The rewards in this post are subject to change. Updates in this post will be followed by a notification via the official Skywire PSA channel on Telegram.
This article represents the central source of information for the Skywire mainnet. All information about rewards and potential changes will be published here, so check in regularely.
- Read this information thoroughly and ask in the Skywire Telegram channel if some things appear to not be covered.
- Please join SkywirePSA as well to get structured public service announcements (PSA) about the Skywire project.
- In case you bought an official Skyminer in the Skycoin hardware store please read the Official Skyminer Guide if you haven't done that already.
- Participants will be contacted at the beginning of every month via the so-called Skywire Status Update Emails including details of their last month's Skywire mainnet participation.
- You can contact support at
This section covers the rules of the mainnet. Dependent on the amount of miners that are associated with your emails, some of these rules may apply to you or not.
As of now, each person participating in the Skywire mainnet may own one DIY miner and multiple official Skyminers wrt. to being eligible for rewards.
Based on this central rule, each whitelisted person is eligible for receiving rewards for:
- one or multiple official miners
- one DIY miner with up to 8 (eight) nodes
Read the Skywire whitelisting system user guide to familiarize yourself with the new system.
Different locations are required due to the fact that we want to spread out the meshnet and not create built-up areas. This prevents paying people to simply run single board computers (SBC) and to require them to provide a service to the network.
- If you are running two separate miners in the same location because you're joining the network living in the same house you still have to move one of your miners to another location.
- During the migration period, the pool sizes of the ending Skywire testnet and the recently launched Skywire mainnet are one and the same. With that said, the generated uptime in either the Skywire test- or mainnet are being added together with respect to the 75% uptime requirement.
- Eligible for rewards are only the whitelisted nodes, that comply with the Skywire mainnet rules and meet the 75% uptime requirement during the month.
- The whitelist is being updated retroactively on a monthly basis so it is not important in which week you are being approved for the whitelist.
- Official Skyminers are whitelisted by default after purchase.
- The rewards are paid every subsequent month around the 5th or with a short delay, depending if other things delay the process.
- The deadline to submit complaints is being published in the monthly Skywire status update emails and in the Skywire PSA channel on Telegram.
There are two different reward categories for official miners:
- official Skyminers first & second batch - not sold through the hardware store
- official Skyminers new batches - sold through the hardware store
Faulty orange pi prime's/routers of official Skyminers will be rewarded regardless of your uptime until you receive a replacement. If the replacement doesn't arrive in time for you to make the uptime requirement because it arrived on short notice or not on the schedule at all you will be rewarded as well. Since we are taking care of this manually you are requested to contact one of our team members on Telegram (@Paperstream @asxtree) or at
Rewards are being paid on a node by node basis. The total amount of rewards is limited by a pool size that is subject to change:
- You can receive a maximum of 13.714 Skycoin per node
- official Skyminer consist of seven nodes (visors) and one manager (hypervisor)
- Rewards are being calculated on a node by node basis
- you'll receive up to 7 Skycoin per-node rewards
- The total pool size is being divided evenly between all nodes eligible for receiving rewards. This implies that you will receive less than 13.714 Skycoin per-node rewards in case the pool size would be surpassed.
You will receive a fixed Skycoin payment per month in addition to any traffic forwarding payments
that you will receive in the Skywire mainnet.
Fixed Skycoin payments per month = USD Miner Price / 24 = $83.30 USD.
Faulty orange pi prime's/routers of official Skyminers will be rewarded regardless of your uptime until you receive a replacement. If the replacement doesn't arrive in time for you to make the uptime requirement because it arrived on short notice or not on the schedule at all you will be rewarded as well. Since we are taking care of this manually you are requested to contact one of our team members on Telegram (@Paperstream @asxtree) or at
- You are eligible to receive 24 fixed Skycoin payments ($83.30 USD)
- The 24 fixed Skycoin payments are comprised of 7 Skycoin node payments ($11.9 USD)
- official Skyminer consist of seven nodes (visors) and one manager (hypervisor)
- You'll receive up to 7 Skycoin node payments per month based on the individual uptime of your nodes
- The uptime of all nodes in your official Skyminer is being evaluated on a node by node basis
- You will receive traffic forwarding payments once the Skywire mainnet is live
We are calculating the underlying Skycoin price for your rewards based on the moving average exponential method:
- timespan 1M on the Tradingview SKY/USD chart
- 30 day length
- starting on the 1st day of the subsequent month at 00:00
- Rewards are being paid on a node by node basis wrt. to the uptime requirement of 75%.
