This is a build guide when using Cherry MX switches and LiPo batteries.
Cherry MXスイッチ、LiPoバッテリーを採用した場合のビルドガイドになります。
Follow the BOM on github's to make sure that all the parts are available.
There are three PCBs. Of the three pieces, two are left and right keyboard boards, and the remaining one is a trackball board.
If the diode is already soldered, please skip this operation.
This work is done on the left and right keyboard boards respectively.
Solder the diodes to the back of PCB.
The diode is compatible with SMD.
Diodes have polarity, so be careful about the direction in which they are installed.
Please solder the switch socket only for cherry MX. In the future, if a switch plate and bottom case compatible with choc V2 are available, it will be able to be used as a keyboard compatible with the choc V2 switch.
cherry MXについてのみスイッチソケットのはんだ付けをしてください。将来的に、choc V2に対応したスイッチプレートやボトムケースができたら、choc V2スイッチ対応のキーボードとして使えるようになります。
Solder the switch socket on the back of the left and right keyboard boards.
Solder Seeed xiao ble on the back of the left and right keyboard boards. The difficulty is high, so please do it carefully.
左右のキーボード基板の裏面に、Seeed xiao bleをハンダ付けします。難度が高いので、注意深く行なってください。
Please follow the steps below.
1 The one with the xiao reset switch is the surface. Apply flux to the 4 BAT and NFC terminals on the back.
1 xiaoのリセットスイッチのある方を表面とする。裏面にある、BATとNFCの端子4つにフラックスを塗る。
2 Put the back of the keyboard board up and put xiao on it. The one with the xiao reset switch is up.
2 キーボード基板の裏面を上にして、xiaoを載せる。xiaoのリセットスイッチのある方を上にする。
3 Use the pin header included with xiao, insert it into the left and right pin holes, and temporarily fix it.
3 xiao付属のピンヘッダを利用し、左右のピン穴に差し込み、仮固定する。
4 Change the orientation of the board and xiao. The surface of the keyboard board is on top.
4 基板とxiaoの向きを変える。キーボード基板の表面が上になる。
5 Make sure that there are two rectangular open places on the board where xiao overlaps. Apply flux to the terminal of that part.
5 基板には、xiaoが重なっているところに、四角形に開いた箇所が2箇所あることを確認する。その部分の端子にフラックスを塗る。
6 Apply the warmed solder to 5 places (there are 4 places, one at a time). At the time when it is warm enough to produce a little smoke, attach the solder wire to the solder and pour in the solder.
From the open part of the square, if the solder is placed on the terminal of the xiao and sticks to the terminal of the board, it is fine.
If you put in too much solder, use the solder suction to remove excess solder.
6 温めたハンダゴテを5の場所(4箇所あるので、1つずつ)に当てる。少し煙が出るほど温めたタイミングで、ハンダ線をハンダゴテに付けて、ハンダを流し込む。
ハンダを多く入れ過ぎた時は、ハンダ吸い取り を使い、余分なハンダを除去する。
7 With the back of the keyboard board up, pull out the temporarily fixed pin header from the board and xiao.
7 キーボード基板の裏面を上にして、仮固定のピンヘッダを基板とxiaoから抜く。
8 Apply flux to the left and right outer terminals of xiao. After that, solder each terminal.
8 xiaoの左右外側にある端子にフラックスを塗る。その後、端子ごとに、ハンダ付けをする。 
Did you do well?
Please turn the back of the keyboard board up.
Plug the red cable of the JST cable into the BAT and the black cable into the GND and solder.
There is something I want you to pay attention to. Make sure that the positive pole of the cable socket of the LiPo battery you want to buy is connected to the BAT and the negative pole to the GND.
There was a case where the red and black sides of the socket attached to the battery sold were reversed.
Insert the switch from the back of the PCB with the switch knob facing outward.
After temporarily fixing it with masking tape, etc., solder the exposed part of the PCB.
First, use a nipper or cutter to cut the L-shaped conslue into 7 pins.
