From 81017132896aaaa6cd081de4f9261f1d6c447b50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: print-sid8 <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 01:46:17 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] minor change to example code, showing example of 1

 examples/ | 21 +++++----------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index bf18c27..231d44c 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -23,14 +23,8 @@ def main():
         [(77.55, 13.01), (77.58, 13.01), (77.58, 13.08), (77.55, 13.08), (77.55, 13.01)]
-    aoi2_polygon = Polygon(
-        [(77.56, 13.02), (77.59, 13.02), (77.59, 13.09), (77.56, 13.09), (77.56, 13.02)]
-    )
-    # get total bounds of all polygons above for stac search and stac index creation
-    bbox = aoi1_polygon.union(aoi2_polygon).bounds
+    bbox = aoi1_polygon.bounds
-    # 2. List existing collections
     print("1. Available Collections")
     collections = Rasteret.list_collections(workspace_dir=workspace_dir)
@@ -39,9 +33,8 @@ def main():
             f"- {c['name']}: {c['data_source']}, {c['date_range']}, {c['size']} scenes"
-    # 3. Try loading existing collection or create new
-        processor = Rasteret.load_collection(f"{custom_name}_202401-03_landsat")
+        processor = Rasteret.load_collection(f"{custom_name}_202403-03_landsat")
     except ValueError:
         print("\n2. Creating New Collection")
@@ -63,9 +56,7 @@ def main():
     # Calculate NDVI using xarray operations
     ds = processor.get_xarray(
-        # pass multiple geometries not its union bounds
-        # for separate processing of each geometry
-        geometries=[aoi1_polygon, aoi2_polygon],
+        geometries=[aoi1_polygon],
         bands=["B4", "B5"],
@@ -77,18 +68,16 @@ def main():
     ndvi = (ds.B5 - ds.B4) / (ds.B5 + ds.B4)
     ndvi_ds = xr.Dataset(
         {"NDVI": ndvi},
-        coords=ds.coords,  # Preserve coordinates including CRS
-        attrs=ds.attrs,  # Preserve metadata
+        coords=ds.coords,
+        attrs=ds.attrs,
     print("\nNDVI dataset:")
-    # Create output directory
     output_dir = Path("ndvi_results")
-    # Save per geometry, give prefix for output files in this case "ndvi"
     output_files = save_per_geometry(
         ndvi_ds, output_dir, file_prefix="ndvi", data_var="NDVI"

From 72cb4523a97c47af0be1638401b98a532d3b2fab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: print-sid8 <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 02:11:03 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] revamp code with more asynchronous methods, and keep user
 facing code unaffected

 src/rasteret/        |   8 +-
 src/rasteret/core/ |   1 -
 src/rasteret/core/  | 447 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/rasteret/core/      |  16 +-
 src/rasteret/fetch/       | 266 +++++++++++--------
 src/rasteret/stac/    |   6 +
 6 files changed, 459 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rasteret/ b/src/rasteret/
index 8d99dd2..995344e 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/
+++ b/src/rasteret/
@@ -20,4 +20,10 @@ def version():
 __version__ = version()
-__all__ = ["Collection", "Rasteret", "CloudConfig", "AWSProvider", "DataSources"]
+__all__ = [
+    "Collection",
+    "Rasteret",
+    "CloudConfig",
+    "AWSProvider",
+    "DataSources",
diff --git a/src/rasteret/core/ b/src/rasteret/core/
index c6a3386..e09e21e 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/core/
+++ b/src/rasteret/core/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 import pyarrow.parquet as pq
 import pyarrow.dataset as ds
 import pandas as pd
-import geopandas as gpd
 from shapely.geometry import Polygon
 from pathlib import Path
diff --git a/src/rasteret/core/ b/src/rasteret/core/
index 0d683d9..397ad21 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/core/
+++ b/src/rasteret/core/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Core Components:
 - Rasteret: Main interface for querying and processing scenes
 - Collection: Manages indexed satellite data
 - Scene: Handles individual scene processing
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@
 ... )
+from __future__ import annotations
 import asyncio
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple, Any
 import xarray as xr
 import geopandas as gpd
 import pandas as pd
@@ -37,28 +39,67 @@
 from rasteret.stac.indexer import StacToGeoParquetIndexer
 from import AWSProvider, CloudProvider, CloudConfig
 from rasteret.logging import setup_logger
+from rasteret.fetch.cog import COGReader
 logger = setup_logger("INFO", customname="rasteret.processor")
+class URLSigningCache:
+    """Efficient URL signing cache with thread-safe caching."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        cloud_provider: Optional[CloudProvider] = None,
+        cloud_config: Optional[CloudConfig] = None,
+        max_size: int = 1024,
+    ):
+        """
+        Initialize URL signing cache.
