A web application built using django to detect malicious URL(s) which include phishing/social engineering/malware infected URL(s).
This is built using Virustotal API (https://support.virustotal.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002100149-API).
The url supplied by the user is checked with various databases with the support of virustotal API
$ cd maldetect
$ echo "export API_KEY='[SECRET]'" > .env
$ echo "export SECRET_KEY='[SECRET]'" >> .env
$ source maldetect/bin/activate
(maldetect) $ source .env
(maldetect) $ python3 manage.py makemigrations
(maldetect) $ python3 manage.py migrate
(maldetect) $ python3 manage.py runserver IP:PORT
- Make sure to export the API_KEY from virustotal to .env
- Make sure to create and export a secret_key for django to .env
@v1dhun from Team Bi0s