diff --git a/JoinLogger/Config.cs b/JoinLogger/Config.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2b51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/Config.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Exiled.API.Interfaces;
+namespace JoinLogger
+ public class Config : IConfig
+ {
+ public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } = true;
+ public bool Debug { get; set; } = false;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/EventHandlers.cs b/JoinLogger/EventHandlers.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed21bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/EventHandlers.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using Exiled.Events.EventArgs;
+using Exiled.API.Features;
+using Exiled.Events.EventArgs.Player;
+namespace JoinLogger
+ public class EventHandlers
+ {
+ public void OnPlayerJoined(JoinedEventArgs ev)
+ {
+ string steam64Id = ev.Player.UserId.Replace("@steam", "");
+ Log.Info($"{ev.Player.Nickname} ({steam64Id}) has joined the server.");
+ }
+ public void OnPlayerLeft(LeftEventArgs ev)
+ {
+ string steam64Id = ev.Player.UserId.Replace("@steam", "");
+ Log.Info($"{ev.Player.Nickname} ({steam64Id}) has left the server.");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/JoinLogger.csproj b/JoinLogger/JoinLogger.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65fbfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/JoinLogger.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ {674347EC-C663-4E0B-B092-725C4253D8F1}
+ Library
+ Properties
+ JoinLogger
+ JoinLogger
+ v4.8
+ 512
+ true
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ true
+ bin\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ ..\packages\Lib.Harmony.2.3.3\lib\net48\0Harmony.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Assembly-CSharp-Publicized.dll
+ True
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\CommandSystem.Core.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.API.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.CreditTags.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.CustomModules.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.Events.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.Loader.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\Exiled.Permissions.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\NorthwoodLib.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\PluginAPI.dll
+ ..\packages\EXILED.9.0.0-alpha.19\lib\net48\YamlDotNet.dll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/Plugin.cs b/JoinLogger/Plugin.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dab372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/Plugin.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+using Exiled.API.Features;
+using System;
+namespace JoinLogger
+ public class Plugin : Plugin
+ {
+ public override string Name => "JoinLogger";
+ public override string Author => "thecroshel";
+ public override Version RequiredExiledVersion => new Version(8, 4, 3); // This requires the System namespace
+ public override string Prefix => "JoinLogger";
+ public EventHandlers EventHandlers;
+ public override void OnEnabled()
+ {
+ base.OnEnabled();
+ EventHandlers = new EventHandlers();
+ Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player.Joined += EventHandlers.OnPlayerJoined;
+ Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player.Left += EventHandlers.OnPlayerLeft;
+ }
+ public override void OnDisabled()
+ {
+ base.OnDisabled();
+ Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player.Joined -= EventHandlers.OnPlayerJoined;
+ Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player.Left -= EventHandlers.OnPlayerLeft;
+ EventHandlers = null;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/JoinLogger/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e3228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// Bir bütünleştirilmiş koda ilişkin Genel Bilgiler aşağıdaki öznitelikler kümesiyle
+// denetlenir. Bütünleştirilmiş kod ile ilişkili bilgileri değiştirmek için
+// bu öznitelik değerlerini değiştirin.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("JoinLogger")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("JoinLogger")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2024")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// ComVisible özniteliğinin false olarak ayarlanması bu bütünleştirilmiş koddaki türleri
+// COM bileşenleri için görünmez yapar. Bu bütünleştirilmiş koddaki bir türe
+// erişmeniz gerekirse ComVisible özniteliğini o türde true olarak ayarlayın.
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+// Bu proje COM'un kullanımına sunulursa, aşağıdaki GUID tür kitaplığının kimliği içindir
+[assembly: Guid("674347ec-c663-4e0b-b092-725c4253d8f1")]
+// Bir derlemenin sürüm bilgileri aşağıdaki dört değerden oluşur:
+// Ana Sürüm
+// İkincil Sürüm
+// Yapı Numarası
+// Düzeltme
+// Tüm değerleri belirtebilir veya varsayılan Derleme ve Düzeltme Numaralarını kullanmak için
+// aşağıda gösterildiği gibi '*' kullanabilirsiniz:
+// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/JoinLogger/app.config b/JoinLogger/app.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d5861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/app.config
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1797d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.pdb b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6644ab4
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.pdb differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9be66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/0Harmony.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3757 @@
+ 0Harmony
+ A factory to create delegate types
+ Default constructor
+ Creates a delegate type for a method
+ The method
+ The new delegate type
+ A getter delegate type
+ Type that getter gets field/property value from
+ Type of the value that getter gets
+ The instance get getter uses
+ An delegate
+ A setter delegate type
+ Type that setter sets field/property value for
+ Type of the value that setter sets
+ The instance the setter uses
+ The value the setter uses
+ An delegate
+ A constructor delegate type
+ Type that constructor creates
+ An delegate
+ A helper class for fast access to getters and setters
+ Creates an instantiation delegate
+ Type that constructor creates
+ The new instantiation delegate
+ Creates an getter delegate for a property
+ Type that getter reads property from
+ Type of the property that gets accessed
+ The property
+ The new getter delegate
+ Creates an getter delegate for a field
+ Type that getter reads field from
+ Type of the field that gets accessed
+ The field
+ The new getter delegate
+ Creates an getter delegate for a field (with a list of possible field names)
+ Type that getter reads field/property from
+ Type of the field/property that gets accessed
+ A list of possible field names
+ The new getter delegate
+ Creates an setter delegate
+ Type that setter assigns property value to
+ Type of the property that gets assigned
+ The property
+ The new setter delegate
+ Creates an setter delegate for a field
+ Type that setter assigns field value to
+ Type of the field that gets assigned
+ The field
+ The new getter delegate
+ A delegate to invoke a method
+ The instance
+ The method parameters
+ The method result
+ A helper class to invoke method with delegates
+ Creates a fast invocation handler from a method
+ The method to invoke
+ Controls if boxed value object is accessed/updated directly
+ The
+ The directBoxValueAccess option controls how value types passed by reference (e.g. ref int, out my_struct) are handled in the arguments array
+ passed to the fast invocation handler.