+        Args:
+            cloud_provider: Cloud provider for URL signing
+            cloud_config: Cloud configuration
+            max_size: Maximum number of cached signed URLs
+        """
+        self._cloud_provider = cloud_provider
+        self._cloud_config = cloud_config
+        self._cache = {}
+        self._max_size = max_size
+        self._lock = asyncio.Lock()
+    async def get_signed_url(self, url: str) -> str:
+        """
+        Get a signed URL, using cache if possible.
+        Args:
+            url: Original URL to be signed
+        Returns:
+            Signed URL
+        """
+        async with self._lock:
+            # Check cache first
+            if url in self._cache:
+                return self._cache[url]
+            # Sign URL if provider exists
+            if self._cloud_provider and self._cloud_config:
+                signed_url = self._cloud_provider.get_url(url, self._cloud_config)
+                # Manage cache size
+                if len(self._cache) >= self._max_size:
+                    # Remove oldest entry
+                    self._cache.pop(next(iter(self._cache)))
+                self._cache[url] = signed_url
+                return signed_url
+            # If no signing possible, return original URL
+            return url
 class Rasteret:
-    """Main interface for satellite data retrieval and processing.
-    Attributes:
-        data_source (str): Source dataset identifier
-        workspace_dir (Path): Directory for storing collections
-        custom_name (str, optional): Collection name prefix
-        date_range (Tuple[str, str], optional): Date range for collection
-        aws_profile (str, optional): AWS profile for authentication
-    Examples:
-        >>> processor = Rasteret("landsat-c2l2-sr", "workspace")
-        >>> processor.create_index(
-        ...     bbox=[77.55, 13.01, 77.58, 13.04],
-        ...     date_range=["2024-01-01", "2024-01-31"]
-        ... )
-        >>> df = processor.query(geometries=[polygon], bands=["B4", "B5"])
-    """
+    """Optimized Rasteret processor with connection pooling and caching."""
     def __init__(
@@ -66,49 +107,48 @@ def __init__(
         workspace_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
         custom_name: Optional[str] = None,
         date_range: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
+        max_concurrent: int = 50,
-        """Initialize Rasteret processor."""
+        """
+        Initialize Rasteret processor with optimized async handling.
+        Args:
+            data_source: Source of satellite data
+            workspace_dir: Directory for storing collections
+            custom_name: Custom name for the collection
+            date_range: Date range for collection
+            max_concurrent: Maximum concurrent connections
+        """
         self.data_source = data_source
         self.workspace_dir = Path(workspace_dir or Path.home() / "rasteret_workspace")
         self.custom_name = custom_name
         self.date_range = date_range
+        self.max_concurrent = max_concurrent
-        # Initialize cloud config early
+        # Initialize cloud resources
         self.cloud_config = CloudConfig.get_config(str(data_source))
         self._cloud_provider = None if not self.cloud_config else AWSProvider()
-        self._collection = None
-    @property
-    def provider(self):
-        """Get cloud provider."""
-        return self._cloud_provider
-    def _get_collection_path(self) -> Path:
-        """Get expected collection path"""
-        return self.workspace_dir / f"{self.custom_name}.parquet"
-    def _get_bbox_from_geometries(self, geometries: List[Polygon]) -> List[float]:
-        """Get combined bbox from geometries"""
-        bounds = [geom.bounds for geom in geometries]
-        return [
-            min(b[0] for b in bounds),  # minx
-            min(b[1] for b in bounds),  # miny
-            max(b[2] for b in bounds),  # maxx
-            max(b[3] for b in bounds),  # maxy
-        ]
-    def _ensure_collection(self) -> None:
-        """Ensure collection exists and is loaded with proper partitioning."""
