diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ea067d7..cbe4993 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,40 +4,40 @@ Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank.
## Rank and Score
name | rank | score | pypistats downloads last month | pypi used as main dependency | stackoverflow questions | github stars | repo unique committers | repo changed lines last month | repo unique committers last month | repo last commit
:--- | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---:
-[Django](https://github.com/django/django "first commit: 2005-07-13") | [1](# "▲ +1 last week") | [92](# "▲ -1 last week") | [18418663](# " #7 in pypistats downloads last month +0.29% last week") | [7145](# " #1 in pypi used as main dependency +0.39% last week") | [313043](# " #1 in stackoverflow questions +0.01% last week") | [79167](# " #1 in github stars +0.1% last week") | [3132](# " #1 in repo unique committers +0.19% last week") | [3483](# " #9 in repo changed lines last month +3.45% last week") | [35](# "▲ #1 in repo unique committers last month +9.38% last week") | [2024-09-13](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[FastAPI](https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi "first commit: 2018-12-05; uses: Starlette") | [2](# "▼ -1 last week") | [92](# "▼ -2 last week") | [58940216](# " #4 in pypistats downloads last month +8.34% last week") | [3272](# " #4 in pypi used as main dependency +1.14% last week") | [7255](# " #3 in stackoverflow questions +0.36% last week") | [75605](# " #2 in github stars +0.27% last week") | [696](# " #4 in repo unique committers +0.29% last week") | [22942](# " #3 in repo changed lines last month +0.07% last week") | [34](# "▼ #2 in repo unique committers last month -10.53% last week") | [2024-09-13](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[AIOHTTP](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp "first commit: 2013-10-01") | [3](# " +0 last week") | [89](# " +0 last week") | [169081763](# " #1 in pypistats downloads last month +4.14% last week") | [6942](# " #2 in pypi used as main dependency +0.62% last week") | [1716](# " #9 in stackoverflow questions +0.06% last week") | [14956](# " #7 in github stars +0.13% last week") | [766](# " #3 in repo unique committers +0.26% last week") | [10428](# "▲ #4 in repo changed lines last month -7.94% last week") | [16](# "▲ #3 in repo unique committers last month +14.29% last week") | [2024-09-13](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Dash](https://github.com/plotly/dash "first commit: 2015-04-10") | [4](# "▲ +1 last week") | [81](# "▲ +1 last week") | [3317391](# " #10 in pypistats downloads last month +2.65% last week") | [503](# " #8 in pypi used as main dependency +0.6% last week") | [4643](# " #4 in stackoverflow questions +0.09% last week") | [21165](# " #5 in github stars +0.1% last week") | [200](# " #15 in repo unique committers +0.5% last week") | [480828](# " #1 in repo changed lines last month +5.71% last week") | [7](# " #7 in repo unique committers last month -12.5% last week") | [2024-09-12](# "▲ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Flask](https://github.com/pallets/flask "first commit: 2010-04-06; uses: Werkzeug") | [5](# "▼ -1 last week") | [81](# "▼ -1 last week") | [96737832](# " #3 in pypistats downloads last month +3.46% last week") | [5761](# " #3 in pypi used as main dependency +0.26% last week") | [55900](# " #2 in stackoverflow questions +0.02% last week") | [67557](# " #3 in github stars +0.08% last week") | [852](# " #2 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [890](# " #15 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [1](# "▲ #16 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-01](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
-[Twisted](https://github.com/twisted/twisted "first commit: 2001-07-09") | [6](# " +0 last week") | [78](# " +1 last week") | [6036461](# " #8 in pypistats downloads last month +7.49% last week") | [439](# " #9 in pypi used as main dependency +0.23% last week") | [3469](# " #6 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [5548](# " #15 in github stars +0.02% last week") | [328](# " #9 in repo unique committers +0.31% last week") | [4707](# "▼ #8 in repo changed lines last month -71.37% last week") | [13](# " #6 in repo unique committers last month +8.33% last week") | [2024-09-09](# "▲ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Bottle](https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle "first commit: 2009-06-30") | [7](# "▲ +3 last week") | [77](# "▲ +3 last week") | [5095750](# " #9 in pypistats downloads last month +5.95% last week") | [271](# " #11 in pypi used as main dependency +0.37% last week") | [1488](# " #10 in stackoverflow questions +0.07% last week") | [8374](# " #10 in github stars +0.06% last week") | [234](# " #12 in repo unique committers +0.86% last