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Getting Started

This simple guide shows how to deploy Tarantool Cartridge application and set up topology.

First, we will deploy application package to virtual machines, start two instances and join them to replicaset. Then, we will start one more instance and create replicaset step-by-step.



To go through this tutorial you should be in this directory:

cd cookbook/getting-started

Check out the configuration basics guide to be sure that you understand the way to write cluster configuration.

Install role from Ansible Galaxy:

$ ansible-galaxy install tarantool.cartridge

Start two virtual machines described in Vagrantfile:

vagrant up

Place application package into current directory or specify right path in hosts.yml.

Deploy application and set up topology

First, deploy first version of application on virtual machines, start two instances and join them to replicaset.

Run playbook:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.prepare.yml

Now go to http://localhost:8181/admin/cluster/dashboard:


Using scenario

We've just start two instances and join them to replicaset via running one playbook. But this is bad approach to start instances, edit topology and configure cluster at once. We will start more instances, add them to topology and edit cluster configuration step by step.

Since version 1.8.0 tarantool.cartridge role allows to specify scenario that consists of steps. The role has pre-defined steps, but you can also write your own step and use it in scenario.

Using scenarios allows to perform different actions with cluster separately.

The role has several common scenarios that can be re-used. It's also possible to write custom scenario and then use it in different plays.

Change configuration

Now we have such topology:

  • storage-1 replicaset (vshard-storage):
    • storage-1-leader
    • storage-1-replica

Let's add core-1 replicaset and add one more replica to storage-1 replicaset. We should get the following topology:

  • core-1 replicaset (vshard-router, failover-coordinator):

    • core-1
  • storage-1 replicaset (vshard-storage):

    • storage-1-leader
    • storage-1-replica
    • storage-1-replica-2

Now stop reading. Be sure that you've read configuration basics guide to understand what is inventory and how do we change it.

Change inventory. You can save this diff to file and apply it using git apply.

diff --git a/cookbook/getting-started/hosts.yml b/cookbook/getting-started/hosts.yml
--- a/cookbook/getting-started/hosts.yml
+++ b/cookbook/getting-started/hosts.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ all:
         advertise_uri: ''
         http_port: 8191

+    storage-1-replica-2:
+      config:
+        advertise_uri: ''
+        http_port: 8182
+    core-1:
+      config:
+        advertise_uri: ''
+        http_port: 8192
     # group instances by machines
@@ -32,6 +42,7 @@ all:

+        storage-1-replica-2:

@@ -40,12 +51,14 @@ all:

+        core-1:

     # group instances by replicasets
+        storage-1-replica-2:
         replicaset_alias: storage-1
@@ -53,3 +66,12 @@ all:
           - storage-1-replica
           - vshard-storage
+    replicaset_core_1:
+      hosts:
+        core-1:
+      vars:
+        replicaset_alias: core-1
+        roles:
+          - vshard-router
+          - failover-coordinator

Configure instances

To start and configure instance we can use configure_instances pre-defined scenario. But it also contain steps we don't need (like deliver_package and update_package). update_instance step is used only with multiversion approach, we don't need it too.

This cartridge_scenario is used in playbook.configure-instances.yml:

  - configure_instance
  - restart_instance
  - wait_instance_started

Run new playbook and specify limit (instances that should be cofigured):

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.configure-instances.yml \
    --limit storage-1-replica-2,core-1

Go to http://localhost:8182/admin/cluster/dashboard:


Now we have two new unconfigured instances.

Accessing instances status and logs

To check instance systemd service just connect to virtual machine and call systemctl status:

vagrant ssh vm1
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo systemctl status myapp@core-1
● myapp@core-1.service - Tarantool Cartridge app myapp@core-1
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/myapp@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-04-02 17:33:14 UTC; 4min 33s ago
  Process: 6413 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /var/lib/tarantool/myapp.%i (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 6414 (tarantool)
   CGroup: /system.slice/system-myapp.slice/myapp@core-1.service
           └─6414 tarantool init.lua: myapp@core-1

You can also use wildcard to get all myapp instance status:

sudo systemctl status myapp@*

Instances logs are available with journalctl. It can be helpful to pipe them to less:

sudo journalctl -u myapp@core-1 | less

Configure topology

When we sure that instances have started successfully it's time to join them to replicasets.

We will use configure_topology pre-defined scenario to manage replicasets.

Specify cartridge_scenario_name in playbook.configure-topology.yml:

cartridge_scenario_name: configure_topology

Ansible allows to limit hosts configured by one playbook. It's convenient to manage one replicaset by specifying replicaset group.

First, join new instance to storage-1 replicaset:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.configure-topology.yml \
    --limit replicaset_storage_1

You can check new topology on http://localhost:8182/admin/cluster/dashboard:


Create core-1 replicaset:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.configure-topology.yml \
    --limit replicaset_core_1

New topology on http://localhost:8182/admin/cluster/dashboard:


Bootstrap vshard

Now we have both vshard-storage and vshard-router replicasets. It's time to bootstrap vshard.

We need the only one bootstrap_vshard step. It requires cartridge_bootstrap_vshard variable set to true to run vshard bootstrapping.

Specify it in playbook.bootstrap-vshard.yml:

cartridge_bootstrap_vshard: true
  - bootstrap_vshard


ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.bootstrap-vshard.yml

You can go to http://localhost:8182/admin/cluster/dashboard, reload the page and check that Bootstrap vshard button was disappeared and instances have discovered buckets:


What's next?

Don't forget to stop virtual machines after all:

vagrant halt