Dockerized Kafka Streams application using Docker Compose.
sbt docker
Open terminal in master branch of this project and run
docker compose up -d
(-d stands for ** detached** mode). -
Run Kafka Console Producer using this command:
docker-compose exec broker kafka-console-producer --topic input --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
In master branch of this project in another terminal run Kafka Console Consumer using this command:
docker-compose exec broker kafka-console-consumer --topic count-topic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Now produce message from Producer to Consumer and wait for the event in Consumer terminal
You can also check out the Confluent Control Center on localhost:9021
- Navigate to:
Topics > output > Messages
and produce message from here. The output will be available on your Consumer terminal.
- Navigate to:
This project includes GitHub Actions exercise.