Uncle Bob - The only way to go fast is to go well! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EmboKQH8lM&list=PLmmYSbUCWJ4x1GO839azG_BBw8rkh-zOj&index=1
Functions should be extremely small, like under 10 lines if possible
- Continue extracting out functions until you can't reasonably extract any more
- Code should read like prose
- Group functions that modify the same variables into classes
- Continue extracting out functions until you can't reasonably extract any more
Functions should only have a few arguments, 3 or 4 at most
- Avoid using booleans as function arguments. Instead, extract the boolean portion out into its own function
- Functions that need more arguments should receive objects or data structures
Functions that return values should not have side-effects
- Only functions that return nothing should have side-effects
Every line of a function should be at the same level of abstraction
Comments are for when we can't express ourselves clearly enough in code
Use longer variable names in larger scopes, shorter variable names in narrower scopes
Rules of Test-driven Development
- You're not allowed to write any production code until you've first written a test that fails (the test fails because the production code doesn't exist)
- You're not allowed to write more of a test than what is sufficient for it to fail
- You're not allowed to write any more production code than what is sufficient to pass the failing test
- When following these rules, all the code you're working on was fully-functional 1 minute ago
- The unit-tests also function as low-level documentation for the code
- Test-drive development demo
Having a good application architecture allows you to defer major decisions