The MUSHcode Suite is written for PennMUSH 1.8.3 and above. It's a collection of softcoded MUSH globals which are easy to install and customize, with no code knowledge or experience required.
The Suite is a series of packages/modules; once you've installed the Core, you can then add any of the other packages you want, and skip the ones you don't want. It's also possible to set everything up without having to read or change a single line of code - everything can be done with a few simple commands, so you really don't need to be a MUSHcoder to install these on your game.
There are no download links for the code - simply browse the source on the Github Page, or check the code out via GIT.
Full installation instructions can be found here.
You can find my other MUSHcode, which is not part of the Suite, on my website at