What remains to be done:
[x] implement item view for a platform
[x] implement item view for a title
[x] item view set - [x] filter by date - [x] include interest
[x] item detail view - [x] charts - [x] authors
- [-] add support for items into reporting
(should only appear if item report is seleted; also PR should not have title visible) - we better wait for the new reporting to be implemented, we do not want to do it twice
[-] add definition of IR_A1 and IR_M1 views - probably wait until we somehow migrate IR_M1 to IR
[/] interest - separate chapter for that - [x] when ingesting IR, interest from TR should be removed (accomplished by marking TR as obsoleted by IR)
- [x] when replacing interest from TR with IR, we should also remove the corresponding materialized TR views
- [x] create a script which will create the interest settings for IR
- [x] add interest metrics to the IR report type
- [x] make IR a default report type for interest
- [x] create a migration which will update interest_no_title to also exclude items,
- add interest_no_item to only exclude items
[x] pub_type - we need the same mechanism for assigning pub_type as we have for titles
- [x] some platforms do not honor the include_parent_details attr and do not include info about
the title corresponding to the item. Such data cannot be used for interest computation on the title level, so we should raise an error when ingesting such data to cause the RT to be marked as broken and the user will know that it cannot be used. BUT - this is only true for article related data - for multimedia, it is normal to have items without a title (directly under the platform).
[x] be less strict about data in the report: - [x] Publication_Date from Bloomsbury contains "-" which is invalid, but we could interpret it
as publication date not being available and completely ignore it
In order to have interest on item level, we need to use IR report for interest computation. But in such cases, we need not to use TR for interest as well, as it would be double-counting.
The situation is similar to TR and PR reports. There are a few problems with this approach:
- interest for titles will be split into many rows (one for each item), so queries will be slower (small test with BioOne data for one month showed 78->450 rows increase). But we can mitigate that by using a materialized RT with item_id dropped.
- we need to trust that the IR covers all of TR data. Update: Experiments on BioOne show that it is not always the case. The two main problems are: - No_License is not reported in the IR report (14/16 hits in difference) - Records with YOP equal to 0001 are not reported in the IR report (2/16 hits of difference)
Heretic question: would it be possible to drop TR if we have IR? We should be able to compute the TR report from IR data...
We may also want to encode the source of the interest (IR or TR) into the data, so we can later debug it (for now we use the metric remapping, which may be useful, but we could also add extra dimension for that with the source report type information).
At present, we use IR_M1 for multimedia interest computation. But IR_M1 is just a view of IR with Data_Type set to Multimedia. So we cannot naively use the whole IR for full_text interest computation, as it would include multimedia items.
This means that we should split the data from IR into two parts based on the Data_Type. Also, we should probably drop Data_Type=Multimedia from interest calculated from TR because Multimedia can appear in TR as well (even though we are not sure how and why :D).
python manage.py check_report_type_dimensions --fix-it
Materialized views for Interest which drop titles should drop items as well, otherwise they would be useless.