+ Since the arguments array is an object array, any value types contained within it are actually references to a boxed value object.
+ Like any other object, there can be other references to such boxed value objects, other than the reference within the arguments array.
+ For example,
+ var val = 5;
+ var box = (object)val;
+ var arr = new object[] { box };
+ handler(arr); // for a method with parameter signature: ref/out/in int
+ If directBoxValueAccess is true, the boxed value object is accessed (and potentially updated) directly when the handler is called,
+ such that all references to the boxed object reflect the potentially updated value.
+ In the above example, if the method associated with the handler updates the passed (boxed) value to 10, both box and arr[0]
+ now reflect the value 10. Note that the original val is not updated, since boxing always copies the value into the new boxed value object.
+ If directBoxValueAccess is false (default), the boxed value object in the arguments array is replaced with a "reboxed" value object,
+ such that potential updates to the value are reflected only in the arguments array.
+ In the above example, if the method associated with the handler updates the passed (boxed) value to 10, only arr[0] now reflects the value 10.
+ Delegate type for "ref return" injections
+ Return type of the original method, without ref modifier
+ special parameter names that can be used in prefix and postfix methods
+ Patch function helpers
+ Sorts patch methods by their priority rules
+ The original method
+ Patches to sort
+ Use debug mode
+ The sorted patch methods
+ Creates new replacement method with the latest patches and detours the original method
+ The original method
+ Information describing the patches
+ The newly created replacement method
+ Creates a patch sorter
+ Array of patches that will be sorted
+ Use debugging
+ Sorts internal PatchSortingWrapper collection and caches the results.
+ After first run the result is provided from the cache.
+ The original method
+ The sorted patch methods
+ Checks if the sorter was created with the same patch list and as a result can be reused to
+ get the sorted order of the patches.
+ List of patches to check against
+ true if equal
+ Removes one unresolved dependency from the least important patch.
+ Outputs all unblocked patches from the waiting list to results list
+ Adds patch to both results list and handled patches set
+ Patch to add
+ Wrapper used over the Patch object to allow faster dependency access and
+ dependency removal in case of cyclic dependencies
+ Create patch wrapper object used for sorting
+ Patch to wrap
+ Determines how patches sort
+ The other patch
+ integer to define sort order (-1, 0, 1)
+ Determines whether patches are equal
+ The other patch
+ true if equal
+ Hash function
+ A hash code
+ Bidirectionally registers Patches as after dependencies
+ List of dependencies to register
+ Bidirectionally registers Patches as before dependencies
+ List of dependencies to register
+ Bidirectionally removes Patch from after dependencies
+ Patch to remove
+ Bidirectionally removes Patch from before dependencies
+ Patch to remove
+ Specifies the type of method
+ This is a normal method
+ This is a getter
+ This is a setter
+ This is a constructor
+ This is a static constructor
+ This targets the MoveNext method of the enumerator result, that actually contains the method's implementation
+ This targets the MoveNext method of the async state machine, that actually contains the method's implementation
+ Specifies the type of argument
+ This is a normal argument
+ This is a reference argument (ref)
+ This is an out argument (out)
+ This is a pointer argument (&)
+ Specifies the type of patch
+ Any patch
+ A prefix patch
+ A postfix patch
+ A transpiler
+ A finalizer
+ A reverse patch
+ Specifies the type of reverse patch
+ Use the unmodified original method (directly from IL)
+ Use the original as it is right now including previous patches but excluding future ones
+ Specifies the type of method call dispatching mechanics
+ Call the method using dynamic dispatching if method is virtual (including overriden)
+ This is the built-in form of late binding (a.k.a. dynamic binding) and is the default dispatching mechanic in C#.
+ This directly corresponds with the instruction.
+ For virtual (including overriden) methods, the instance type's most-derived/overriden implementation of the method is called.
+ For non-virtual (including static) methods, same behavior as : the exact specified method implementation is called.
+ Note: This is not a fully dynamic dispatch, since non-virtual (including static) methods are still called non-virtually.
+ A fully dynamic dispatch in C# involves using
+ the dynamic type
+ (actually a fully dynamic binding, since even the name and overload resolution happens at runtime), which does not support.
+ Call the method using static dispatching, regardless of whether method is virtual (including overriden) or non-virtual (including static)
+ a.k.a. non-virtual dispatching, early binding, or static binding.
+ This directly corresponds with the instruction.
+ For both virtual (including overriden) and non-virtual (including static) methods, the exact specified method implementation is called, without virtual/override mechanics.
