- See also
- Issue: GitLab runner on Helm in EKS doesn't register
Merging configuration from template file "/configmaps/config.template.toml" ERROR: Verifying runner... failed runner=7Bzg4bMt3 status=GET https://gitlab.example.com:443/api/v4/runners/verify: 401 Unauthorized PANIC: Failed to verify the runner.
- Solution: Ensure ALL configuration settings for the runner use HTTPS rather than HTTP (Terraform configuration shown below)
set { name = "gitlabUrl" value = "https://gitlab.${local.domain_name}" } set { name = "runners.config" value = <<EOT [[runners]] url = "https://gitlab.${local.domain_name}" EOT }
- Solution: Ensure ALL configuration settings for the runner use HTTPS rather than HTTP (Terraform configuration shown below)
wget --quiet -O ./gitlab-runner_amd64.rpm "https://s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/gitlab-runner-downloads/v${GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION}/rpm/gitlab-runner_amd64.rpm"
# Rename.
mv download.rpm gitlab_runner.rpm
# Copy runner package to remote server.
scp gitlab_runner.rpm remote_server:~/
# SSH onto server and Install runner.
ssh remote_server
sudo yum install -y --nogpgcheck gitlab_runner.rpm
# Install runner as different user if needed.
sudo gitlab-runner uninstall
sudo gitlab-runner install --user myuser --working-directory /home/myuser
sudo systemctl restart gitlab-runner
# Register and configure runner.
sudo gitlab-runner register
# Start runner.
sudo gitlab-runner start && sudo journalctl -fu gitlab-runner
# Check the information of the current GitLab runner.
# Note the --working-directory and the --user
systemctl status gitlab-runner
# Check original version
gitlab-runner --version
# Install the newest package on the server.
yum install --nogpgcheck gitlab_runner.rpm
# Check new version
gitlab-runner --version
# Reinstall using the user and working directory.
gitlab-runner uninstall
gitlab-runner install --user myuser --working-directory /home/myuser
systemctl restart gitlab-runner
# Verify --working-directory and --user is correct
systemctl status gitlab-runner