- fitSingle: added ability to fit the age of a single star
- fit: added error handling to the isochrone fitter and also improved results format and also black reformat
- isofit: added new objective functions and built in parellization and black reformatt
- population: cleaned up pop syth ageing by adding ager class and black reformated
- bolometric,-population,-misc: Fully updated pop synth to new method using artiificial star object and reworked sample function to be faster and black reformat
- population: added filter aliases to artificial star tests and began reworking population synthethis sampler to make it simpler and black reformated
- population: began major rework of population sythethis object to use artificial star objects, total cluster mass, and age object, and black reformat
- artificialStar.py: Finished adding position based completness estimate to artificialStar class and black reformatted
- artificialStar.py: filled out artificial star template, began work on completness estimation, black reformatted
- artificialStar.py: added error function building to artificialStar class and black reformatted
- artificialStar.py: began adding template for artificial star class to make that system more extensible and reformatted
- fidanka.bolometric: added checksum verification to MIST bolometric table fetch and reformat
- load.py,-URLS.py: added the ability to automatically fetch MIST bolometric correction tables + black reformated
- fit: minor
- fit: added missing import
- ager: unknown
- fiducual: fixed bug and made width_coef interface compatible with older code and black reformat
- isofit,-bolometric,-isofit,-misc: brought isofit systems up to date with the new bolometric systems and fixed logging system filename to use singleton pattern, black reformatt
- read_iso: allow mist isochrones with bad ages to be read in and bad ages skipped and black reformat
- utils.py: fixed broken point function distance and reformated
- python-build.py: fixed coverage report to write out as json
- python-build.yml: added fidanka install step
- python-build.yml: fixed enviromental variable
- synthesize.py: fixed some undefined variable names + reformated
- mc.py: imported missing packages and fixed undefined variable names
- fiducial.py: imported missing package from c extensions
- fit: changed parallel result to be a tuple based record and not a key value pair
- fiducial.py: removed unused ridge_bounding function
- runTest.sh: renamed runTest to runTests
- fidanka.modeling: removed unused sub module
- bolometric: added better cacheing, multithreading, and scope limiting to bolometric corrections and black reformat
- utils.py: Added interface for measuring the perpendicular distance between two functions over a domain
- setup.py,-pyproject.toml: updated build system to use numpy and added numpy as a pre-dependency
- models.py: imported pfD from new file
- utils.py: added return value to function which should have had one
- utils.py: fixed tqdm keyword argument error
- fiducial.py: fixed vMagBinMeans definition location
- fiducial.py: Fixed bug where nPops = 1. Pulled from 200k33p3r/fidanka
- pyproject.toml: bumped minimum targeter version from 3.7 to 3.10 (allows pip insstall . to work with setuptools)
- removed unused functions
- makefile: pre-commit refactoring
- test_utils.py: reformated
- test_utils.py: black reformated
- black formatter