-        if not self.custom_name:
-            raise ValueError("custom_name is required")
+        # URL signing cache
+        self._url_cache = URLSigningCache(
+            cloud_provider=self._cloud_provider, cloud_config=self.cloud_config
+        )
-        stac_path = self.workspace_dir / f"{self.custom_name}_stac"
+        # Persistent COG reader
+        self._cog_reader = None
+        self._collection = None
-        if self._collection is None:
-            if stac_path.exists():
-                self._collection = Collection.from_local(stac_path)
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f"Collection not found: {stac_path}")
+    async def __aenter__(self):
+        """Async context manager entry for resource management."""
+        # Initialize COG reader with connection pooling
+        self._cog_reader = COGReader(max_concurrent=self.max_concurrent)
+        await self._cog_reader.__aenter__()
+        return self
+    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        """Async context manager exit for cleanup."""
+        if self._cog_reader:
+            await self._cog_reader.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
     def create_collection(
@@ -117,46 +157,64 @@ def create_collection(
         force: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """Create or load STAC index."""
+        """Sync interface for collection creation"""
+        def _sync_create():
+            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+            asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
+            try:
+                return loop.run_until_complete(
+                    self._async_create_collection(bbox, date_range, force, **filters)
+                )
+            finally:
+                loop.close()
+        return _sync_create()
+    async def _async_create_collection(
+        self,
+        bbox: List[float],
+        date_range: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
+        force: bool = False,
+        **filters,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Internal async implementation for collection creation"""
         if not self.custom_name:
             raise ValueError("custom_name is required")
-        # Create standardized collection name with date range
         collection_name = Collection.create_name(
             self.custom_name, date_range or self.date_range, str(self.data_source)
+        collection_path = self.workspace_dir / f"{collection_name}.parquet"
-        stac_path = self.workspace_dir / f"{collection_name}_stac"
-        if stac_path.exists() and not force:
-            self._collection = Collection.from_local(stac_path)
-  "Loading existing collection: {collection_name}")
+        if collection_path.exists() and not force:
+  "Collection {collection_name} already exists")
+            self._collection = Collection.from_parquet(collection_path)
-        # Create new collection
+        # Initialize indexer with required params
         indexer = StacToGeoParquetIndexer(
-            data_source=self.data_source,
+            data_source=str(self.data_source),
-            workspace_dir=stac_path,
-            cloud_provider=self.provider,
-            cloud_config=self.cloud_config,
+            workspace_dir=self.workspace_dir,
+            cloud_provider=self._cloud_provider,
+            cloud_config=self.cloud_config,
+            max_concurrent=self.max_concurrent,
-        self._collection =
-            indexer.build_index(
-                bbox=bbox, date_range=date_range or self.date_range, query=filters
-            )
+        # Use build_index instead of create_index
+        self._collection = await indexer.build_index(
+            bbox=bbox, date_range=date_range or self.date_range, query=filters
-        if self._collection is not None:
-  "Created collection: {collection_name}")
+"Created collection: {collection_name}")
     def list_collections(
         cls, workspace_dir: Optional[Path] = None
     ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        """List collections with metadata."""
+        """List collections with metadata (unchanged)."""
         workspace_dir = workspace_dir or Path.home() / "rasteret_workspace"
         collections = []
@@ -202,21 +260,27 @@ def list_collections(
     def load_collection(
         cls, collection_name: str, workspace_dir: Optional[Path] = None
     ) -> "Rasteret":
-        """Load collection by name."""
