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Phil Hagelberg edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

Version 3.0 is an opportunity to make a number of changes that we've been unable to so far due to backwards-compatibility.

Below the larger issues are discussed.

Profile Merging

The fact that you can't do ad-hoc assoc or update-in modifications to the project map followed by a profile merge is a pretty big cause of confusion and headaches for many. In addition, the rules for conflict resolution don't always make sense.

Monkeypatching in the test task

The test task includes a number of monkeypatches to the clojure.test library due to the fact that it's nearly impossible to get patches accepted upstream. However, it's become a textbook example of tasks that do way too much and would be much better served by a library. Virtually everything in the test task should be moved to an external library that is specified as a :dependency of the project. (We should add a :dependencies entry in the lein new templates as well as possibly an :aliases entry for test.) Apart from being cleaner, this makes Leiningen less opinionated about what testing library you should use. We may build upon the conjecture library.

Specifying :filespecs for jar inclusion

This is a mess; we should start from scratch.

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