Dummy Task CLI is a personal project of mine that serves as a testbed for practicing Python CLI development.
The idea behind this project is to create an interactive command-line interface (CLI) for creating tasks and associating them with their respective owners. I decided to keep the project simple, with the main goal being to learn how to develop a CLI and distribute it on the internet via PyPi. At the same time, I aim to make the source code available and write an article so that others can also use this knowledge to learn how to program a command-line interface using Python.
- Task Creation: Users can create new tasks by providing details such as title, description, due date, priority, and status
- Task Listing: Users can list all existing tasks along with their details
- Task Modification: Users can modify existing tasks by updating their details
- Task Deletion: users can delete tasks from the task list
- Task Filtering: users can filter tasks from the task list
- Task Search: users can search tasks based on phrases present in the task title
- Command-Line Help: Comprehensive help documentation is provided accessible through the CLI to guide users on how to use various commands and options effectively
- Data Persistence: Task data is persisted in SQLite database enabling users to access their tasks even after restarting the CLI
- Error handling: RObust error handling mechanisms are implemented to handle invalid input, edge cases, and unexpected errors gracefully, providing informative error messages to users
- CLI Navigation: Design intuitive command-line navigation to help users navigate through different sections and functionalities of the CLI easily
- Integration with Eternal Tools: provide options to integrate with external tools or services such as calendars, email clients to enhance task management capabilities
- Performance: The CLI should responde quickly to user inputs and provide smooth task management functionality without significant delays
- Reliability: The system should be reliable and stable, ensuring that tasks area accurately created, modified, and deleted without data loss or corruption
- Scalability: The system should be scalable to handle a growing number of tasks and users without compromising performance or usability
- Compatibility: The CLI tool should be compatible with various operating system (e.g Linux, MacOS, Linux)
- Maintainability: The codebase should be well-structured, documented, and modular to facilitate ease of maintenance, debugging, and future enhancements