This script will install dotfiles to your system. It also will install some useful tools, packages, and programs.
After installing Ubuntu, you can run this script to install dotfiles. I added some programs, packages, and tools to this script. All of them need to be installed for Ubuntu.
It's a simple script, so you can run it easily.
- Platform: Linux
- OS Available: Ubuntu, Zorin OS
- Language: Bash
- Plash: GNOME
- Shell: ZSH
You will need to have an Ubuntu or Zorin OS installed on your system.
- For Ubuntu, you should use version 22.04 is stable.
- For Zorin OS, you should use version 17 is stable.
Before running this script, please clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
cd dotfiles
Then, run the following command to install dotfiles.
cd .setup
Now, wait for a while, and you will see some messages questioning do you want to install some tools. If you want to install some tools, please answer yes(y).
In the installing process, you see a message that says "Do you want copy and overwrite existing config folders from this source to your os?".
If answer yes(y) but don't see any changes after rebooting, please handle as follows:
- Open the terminal and run the following command:
cd .setup
- LOG OUT and LOG IN AGAIN to your OS.
If you want to back up your dotfiles from your local machine, please run the following command.
cd .backup
Please wait for a while, it will take some time to back up your dotfiles. When you are ready, you can run the following command from Step 2 to restore your dotfiles.