+ The base class for all Harmony annotations (not meant to be used directly)
+ The common information for all attributes
+ Annotation to define a category for use with PatchCategory
+ Annotation specifying the category
+ Name of patch category
+ Annotation to define your Harmony patch methods
+ An empty annotation can be used together with TargetMethod(s)
+ An annotation that specifies a class to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The argument types of the method or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ Array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ Array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The full name of the declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ Annotation to define the original method for delegate injection
+ An annotation that specifies a class to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The argument types of the method or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ Array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ Array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The declaring class/type
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The name of the method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies call dispatching mechanics for the delegate
+ The
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ The
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An annotation that specifies a method, property or constructor to patch
+ An array of argument types to target overloads
+ An array of
+ Annotation to define your standin methods for reverse patching
+ An annotation that specifies the type of reverse patching
+ The of the reverse patch
+ A Harmony annotation to define that all methods in a class are to be patched
+ A Harmony annotation
+ A Harmony annotation to define patch priority
+ The priority
+ A Harmony annotation
+ A Harmony annotation to define that a patch comes before another patch
+ The array of harmony IDs of the other patches
+ A Harmony annotation
+ A Harmony annotation to define that a patch comes after another patch
+ The array of harmony IDs of the other patches
+ A Harmony annotation
+ A Harmony annotation to debug a patch (output uses to log to your Desktop)
+ Specifies the Prepare function in a patch class
+ Specifies the Cleanup function in a patch class
+ Specifies the TargetMethod function in a patch class
+ Specifies the TargetMethods function in a patch class
+ Specifies the Prefix function in a patch class
+ Specifies the Postfix function in a patch class
+ Specifies the Transpiler function in a patch class
+ Specifies the Finalizer function in a patch class
+ A Harmony annotation
+ The name of the original argument
+ The index of the original argument
+ The new name of the original argument
+ An annotation to declare injected arguments by name
+ An annotation to declare injected arguments by index
+ Zero-based index
+ An annotation to declare injected arguments by renaming them
+ Name of the original argument
+ New name
+ An annotation to declare injected arguments by index and renaming them
+ Zero-based index
+ New name
+ An abstract wrapper around OpCode and their operands. Used by transpilers
+ The opcode
+ The operand
+ All labels defined on this instruction
+ All exception block boundaries defined on this instruction
+ Creates a new CodeInstruction with a given opcode and optional operand
+ The opcode
+ The operand
+ Create a full copy (including labels and exception blocks) of a CodeInstruction
+ The to copy
+ Clones a CodeInstruction and resets its labels and exception blocks
+ A lightweight copy of this code instruction
+ Clones a CodeInstruction, resets labels and exception blocks and sets its opcode
+ The opcode
+ A copy of this CodeInstruction with a new opcode
+ Clones a CodeInstruction, resets labels and exception blocks and sets its operand
+ The operand
+ A copy of this CodeInstruction with a new operand
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The class/type where the method is declared
+ The name of the method (case sensitive)
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A code instruction that calls the method matching the arguments
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The target method in the form TypeFullName:MethodName, where the type name matches a form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A code instruction that calls the method matching the arguments
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ Creates a CodeInstruction calling a method (CALL)
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ Returns an instruction to call the specified closure
+ The delegate type to emit
+ The closure that defines the method to call
+ A that calls the closure as a method
+ Creates a CodeInstruction loading a field (LD[S]FLD[A])
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field (case sensitive)
+ Use address of field
+ Creates a CodeInstruction storing to a field (ST[S]FLD)
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field (case sensitive)
+ Creates a CodeInstruction loading a local with the given index, using the shorter forms when possible
+ The index where the local is stored
+ Use address of local
+ Creates a CodeInstruction storing to a local with the given index, using the shorter forms when possible
+ The index where the local is stored
+ Creates a CodeInstruction loading an argument with the given index, using the shorter forms when possible
+ The index of the argument
+ Use address of argument
+ Creates a CodeInstruction storing to an argument with the given index, using the shorter forms when possible
+ The index of the argument
+ Returns a string representation of the code instruction
+ A string representation of the code instruction
+ Exception block types
+ The beginning of an exception block
+ The beginning of a catch block
+ The beginning of an except filter block (currently not supported to use in a patch)
+ The beginning of a fault block
+ The beginning of a finally block
+ The end of an exception block
+ An exception block
+ Creates an exception block
+ The
+ The catch type
+ An exception block
+ Creates an exception block
+ The
+ The catch type
+ Block type
+ Catch type
+ The Harmony instance is the main entry to Harmony. After creating one with an unique identifier, it is used to patch and query the current application domain
+ The unique identifier
+ Set to true before instantiating Harmony to debug Harmony or use an environment variable to set HARMONY_DEBUG to '1' like this: cmd /C "set HARMONY_DEBUG=1 && game.exe"
+ This is for full debugging. To debug only specific patches, use the attribute
+ Creates a new Harmony instance
+ A unique identifier (you choose your own)
+ A Harmony instance
+ Searches the current assembly for Harmony annotations and uses them to create patches
+ This method can fail to use the correct assembly when being inlined. It calls StackTrace.GetFrame(1) which can point to the wrong method/assembly. If you are unsure or run into problems, use PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
+ Creates a empty patch processor for an original method
+ The original method/constructor
+ A new instance
+ Creates a patch class processor from an annotated class
+ The class/type
+ A new instance
+ Creates a reverse patcher for one of your stub methods
+ The original method/constructor
+ The stand-in stub method as
+ A new instance
+ Searches an assembly for Harmony annotations and uses them to create patches
+ The assembly
+ Searches an assembly for Harmony-annotated classes without category annotations and uses them to create patches
+ Searches an assembly for Harmony-annotated classes without category annotations and uses them to create patches
+ The assembly
+ Searches the current assembly for Harmony annotations with a specific category and uses them to create patches
+ Name of patch category
+ Searches an assembly for Harmony annotations with a specific category and uses them to create patches
+ The assembly
+ Name of patch category
+ Creates patches by manually specifying the methods
+ The original method/constructor
+ An optional prefix method wrapped in a object
+ An optional postfix method wrapped in a object
+ An optional transpiler method wrapped in a object
+ An optional finalizer method wrapped in a object
+ The replacement method that was created to patch the original method
+ Patches a foreign method onto a stub method of yours and optionally applies transpilers during the process
+ The original method/constructor you want to duplicate
+ Your stub method as that will become the original. Needs to have the correct signature (either original or whatever your transpilers generates)
+ An optional transpiler as method that will be applied during the process
+ The replacement method that was created to patch the stub method
