diff --git a/src/classes/scripts.ts b/src/classes/scripts.ts
index e5e832eda5..93241de272 100644
--- a/src/classes/scripts.ts
+++ b/src/classes/scripts.ts
@@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ export class Scripts {
+      producerId ? this.queue.toKey(producerId) : '',
     const args = [
@@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ export class Scripts {
-      producerId ? this.queue.toKey(producerId) : '',
+      producerId,
     return this.execCommand(client, 'updateJobScheduler', keys.concat(args));
diff --git a/src/commands/updateJobScheduler-6.lua b/src/commands/updateJobScheduler-7.lua
similarity index 63%
rename from src/commands/updateJobScheduler-6.lua
rename to src/commands/updateJobScheduler-7.lua
index 8e9040de80..4a6b052312 100644
--- a/src/commands/updateJobScheduler-6.lua
+++ b/src/commands/updateJobScheduler-7.lua
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
   Updates a job scheduler and adds next delayed job
-    Input:
-      KEYS[1] 'marker',
-      KEYS[2] 'meta'
-      KEYS[3] 'id'
-      KEYS[4] 'delayed'
-      KEYS[5] events stream key
-      KEYS[6] 'repeat' key
-      ARGV[1] next milliseconds
-      ARGV[2] jobs scheduler id
-      ARGV[3] msgpacked delayed opts
-      ARGV[4] timestamp
-      ARGV[5] prefix key
-      ARGV[6] producer key
-      Output:
-        next delayed job id  - OK
+  Input:
+    KEYS[1] 'marker',
+    KEYS[2] 'meta'
+    KEYS[3] 'id'
+    KEYS[4] 'delayed'
+    KEYS[5] events stream key
+    KEYS[6] 'repeat' key
+    KEYS[7] producer key
+    ARGV[1] next milliseconds
+    ARGV[2] jobs scheduler id
+    ARGV[3] msgpacked delayed opts
+    ARGV[4] timestamp
+    ARGV[5] prefix key
+    ARGV[6] producer id
+    Output:
+      next delayed job id  - OK
 local rcall = redis.call
 local repeatKey = KEYS[6]
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ local timestamp = ARGV[4]
 local nextMillis = ARGV[1]
 local jobSchedulerId = ARGV[2]
 local prefixKey = ARGV[5]
+local producerId = ARGV[6]
 -- Includes
 --- @include "includes/addDelayedJob"
@@ -38,24 +40,28 @@ local nextDelayedJobKey =  schedulerKey .. ":" .. nextMillis
 -- Validate that scheduler exists.
 local prevMillis = rcall("ZSCORE", repeatKey, jobSchedulerId)
 if prevMillis ~= false then
+  local currentDelayedJobId =  "repeat:" .. jobSchedulerId .. ":" .. prevMillis
+  if producerId == currentDelayedJobId then
     local schedulerAttributes = rcall("HMGET", schedulerKey, "name", "data")
     rcall("ZADD", repeatKey, nextMillis, jobSchedulerId)
     local eventsKey = KEYS[5]
     local metaKey = KEYS[2]
     local maxEvents = getOrSetMaxEvents(metaKey)
     rcall("INCR", KEYS[3])
     local delayedOpts = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[3])
     addDelayedJob(nextDelayedJobKey, nextDelayedJobId, delayedKey, eventsKey, schedulerAttributes[1],
       schedulerAttributes[2] or "{}", delayedOpts, timestamp, jobSchedulerId, maxEvents, KEYS[1], nil, nil)
-    if ARGV[6] ~= "" then
-      rcall("HSET", ARGV[6], "nrjid", nextDelayedJobId)
+    if KEYS[7] ~= "" then
+      rcall("HSET", KEYS[7], "nrjid", nextDelayedJobId)
-    return nextDelayedJobId .. "" -- convert to string    
+    return nextDelayedJobId .. "" -- convert to string
+  end
diff --git a/tests/test_job_scheduler.ts b/tests/test_job_scheduler.ts
index f053f9cfd7..beca75885f 100644
--- a/tests/test_job_scheduler.ts
+++ b/tests/test_job_scheduler.ts
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ import {
 } from '../src/classes';
-import { JobsOptions } from '../src/types';
-import { removeAllQueueData } from '../src/utils';
+import { delay, removeAllQueueData } from '../src/utils';
 const moment = require('moment');
@@ -2047,6 +2046,70 @@ describe('Job Scheduler', function () {
     await worker.close();
+  describe('when overriding a scheduler', function () {
+    it('should not continue adding new delayed jobs from previous delayed record', async function () {
+      this.clock.restore();
+      const repeatOpts = { pattern: '*/2 * * * * *' };
+      let count = 0;
+      const worker = new Worker(
+        queueName,
+        async () => {
+          if (count === 0) {
+            await delay(2000);
+            await queue.pause(); // keep job in waiting list
+          }
+        },
+        { connection, prefix },
+      );
+      const completing = new Promise<void>(async resolve => {
+        worker.on('completed', async () => {
+          count++;
+          if (count === 1) {
+            const waitingCount = await queue.getWaitingCount();
+            expect(waitingCount).to.eql(1);
+            await queue.upsertJobScheduler(
+              'test',
+              { pattern: '*/15 * * * * *' },
+              {
+                data: { foo: 'baz' },
+              },
+            );
+            const waitingCount2 = await queue.getWaitingCount();
+            expect(waitingCount2).to.eql(1);
+            const delayedCount = await queue.getDelayedCount();
+            expect(delayedCount).to.eql(1);
+            await queue.resume();
+          } else {
+            resolve();
+          }
+        });
+      });
+      await queue.upsertJobScheduler('test', repeatOpts, {
+        data: { foo: 'bar' },
+      });
+      await completing;
+      const schedulerCount = await queue.getJobSchedulersCount();
+      expect(schedulerCount).to.eql(1);
+      const delayedCount = await queue.getDelayedCount();
+      expect(delayedCount).to.eql(1);
+      const totalJobs = await queue.getJobCountByTypes();
+      expect(totalJobs).to.eql(3); // 2 completed, 1 delayed
+      await worker.close();
+    });
+  });
   it('should allow adding a repeatable job after removing it', async function () {
     const repeat = {
       pattern: '*/5 * * * *',