week") | [5114](# "▲ #7 in repo changed lines last month +0.61% last week") | [4](# "▲ #9 in repo unique committers last month +100.0% last week") | [2024-09-14](# " #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Tornado](https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado "first commit: 2009-09-09") | [8](# "▼ -1 last week") | [76](# "▼ -1 last week") | [44164228](# " #6 in pypistats downloads last month +0.66% last week") | [1104](# " #6 in pypi used as main dependency +0.55% last week") | [3760](# " #5 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [21684](# " #4 in github stars +0.07% last week") | [460](# " #6 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [40](# " #16 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [2](# " #13 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-04](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
-[Starlette](https://github.com/encode/starlette "first commit: 2018-06-25; used by: FastAPI and fasthtml") | [9](# "▼ -1 last week") | [75](# "▼ -2 last week") | [53486125](# " #5 in pypistats downloads last month +5.8% last week") | [719](# " #7 in pypi used as main dependency +0.42% last week") | [335](# " #17 in stackoverflow questions +0.3% last week") | [10044](# " #8 in github stars +0.26% last week") | [291](# " #10 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [2276](# " #11 in repo changed lines last month +0.22% last week") | [4](# " #9 in repo unique committers last month -20.0% last week") | [2024-09-08](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Werkzeug](https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug "first commit: 2007-05-04; used by: Flask and Quart") | [10](# "▼ -1 last week") | [74](# "▼ -2 last week") | [132028844](# " #2 in pypistats downloads last month +3.5% last week") | [1388](# " #5 in pypi used as main dependency +0.14% last week") | [650](# " #15 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [6625](# " #12 in github stars +0.03% last week") | [506](# " #5 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [1078](# " #13 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [4](# "▲ #9 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-02](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
-[Falcon](https://github.com/falconry/falcon "first commit: 2012-12-06; used by: hug") | [11](# " +0 last week") | [67](# " -1 last week") | [728143](# " #14 in pypistats downloads last month -2.1% last week") | [144](# " #13 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [201](# " #19 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [9501](# " #9 in github stars +0.07% last week") | [219](# " #14 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [10030](# " #5 in repo changed lines last month -24.48% last week") | [7](# "▲ #7 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-06](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
-[Litestar](https://github.com/litestar-org/litestar "first commit: 2021-12-06") | [12](# " +0 last week") | [66](# " +3 last week") | [360340](# " #17 in pypistats downloads last month +1.46% last week") | [25](# " #17 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [6](# " #23 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [5355](# " #16 in github stars +0.32% last week") | [220](# " #13 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [6764](# "▲ #6 in repo changed lines last month +1.9% last week") | [14](# "▼ #5 in repo unique committers last month -12.5% last week") | [2024-09-14](# "▲ #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[fasthtml](https://github.com/AnswerDotAI/fasthtml "first commit: 2024-05-17; uses: Starlette") | [13](# " +0 last week") | [60](# " +0 last week") | [35491](# "▼ #22 in pypistats downloads last month +2.81% last week") | [13](# " #22 in pypi used as main dependency +44.44% last week") | [6](# "▲ #23 in stackoverflow questions +20.0% last week") | [5008](# " #17 in github stars +3.36% last week") | [59](# " #23 in repo unique committers +1.72% last week") | [53831](# " #2 in repo changed lines last month +2.22% last week") | [15](# "▼ #4 in repo unique committers last month -31.82% last week") | [2024-09-14](# " #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[CherryPy](https://github.com/cherrypy/cherrypy "first commit: 2004-11-20") | [14](# " +0 last week") | [57](# " -1 last week") | [889388](# " #13 in pypistats downloads last month +1.97% last week") | [124](# " #15 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [1371](# " #11 in stackoverflow questions -0.07% last week") | [1828](# " #22 in github stars +0.11% last week") | [152](# " #17 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [4](# "▼ #18 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [2](# " #13 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-08-31](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 3 weeks ago")
