php Xdebug is disabled by default. You can use the following environment variables to setup Xdebug.
- XDEBUG_ENABLE (true|false)
- XDEBUG_REMOTE_PORT (php default: 9000)
- Enable Xdebug:
docker exec -it <name> setup_xdebug -r -e -a -h=<ip-address> -p=9000
- Disable Xdebug:
docker exec -it <name> setup_xdebug -r -d
- To see all parameters run
docker exec -it <name> setup_xdebug --help
- Find out ip address of local machine:
ifconfig|grep inet|grep 10|head -1
- Insert container name as well as ip address:
docker exec -it <name> setup_xdebug -r -e -a -h=<ip-address> -p=9000
- Set up PHPStorm like the following and be sure to use the correct server name
Magento 2 Docker
(you can use whatever server name you want, but remember it, we need it in the next step)
docker exec -ti <name> sh
- Fill in the server name here from the step above:
echo 'env[PHP_IDE_CONFIG]="serverName=Magento 2 Docker"' >> /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf
- Save the file and run
supervisorctl restart php7-fpm