+ Unpatches methods by patching them with zero patches. Fully unpatching is not supported. Be careful, unpatching is global
+ The optional Harmony ID to restrict unpatching to a specific Harmony instance
+ This method could be static if it wasn't for the fact that unpatching creates a new replacement method that contains your harmony ID
+ Unpatches a method by patching it with zero patches. Fully unpatching is not supported. Be careful, unpatching is global
+ The original method/constructor
+ The
+ The optional Harmony ID to restrict unpatching to a specific Harmony instance
+ Unpatches a method by patching it with zero patches. Fully unpatching is not supported. Be careful, unpatching is global
+ The original method/constructor
+ The patch method as method to remove
+ Searches the current assembly for types with a specific category annotation and uses them to unpatch existing patches. Fully unpatching is not supported. Be careful, unpatching is global
+ Name of patch category
+ Searches an assembly for types with a specific category annotation and uses them to unpatch existing patches. Fully unpatching is not supported. Be careful, unpatching is global
+ The assembly
+ Name of patch category
+ Test for patches from a specific Harmony ID
+ The Harmony ID
+ True if patches for this ID exist
+ Gets patch information for a given original method
+ The original method/constructor
+ The patch information as
+ Gets the methods this instance has patched
+ An enumeration of original methods/constructors
+ Gets all patched original methods in the appdomain
+ An enumeration of patched original methods/constructors
+ Gets the original method from a given replacement method
+ A replacement method (patched original method)
+ The original method/constructor or null if not found
+ Tries to get the method from a stackframe including dynamic replacement methods
+ The
+ For normal frames, frame.GetMethod() is returned. For frames containing patched methods, the replacement method is returned or null if no method can be found
+ Gets the original method from the stackframe and uses original if method is a dynamic replacement
+ The
+ The original method from that stackframe
+ Gets Harmony version for all active Harmony instances
+ [out] The current Harmony version
+ A dictionary containing assembly versions keyed by Harmony IDs
+ Under Mono, HarmonyException wraps IL compile errors with detailed information about the failure
+ Default serialization constructor (not implemented)
+ The info
+ The context
+ Get a list of IL instructions in pairs of offset+code
+ A list of key/value pairs which represent an offset and the code at that offset
+ Get a list of IL instructions without offsets
+ A list of
+ Get the error offset of the errornous IL instruction
+ The offset
+ Get the index of the errornous IL instruction
+ The index into the list of instructions or -1 if not found
+ A wrapper around a method to use it as a patch (for example a Prefix)
+ The original method
+ Patch Category
+ Class/type declaring this patch
+ Patch method name
+ Optional patch
+ Array of argument types of the patch method
+ of the patch
+ Install this patch before patches with these Harmony IDs
+ Install this patch after patches with these Harmony IDs
+ Reverse patch type, see
+ Create debug output for this patch
+ Whether to use (true) or (false) mechanics
+ for -attributed delegate
+ Default constructor
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ The patch
+ A list of harmony IDs that should come after this patch
+ A list of harmony IDs that should come before this patch
+ Set to true to generate debug output
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ The patch
+ A list of harmony IDs that should come after this patch
+ A list of harmony IDs that should come before this patch
+ Set to true to generate debug output
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The patch class/type
+ The patch method name
+ The optional argument types of the patch method (for overloaded methods)
+ Gets the names of all internal patch info fields
+ A list of field names
+ Merges annotations
+ The list of to merge
+ The merged
+ Returns a string that represents the annotation
+ A string representation
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ Creates a patch from a given method
+ The original method
+ Annotation extensions
+ Copies annotation information
+ The source
+ The destination
+ Clones an annotation
+ The to clone
+ A copied
+ Merges annotations
+ The master
+ The detail
+ A new, merged
+ Gets all annotations on a class/type
+ The class/type
+ A list of all
+ Gets merged annotations on a class/type
+ The class/type
+ The merged
+ Gets all annotations on a method
+ The method/constructor
+ A list of
+ Gets merged annotations on a method
+ The method/constructor
+ The merged
+ A mutable representation of an inline signature, similar to Mono.Cecil's CallSite.
+ Used by the calli instruction, can be used by transpilers
+ See
+ See
+ See
+ The list of all parameter types or function pointer signatures received by the call site
+ The return type or function pointer signature returned by the call site
+ Returns a string representation of the inline signature
+ A string representation of the inline signature
+ A mutable representation of a parameter type with an attached type modifier,
+ similar to Mono.Cecil's OptionalModifierType / RequiredModifierType and C#'s modopt / modreq
+ Whether this is a modopt (optional modifier type) or a modreq (required modifier type)
+ The modifier type attached to the parameter type
+ The modified parameter type
+ Returns a string representation of the modifier type
+ A string representation of the modifier type
+ Patch serialization
+ Control the binding of a serialized object to a type
+ Specifies the assembly name of the serialized object
+ Specifies the type name of the serialized object
+ The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of
+ Serializes a patch info
+ The
+ The serialized data
+ Deserialize a patch info
+ The serialized data
+ A
+ Compare function to sort patch priorities
+ The patch
+ Zero-based index
+ The priority
+ A standard sort integer (-1, 0, 1)
+ Serializable patch information
+ Prefixes as an array of
+ Postfixes as an array of
+ Transpilers as an array of
+ Finalizers as an array of
+ Returns if any of the patches wants debugging turned on
+ Adds prefixes
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ The patch methods
+ Adds a prefix
+ Removes prefixes
+ The owner of the prefixes, or * for all
+ Adds postfixes
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ The patch methods
+ Adds a postfix
+ Removes postfixes
+ The owner of the postfixes, or * for all
+ Adds transpilers
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ The patch methods
+ Adds a transpiler
+ Removes transpilers
+ The owner of the transpilers, or * for all
+ Adds finalizers
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ The patch methods
+ Adds a finalizer
+ Removes finalizers
+ The owner of the finalizers, or * for all
+ Removes a patch using its method
+ The method of the patch to remove
+ Gets a concatenated list of patches
+ The Harmony instance ID adding the new patches
+ The patches to add
+ The current patches
+ Gets a list of patches with any from the given owner removed
+ The owner of the methods, or * for all
+ The current patches
+ A serializable patch
+ Zero-based index
+ The owner (Harmony ID)
+ The priority, see
+ Keep this patch before the patches indicated in the list of Harmony IDs
+ Keep this patch after the patches indicated in the list of Harmony IDs
+ A flag that will log the replacement method via every time this patch is used to build the replacement, even in the future
+ The method of the static patch method
+ Creates a patch
+ The method of the patch
+ Zero-based index
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ The priority, see
+ A list of Harmony IDs for patches that should run after this patch
+ A list of Harmony IDs for patches that should run before this patch
+ A flag that will log the replacement method via every time this patch is used to build the replacement, even in the future
+ Creates a patch
+ The method of the patch
+ Zero-based index
+ An owner (Harmony ID)
+ Get the patch method or a DynamicMethod if original patch method is a patch factory
+ The original method/constructor
+ The method of the patch
+ Determines whether patches are equal
+ The other patch
+ true if equal
+ Determines how patches sort
+ The other patch
+ integer to define sort order (-1, 0, 1)
+ Hash function
+ A hash code
+ A PatchClassProcessor used to turn on a class/type into patches
+ Name of the patch class's category
+ Creates a patch class processor by pointing out a class. Similar to PatchAll() but without searching through all classes.
