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Integrating Linux with Active Directory using realmd
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# ######################
# This script is old! #
# ######################
# Make sure server isn't joined already.
realm leave
# Install packages.
yum install chrony \
ntp \
ntpdate \
krb5-workstation \
realmd \
oddjob \
oddjob-mkhomedir \
sssd \
samba-common-tools \
libsss_simpleifp \
sssd-tools \
dconf \
adcli -y
# Sync NTP for kerberos.
systemctl enable chronyd --now
# Disable SELinux.
setenforce 0
systemctl enable firewalld --now
for i in ntp dns ldap kerberos ldaps; do
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --service=" ${i} "
systemctl stop firewalld
# Allow sssd to authenticate.
authconfig --update \
--enablesssd \
--enablesssdauth \
--disableldap \
--disableldapauth \
# Join domain.
realm join -U < USERNAME.FQDN>
# Permit user login.
realm permit --all
# Verify.
realm list
# Get IP of local host and try to SSH in with ad account.
ssh -l < DOMAIN> \\ < DOMAIN_USERNAME> localhost