Not all distros package the right versions of Tenacity's dependencies, if at all. For example, wxWidgets 3.1.5 or later is required for building Tenacity, but some (mostly older) distributions only package wxWidgets 3.0. PortMidi and PortSMF are required for MIDI support but some distributions do not package PortSMF (Tenacity can still build without MIDI support). libsbsms is an optional dependency used for time stretching that is not available in many Linux distribution package managers either. Optionally, vcpkg can be used to build dependencies from source which may be helpful if your distribution is missing some packages. Note that we use our own fork of vcpkg for the time being, which is required for some features such as high-quality stretching (libsbsms), MP2 support (TwoLAME), and recording desktop audio on Windows. However, you may be able to use the latest vcpkg upstream, although the features mentioned prior will be unavailable and your build might not succeed.
Installing ccache and ninja-build is highly recommended for faster builds but not required. CMake will automatically use ccache if it is installed.
To install Tenacity's dependencies, run:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libflac++-dev libglib2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libid3tag0-dev libjack-jackd2-dev liblilv-dev libmad0-dev libmp3lame-dev libogg-dev libpng-dev portaudio19-dev libportmidi-dev libportsmf-dev libserd-dev libsndfile1-dev libsord-dev libsoundtouch-dev libsoxr-dev libsuil-dev libtwolame-dev vamp-plugin-sdk libvorbis-dev lv2-dev zlib1g-dev cmake ninja-build libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev libzip-dev zipcmp zipmerge ziptool libjsoncpp-dev
On earlier versions of Ubuntu (< 22.10), Debian (< 12), and their derivatives, you will need to either use vcpkg or build your own version of wxWidgets. Please see Building wxWidgets Yourself for more information.
On Ubuntu 22.10 or later, Debian 12 or later, or their derivatives, you can install the correct wxWidgets packages like so:
sudo apt install wx-common wx3.2-headers libwxgtk3.2-dev
The above package list
includes wxWidgets' build dependencies. If you install wxWidgets
somewhere other than the default /usr/local, you need to set the
environment variable to the location of the wx-config
script installed by wxWidgets to get CMake to find wxWidgets 3.1. For
example, if you installed wxWidgets to /home/user/local:
export WX_CONFIG=/home/user/local/bin/wx-config
To install Tenacity's dependencies, run:
sudo dnf install alsa-lib-devel cmake expat-devel flac-devel gcc-g++ gettext-devel jsoncpp-devel lame-devel libid3tag-devel libmad-devel libogg-devel libsndfile-devel libvorbis-devel libzip-tools lilv-devel lv2-devel portaudio-devel portmidi-devel serd-devel sord-devel soundtouch-devel soxr-devel sqlite-devel sratom-devel suil-devel taglib-devel twolame-devel vamp-plugin-sdk-devel wxGTK-devel zlib-devel ccache ninja-build git ffmpeg-free-devel wxGTK-devel
Install Tenacity's build dependencies with this command:
sudo pacman -S cmake ninja ccache expat gcc-libs gdk-pixbuf2 glibc flac gtk3 glib2 libid3tag lilv libmad libogg portaudio portmidi libsndfile libsoxr suil twolame vamp-plugin-sdk libvorbis soundtouch ffmpeg libsbsms wxwidgets-common wxwidgets-gtk3
TODO: add portsmf to this package list when the package is updated.
The build dependencies for Tenacity and, starting in 3.17, wxWidgets can be
found on Alpine's community
repository. On Alpine Linux 3.17 or later, install
the dependencies with this command:
sudo apk add cmake samurai lame-dev libsndfile-dev soxr-dev sqlite-dev portaudio-dev portmidi-dev libid3tag-dev soundtouch-dev libmad-dev ffmpeg-dev wxwidgets
For older versions of Alpine (i.e., 3.16 and below), please refer to the
wxWidgets documentation
for how to install it from source code, and make sure to set
in the configuration.
