Telegram automatically surrounds pages with a template if the page does not contain
the correct HTML structure. So, if a page has <html>
and <body>
Telegram figures the page is the way you want it and will not add any template
information. So, the following page will be served as-is:
<body>I'm pretty plain!</body>
But, Telegram will surround the following page with a template:
<p>I'm pretty plain!</p>
By default, Telegram looks for a template in the file /templates-hidden/default.html
You can specify the name of the template to use with the template
Extra Info:
template: post
That will tell Telegram to use the /templates-hidden/post.html
template for the page.
If the template_url
extra info is specified, Telegram tries to git clone
the URL specified. For example:
Once the repository is cloned, Telegram adds each file in the repository to your site, unless you've already got a file by that name in your site.
The Git URL must be a public Git repository.
If there's no template_url
Extra Info and there's no /templates-hidden/default.html
Telegram clones the default template.
If you want to publish Telegram templates, just put up a public Git repository with the template information in it. GitHub provides costless hosting for public repositories.