Chatbot For Quick Solutions for Educational purpose is bot where a students can find solution for any provided question by selecting category and grade of the student is studying. It also has general purpose use to find solution of for some real-time problem.
Industry*: Ed-Tech
Project Title*: Chatbot For Quick Solutions for Educational purpose
Problem Statement/Opportunity*: Chatbot For Quick Solutions for Educational purpose is bot where a students can find solution for any provided question by selecting category and grade of the student is studying. It also has general purpose use to find solution of for some real-time problem.
Chatbot For Quick Solutions for Educational purpose is bot where a students can find solution for any provided question by selecting category and grade of the student is studying. It also has general purpose use to find solution of for some real-time problem. This days Chatbots are used : examples: Chatbots Answer Questions And Inquiries. Book Tickets To Events/Shows With Chatbots. Use Chatbots To Find Products, Check Inventory and Recommend Items. Chatbots To Build Remarkable Customer Experience. Chatbots Can Process Return and Exchange Requests.
Technology Used are : Azure Bot Service, Azure Machine Learning, Mobile Apps
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