+ The Harmony instance
+ The class to process (need to have at least a [HarmonyPatch] attribute)
+ Applies the patches
+ A list of all created replacement methods or null if patch class is not annotated
+ REmoves the patches
+ A group of patches
+ A collection of prefix
+ A collection of postfix
+ A collection of transpiler
+ A collection of finalizer
+ Gets all owners (Harmony IDs) or all known patches
+ The patch owners
+ Creates a group of patches
+ An array of prefixes as
+ An array of postfixes as
+ An array of transpileres as
+ An array of finalizeres as
+ A PatchProcessor handles patches on a method/constructor
+ Creates an empty patch processor
+ The Harmony instance
+ The original method/constructor
+ A PatchProcessor handles patches on a method/constructor
+ Creates an empty patch processor
+ The Harmony instance
+ The original method/constructor
+ Adds a prefix
+ The prefix as a
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a prefix
+ The prefix method
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a postfix
+ The postfix as a
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a postfix
+ The postfix method
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a transpiler
+ The transpiler as a
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a transpiler
+ The transpiler method
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a finalizer
+ The finalizer as a
+ A for chaining calls
+ Adds a finalizer
+ The finalizer method
+ A for chaining calls
+ Gets all patched original methods in the appdomain
+ An enumeration of patched method/constructor
+ Applies all registered patches
+ The generated replacement method
+ Unpatches patches of a given type and/or Harmony ID
+ The patch type
+ Harmony ID or * for any
+ A for chaining calls
+ Unpatches a specific patch
+ The method of the patch
+ A for chaining calls
+ Gets patch information on an original
+ The original method/constructor
+ The patch information as
+ Sort patch methods by their priority rules
+ The original method
+ Patches to sort
+ The sorted patch methods
+ Gets Harmony version for all active Harmony instances
+ [out] The current Harmony version
+ A dictionary containing assembly version keyed by Harmony ID
+ Creates a new empty generator to use when reading method bodies
+ A new
+ Creates a new generator matching the method/constructor to use when reading method bodies
+ The original method/constructor to copy method information from
+ A new
+ Returns the methods unmodified list of code instructions
+ The original method/constructor
+ Optionally an existing generator that will be used to create all local variables and labels contained in the result (if not specified, an internal generator is used)
+ A list containing all the original
+ Returns the methods unmodified list of code instructions
+ The original method/constructor
+ A new generator that now contains all local variables and labels contained in the result
+ A list containing all the original
+ Returns the methods current list of code instructions after all existing transpilers have been applied
+ The original method/constructor
+ Apply only the first count of transpilers
+ Optionally an existing generator that will be used to create all local variables and labels contained in the result (if not specified, an internal generator is used)
+ A list of
+ Returns the methods current list of code instructions after all existing transpilers have been applied
+ The original method/constructor
+ A new generator that now contains all local variables and labels contained in the result
+ Apply only the first count of transpilers
+ A list of
+ A low level way to read the body of a method. Used for quick searching in methods
+ The original method
+ All instructions as opcode/operand pairs
+ A low level way to read the body of a method. Used for quick searching in methods
+ The original method
+ An existing generator that will be used to create all local variables and labels contained in the result
+ All instructions as opcode/operand pairs
+ A patch priority
+ Patch last
+ Patch with very low priority
+ Patch with low priority
+ Patch with lower than normal priority
+ Patch with normal priority
+ Patch with higher than normal priority
+ Patch with high priority
+ Patch with very high priority
+ Patch first
+ A reverse patcher
+ Creates a reverse patcher
+ The Harmony instance
+ The original method/constructor
+ Your stand-in stub method as
+ A reverse patcher
+ Creates a reverse patcher
+ The Harmony instance
+ The original method/constructor
+ Your stand-in stub method as
+ Applies the patch
+ The type of patch, see
+ The generated replacement method
+ A collection of commonly used transpilers
+ A transpiler that replaces all occurrences of a given method with another one using the same signature
+ The enumeration of to act on
+ Method or constructor to search for
+ Method or constructor to replace with
+ Modified enumeration of
+ A transpiler that alters instructions that match a predicate by calling an action
+ The enumeration of to act on
+ A predicate selecting the instructions to change
+ An action to apply to matching instructions
+ Modified enumeration of
+ A transpiler that logs a text at the beginning of the method
+ The instructions to act on
+ The log text
+ Modified enumeration of
+ A helper class for reflection related functions
+ Shortcut for to simplify the use of reflections and make it work for any access level
+ Shortcut for to simplify the use of reflections and make it work for any access level but only within the current type
+ Enumerates all assemblies in the current app domain, excluding visual studio assemblies
+ An enumeration of
+ Gets a type by name. Prefers a full name with namespace but falls back to the first type matching the name otherwise
+ The name
+ A type or null if not found
+ Gets all successfully loaded types from a given assembly
+ The assembly
+ An array of types
+ This calls and returns , while catching any thrown .