-[Sanic](https://github.com/sanic-org/sanic "first commit: 2016-05-26") | [15](# " +0 last week") | [57](# " +0 last week") | [1061055](# " #12 in pypistats downloads last month -0.36% last week") | [374](# " #10 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [212](# " #18 in stackoverflow questions +0.95% last week") | [18004](# " #6 in github stars +0.05% last week") | [381](# " #7 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-06-30](# "▼ #20 in repo last commit 11 weeks ago")
-[Pyramid](https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid "first commit: 2008-07-04; used by: CubicWeb") | [16](# " +0 last week") | [55](# " -1 last week") | [2237597](# " #11 in pypistats downloads last month +0.68% last week") | [241](# " #12 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [2216](# " #7 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [3939](# " #19 in github stars +0.05% last week") | [367](# " #8 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-06-10](# "▼ #21 in repo last commit 14 weeks ago")
-[Zope](https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope "first commit: 1996-06-17") | [17](# " +0 last week") | [53](# " -2 last week") | [469410](# " #16 in pypistats downloads last month +20.3% last week") | [47](# " #16 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [738](# " #14 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [352](# " #27 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [177](# " #16 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [930](# " #14 in repo changed lines last month -12.43% last week") | [1](# "▼ #16 in repo unique committers last month -50.0% last week") | [2024-09-02](# "▼ #13 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
-[web2py](https://github.com/web2py/web2py "first commit: 2011-11-23") | [18](# "▲ +5 last week") | [49](# "▲ +11 last week") | [178](# " #33 in pypistats downloads last month -4.3% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [2133](# " #8 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [2110](# " #21 in github stars +0.24% last week") | [276](# " #11 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [7](# "▲ #17 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [1](# "▲ #16 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-09-09](# "▲ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Robyn](https://github.com/sansyrox/robyn "first commit: 2021-05-22") | [19](# "▼ -1 last week") | [49](# "▼ +2 last week") | [47307](# "▲ #21 in pypistats downloads last month +57.99% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [4219](# " #18 in github stars +0.57% last week") | [71](# " #22 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [3241](# " #10 in repo changed lines last month +37.74% last week") | [3](# "▼ #12 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-13](# "▲ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[web.py](https://github.com/webpy/webpy "first commit: 1970-01-01") | [20](# " +0 last week") | [44](# " +0 last week") | [271410](# " #18 in pypistats downloads last month -9.33% last week") | [18](# " #20 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [887](# " #12 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [5883](# " #13 in github stars +0.02% last week") | [97](# " #20 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-04-30](# " #24 in repo last commit 20 weeks ago")
-[py4web](https://github.com/web2py/py4web "first commit: 2019-03-25") | [21](# "▼ -2 last week") | [44](# "▼ -2 last week") | [2053](# " #25 in pypistats downloads last month +5.61% last week") | [5](# " #23 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [244](# " #28 in github stars +0.83% last week") | [73](# " #21 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [1755](# " #12 in repo changed lines last month -17.8% last week") | [2](# "▼ #13 in repo unique committers last month -33.33% last week") | [2024-09-08](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
-[Quart](https://github.com/pallets/quart "first commit: 2017-05-14; uses: Werkzeug") | [22](# "▼ -1 last week") | [43](# "▼ -1 last week") | [718950](# " #15 in pypistats downloads last month +5.48% last week") | [139](# " #14 in pypi used as main dependency +1.46% last week") | [192](# " #20 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [2891](# " #20 in github stars +0.31% last week") | [105](# " #19 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-05-19](# "▼ #22 in repo last commit 17 weeks ago")
-[hug](https://github.com/hugapi/hug "first commit: 2015-07-17; uses: Falcon") | [23](# "▼ -1 last week") | [40](# "▼ +0 last week") | [151123](# " #19 in pypistats downloads last month -0.51% last week") | [16](# " #21 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [33](# " #22 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [6859](# " #11 in github stars +0.03% last week") | [125](# " #18 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2023-06-30](# " #27 in repo last commit 64 weeks ago")
