Student Associations Policy 2020 and Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University.
- All assets and property of the Society must be managed consistently with resolutions of the Society in General Meetings.
- The Society must establish and maintain a bank account.
- If funding is provided to the Society by a Faculty or University School, the Society must account for its expenditure of the funds by providing:
- appropriate receipts; or
- a University finance statement.
- The Society is not for profit, meaning the assets and funds of the Society will be applied solely in furtherance of the aims of the Society and no portion of those funds may be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Society except as bona fide compensation for documented out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.
- The financial year of the Society will run from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.
- All payments of the Society must be by cheque or by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), signed by at least two members of the Executive, one of whom must be the Treasurer.
- All events which require financial contribution from the Society or are entirely sponsored by a third party must be approved and signed off by the Treasurer and at least one other member among the Co-Presidents and Secretary.
- Acceptable payment methods to the Society are cash and card.
- The Society must provide an establishing authority with an annual financial report each year by 31 July. The annual financial report will include those that are specified in sub clause 7(4) of the Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University.
- The Society will be dissolved if:
- the members in General Meeting resolve to do so; or
- it has fewer than 10 members who are current students of the University; or
- its dissolution is directed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University.
- The dissolution will take effect on the date that the circumstance requiring it occurs.
- As from the date of dissolution:
- the Executive shall cease to hold office, except for the purposes of complying with this clause;
- the Executive will provide to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University all the records and documents of the Society; and
- any remaining money or property of the Society will:
- if the Society is dissolved by special resolution of its membership, be transferred to a cultural, charitable or educational organisation in accordance with any wish expressed by the membership at that time; or
- otherwise, transferred to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University to be transferred to a cultural, charitable or educational organisation, as they consider appropriate.
- The Society must provide an establishing authority of the University with an annual report each year no later than 2 weeks after the Annual General Meeting of the year is closed. The annual report will include:
- the minutes of the Annual General Meeting; and
- the President’s report and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year.
- The Society must comply with all requirements of the University of Sydney Act 1989, the Student Association Policy 2020 and Student Association Procedures 2021 of the University for recognition as a student society affiliated with the University under the supervision of an establishing authority of the University.
This Constitution was adopted on the 5th day of October, 2022.
President's Signature
Sonia Kang
Secretary's Signature
Steven Huang