If building wxWidgets from source, run the following command to install wxWidgets' dependencies:
sudo apk add gtk+3.0-dev zlib-dev libpng-dev tiff-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev expat-dev
TODO: add portsmf and libsbsms to this package list when aports are accepted.
wxWidgets is packaged in FreeBSD's repositories. Install it and the rest of Tenacity's dependencies:
sudo pkg install wx32-gtk3 cmake ninja pkgconf lame libsndfile libsoxr portaudio lv2 lilv suil vamp-plugin-sdk portmidi libid3tag twolame libmad soundtouch ffmpeg libzip jsoncpp
Optionally, you can build dependencies from source using vcpkg, although vcpkg
is not set up to build GTK or GLib either for wxWidgets. To use vcpkg for
dependencies, pass -DVCPKG=ON
to the CMake configure command. You will need
nasm installed to build ffmpeg from vcpkg which you can
install from your distribution's package manager. If you use vcpkg, you need to
set the WX_CONFIG
environment variable to the path of the wx-config script
installed by wxWidgets. For example, if you installed wxWidgets to /usr/local:
export WX_CONFIG=/usr/local/bin/wx-config
If you switch between system packages and vcpkg, you may need to delete
inside your CMake build directory.
NOTE: Building Tenacity with vcpkg for the first time and after an update will take a while, especially with FFmpeg. Subsequent rebuilds will be much faster.
Install Microsoft Visual Studio with the Desktop development with C++ installation option. Be sure to check the C++ MFC options to ensure the build succeeds too.
Note: Tenacity requires at least Visual Studio 2017 or later. We actively test against the latest version of Visual Studio, so we may not catch bugs affecting older versions of Visual Studio, but please report them as we will still fix them.
We srongly recommend using a package manager for managing build tools as it makes general management, such as updating or removing them, easier. We like to use Scoop in CI. It contains all of the build tools needed for Tenacity. If you don't already have Scoop installed, open PowerShell and run the following commands:
> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression]
Then, from the same PowerShell window, run the command to install Tenacity's build tools:
> scoop install git cmake ninja gettext
Optionally, you can install sccache for faster builds. We highly recommend you do so:
> scoop install sccache
Alternatively, you can use a different package manager such as Chocolatey or winget. You may even use a package manager for a different language, such as Cargo, if that works for you. However, they might not contain all the build tools you need. For example, Chocolatey does not contain gettext, so you'll need to install it yourself. winget is also missing a few other build tools too. Finally, you can install all the build tools yourself, but once you starting using a package manager, you'll realize there's no going back :)
Tenacity's dependencies will be built automatically with vcpkg when configuring
CMake. You can turn off vcpkg by passing -DVCPKG=OFF
to the CMake
configuration command, but then it is up to you to install all of Tenacity's
Note that building the dependencies requires 10 GB of storage space.
Install the Clang C++ compiler and macOS SDK from the Xcode command line tools. If you have the Xcode IDE installed, you already have the command line tools too. To install the Xcode command line tools without the Xcode IDE, launch the Terminal application, and type the following command:
xcode-select --install
Click "Install" on the software update popup window that will appear and wait for the download and installation to finish.
You will also need to install a few build tools and dependencies, which can be installed from Homebrew:
brew install cmake ccache ninja nasm wxwidgets
The rest of the dependencies will be built automatically with vcpkg when
configuring CMake. You turn off vcpkg by passing -DVCPKG=OFF
to the CMake
configuration command, but then it is up to you to install all of Tenacity's
If you are using a Linux distribution that doesn't ship wxWidgets 3.1.3 or later or you want to use your own version of wxWidgets for testing purposes (e.g., to test Tenacity against different ports like wxQt), you can optionally build your own version of wxWidgets.
There are two ways to build wxWidgets:
Adding -DVCPKG=On
to your CMake options will automatically build wxWidgets in
addition to all of Tenacity's other dependencies. This is helpful if several
dependencies are missing from your distro.
If you just need wxWidgets or want to try another version of wxWidgets, such as a git version, it will be preferrable to build it yourself. Building wxWidgets is significantly faster than using vcpkg.
To build wxWidgets, please refer to the wxWidgets documentation for how to build and install it from source code.
NOTE: The wxWidgets for GTK installation instructions don't mention that you have to have all of the git submodules in place and at the right versions before starting. Make sure you clone it like this first:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd wxWidgets
On Windows, run the commands below from the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. For other operating systems, run them from a normal shell.
First, download the Tenacity source code:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd tenacity
This will clone Tenacity and all of its submodules, libnyquist and vcpkg. If
you don't want vcpkg, you can remove --recurse-submodules
and do
git submodule update --init lib-src/libnyquist
Then, configure CMake. This will take a long time the first time on macOS and
Windows (or if you use -DVCPKG=ON
on Linux) because vcpkg will compile
itself, then compile Tenacity's dependencies. -G Ninja
is recommended for
faster builds but not required. Add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path
change the installation path from the default /usr/local:
cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build
Build Tenacity:
cmake --build build
Run Tenacity:
Optionally, install Tenacity:
cmake --install build
You can build an AppImage yourself. This requires that you have previously built Tenacity. Note that you do not need to have installed Tenacity in order to make an AppImage as it is unnecessary.
First, you need to set VCPKG_LIB_PATH
to the directory vcpkg copied libraries
too if you are using vcpkg. If not, set this to an empty string. Next, run
from the root of your build directory. The AppImage will be in the
directory of the build folder.
- VCPKG (ON|OFF): whether to use dependencies from vcpkg. ON by default for Windows and macOS; OFF by default for Linux.
- VCPKG_ROOT (file path): path to vcpkg Git repository, defaults to using the vcpkg submodule in the Tenacity repository
- SCCACHE (ON|OFF): whether to use sccache for compiler caching to speed up rebuilds. ON by default if sccache is installed.
- CCACHE (ON|OFF): whether to use ccache for compiler caching to speed up rebuilds. ON by default if ccache is installed. If sccache and ccache are both installed, sccache will be prefered.
- PCH (ON|OFF): Enables the use of precompiled headers. ON by default if either ccache or sccache was not found or was disabled.
- PERFORM_CODESIGN (ON|OFF): Performs codesigning during the install step. This only works on Windows and macOS and requires the appropriate certificates to be installed in order for signing to work. Note that codesigning and notarization might be broken as they haven't been tested.
- PERFORM_NOTARIZATION (ON|OFF): [macOS Only] Performs notarizaiton during the install step. This only works on macOS and if PERFORM_NOTARIZATION has been enabled.
- MANUAL_PATH (file path): Path to the manual to package alongside DMG and InnoSEtup targets. If no path is specified (default), no manual is packaged.
The following feature options are enabled by default if the required libraries are found. You may explicitly disable them if you prefer or your distribution has outdated libraries that do not build with Tenacity.
- MIDI (ON|OFF): MIDI support. Requires PortMidi and PortSMF.
- ID3TAG (ON|OFF): ID3 tag support for MP3 files. Requires libid3tag.
- MP3_DECODING (ON|OFF): MP3 decoding support. Requires libmad.
- MP2 (ON|OFF): MP2 codec support. Requires Twolame library.
- OGG (ON|OFF): Ogg container format support. Requires libogg.
- VORBIS (ON|OFF): Vorbis codec support. Requires libvorbis.
- FLAC (ON|OFF): FLAC codec support. Requires libflac and libflac++ C++ bindings.
- SBSMS (ON|OFF): SBSMS timestretching support. Requires libsbsms.
- SOUNDTOUCH (ON|OFF): SoundTouch timestretching support. Requires SoundTouch library.
- FFMPEG (ON|OFF): Support for a wide variety of codecs with FFmpeg. Requires FFmpeg libraries.
- AUDIO_UNITS (ON|OFF): Apple Audio Units plugin support. macOS only.
- LADSPA (ON|OFF): LADSPA plugin hosting support.
- LV2 (ON|OFF): LV2 plugin hosting support. Requires LV2, lilv, and suil libraries.
- NYQUIST (ON|OFF): Nyquist plugin support. Required the libnyquist submodule to be initialized. Nyquist plugins will not be installed.
- VAMP (ON|OFF): VAMP plugin hosting support. Requires VAMP host SDK. suil libraries.
- VST2 (ON|OFF): VST2 plugin hosting support. No libraries are required. ON by default.
These options apply to all platforms where vcpkg is available. They are available if you need further control over how Tenacity uses vcpkg if its usage is required.
You may override the default triplet used for building Tenacity. This may be useful for testing different triplets for different platforms.
To override the default triplet, set the TENACITY_TRIPLET_OVERRIDE
to the triplet you want to use. For example, if you're on Linux and want to
use the x64-linux-dynamic
triplet, export the following:
export TENACITY_TRIPLET_OVERRIDE=x64-linux-dynamic
Overriding triplets might be required in some cases. For example, using static
builds of wxWidgets on Linux is not supported, but vcpkg builds static
libraries by default. The x64-linux-dynamic
triplet must be used instead.