-[TurboGears](https://github.com/TurboGears/tg2 "first commit: 2007-06-27") | [24](# " +0 last week") | [28](# " +0 last week") | [2493](# " #24 in pypistats downloads last month -1.62% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [152](# " #21 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [803](# " #24 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [38](# " #25 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-03-25](# " #25 in repo last commit 25 weeks ago")
-[Pylons](https://github.com/Pylons/pylons "first commit: 2006-02-18") | [25](# " +0 last week") | [28](# " +0 last week") | [58993](# " #20 in pypistats downloads last month -8.25% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [829](# " #13 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [231](# " #29 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [36](# " #26 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2018-01-12](# " #32 in repo last commit 349 weeks ago")
-[Emmett](https://github.com/emmett-framework/emmett "first commit: 2014-10-22") | [26](# " +0 last week") | [27](# " -1 last week") | [1151](# "▲ #28 in pypistats downloads last month +47.75% last week") | [4](# " #24 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [1046](# " #23 in github stars +0.19% last week") | [26](# " #29 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-07-24](# "▼ #19 in repo last commit 8 weeks ago")
-[Grok](https://github.com/zopefoundation/grok "first commit: 2006-10-14") | [27](# " +0 last week") | [27](# " +0 last week") | [1193](# " #27 in pypistats downloads last month +11.81% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [488](# " #16 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [27](# " #33 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [45](# " #24 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-05-08](# " #23 in repo last commit 19 weeks ago")
-[Morepath](https://github.com/morepath/morepath "first commit: 2013-07-17") | [28](# " +0 last week") | [26](# " -1 last week") | [1802](# " #26 in pypistats downloads last month -4.1% last week") | [21](# " #19 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [395](# " #26 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [28](# " #27 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2022-05-29](# " #28 in repo last commit 120 weeks ago")
-[Vibora](https://github.com/vibora-io/vibora "first commit: 2018-06-13") | [29](# " +0 last week") | [24](# " +0 last week") | [223](# " #32 in pypistats downloads last month +0.45% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [5669](# " #14 in github stars -0.02% last week") | [27](# " #28 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2019-02-11](# " #31 in repo last commit 292 weeks ago")
-[CubicWeb](https://forge.extranet.logilab.fr/cubicweb/cubicweb "uses: Pyramid") | [30](# " +0 last week") | [20](# " -1 last week") | [9050](# " #23 in pypistats downloads last month +16.64% last week") | [24](# " #18 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [0](# " #34 in github stars +100% last week") | [0](# " #34 in repo unique committers +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [](# " #33 in repo last commit")
-[Quixote](https://github.com/nascheme/quixote "first commit: 2006-03-16") | [31](# " +0 last week") | [20](# " +0 last week") | [315](# " #30 in pypistats downloads last month -22.79% last week") | [2](# " #25 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [82](# " #31 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [6](# " #31 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-03-01](# " #26 in repo last commit 29 weeks ago")
-[Pycnic](https://github.com/nullism/pycnic "first commit: 2015-11-04") | [32](# " +0 last week") | [19](# " -1 last week") | [984](# "▼ #29 in pypistats downloads last month +1.97% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [158](# " #30 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [11](# " #30 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2022-04-05](# " #29 in repo last commit 128 weeks ago")
-[Growler](https://github.com/pyGrowler/Growler "first commit: 2014-08-17") | [33](# " +0 last week") | [17](# " +0 last week") | [158](# " #34 in pypistats downloads last month +31.67% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [688](# " #25 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [6](# " #31 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2020-03-08](# " #30 in repo last commit 236 weeks ago")
-[Giotto](https://github.com/priestc/giotto "first commit: 2012-02-26") | [34](# " +0 last week") | [13](# " -1 last week") | [306](# " #31 in pypistats downloads last month +20.95% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [59](# " #32 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [3](# " #33 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# "▼ #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2013-10-07](# " #33 in repo last commit 571 weeks ago")