+        """Load collection by name with async preparation."""
         workspace_dir = workspace_dir or Path.home() / "rasteret_workspace"
-        stac_path = workspace_dir / f"{collection_name.replace('_stac', '')}_stac"
+        # Remove _stac suffix if present
+        clean_name = collection_name.replace("_stac", "")
+        stac_path = workspace_dir / f"{clean_name}_stac"
         if not stac_path.exists():
             raise ValueError(f"Collection not found: {collection_name}")
-        # Get data source from name
-        data_source = collection_name.split("_")[-1].upper()
+        # Parse data source from name
+        try:
+            data_source = clean_name.split("_")[-1].upper()
+        except IndexError:
+            data_source = "UNKNOWN"
         # Create processor
         processor = cls(
             data_source=getattr(DataSources, data_source, data_source),
-            custom_name=collection_name,
+            custom_name=clean_name,
         # Load collection
@@ -225,130 +289,159 @@ def load_collection("Loaded existing collection: {collection_name}")
         return processor
-    def get_gdf(
-        self,
-        geometries: List[Polygon],
-        bands: List[str],
-        max_concurrent: int = 50,
-        **filters,
-    ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
-        """Query indexed scenes matching filters for specified geometries and bands."""
-        # Validate inputs
-        if not geometries:
-            raise ValueError("No geometries provided")
-        if not bands:
-            raise ValueError("No bands specified")
-        # Ensure collection exists and is loaded
-        self._ensure_collection()
-        if filters:
-            self._collection = self._collection.filter_scenes(**filters)
-        return, bands, max_concurrent))
-    async def _get_gdf(self, geometries, bands, max_concurrent):
-        total_scenes = len(self._collection.dataset.to_table())
-"Processing {total_scenes} scenes for {len(bands)} bands")
-        results = []
-        async for scene in tqdm(
-            self._collection.iterate_scenes(self.data_source),
-            total=total_scenes,
-            desc="Loading scenes",
-        ):
-            scene_results = await scene.load_bands(
-                geometries,
-                bands,
-                max_concurrent,
-                cloud_provider=self.provider,
-                cloud_config=self.cloud_config,
-                for_xarray=False,
-            )
-            results.append(scene_results)
+    async def _sign_scene_urls(self, scene):
+        """
+        Sign URLs for a scene's assets.
-        return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True))
+        Args:
+            scene: Scene with assets to sign
-    def get_xarray(
+        Returns:
+            Scene with signed URLs
+        """
+        # Create copies to avoid modifying original
+        signed_assets = {}
+        for band, asset in scene.assets.items():
+            # Get signed URL
+            signed_url = await self._url_cache.get_signed_url(asset["href"])
+            # Create a copy of the asset with signed URL
+            signed_asset = asset.copy()
+            signed_asset["href"] = signed_url
+            signed_assets[band] = signed_asset
+        # Update scene assets with signed URLs
+        scene.assets = signed_assets
+        return scene
+    async def _get_scene_data(
         geometries: List[Polygon],
         bands: List[str],
-        max_concurrent: int = 50,
+        for_xarray: bool = True,
+        batch_size: int = 10,
-    ) -> xr.Dataset:
+    ) -> Union[List[gpd.GeoDataFrame], List[xr.Dataset]]:
-        Query collection and return as xarray Dataset.
+        Optimized async scene data retrieval with URL signing and batching.
