All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PROJECT SET UP, created new files:
- readme
- .gitignore
- server/server.js
- created basic server.js file, without passport or routes.
- added a mongo connection index.js file that returns a promise
- added server tests
- need to create a testing database && easy way to drop & restart
- added separate testing database, connection files etc.
- set up Travis CI testing
- set up views, bootstrapped some login / registration pages
- added client-side js for form handling etc
- messed up, experimental version
- working Beta version of the JWT authenticated paths without passport!
- added a demo gif
- added bcrypt for hashing passwords and saving them in mongo db
- Saving the token in a cookie now, so token gets sent to server on every request.
- refactored client-side js, much simpler and one file
- refactored auth middleware, so user info gets saved in
after getting verified
- need to clear cache after user logs out
- fixed clear cache bug
- form validation on client side