+[FastAPI](https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi "first commit: 2018-12-05; uses: Starlette") | [1](# "▲ +1 last week") | [94](# "▲ +2 last week") | [65258702](# " #4 in pypistats downloads last month +10.72% last week") | [3294](# " #4 in pypi used as main dependency +0.67% last week") | [7273](# " #3 in stackoverflow questions +0.25% last week") | [75847](# " #2 in github stars +0.32% last week") | [699](# " #4 in repo unique committers +0.43% last week") | [15227](# " #3 in repo changed lines last month -33.63% last week") | [26](# " #2 in repo unique committers last month -23.53% last week") | [2024-09-21](# "▲ #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Django](https://github.com/django/django "first commit: 2005-07-13") | [2](# "▼ -1 last week") | [93](# "▼ +1 last week") | [19664210](# " #7 in pypistats downloads last month +6.76% last week") | [7169](# " #1 in pypi used as main dependency +0.34% last week") | [313076](# " #1 in stackoverflow questions +0.01% last week") | [79286](# " #1 in github stars +0.15% last week") | [3133](# " #1 in repo unique committers +0.03% last week") | [4094](# "▲ #7 in repo changed lines last month +17.54% last week") | [37](# " #1 in repo unique committers last month +5.71% last week") | [2024-09-20](# " #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[AIOHTTP](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp "first commit: 2013-10-01") | [3](# " +0 last week") | [90](# " +1 last week") | [175199665](# " #1 in pypistats downloads last month +3.62% last week") | [6980](# " #2 in pypi used as main dependency +0.55% last week") | [1720](# " #9 in stackoverflow questions +0.23% last week") | [14979](# " #7 in github stars +0.15% last week") | [767](# " #3 in repo unique committers +0.13% last week") | [3406](# "▼ #8 in repo changed lines last month -67.34% last week") | [16](# "▼ #4 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-21](# "▲ #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Dash](https://github.com/plotly/dash "first commit: 2015-04-10") | [4](# " +0 last week") | [82](# " +1 last week") | [3360184](# " #10 in pypistats downloads last month +1.29% last week") | [504](# " #8 in pypi used as main dependency +0.2% last week") | [4646](# " #4 in stackoverflow questions +0.06% last week") | [21203](# " #5 in github stars +0.18% last week") | [203](# " #15 in repo unique committers +1.5% last week") | [496599](# " #1 in repo changed lines last month +3.28% last week") | [7](# " #7 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-20](# " #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Flask](https://github.com/pallets/flask "first commit: 2010-04-06; uses: Werkzeug") | [5](# " +0 last week") | [82](# " +1 last week") | [101211761](# " #3 in pypistats downloads last month +4.62% last week") | [5779](# " #3 in pypi used as main dependency +0.31% last week") | [55926](# " #2 in stackoverflow questions +0.05% last week") | [67627](# " #3 in github stars +0.1% last week") | [852](# " #2 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [890](# "▲ #12 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [1](# "▲ #15 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-01](# "▼ #14 in repo last commit 3 weeks ago")
+[Twisted](https://github.com/twisted/twisted "first commit: 2001-07-09") | [6](# " +0 last week") | [78](# " +0 last week") | [6903613](# " #8 in pypistats downloads last month +14.37% last week") | [439](# " #9 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [3470](# " #6 in stackoverflow questions +0.03% last week") | [5558](# " #15 in github stars +0.18% last week") | [328](# " #9 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [3043](# "▼ #9 in repo changed lines last month -35.35% last week") | [12](# " #6 in repo unique committers last month -7.69% last week") | [2024-09-18](# " #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Bottle](https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle "first commit: 2009-06-30") | [7](# " +0 last week") | [76](# " -1 last week") | [5535342](# " #9 in pypistats downloads last month +8.63% last week") | [272](# " #11 in pypi used as main dependency +0.37% last week") | [1489](# " #10 in stackoverflow questions +0.07% last week") | [8381](# " #10 in github stars +0.08% last week") | [234](# " #12 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [5174](# "▲ #6 in repo changed lines last month +1.17% last week") | [4](# " #9 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-16](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Tornado](https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado "first commit: 2009-09-09") | [8](# " +0 last week") | [75](# " -1 last week") | [45147514](# " #6 in pypistats downloads last month +2.23% last week") | [1108](# " #6 in pypi used as main dependency +0.36% last week") | [3762](# " #5 in stackoverflow questions +0.05% last week") | [21689](# " #4 in github stars +0.02% last week") | [460](# " #6 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [26](# " #16 in repo changed lines last month -35.0% last week") | [1](# "▼ #15 in repo unique committers last month -50.0% last week") | [2024-09-04](# "▼ #14 in repo last commit 3 weeks ago")