-            geometries: List of polygons to query
-            bands: List of band identifiers
-            max_concurrent: Maximum concurrent requests
-            **filters: Additional filters (e.g. cloud_cover_lt=20)
+            geometries: List of geometries to process
+            bands: Bands to retrieve
+            for_xarray: Whether to return xarray or GeoDataFrame
+            batch_size: Number of scenes to process in parallel
+            **filters: Additional filtering parameters
-            xarray Dataset with data, coordinates, and CRS
+            List of processed datasets
-        # Same validation as query()
-        if not geometries:
-            raise ValueError("No geometries provided")
-        if not bands:
-            raise ValueError("No bands specified")
-        self._ensure_collection()
+        if not self._collection:
+            raise ValueError("No collection loaded")
+        # Apply filters if provided
         if filters:
             self._collection = self._collection.filter_scenes(**filters)
-        return
-            self._get_xarray(
-                geometries=geometries, bands=bands, max_concurrent=max_concurrent
-            )
-        )
+        results = []
-    async def _get_xarray(
-        self,
-        geometries: List[Polygon],
-        bands: List[str],
-        max_concurrent: int,
-        for_xarray: bool = True,
+        # Prepare scene batches
+        scene_batches = []
+        current_batch = []
+        async for scene in self._collection.iterate_scenes(self.data_source):
+            # Sign URLs for the scene
+            scene = await self._sign_scene_urls(scene)
+            current_batch.append(scene)
+            if len(current_batch) == batch_size:
+                scene_batches.append(current_batch)
+                current_batch = []
+        # Add remaining scenes
+        if current_batch:
+            scene_batches.append(current_batch)
+        # Process scene batches in parallel
+        for batch in tqdm(scene_batches, desc="Processing scenes"):
+            # Create tasks for batch processing
+            tasks = [
+                scene.load_bands(
+                    geometries=geometries,
+                    band_codes=bands,
+                    max_concurrent=self.max_concurrent,
+                    cloud_provider=self._cloud_provider,
+                    cloud_config=self.cloud_config,
+                    for_xarray=for_xarray,
+                )
+                for scene in batch
+            ]
+            # Gather results from batch
+            batch_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
+            results.extend([r for r in batch_results if r is not None])
+        return results
+    def get_xarray(
+        self, geometries: Union[Polygon, List[Polygon]], bands: List[str], **filters
     ) -> xr.Dataset:
-        datasets = []
-        total_scenes = len(self._collection.dataset.to_table())
-"Processing {total_scenes} scenes for {len(bands)} bands")
-        async for scene in tqdm(
-            self._collection.iterate_scenes(self.data_source),
-            total=total_scenes,
-            desc="Loading scenes",
-        ):
-            scene_ds = await scene.load_bands(
-                geometries=geometries,
-                band_codes=bands,
-                max_concurrent=max_concurrent,
-                cloud_provider=self.provider,
-                cloud_config=self.cloud_config,
-                for_xarray=for_xarray,
-            )
-            if scene_ds is not None:
-                datasets.append(scene_ds)
-                logger.debug(
-                    f"Loaded scene {} ({len(datasets)}/{total_scenes})"
+        """Sync interface for xarray retrieval"""
+        if isinstance(geometries, Polygon):
+            geometries = [geometries]
+        def _sync_get():
+            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+            asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
+            try:
+                return loop.run_until_complete(
+                    self._async_get_xarray(geometries, bands, **filters)
+            finally:
+                loop.close()
+        return _sync_get()
-        if not datasets:
-            raise ValueError("No valid data found for query")
+    async def _async_get_xarray(
+        self, geometries: List[Polygon], bands: List[str], **filters
+    ) -> xr.Dataset:
+        """Internal async implementation"""
+        async with self:
+            scene_datasets = await self._get_scene_data(
+                geometries=geometries, bands=bands, for_xarray=True, **filters
+            )
+            if not scene_datasets:
+                raise ValueError("No valid data found")
+  "Merging {len(scene_datasets)} datasets")
+            merged = xr.merge(scene_datasets)
+            return merged.sortby("time")
-"Merging {len(datasets)} datasets")
-        merged = xr.merge(datasets)
-        merged = merged.sortby("time")
+    def get_gdf(
+        self, geometries: Union[Polygon, List[Polygon]], bands: List[str], **filters
+    ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
+        """Sync interface for GeoDataFrame retrieval"""
+        if isinstance(geometries, Polygon):
+            geometries = [geometries]
-"Data retrieved for {len(geometries)} geometries")
-"Dataset shape: {merged.sizes}")
+        def _sync_get():
+            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+            asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
+            try:
+                return loop.run_until_complete(
+                    self._async_get_gdf(geometries, bands, **filters)
+                )
+            finally:
+                loop.close()
-        return merged
+        return _sync_get()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return (
-            f"Rasteret(data_source={self.data_source}, custom_name={self.custom_name})"
-        )
+    async def _async_get_gdf(
+        self, geometries: List[Polygon], bands: List[str], **filters
+    ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
+        """Internal async implementation"""
+        async with self:
+            scene_dfs = await self._get_scene_data(
+                geometries=geometries, bands=bands, for_xarray=False, **filters
+            )
+            if not scene_dfs:
+                raise ValueError("No valid data found")
+            return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(scene_dfs, ignore_index=True))
diff --git a/src/rasteret/core/ b/src/rasteret/core/
index 1f22418..0d0b4a1 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/core/
+++ b/src/rasteret/core/
@@ -157,9 +157,19 @@ async def _load_single_band(
         max_concurrent: int = 50,
     ) -> Optional[Dict]:
         """Load single band data for geometry."""