+ If such an exception is thrown, returns the successfully loaded types (,
+ filtered for non-null values).
+ Enumerates all successfully loaded types in the current app domain, excluding visual studio assemblies
+ An enumeration of all in all assemblies, excluding visual studio assemblies
+ Enumerates all inner types (non-recursive) of a given type
+ The class/type to start with
+ An enumeration of all inner
+ Applies a function going up the type hierarchy and stops at the first non-null result
+ Result type of func()
+ The class/type to start with
+ The evaluation function returning T
+ The first non-null result, or null if no match
+ The type hierarchy of a class or value type (including struct) does NOT include implemented interfaces,
+ and the type hierarchy of an interface is only itself (regardless of whether that interface implements other interfaces).
+ The top-most type in the type hierarchy of all non-interface types (including value types) is .
+ Applies a function going into inner types and stops at the first non-null result
+ Generic type parameter
+ The class/type to start with
+ The evaluation function returning T
+ The first non-null result, or null if no match
+ Creates an identifiable version of a method
+ The method
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared field
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field
+ A field or null when type/name is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared field
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A field or null when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a field by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field (case sensitive)
+ A field or null when type/name is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a field by searching the type and all its super types
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A field or null when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a field
+ The class/type where the field is declared
+ The zero-based index of the field inside the class definition
+ A field or null when type is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A property or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared property
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A property or null when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ An indexer property or null when type is null or when it cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a directly declared property
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A method or null when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the Setter method of a directly declared property
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A method or null when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A property or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A property or null when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ An indexer property or null when type is null or when it cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when the indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when the indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared method
+ The class/type where the method is declared
+ The name of the method (case sensitive)
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared method
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a method by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the method is declared
+ The name of the method (case sensitive)
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a method by searching the type and all its super types
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the method of an enumerator method
+ Enumerator method that creates the enumerator
+ The internal method of the enumerator or null if no valid enumerator is detected
+ Gets the method of an async method's state machine
+ Async method that creates the state machine internally
+ The internal method of the async state machine or null if no valid async method is detected
+ Gets the names of all method that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of method names
+ Gets the names of all method that are declared in the type of the instance
+ An instance of the type to search in
+ A list of method names
+ Gets the names of all fields that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of field names
+ Gets the names of all fields that are declared in the type of the instance
+ An instance of the type to search in
+ A list of field names
+ Gets the names of all properties that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of property names
+ Gets the names of all properties that are declared in the type of the instance
+ An instance of the type to search in
+ A list of property names
+ Gets the type of any class member of
+ A member
+ The class/type of this member
+ Test if a class member is actually an concrete implementation
+ A member
+ True if the member is a declared
+ Gets the real implementation of a class member
+ A member
+ The member itself if its declared. Otherwise the member that is actually implemented in some base type
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared constructor
+ The class/type where the constructor is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the constructor
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A constructor info or null when type is null or when the constructor cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a constructor by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the constructor is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A constructor info or null when type is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets reflection information for all declared constructors
+ The class/type where the constructors are declared
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A list of constructor infos
+ Gets reflection information for all declared methods
+ The class/type where the methods are declared
+ A list of methods
+ Gets reflection information for all declared properties
+ The class/type where the properties are declared
+ A list of properties
+ Gets reflection information for all declared fields
+ The class/type where the fields are declared
+ A list of fields
+ Gets the return type of a method or constructor
+ The method/constructor
+ The return type
+ Given a type, returns the first inner type matching a recursive search by name
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The name of the inner type (case sensitive)
+ The inner type or null if type/name is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first inner type matching a recursive search with a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The inner type or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first method matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The method or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first constructor matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The constructor info or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first property matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The property or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Returns an array containing the type of each object in the given array
+ An array of objects
+ An array of types or an empty array if parameters is null (if an object is null, the type for it will be object)
+ Creates an array of input parameters for a given method and a given set of potential inputs
+ The method/constructor you are planing to call
+ The possible input parameters in any order
+ An object array matching the method signature
+ A readable/assignable reference delegate to an instance field of a class or static field (NOT an instance field of a struct)
+ An arbitrary type if the field is static; otherwise the class that defines the field, or a parent class (including ),
+ implemented interface, or derived class of this type
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The runtime instance to access the field (ignored and can be omitted for static fields)
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Null instance passed to a non-static field ref delegate
+ Instance of invalid type passed to a non-static field ref delegate
+ (this can happen if is a parent class or interface of the field's declaring type)
+ This delegate cannot be used for instance fields of structs, since a struct instance passed to the delegate would be passed by
+ value and thus would be a copy that only exists within the delegate's invocation. This is fine for a readonly reference,
+ but makes assignment futile. Use instead.
+ Note that is not required to be the field's declaring type. It can be a parent class (including ),
+ implemented interface, or a derived class of the field's declaring type ("instanceOfT is FieldDeclaringType" must be possible).
+ Specifically, must be assignable from OR to the field's declaring type.
+ Technically, this allows Nullable, although Nullable is only relevant for structs, and since only static fields of structs
+ are allowed for this delegate, and the instance passed to such a delegate is ignored, this hardly matters.
+ Similarly, is not required to be the field's field type, unless that type is a non-enum value type.
+ It can be a parent class (including object) or implemented interface of the field's field type. It cannot be a derived class.
+ This variance is not allowed for value types, since that would require boxing/unboxing, which is not allowed for ref values.
