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File metadata and controls

109 lines (63 loc) · 4.27 KB


Scrolloflex is a flexible, self-contained, single-purpose "Rolodex" webapp for contact management.

scrolloflex screenshot


  • Simple web app interface accessible from any browser
  • Fast editing, sorting, and incremental searching. Open any contact with a click. Save changes with one key press.
  • Give phone numbers and email addresses arbitrary tags
  • Nicknames for each contact. No more "John Smith" and "Smith, John" as different entries in your address book.
  • The web app is self-contained in a single JAR file
  • Contact data is stored locally in a flat file in the edn format
  • Simple API for adding and searching contacts from the command line or clients like Mutt
  • Optional IP-based whitelisting



git clone
cd scrolloflex

Build the documentation (will be stored in docs/uberdoc.html):

lein marg

Build the JAR file (will be written to target/scrolloflex-*-standalone.jar):

lein ring uberjar


If you have downloaded or built the JAR, run like any other JAR:

java -jar scrolloflex-*-standalone.jar

Alternatively, build and run from source with:

lein ring server-headless

The web interface will start on http://localhost:3000.


By default, the server will listen on port 3000. Change the port by setting the PORT environment variable:

PORT=9001 java -jar target/scrolloflex-*-standalone.jar
# or
PORT=9001 lein ring server-headless

On launch, scrolloflex will look for the database file scrolloflex.edn, creating it if necessary. To specify a different database file, use the DBFILE environment variable or set the dbfile option:

java -Ddbfile="/home/user/data/contacts.edn" -jar scrolloflex-*-standalone.jar
# or
DBFILE="/home/user/data/contacts.edn" lein ring server-headless

Scrolloflex will serve requests from any IP by default, but restrict the app to serve requests from a whitelist of specific IPs by setting the WHITELIST environment variable to a comma-separated list of IPs. Don't forget localhost IPs, if needed.

java -Dwhitelist=",0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1," -jar scrolloflex-*-standalone.jar
# or
WHITELIST=",0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1," lein ring server-headless

Access from Mutt and the Command Line

To query email addresses from within Mutt, add the following to your muttrc:

set query_command = "curl -s --data-urlencode 'q=%s' http://localhost:3000/mutt-query"

Contacts and email addresses can be added by POSTing to /add-email with name and address parameters, e.g.:

curl --data-urlencode "name=John Smith" --data-urlencode "" http://localhost:3000/add-email

If scrolloflex has a contact with that name, but not that email address, the email will be added to that contact. If the email address exists, but associated to a contact with a different name, the name will be added as a nickname to the existing contact (avoiding duplicate contacts of the form "John Smith" and "Smith, John", for example). If both the contact name and email address are new, a new contact will be created.

To extract the sender address from an email in Mutt and send it scrolloflex, create a script like


FROM_LINE=$(grep "^From:.*$" < /dev/stdin)
NAME=$(echo "$FROM_LINE" | egrep -o "^[^<]+" | cut -c 6- | sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g')
ADDRESS=$(echo "$FROM_LINE" | egrep -o "[^<]+@[^>]+")

echo "adding to contacts: '$NAME' $ADDRESS"
curl --data-urlencode "name=$NAME" --data-urlencode "address=$ADDRESS" http://localhost:3000/add-email

Then I add to my muttrc:

macro index,pager A "<pipe-message><return>" "add the sender address to contacts"

Customize as necessary for your setting.


Annotated source code: