The build.xml Ant script takes the following parameters:
jdk - path to Oracle JDK 8. The script uses this JDK to compile sources and run tests
build.number - build number. A built application shows build number on its About screen. Build script creates ZIP file with build number. If the build number is not provided, 0 (zero) build number is used by default.
A sample shell script to run the build:
#! /bin/sh
# Installation directory of Apache ANT (the dir which containts "bin", "lib" sub directories)
# Home directory of Java8 JDK (the dir which contains "bin", "lib", "jre" subdirectories)
"$JDK8_HOME/bin/java" -cp "$ANT_HOME/lib/ant-launcher.jar" -f ./build.xml prepareDistribution -Djdk="$JDK8_HOME" -Dbuild.number=9876
Run the script from the ant directory
- build.xml main build script
- sample shell script which launches a build process and provides it all parameters
- genHeader.xml, properties.xml, runGenerated.xml supplementary build files
- meta.xml describes source modules, external libraries, source dependencies and distribution layout
- transform.xsl used to transform the meta.xml file to Ant build script
- generated.xml temporary build script produced by transform.xsl applied to meta.xml
- jars directory contains third-party Java libraries required by the build
- javac2.jar, bcel.jar, asm-all.jar are required to define the javac2 task
- saxon9he.jar is required for XSL transformation of the meta.xml file
The meta.xml file describes:
Modules - Java Sources
Libraries - external JAR files
Product Description - JARs the product distribution consists of and their locations
Java source and resource are organized into modules. Module is a unit of dependency. The meta.xml file include the module tag for each module. The name parameter of the tag defines module root directory and module name.
- depends describes module dependency on other modules. The tag has the only module parameter. The value of the parameter is the name of a module this module depends on.
- uselib describes module dependency on external libraries. The tag has the single parameter lib. The value of the parameter is the name of a library this module depends on.
Note, dependencies are not transitive. If a module M1 depends on a module M2 and the M2 module depends on module M3 and library L1, the module M1 has no automatic dependency neither on module M3 nor on library L1. If the M1 module requires this dependencies, they must be explicitly described.
Each module may have the following directories:
- src - contains production java source files
- tests - contains java sources with tests and supplementary classes.
- The build compiles these sources, but does not include them in distributable JARs.
- Test classes must end with "Test" or "Tests" suffix.
- rc - contains production resources. Build copies all these files to the destination JAR as is and preserving packages.
- test.rc - contains test resources. These resources are available during execution of tests, but are not included in distributable JARs.
All directories above are optional.
A library is one or more external JAR files. The meta.xml file include the lib tag for each library. The name parameter of the library defines library's name, it is used to refer to this library.
A lib tag has one or more jar child tag. Each jar tag has the only parameter jar which contains a path to a single JAR file. The path is relative to the lib directory.
The product tag describe layout of a distribution.
The meta.xml file describes distributable JARs with distjar tags. The tag has single jar parameter - the name of the JAR file (it does not include path).
- place - location of the JAR in the distribution. There must be only one such child. The only parameter is dir - directory where to place the JAR.
- include - includes a module into the JAR. One child tag for one module to include. The only parameter is module - the name of a module to include.
- manifest - defines META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file content. The attribute child tag instructs the build to add one manifest attribute. The name parameter is the name of the attribute. The value parameter is the value of the attribute.
The build copies libraries to the lib directory of the distribution. The build includes only libraries those explicitly mentioned with the distlib tag (regardless of declared module dependencies). Each distlib tag has the only parameter lib which refers a library by its name. The build copies all library JAR files.