If you suddenly try to cut between the 7th and 8th pins, it is easy to fail, so it is a good idea to cut between the 8th and 9th pins and then adjust them with a file.
Insert the L-shaped through spring from the surface of the keyboard board and temporarily fix it with masking tape, etc.
Turn the back of the board up and solder it.
The trackball board has components installed from the beginning. The implemented side is the back side.
Remove the PWM3610 acrylic parts.
Check the pin of the PWM3610 and insert it from the surface of the trackball board. Temporarily fix it with masking tape.
The back of the trackball board is facing up and the part that came out of the pin hole is soldered.
The lens part of the PWM3610 is covered with tape, so remove it.
From the back of the trackball board, cover the acrylic part on the PWM3610, and melt the acrylic on the back with a soldering ick to prevent it from coming off.
Insert the M2 8mm screw from the top of the switch plate.
Fix it with an M2 3mm spacer on the bottom of the switch plate.
スイッチプレート上面からM2 8mmネジを差し込みます。
それをスイッチプレート下面でM2 3mmスペーサーで固定します。
Overlay the switch plate on the PCB.
There are some M2 8mm screws on the underside of the PCB, so fix them with an M2 3mm spacer.
There are 4 places each on the left and right, a total of 8 places.
PCB下面にM2 8mmネジが少し出ますので、M2 3mmスペーサーで固定します。
Plug your favorite key switch into the one you made in section 8.
When plugging in, it may not be plugged in properly and the terminal of the key switch may bend.
Please be careful.
If it is bent, it can be repaired with radio pliers, etc., and it can be reused.
It's a mistake you often make, so don't worry about it, plug in the key switch more and more.
Use a LiPo battery. Please respond to various problems arising from use at your own risk.
If you do not agree, please give up using the LiPo battery in cool942tb.
First, please check the plus and minus poles of the prepared LiPo battery.
Do not connect to the keyboard's JST cable immediately.
The JST cable extending from the keyboard is the positive pole (BAT) in red and the negative pole (GND) in black.
Make sure that the JST cable socket and the cable destination socket attached to the LiPo battery are connected in the same color.
If the same color is connected to each other, it can be used without any problems.
If they are not the same color, prepare a warm solder, melt the solder that fixes the substrate and the JST cable, and remove the cable.
Then, solder the black cable to the BAT of the substrate and the red cable to the GND. Now you can use it without any problems even if the socket is different.
注 同一メーカーでもソケットの赤色、黒色の差し込みが違うことがあります。
If there is no problem, please connect the JST cable extending from the board to the LiPo battery cable.
Place the LiPo battery in the recess in the center of the bottom case. Use double-sided tape or masking tape to fix it.
Place the switch knob in the bottom case.
Insert the board into the bottom case, paying attention that the convex part of the slide sitch of the board enters the concave part of the switch knob.
From the bottom of the bottom case, insert and fix the M2 4mm screws in 4 places on the left and right.
ボトムケース底面から、左右それぞれ4箇所に、M2 4mmネジを差し込み固定します。
Install the trackball board to fit the 7 pins of the L-shaped through on the right side of the keyboard board.
Insert 2 M2 4mm screws from the inside of the ball case and fix it with an M2 3mm spacer on the bottom of the ball case.
Insert the ball case so that it can be put on the trackball board.
The spacer on the bottom of the ball case is inserted into the concave part of the bottom case.
Insert 2 M2 4mm screws from the bottom of the bottom case and fix the spacer.
ボールケースの内側から2箇所、M2 4mmネジを差し込み、ボールケース底面でM2 3mmスペーサーで固定します。
ボトムケース底面から2箇所、M2 4mmネジを差し込み、スペーサーを固定します。
If you want to turn the ball better, put the support ball in 3 places in the ball case. Woodworking bonds are the best for fixing.
Please attach a 25mm ball to the ball case.
Please attach your favorite keycap (40% kit is recommended).
After attaching non-slip rubber to the bottom of the bottom case, it's done.
Please enjoy a life with a better keyboard.