Releases: teufelaudio/LottieExtensions
LottieExtensions v0.1.9
LottieExtensions v0.1.8
Added new environment key to be able to change the animation progress.
Link FoundationExtensions statically
Making FoundationExtensions the static default.
Renamed static / dynamic, make sure that packages without any suffix are static. This unifies a inconsistency in a lot of frameworks used in our products. Also, static linking is is an attempt to fix this issue while deploying to TestFlight / AppStore:
ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier "FoundationExtensions-5555494443d5626ab868338a93cce6b274e34595"
in your code signature for "FoundationExtensions" must match its Bundle Identifier "FoundationExtensions"
This fixes SwiftUI previews in Swift Packages as well.
FoundationExtensions is the default now, the dynamic product is FoundationExtensionsDynamic.
LottieExtensions v0.1.6
Specify platform explicitly, so that SPM doesn't fail when dependent packages use LottieExtensions.
Updated Packages for Xcode 13
Updated Packages for Xcode 13
More SPM product variants
- Add SPM Product AllStatic
No dependency on SwiftRex anymore
Updated UIExtensions to 0.2.0 and that no longer depends on SwiftRex, reducing the footprint of this library.
Update deps
Update Lottie and all dependencies
LottieExtension v0.1.1
Use better dependencies versioning