+ Special case for enum types: can also be the underlying integral type of the enum type.
+ Specifically, for reference types, must be assignable from
+ the field's field type; for non-enum value types, must be exactly the field's field type; for enum types,
+ must be either the field's field type or the underyling integral type of that field type.
+ This delegate supports static fields, even those defined in structs, for legacy reasons.
+ For such static fields, is effectively ignored.
+ Consider using (and StaticFieldRefAccess methods that return it) instead for static fields.
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a class
+ The class that defines the instance field, or derived class of this type
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable delegate
+ For backwards compatibility, there is no class constraint on .
+ Instead, the non-value-type check is done at runtime within the method.
+ Creates an instance field reference for a specific instance of a class
+ The class that defines the instance field, or derived class of this type
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The instance
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ This method is meant for one-off access to a field's value for a single instance.
+ If you need to access a field's value for potentially multiple instances, use instead.
+ FieldRefAccess<T, F>(instance, fieldName) is functionally equivalent to FieldRefAccess<T, F>(fieldName)(instance).
+ For backwards compatibility, there is no class constraint on .
+ Instead, the non-value-type check is done at runtime within the method.
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a class or static field (NOT an instance field of a struct)
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The type that defines the field, or derived class of this type; must not be a struct type unless the field is static
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable delegate with T=object
+ (for static fields, the instance delegate parameter is ignored)
+ This method is meant for cases where the given type is only known at runtime and thus can't be used as a type parameter T
+ in e.g. .
+ This method supports static fields, even those defined in structs, for legacy reasons.
+ Consider using (and other overloads) instead for static fields.
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a class or static field (NOT an instance field of a struct)
+ type of the field
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A readable/assignable delegate with T=object
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a class or static field (NOT an instance field of a struct)
+ An arbitrary type if the field is static; otherwise the class that defines the field, or a parent class (including ),
+ implemented interface, or derived class of this type ("instanceOfT is FieldDeclaringType" must be possible)
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable delegate
+ This method is meant for cases where the field has already been obtained, avoiding the field searching cost in
+ e.g. .
+ This method supports static fields, even those defined in structs, for legacy reasons.
+ For such static fields, is effectively ignored.
+ Consider using (and other overloads) instead for static fields.
+ For backwards compatibility, there is no class constraint on .
+ Instead, the non-value-type check is done at runtime within the method.
+ Creates a field reference for an instance field of a class
+ The type that defines the field; or a parent class (including ), implemented interface, or derived class of this type
+ ("instanceOfT is FieldDeclaringType" must be possible)
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The instance
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ This method is meant for one-off access to a field's value for a single instance and where the field has already been obtained.
+ If you need to access a field's value for potentially multiple instances, use instead.
+ FieldRefAccess<T, F>(instance, fieldInfo) is functionally equivalent to FieldRefAccess<T, F>(fieldInfo)(instance).
+ For backwards compatibility, there is no class constraint on .
+ Instead, the non-value-type check is done at runtime within the method.
+ A readable/assignable reference delegate to an instance field of a struct
+ The struct that defines the instance field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ A reference to the runtime instance to access the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a struct
+ The struct that defines the instance field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable delegate
+ Creates an instance field reference for a specific instance of a struct
+ The struct that defines the instance field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The instance
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ This method is meant for one-off access to a field's value for a single instance.
+ If you need to access a field's value for potentially multiple instances, use instead.
+ StructFieldRefAccess<T, F>(ref instance, fieldName) is functionally equivalent to StructFieldRefAccess<T, F>(fieldName)(ref instance).
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a struct
+ The struct that defines the instance field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable delegate
+ This method is meant for cases where the field has already been obtained, avoiding the field searching cost in
+ e.g. .
+ Creates a field reference for an instance field of a struct
+ The struct that defines the instance field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The instance
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ This method is meant for one-off access to a field's value for a single instance and where the field has already been obtained.
+ If you need to access a field's value for potentially multiple instances, use instead.
+ StructFieldRefAccess<T, F>(ref instance, fieldInfo) is functionally equivalent to StructFieldRefAccess<T, F>(fieldInfo)(ref instance).
+ A readable/assignable reference delegate to a static field
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Creates a static field reference
+ The type (can be class or struct) the field is defined in
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Creates a static field reference
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The type (can be class or struct) the field is defined in
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Creates a static field reference
+ The type of the field
+ The member in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Creates a static field reference
+ An arbitrary type (by convention, the type the field is defined in)
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ The type parameter is only used in exception messaging and to distinguish between this method overload
+ and the overload (which returns a rather than a reference).
+ Creates a static field reference delegate
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The field
+ A readable/assignable delegate
+ Creates a delegate to a given method
+ The delegate Type
+ The method to create a delegate from.
+ Only applies for instance methods. If null (default), returned delegate is an open (a.k.a. unbound) instance delegate
+ where an instance is supplied as the first argument to the delegate invocation; else, delegate is a closed (a.k.a. bound)
+ instance delegate where the delegate invocation always applies to the given .
+ Only applies for instance methods. If true (default) and is virtual, invocation of the delegate
+ calls the instance method virtually (the instance type's most-derived/overriden implementation of the method is called);
+ else, invocation of the delegate calls the exact specified (this is useful for calling base class methods)
+ Note: if false and is an interface method, an ArgumentException is thrown.
+ A delegate of given to given
+ Delegate invocation is more performant and more convenient to use than
+ at a one-time setup cost.
+ Works for both type of static and instance methods, both open and closed (a.k.a. unbound and bound) instance methods,
+ and both class and struct methods.
+ Creates a delegate to a given method
+ The delegate Type
+ The method in the form TypeFullName:MemberName, where TypeFullName matches the form recognized by Type.GetType like Some.Namespace.Type.