- Up to eight (8) DIY nodes are being rewarded per user account in the Skywire Whitelisting System.
- The total amount of DIY rewards is limited by a pool size that is subject to change.
As of now, you are provided with two tools to check whether or not you're online and generating uptime:
- The discovery website
- The Skywire whitelisting system
- along with the Skywire whitelisting system user guide
You are advised to use this guide to verify that your nodes are online & connected to the discovery server.
VM's, servers or personal computers are not 'allowed' in the mainnet, i.e. they will not be whitelisted and receive rewards.
The following hardware is accepted in the Skywire mainnet:
- Prime
- 2G-IOT
- 4G-IOT
- i96
- Lite
- Lite2
- One
- One-Plus
- PC
- PC-Plus
- PC2
- Plus
- Plus2
- Plus2E
- RK3399
- Win
- Win-Plus
- Zero
- Zero-Plus
- Zero-Plus2
- 1-Model-A+
- 1-Model-B+
- 2-Model-B
- 3-Model-B
- 3-Model-B+
- 4-Model-B
- Compute Model 3
- Zero-W
- Zero
- Tinkerboard
- BPI-D1
- BPI-G1
- BPI-M1
- BPI-M1+
- BPI-M2
- BPI-M2+
- BPI-M2-Berry
- BPI-M64
- BPI-R2
- BPI-R3
- BPI-Zero
- X2
- Cubietruck
- Cubietruck-Plus
- 1
- 2
- 4
- Developer Board IV
- 4
- Le-Potato-AML-S905X-CC
- Renegade-ROC-RK3328-CC
- Tritium-ALL-H3-CC
- MiQi
- NanoPi
- 2
- 2-Fire
- A64
- K2
- M1
- M1-plus
- M2
- M2A
- M3
- M4
- NEO-Air
- NEO-Core
- NEO-Core2
- NEO2
- NEO2-Black
- S2
- Smart4418
- C2
- HC1
- HC2
- MC1
- XU4
- Lime1
- Lime2
- Lime2-eMMC
- LimeA33
- Micro
- Pine-A64
- Pinebook-A64
- Sopine-A64
- Rock64
- ROCKPro64
- CuBox-i
- CuBox-Pulse
- Humming-Board
- Humming-Board-Pulse
- ClearCloud-8K
- ClearFog-A38
- ClearFog-GT-8K
- Blu
- Bricks
- Dual
- Neo
- Quad
- X86
- X96 mini
- A95X F1 Smart TV Box
If you like to use other boards please contact the team first to be approved before you buy them, only the boards on the list are guaranteed to be whitelisted.
All necessary steps to get up and running are described in this guide
The previously submitted data using was imported into the new system & accounts were created for you. Check your emails for an invite link to assign your own password and follow the instructions in the email & the guide referenced above.
Make sure to double check your data and adjust it if necessary.
- There is no waiting period at the moment
- Whitelist applications are being updated every couple days (potentially up to a week).
- Login to the [Skywire Whitelisting System]( to:
- review your current application state
- view your whitelisted miners
- adjust public keys if necessary
- adjust your Skycoin wallet reward address as you like
- Contact in case your account is disabled or other issues occur
- You can double check with our team members (see above) if we received your application.
Read this guide to familiarize yourself with the new system.
- Keep your account data up to date using the Skywire Whitelisting System
- Update Skycoin Wallet Address
- Update public keys if it's necessary
- Add more boards and include new pictures to receive the verification of an admin
- Transfer your whitelisted miner to another email address
- The whitelist is a queue based on a first come first serve basis, the benchmark for applications is the hardware list above + the official miner specifications.
- For email address changes of official miners please use the transfer miner function of the Skywire Whitelisting System.
- Skycoin wallet reward address.
- Your 7 public keys. Simply submit less public keys if you have DOA components (reward will be paid regardless until you receive your replacement(s)).
You received an email with all necessary links & instructions, please check your inbox and follow the steps in the Official Skyminer Guide!
- Location; doesn't have to be 100% precise.
- Skycoin wallet reward address.
- Miner photos: At least three photos, each from a different perspective and max. 3 MB in size.
- Description: Go into detail of the used hardware components (the router, boards etc. which are presented in the pictures
- Telegram account. Join us, there is an awesome community waiting for you!
- Node quantity: The number of pis you're running in your miner.
- Node Hardware: Specify the hardware you're using. Add a note if you have merged more than 1 type of board in your miner. Elaborate on boards that may be in the pictures but were not (yet) submitted.
- Node OS: The OS you're running on the boards.
- Your public keys.