To automate every rule we have in our API style guide, we use Spectral, which is an open-source framework that allows to "lint" OpenAPI files and check their validity.
Spectral rules can be used both for ensuring that the OpenAPI file is compliant with the OpenAPI specification, as well as to validate the design and behavior of the API itself.
The current versions we support:
- Spectral: 6.5.0
- OpenAPI: 3.0.2
Spectral in an NPM package, so you need to install Node.js and NPM first.
Then, you can install Spectral in different ways. For example, do the following:
npm install -g @stoplight/spectral-cli
Additionally, you might want to install a spellchecker package to check spelling of API names and descriptions:
npm install spellchecker
After that, you are ready to validate your OpenAPI file with the rulesets in this repository:
spectral lint spectral/test-openapi.yaml -r spectral/monite.all.yaml
We publish our API style guide in a modular way, which allows you to choose yourself what rules you want to apply in your case.
First of all, you can decide which sections to include or exclude from the checks. For that, customize the extends
section of the root monite.all.yaml
file and remove unnecessary sections or mark them with #
- "spectral:oas"
- monite.openapi-structure.yaml
- monite.section1-general.yaml
# - monite.section2-language.yaml
# - monite.section3-security.yaml
- monite.section4-data-types.yaml
If you want to change the importance of a specific rule, just add it to the rules
section of the root monite.all.yaml
file and set the desired severity level. For example:
monite-language-spelling-names: warn
If you want to completely disable a certain rule, set its severity to off
monite-language-spelling-names: off
We have a few predefined versioning schemes you can choose from. Depending on your needs, you can enable one and disable another.
monite-versioning-date-format: off
monite-versioning-semantic: error
You can also add or remove terms from the custom dictionary used by a spell checker. To do this, go to the /spectral/functions/check-spelling.js
and /spectral/functions/check-spelling-code.js
files and customize the exceptions
const exceptions = ["asc","bic","iban"];
Obviously, there are still so many things we can do to cover the entire style guide and make all the rules more efficient.
If you see any opportunity we can improve this style guide, please don't hesitate to raise an issue and make a suggestion.
Many thanks in advance, and we hope you will find this repo useful for your projects.