+[Starlette](https://github.com/encode/starlette "first commit: 2018-06-25; used by: FastAPI and fasthtml") | [9](# " +0 last week") | [74](# " -1 last week") | [57224553](# " #5 in pypistats downloads last month +6.99% last week") | [722](# " #7 in pypi used as main dependency +0.42% last week") | [336](# " #17 in stackoverflow questions +0.3% last week") | [10063](# " #8 in github stars +0.19% last week") | [291](# " #10 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [2276](# "▲ #10 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [4](# " #9 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-08](# "▼ #11 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
+[Werkzeug](https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug "first commit: 2007-05-04; used by: Flask and Quart") | [10](# " +0 last week") | [72](# " -2 last week") | [138985007](# " #2 in pypistats downloads last month +5.27% last week") | [1395](# " #5 in pypi used as main dependency +0.5% last week") | [650](# " #15 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [6629](# " #12 in github stars +0.06% last week") | [506](# " #5 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [351](# "▼ #15 in repo changed lines last month -67.44% last week") | [2](# "▼ #13 in repo unique committers last month -50.0% last week") | [2024-09-02](# "▼ #14 in repo last commit 3 weeks ago")
+[Falcon](https://github.com/falconry/falcon "first commit: 2012-12-06; used by: hug") | [11](# " +0 last week") | [70](# " +3 last week") | [763779](# "▼ #16 in pypistats downloads last month +4.89% last week") | [144](# " #13 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [201](# " #19 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [9507](# " #9 in github stars +0.06% last week") | [219](# " #14 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [9843](# "▲ #4 in repo changed lines last month -1.86% last week") | [5](# "▼ #8 in repo unique committers last month -28.57% last week") | [2024-09-20](# "▲ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Litestar](https://github.com/litestar-org/litestar "first commit: 2021-12-06") | [12](# " +0 last week") | [67](# " +1 last week") | [367098](# " #17 in pypistats downloads last month +1.88% last week") | [26](# " #17 in pypi used as main dependency +4.0% last week") | [6](# "▼ #24 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [5383](# " #16 in github stars +0.52% last week") | [221](# " #13 in repo unique committers +0.45% last week") | [7229](# "▲ #5 in repo changed lines last month +6.87% last week") | [18](# "▲ #3 in repo unique committers last month +28.57% last week") | [2024-09-21](# " #1 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[fasthtml](https://github.com/AnswerDotAI/fasthtml "first commit: 2024-05-17; uses: Starlette") | [13](# " +0 last week") | [58](# " -2 last week") | [36448](# " #22 in pypistats downloads last month +2.7% last week") | [13](# " #22 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [7](# " #23 in stackoverflow questions +16.67% last week") | [5097](# " #17 in github stars +1.78% last week") | [61](# " #23 in repo unique committers +3.39% last week") | [50412](# " #2 in repo changed lines last month -6.35% last week") | [14](# "▼ #5 in repo unique committers last month -6.67% last week") | [2024-09-19](# "▼ #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[Sanic](https://github.com/sanic-org/sanic "first commit: 2016-05-26") | [14](# "▲ +1 last week") | [57](# "▲ +0 last week") | [1110408](# " #12 in pypistats downloads last month +4.65% last week") | [374](# " #10 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [212](# " #18 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [18016](# " #6 in github stars +0.07% last week") | [381](# " #7 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-06-30](# " #20 in repo last commit 12 weeks ago")
+[CherryPy](https://github.com/cherrypy/cherrypy "first commit: 2004-11-20") | [15](# "▼ -1 last week") | [56](# "▼ -1 last week") | [920930](# "▼ #14 in pypistats downloads last month +3.55% last week") | [124](# " #15 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [1371](# " #11 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [1829](# " #22 in github stars +0.05% last week") | [152](# " #17 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [4](# " #18 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [2](# " #13 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-08-31](# "▼ #14 in repo last commit 4 weeks ago")
