This python code allows you to generate results from NeurIPS 2020 submission: DisARM: An Antithetic Gradient Estimator for Binary Latent Variables.
Please find the required packages in requirements.txt
The python binary is in
. There are three datasets are supported: static_mnist
, dynamic_mnist
, fashion_mnist
, and omniglot
For ELBO, the following grad_type
s are supported: ARM, REINFORCE LOO, DisARM, RELAX and etc. For multi-sample objectives, VIMCO and local-DisARM are supported.
To launch experiments, call the binary with:
python -m disarm.experiment_launcher \
--dataset=dynamic_mnist \
--logdir=/tmp/disarm/dynamic_mnist \
--grad_type=local-disarm \
--encoder_type=nonlinear \
--num_steps=1000000 \
--num_pairs=10 \
--demean_input \