-        cog_meta, url = self.get_band_cog_metadata(
-            band_code, provider=cloud_provider, cloud_config=cloud_config
-        )
+        # Get metadata and URL only once
+        if not hasattr(self, "_band_meta_cache"):
+            self._band_meta_cache = {}
+        cache_key = f"{band_code}"
+        if cache_key not in self._band_meta_cache:
+            cog_meta, url = self.get_band_cog_metadata(
+                band_code, provider=cloud_provider, cloud_config=cloud_config
+            )
+            self._band_meta_cache[cache_key] = (cog_meta, url)
+        else:
+            cog_meta, url = self._band_meta_cache[cache_key]
         if not cog_meta or not url:
             return None
diff --git a/src/rasteret/fetch/ b/src/rasteret/fetch/
index 5d31bb1..857a3f1 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/fetch/
+++ b/src/rasteret/fetch/
@@ -31,6 +31,147 @@ class COGTileRequest:
     metadata: CogMetadata  # Full metadata including transform
+class COGReader:
+    """Manages connection pooling and COG reading operations."""
+    def __init__(self, max_concurrent: int = 50):
+        self.max_concurrent = max_concurrent
+        self.limits = httpx.Limits(
+            max_keepalive_connections=max_concurrent,
+            max_connections=max_concurrent,
+            keepalive_expiry=60.0,  # Shorter keepalive for HTTP/2
+        )
+        self.timeout = httpx.Timeout(30.0, connect=10.0)
+        self.client = None
+        self.sem = None
+        self.batch_size = 12  # Reduced for better HTTP/2 multiplexing
+    async def __aenter__(self):
+        self.client = httpx.AsyncClient(
+            timeout=self.timeout,
+            limits=self.limits,
+            http2=True,
+            verify=True,
+            trust_env=True,
+        )
+        self.sem = asyncio.Semaphore(self.max_concurrent)
+        return self
+    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        if self.client:
+            await self.client.aclose()
+    def merge_ranges(
+        self, requests: List[COGTileRequest], gap_threshold: int = 1024
+    ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
+        """Merge nearby byte ranges to minimize HTTP requests"""
+        if not requests:
+            return []
+        ranges = [(r.offset, r.offset + r.size) for r in requests]
+        ranges.sort()
+        merged = [ranges[0]]
+        for curr in ranges[1:]:
+            prev = merged[-1]
+            if curr[0] <= prev[1] + gap_threshold:
+                merged[-1] = (prev[0], max(prev[1], curr[1]))
+            else:
+                merged.append(curr)
+        return merged
+    async def read_merged_tiles(
+        self, requests: List[COGTileRequest], debug: bool = False
+    ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]:
+        """Parallel tile reading with HTTP/2 multiplexing"""
+        if not requests:
+            return {}
+        # Group by URL for HTTP/2 connection reuse
+        url_groups = {}
+        for req in requests:
+            url_groups.setdefault(req.url, []).append(req)
+        results = {}
+        for url, group_requests in url_groups.items():
+            ranges = self.merge_ranges(group_requests)
+            # Process ranges in batches
+            for i in range(0, len(ranges), self.batch_size):
+                batch = ranges[i : i + self.batch_size]
+                batch_tasks = [
+                    self._read_and_process_range(
+                        url,
+                        start,
+                        end,
+                        [r for r in group_requests if start <= r.offset < end],
+                    )
+                    for start, end in batch
+                ]
+                batch_results = await asyncio.gather(*batch_tasks)
+                for result in batch_results:
+                    results.update(result)
+        return results
+    async def _read_and_process_range(
+        self, url: str, start: int, end: int, requests: List[COGTileRequest]
+    ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]:
+        """Read and process a byte range with retries"""
+        async with self.sem:
+            data = await self._read_range(url, start, end)
+            # Process tiles in parallel
+            tasks = []
+            for req in requests:
+                offset = req.offset - start
+                tile_data = data[offset : offset + req.size]
+                tasks.append(self._process_tile(tile_data, req.metadata))
+            tiles = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
+            return {(req.row, req.col): tile for req, tile in zip(requests, tiles)}
+    async def _read_range(self, url: str, start: int, end: int) -> bytes:
+        """HTTP/2 optimized range reading"""
+        headers = {"Range": f"bytes={start}-{end-1}"}
+        for attempt in range(3):
+            try:
+                async with self.sem:
+                    response = await self.client.get(url, headers=headers)
+                    response.raise_for_status()
+                    return response.content
+            except Exception:
+                if attempt == 2:
+                    raise
+                await asyncio.sleep(1 * (2**attempt))
+    async def _process_tile(self, data: bytes, metadata: CogMetadata) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Process tile data in thread pool"""
+        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
+        # Decompress in thread pool
+        decompressed = await loop.run_in_executor(None, imagecodecs.zlib_decode, data)
+        # Process in thread pool to avoid blocking
+        return await loop.run_in_executor(
+            None, self._process_tile_sync, decompressed, metadata
+        )
+    def _process_tile_sync(self, data: bytes, metadata: CogMetadata) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Synchronous tile processing"""
+        tile = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint16).reshape(
+            (metadata.tile_height, metadata.tile_width)
+        )
+        if metadata.predictor == 2:
+            tile = tile.astype(np.uint16)
+            np.cumsum(tile, axis=1, out=tile)
+        return tile.astype(np.float32)
 def compute_tile_indices(
     geometry: Polygon,
     transform: List[float],
@@ -202,46 +343,6 @@ def apply_mask_and_crop(
     return masked_data, cropped_transform
-async def read_tile(
-    request: COGTileRequest,
-    client: httpx.AsyncClient,
-    sem: asyncio.Semaphore,
-    retries: int = 3,
-    retry_delay: float = 1.0,
-) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
-    """Read a single tile using byte range request."""
-    for attempt in range(retries):
-        try:
-            async with sem:
-                headers = {
-                    "Range": f"bytes={request.offset}-{request.offset+request.size-1}"
-                }
-                response = await client.get(request.url, headers=headers)
-                if response.status_code != 206:
-                    raise ValueError(f"Range request failed: {response.status_code}")
-                # Simple, direct data flow like
-                decompressed = imagecodecs.zlib_decode(response.content)
-                data = np.frombuffer(decompressed, dtype=np.uint16)
-                data = data.reshape(
-                    (request.metadata.tile_height, request.metadata.tile_width)
-                )
-                # Predictor handling exactly like
-                if request.metadata.predictor == 2:
-                    data = data.astype(np.uint16)
-                    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
-                        data[i] = np.cumsum(data[i], dtype=np.uint16)
-                return data.astype(np.float32)
-        except Exception as e:
-            if attempt == retries - 1:
-                logger.error(f"Failed to read tile: {str(e)}")
-                return None
-            await asyncio.sleep(retry_delay * (2**attempt))
 async def read_cog_tile_data(
     url: str,
     metadata: CogMetadata,
@@ -249,32 +350,9 @@ async def read_cog_tile_data(
     max_concurrent: int = 50,
     debug: bool = False,
 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Affine]]:
-    """Read COG data, optionally masked by geometry.
