- Fixed vertical alignment issue of the digits
- Added font style to examples
- Updated inline demo style
- Fixed invertColors and disableDigits issues
- Updated integration guide on readme
- Fixed typo on readme
- Added CSS transition effects
- Updated dependencies
- Made enhancement to the transitions
- Fixed a transition issue with restart before completing the initial animation loop
- Fixed decimals issue for zero percent
- Added missing implementation of restartProgress in several places
- Updated dependencies
- Upgraded Stencil version to 2.6
- Fixed animations not resuming after getting reattached to DOM
- Upgraded Stencil version to 2.10
- Disabling e2e test until stencil supports jest v27
- Updated README to include framework integration guide
- Changed percent prop to percentage prop
- Added roundLinecap prop
- Removed decimal digits for 0 percent
- Integrated slotted elements
- Fixed zero percent issue (digits gets hidden)
- Added disable-decimals
- Fixed broken demo
- Updated easing-animation-frames version to 1.0.2
- Added callback functions that emit events
- Updated eslint and prettier settings
- Updated easing-animation-frames version to 1.0.3
- Updated progress event to include both progress and percentage values
- Fixe the issue of start event not emitted
- Fixed decimal size issue
- Fixed the issue of complete event not emitted after restart
- Fixed iOS Safari issue with SVG tspan element positioning
- Fixed color not being updated on restart
- Updated libraries and added e2e test to github actions
- Updated libraries and fixed a security alert
- Updated README
- Added colors option as a prop
- Updated README
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Integrated @stencil/react-output-target for react wrapper
- Updated README with the mention on progress-ring-component-react
- Added color change event (
- Updated dependencies
- Updated README