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HBNut edited this page Feb 9, 2025 · 7 revisions

Startup options.

The Settings screen provides the following switches:

  1. Start the service when your device is booted.

  2. Start the service when this app is launched.

  3. Allow starting the service by an external Intent.

    When enabled, the below Intents can be used to start/stop the service. There is no additional security; any app can send these intents when the option is enabled.

    Make sure options (1) and (2) above are both switched OFF

     am start -a com.hardbacknutter.sshd.fg.START
     am start -a com.hardbacknutter.sshd.fg.STOP
  4. Foreground Service.

    The service will keep running even when this app is in the background. This is essential for using option (1) and very useful when using options (2) or (3).

Note it is the users (your) responsibility to set the desired combination of the above switches.

Authentication methods.

The Settings screen provides individual switches to enable/disable all 3 methods.

Public key authentication

This is the preferred (at least it is mine) method for giving access. Use the option menu to import a prepared "authorized_keys" file. You can also add/edit the "authorized_keys" file directly (be careful!). Its location is


The "/data/data" prefix might be different depending on device vendor, but the "files" directory is the default home directory if you login over ssh.

Single-use password

An alternative authentication method which will print a single-user 8 character password in the log on screen. The user name is irrelevant. You will obviously need access to the device screen to see the required password.

User and password

The password is stored as an SHA-512 (and base64) hash only. There is no "reverse-engineering" possible to retrieve the password you set. On the other hand, anyone who can login to the SSH shell, can simply remove the password so it should NOT be seen as super-secure. The main/only reason for it's existence is for users who don't want to set-up public key access ("authorized_keys")


Accessing a USB mounted disk

In theory android can only access "FAT32" and "ext4" partitions, but as I understand different vendors might enhance and/or add dedicated support for others. If your "exFat" formatted external device is not accessible from sshd4a but potentially is working from for example "My Files" or some other file-manager, reformat it (after copying your files elsewhere!) to either "FAT32" and "ext4" format and try again. Other than that, make sure to enable "full file access" as explained on the project page. Obviously your phone needs to support OTG but that should be a given on any modern device.