-    Args:
-        url: URL of the COG file
-        metadata: COG metadata including transform
-        geometry: Optional polygon to mask/filter data
-        max_concurrent: Maximum concurrent requests
-        debug: Enable debug logging
-    Returns:
-        Tuple of:
-        - np.ndarray: The masked data array
-        - Affine: Transform matrix for the masked data
-          None if no transform available
-    """
+    """Read COG data, optionally masked by geometry."""
     if debug:
-            f"""
-        Input Parameters:
-        - CRS: {}
-        - Transform: {metadata.transform}
-        - Image Size: {metadata.width}x{metadata.height}
-        - Tile Size: {metadata.tile_width}x{metadata.tile_height}
-        - Geometry: {geometry.wkt if geometry else None}
-        """
-        )
+"Reading COG data from {url}")
     if metadata.transform is None:
         return np.array([]), None
@@ -303,31 +381,19 @@ async def read_cog_tile_data(
     if not intersecting_tiles:
         return np.array([]), None
-    # Set up HTTP client with connection pooling
-    limits = httpx.Limits(
-        max_keepalive_connections=max_concurrent, max_connections=max_concurrent
-    )
-    timeout = httpx.Timeout(30.0)
-    async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout, limits=limits, http2=True) as client:
-        sem = asyncio.Semaphore(max_concurrent)
-        # Read tiles
-        tiles = {}
-        tasks = []
-        tiles_x = (metadata.width + metadata.tile_width - 1) // metadata.tile_width
-        # Create tasks for all tiles
-        for row, col in intersecting_tiles:
-            tile_idx = row * tiles_x + col  # Linear tile index
+    # Create tile requests
+    requests = []
+    tiles_x = (metadata.width + metadata.tile_width - 1) // metadata.tile_width
-            if tile_idx >= len(metadata.tile_offsets):
-                if debug:
-                    logger.warning(f"Tile index {tile_idx} out of bounds")
-                continue
+    for row, col in intersecting_tiles:
+        tile_idx = row * tiles_x + col
+        if tile_idx >= len(metadata.tile_offsets):
+            if debug:
+                logger.warning(f"Tile index {tile_idx} out of bounds")
+            continue
-            # Create tile request
-            request = COGTileRequest(
+        requests.append(
+            COGTileRequest(
@@ -335,22 +401,16 @@ async def read_cog_tile_data(
+        )
-            tasks.append((row, col, read_tile(request, client, sem)))
+    # Use COGReader for efficient tile reading
+    async with COGReader(max_concurrent=max_concurrent) as reader:
+        tiles = await reader.read_merged_tiles(requests, debug=debug)
-        # Gather results
-        for row, col, task in tasks:
-            try:
-                tile_data = await task
-                if tile_data is not None:
-                    tiles[(row, col)] = tile_data
-            except Exception as e:
-                logger.error(f"Failed to read tile at ({row}, {col}): {str(e)}")
-        if not tiles:
-            return np.array([]), None
+    if not tiles:
+        return np.array([]), None
-    # Merge tiles
+    # Merge tiles and handle transforms
     merged_data, bounds = merge_tiles(
         tiles, (metadata.tile_width, metadata.tile_height), dtype=np.float32
@@ -380,7 +440,7 @@ async def read_cog_tile_data(
     # Apply geometry mask if provided
     if geometry is not None:
-        merged_data, cropped_transform = apply_mask_and_crop(
+        merged_data, merged_transform = apply_mask_and_crop(
             merged_data, geometry, merged_transform
@@ -394,4 +454,4 @@ async def read_cog_tile_data(
-    return merged_data, cropped_transform
+    return merged_data, merged_transform
diff --git a/src/rasteret/stac/ b/src/rasteret/stac/
index a98cc7a..98122c6 100644
--- a/src/rasteret/stac/
+++ b/src/rasteret/stac/
@@ -346,3 +346,9 @@ async def _process_batch(
         return enriched_items
+    async def __aenter__(self):
+        return self
+    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        pass

From e399c11d5e00bdf459df4c13ddd1f291243195d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: print-sid8 <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 02:11:24 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] minor typo

 examples/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index 231d44c..622e554 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def main():
     workspace_dir = Path.home() / "rasteret_workspace"
-    custom_name = "bangalore-v3"
+    custom_name = "bangalore"
     date_range = ("2024-03-01", "2024-03-31")
     data_source = DataSources.LANDSAT

From 16acb379f164f67b8c613f35cf639ae5509bef06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: print-sid8 <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 02:11:45 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] version bump

--- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1441c37..a129ccc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-    version="0.1.9",
+    version="0.1.10",
     author="Sidharth Subramaniam",
     description="Fast and efficient access to Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)",