+[Pyramid](https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid "first commit: 2008-07-04; used by: CubicWeb") | [16](# " +0 last week") | [55](# " +0 last week") | [2317928](# " #11 in pypistats downloads last month +3.59% last week") | [241](# " #12 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [2216](# " #7 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [3942](# " #19 in github stars +0.08% last week") | [367](# " #8 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-06-10](# " #21 in repo last commit 15 weeks ago")
+[Zope](https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope "first commit: 1996-06-17") | [17](# " +0 last week") | [55](# " +2 last week") | [930115](# "▲ #13 in pypistats downloads last month +98.15% last week") | [47](# " #16 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [738](# " #14 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [352](# " #27 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [177](# " #16 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [733](# "▲ #13 in repo changed lines last month -21.18% last week") | [1](# "▲ #15 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-02](# "▼ #14 in repo last commit 3 weeks ago")
+[web2py](https://github.com/web2py/web2py "first commit: 2011-11-23") | [18](# " +0 last week") | [48](# " -1 last week") | [190](# " #33 in pypistats downloads last month +6.74% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [2134](# " #8 in stackoverflow questions +0.05% last week") | [2112](# " #21 in github stars +0.09% last week") | [276](# " #11 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [7](# " #17 in repo changed lines last month +0.0% last week") | [1](# "▲ #15 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-09](# "▼ #11 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
+[Robyn](https://github.com/sansyrox/robyn "first commit: 2021-05-22") | [19](# " +0 last week") | [47](# " -2 last week") | [43638](# " #21 in pypistats downloads last month -7.76% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [4238](# " #18 in github stars +0.45% last week") | [71](# " #22 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [1608](# "▼ #11 in repo changed lines last month -50.39% last week") | [3](# "▲ #11 in repo unique committers last month +0.0% last week") | [2024-09-13](# "▼ #11 in repo last commit 2 weeks ago")
+[py4web](https://github.com/web2py/py4web "first commit: 2019-03-25") | [20](# "▲ +1 last week") | [45](# "▲ +1 last week") | [2842](# "▲ #24 in pypistats downloads last month +38.43% last week") | [5](# " #23 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [247](# " #28 in github stars +1.23% last week") | [74](# " #21 in repo unique committers +1.37% last week") | [429](# "▼ #14 in repo changed lines last month -75.56% last week") | [3](# "▲ #11 in repo unique committers last month +50.0% last week") | [2024-09-15](# " #4 in repo last commit 1 week ago")
+[web.py](https://github.com/webpy/webpy "first commit: 1970-01-01") | [21](# "▼ -1 last week") | [44](# "▼ +0 last week") | [248542](# " #18 in pypistats downloads last month -8.43% last week") | [18](# " #20 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [886](# " #12 in stackoverflow questions -0.11% last week") | [5885](# " #13 in github stars +0.03% last week") | [97](# " #20 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-04-30](# " #24 in repo last commit 21 weeks ago")
+[Quart](https://github.com/pallets/quart "first commit: 2017-05-14; uses: Werkzeug") | [22](# " +0 last week") | [43](# " +0 last week") | [864794](# " #15 in pypistats downloads last month +20.29% last week") | [140](# " #14 in pypi used as main dependency +0.72% last week") | [192](# " #20 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [2904](# " #20 in github stars +0.45% last week") | [105](# " #19 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-05-19](# " #22 in repo last commit 18 weeks ago")
+[hug](https://github.com/hugapi/hug "first commit: 2015-07-17; uses: Falcon") | [23](# " +0 last week") | [40](# " +0 last week") | [149923](# " #19 in pypistats downloads last month -0.79% last week") | [16](# " #21 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [33](# " #22 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [6857](# " #11 in github stars -0.03% last week") | [125](# " #18 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2023-06-30](# " #27 in repo last commit 65 weeks ago")
+[Emmett](https://github.com/emmett-framework/emmett "first commit: 2014-10-22") | [24](# "▲ +2 last week") | [28](# "▲ +1 last week") | [1495](# "▲ #27 in pypistats downloads last month +29.89% last week") | [4](# " #24 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [1050](# " #23 in github stars +0.38% last week") | [26](# " #29 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-07-24](# " #19 in repo last commit 9 weeks ago")
