Maybe you are creating a field that looks like this:
label: My field
type: myfield
template: A template name
Inside the field
This will probably NOT work well, because template
is already used by the panel.
echo $field->template();
This will however work:
echo $field->__call('template', null);
When building a field based on another field it can sometimes be needed to get the previous generated output.
It's possible to "inherit" the content by using parent::content()
in this case.
class myfieldField extends TextareaField {
public function content() {
$inherit_content = parent::content();
return $inherit_content . ' more content';
Field controllers can be used to separate the route from the logic it contains.
Here is a field that I've shorten down just to show how to use field controllers. It only contains the route. The action
is important because instead of adding logic, we add a function name as a string.
This file is called boilertext.php
class BoilertextField extends BaseField {
public function routes() {
return array(
'pattern' => 'ajax/(:any)/(:any)',
'method' => 'get',
'action' => 'fromController'
This file needs to be called controller.php
and placed in the field folder. The name of this class also needs to match your field. In this case I match is with BoilertextField
and just add Controller
to it.
The $var1
and $var2
comes from the both (:any)
in the field route.
class BoilertextFieldController extends Kirby\Panel\Controllers\Field {
public function fromController($var1, $var2) {
return 'FROM CONTROLLER ' . $var1 . ' ' . $var2;
Working with field assets are covered well in the documentation but there are some secrets left out.
For panel fields, you normally add the assets in your class like this:
static public $assets = array(
'css' => array('style.css'),
'js' => array('script.js'),
The problem with it is that you can't change the name of the asset depending on a variable or condition.
Let's say we want to add a color config value with c::set('my.plugin.color', 'red');
First we need to define a $assets
variable in the class:
class MyField extends BaseField {
static public $assets;
Below the class we can add things to it:
MyField::$assets = array(
'css' => array('style.' . c::get('my.plugin.color') . '.css'),
'js' => array('script.js'),
A downside to this is that we can't add the assets inside the class with this solution.
Source + issue: getkirby-v2/panel#1058
Kirby has routes but the fields also have their own routes. Below is a stripped down field that shows how to work with routes in fields.
class BoilerField extends BaseField {
public function routes() {
return array(
'pattern' => 'ajax/(:any)/(:any)',
'method' => 'get',
'action' => function($var1, $var2) {
return response::json( array( $var1, $var2 ) );
When the route is setup in the field you can test it by visiting the url for it. Change the domain to your domain. Replace [PAGE_ID]
with for example projects/project-a
with for example text
with textarea
Personally I prefer to use the kirby()->routes()
function even for fields, because I find them more simple and reliable.
When making a field, it is sometimes needed to get the field object from another field. It's not super simple, but it's possible.
First in the field file
use Kirby\Panel\Models\Page\Blueprint;
Inside your field
In this case I use the default
blueprint. Then I print the label
in the text
$blueprint = new Blueprint('default');
$fields = $blueprint->fields(null);