Stacking Sats on Kraken: Auto DCA example application.
You'll need..
- a Kraken account
- a balance with
amount > 0
in a fiat currency - an api key allowed creating orders and withdrawing funds
Adapt the values in application.yml
to your needs.
Especially the exchange and autodca properties!
fiat-currency: 'USD' # the governmental shitcoin you are selling e.g. 'USD', 'EUR', etc.
fiat-amount: '21.00' # fiat amount you trade for the future of money
max-relative-fee: 0.5 # maximum fee in % that you are willing to pay e.g. 0.5 (in percent)
withdraw-address: 'bc1yourwithdrawaladdress' # your withdrawal address
enabled: true
exchange-class: org.knowm.xchange.kraken.KrakenExchange
api-key: 'your-api-key' # change this value to your api key
secret-key: 'your-secret-key' # change this value to your secret key
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--help'
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry stack'
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry withdraw'
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry balance'
2009-01-03 15:38:25.761 DEBUG 34924 --- [ restartedMain] o.t.b.a.e.c.KrakenBalanceCommandRunner : Fetch balance on exchange Kraken#250590866
💰 ZUSD: 42.1337
💰 XXBT: 0.00312009
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry history'
💸 STUVWY-YZ123-456789: closed buy 0.00001314 (100.0%) @ limit 133700.2 XBTUSD
💸 ABCDEF-GHIJK-LMOPQR: closed buy 0.00004245 (100.0%) @ limit 42000.1 XBTUSD
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry rebalance'
2009-01-03 15:45:33.405 DEBUG 35450 --- [ restartedMain] o.t.b.a.e.c.KrakenRebalanceCommandRunner : Calculate rebalance on exchange Kraken#1392861449
📎 1 BTC = 13504.00148 USD
💰 Balance BTC (49.00%): BTC 0.00305768 (41.29 USD)
💰 Balance FIAT (51.00%): USD 42.9700 (0.00318202 BTC)
📎 Target Balance BTC (50.0%): 0.00312009 BTC
📈 You should use USD 1.00 to get BTC 0.00006241
./gradlew -p examples/bitcoin-autodca-example-application bootRun --args='--dry ticker'
2009-01-03 16:18:54.959 DEBUG 75022 --- [ restartedMain] o.t.b.a.e.command.TickerCommandRunner : Fetch ticker on exchange Kraken#951362619
Name Value Instrument Spread
📈 Ask: 42.70 BTC/USD
📉 Bid: 42.60 BTC/USD 0.00468%
- High: 44.40 BTC/USD -1.97653%
- Low: 41.00 BTC/USD 0.87304%
- Open: 41.10 BTC/USD -1.45138%
- Last: 42.60 BTC/USD 0.00468%