+[Pylons](https://github.com/Pylons/pylons "first commit: 2006-02-18") | [25](# " +0 last week") | [28](# " +0 last week") | [53915](# " #20 in pypistats downloads last month -8.61% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [829](# " #13 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [231](# " #29 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [36](# " #26 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2018-01-12](# " #32 in repo last commit 350 weeks ago")
+[TurboGears](https://github.com/TurboGears/tg2 "first commit: 2007-06-27") | [26](# "▼ -2 last week") | [28](# "▼ +0 last week") | [2319](# "▼ #25 in pypistats downloads last month -6.98% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [152](# " #21 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [804](# " #24 in github stars +0.12% last week") | [38](# " #25 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-03-25](# " #25 in repo last commit 26 weeks ago")
+[Grok](https://github.com/zopefoundation/grok "first commit: 2006-10-14") | [27](# " +0 last week") | [26](# " -1 last week") | [1436](# "▼ #28 in pypistats downloads last month +20.37% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [488](# " #16 in stackoverflow questions +0.0% last week") | [27](# " #33 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [45](# " #24 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-05-08](# " #23 in repo last commit 20 weeks ago")
+[Morepath](https://github.com/morepath/morepath "first commit: 2013-07-17") | [28](# " +0 last week") | [26](# " +0 last week") | [1942](# " #26 in pypistats downloads last month +7.77% last week") | [21](# " #19 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [395](# " #26 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [28](# " #27 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2022-05-29](# " #28 in repo last commit 121 weeks ago")
+[Vibora](https://github.com/vibora-io/vibora "first commit: 2018-06-13") | [29](# " +0 last week") | [24](# " +0 last week") | [229](# " #32 in pypistats downloads last month +2.69% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [5669](# " #14 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [27](# " #28 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2019-02-11](# " #31 in repo last commit 293 weeks ago")
+[CubicWeb](https://forge.extranet.logilab.fr/cubicweb/cubicweb "uses: Pyramid") | [30](# " +0 last week") | [20](# " +0 last week") | [10817](# " #23 in pypistats downloads last month +19.52% last week") | [25](# " #18 in pypi used as main dependency +4.17% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [0](# " #34 in github stars +100% last week") | [0](# " #34 in repo unique committers +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [](# " #33 in repo last commit")
+[Quixote](https://github.com/nascheme/quixote "first commit: 2006-03-16") | [31](# " +0 last week") | [19](# " -1 last week") | [277](# "▼ #31 in pypistats downloads last month -12.06% last week") | [2](# " #25 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [82](# " #31 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [6](# " #31 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2024-03-01](# " #26 in repo last commit 30 weeks ago")
+[Pycnic](https://github.com/nullism/pycnic "first commit: 2015-11-04") | [32](# " +0 last week") | [19](# " +0 last week") | [998](# " #29 in pypistats downloads last month +1.42% last week") | [1](# " #26 in pypi used as main dependency +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [159](# " #30 in github stars +0.63% last week") | [11](# " #30 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2022-04-05](# " #29 in repo last commit 129 weeks ago")
+[Growler](https://github.com/pyGrowler/Growler "first commit: 2014-08-17") | [33](# " +0 last week") | [17](# " +0 last week") | [143](# " #34 in pypistats downloads last month -9.49% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [688](# " #25 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [6](# " #31 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2020-03-08](# " #30 in repo last commit 237 weeks ago")
+[Giotto](https://github.com/priestc/giotto "first commit: 2012-02-26") | [34](# " +0 last week") | [14](# " +1 last week") | [426](# "▲ #30 in pypistats downloads last month +39.22% last week") | [0](# " #29 in pypi used as main dependency +100% last week") | [0](# " #25 in stackoverflow questions +100% last week") | [59](# " #32 in github stars +0.0% last week") | [3](# " #33 in repo unique committers +0.0% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo changed lines last month +100% last week") | [0](# " #19 in repo unique committers last month +100% last week") | [2013-10-07](# " #33 in repo last commit 572 weeks ago")
## Score Calculation Algorithm
Score calculated as next way: