The following document describes the necessary steps involved that full-node operators must take in order to restart their nodes for 90u-2.
The genesis state of 90u-2
has been derived from the export of the previous test network, and will include a fresh batch of gentxs, as the previous test network has become stale.
First, a DAO proposal including the PR containing the specifics regarding the 90u-2 test-net relaunch will be proposed. This includes:
- Steps taken to generate the new genesis file (Details are found in Export Migration)
- The relaunch timeline, including the gentx submission.
The proposal can be found here.
If the consensus is to reject the proposed details, modifications in the details may be taken, & a reproposal can be made.
If the consensus is to accept the proposed details, they can be used as a guideline for participation in the next steps.
Node setup instructions, & Peer endpoints can be available for anyone to participate in the relaunch of the test network in Terp Network's Chain-Registry Fork.
To download the genesis file to your initalized node:
curl -s > $HOME/.terp/config/genesis.json
To verify the authenticity of the genesis file:
sha256sum $HOME/.terp/config/genesis.json
should return 5e7bc1d51e1a12318ed49ba90b03f76680af8d8ccc4f113b8179860849941a05
export SEEDS="74d89379b11badacff139e57b553202072a162c1@"
echo $SEEDS
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \"$SEEDS\"/" ~/.terp/config/config.toml
export PEERS="3e5e25f10a7bf3467fcb24ed59124b5e00ab3d0b@,79ba637ef59c94ba41c870806903b4e907594f32@"
echo $PEERS
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" ~/.terp/config/config.toml