Thanks for giving this a read! We're always open to your contributions to cookiejs.js. This document will get you started on how to contribute and things you should know. So please give it a thorough read.
Please also give the code of conduct a read.
Find some issue you're interested in, or a feature that you'd like to tackle. Also make sure that no one else is already working on it. We don't want you to be disappointed.
Fork, then clone
Create a branch with a meaningful name for the issue:
git checkout -b add-something
Make your changes and commit:
git add
andgit commit
Push your branch:
git push -u origin your-branch-name
Submit a pull request to the upstream utilitiesjs repository.
Choose a descriptive title and describe your changes briefly.
Wait for a maintainer to review your PR, make changes if it's being recommended, and get it merged.