History 0.4.11dev1 (17.07.2013) Utilisation comutation added (Allan) 0.4.10dev1 (8.7.2013) --generate_dots generates now also the whole state space 0.4.9dev1 (26.05.2013) Added custom exceptions pypepa can be now tested (nose or pytest2) first travis integration attempt 0.4.8dev1 (15.6.2013) Added some verification of model sanity, redundant rate definitions, etc Rate can be defined by mathematical expressions with variables, e.g. a= b*3+5 All exit(1) calls changed to exceptions in pypepa lib 0.4.7dev (6.6.2013) Fixes of some of typos Many changes to setup.py (requirements work at last) 0.4.2dev (05.06.2013) Merge with Allan Clark's pull request providing better API Changed name from libpepa to pypepa where possible First package version, for now only for dev branch pypepa cli moved to pypepa.cli for a better packaging