+ Only applies for instance methods. If null (default), returned delegate is an open (a.k.a. unbound) instance delegate
+ where an instance is supplied as the first argument to the delegate invocation; else, delegate is a closed (a.k.a. bound)
+ instance delegate where the delegate invocation always applies to the given .
+ Only applies for instance methods. If true (default) and is virtual, invocation of the delegate
+ calls the instance method virtually (the instance type's most-derived/overriden implementation of the method is called);
+ else, invocation of the delegate calls the exact specified (this is useful for calling base class methods)
+ Note: if false and is an interface method, an ArgumentException is thrown.
+ A delegate of given to given
+ Delegate invocation is more performant and more convenient to use than
+ at a one-time setup cost.
+ Works for both type of static and instance methods, both open and closed (a.k.a. unbound and bound) instance methods,
+ and both class and struct methods.
+ Creates a delegate for a given delegate definition, attributed with []
+ The delegate Type, attributed with []
+ Only applies for instance methods. If null (default), returned delegate is an open (a.k.a. unbound) instance delegate
+ where an instance is supplied as the first argument to the delegate invocation; else, delegate is a closed (a.k.a. bound)
+ instance delegate where the delegate invocation always applies to the given .
+ A delegate of given to the method specified via []
+ attributes on
+ This calls with the method and virtualCall arguments
+ determined from the [] attributes on ,
+ and the given (for closed instance delegates).
+ Returns who called the current method
+ The calling method/constructor (excluding the caller)
+ Rethrows an exception while preserving its stack trace (throw statement typically clobbers existing stack traces)
+ The exception to rethrow
+ True if the current runtime is based on Mono, false otherwise (.NET)
+ True if the current runtime is .NET Framework, false otherwise (.NET Core or Mono, although latter isn't guaranteed)
+ True if the current runtime is .NET Core, false otherwise (Mono or .NET Framework)
+ Throws a missing member runtime exception
+ The type that is involved
+ A list of names
+ Gets default value for a specific type
+ The class/type
+ The default value
+ Creates an (possibly uninitialized) instance of a given type
+ The class/type
+ The new instance
+ Creates an (possibly uninitialized) instance of a given type
+ The class/type
+ The new instance
+ A cache for the or similar Add methods for different types.
+ Makes a deep copy of any object
+ The type of the instance that should be created; for legacy reasons, this must be a class or interface
+ The original object
+ A copy of the original object but of type T
+ Makes a deep copy of any object
+ The type of the instance that should be created
+ The original object
+ [out] The copy of the original object
+ Optional value transformation function (taking a field name and src/dst instances)
+ The optional path root to start with
+ Makes a deep copy of any object
+ The original object
+ The type of the instance that should be created
+ Optional value transformation function (taking a field name and src/dst instances)
+ The optional path root to start with
+ The copy of the original object
+ Tests if a type is a struct
+ The type
+ True if the type is a struct
+ Tests if a type is a class
+ The type
+ True if the type is a class
+ Tests if a type is a value type
+ The type
+ True if the type is a value type
+ Tests if a type is an integer type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some integer
+ Tests if a type is a floating point type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some floating point
+ Tests if a type is a numerical type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some number
+ Tests if a type is void
+ The type
+ True if the type is void
+ Test whether an instance is of a nullable type
+ Type of instance
+ An instance to test
+ True if instance is of nullable type, false if not
+ Tests whether a type or member is static, as defined in C#
+ The type or member
+ True if the type or member is static
+ Tests whether a type is static, as defined in C#
+ The type
+ True if the type is static
+ Tests whether a property is static, as defined in C#
+ The property
+ True if the property is static
+ Tests whether an event is static, as defined in C#
+ The event
+ True if the event is static
+ Calculates a combined hash code for an enumeration of objects
+ The objects
+ The hash code
+ Adds extensions to Type for a lot of AccessTools methods
+ Enumerates all inner types (non-recursive)
+ The class/type to start with
+ An enumeration of all inner
+ Applies a function going up the type hierarchy and stops at the first non-null result
+ Result type of func()
+ The class/type to start with
+ The evaluation function returning T
+ The first non-null result, or null if no match
+ The type hierarchy of a class or value type (including struct) does NOT include implemented interfaces,
+ and the type hierarchy of an interface is only itself (regardless of whether that interface implements other interfaces).
+ The top-most type in the type hierarchy of all non-interface types (including value types) is .
+ Applies a function going into inner types and stops at the first non-null result
+ Generic type parameter
+ The class/type to start with
+ The evaluation function returning T
+ The first non-null result, or null if no match
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared field
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field
+ A field or null when type/name is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a field by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the field is defined
+ The name of the field (case sensitive)
+ A field or null when type/name is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a field
+ The class/type where the field is declared
+ The zero-based index of the field inside the class definition
+ A field or null when type is null or when the field cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A property or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ An indexer property or null when type is null or when it cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a directly declared property
+ The class/type where the property is declared
+ The name of the property (case sensitive)
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a directly declared indexer property
+ The class/type where the indexer property is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A property or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ An indexer property or null when type is null or when it cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the getter method of an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when the indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of a property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ The name
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for the setter method of an indexer property by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of multiple indexers
+ A method or null when type is null or when the indexer property cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared method
+ The class/type where the method is declared
+ The name of the method (case sensitive)
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a method by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the method is declared
+ The name of the method (case sensitive)
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional list of types that define the generic version of the method
+ A method or null when type/name is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets the names of all method that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of method names
+ Gets the names of all fields that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of field names
+ Gets the names of all properties that are declared in a type
+ The declaring class/type
+ A list of property names
+ Gets the reflection information for a directly declared constructor
+ The class/type where the constructor is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the constructor
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A constructor info or null when type is null or when the constructor cannot be found
+ Gets the reflection information for a constructor by searching the type and all its super types
+ The class/type where the constructor is declared
+ Optional parameters to target a specific overload of the method
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A constructor info or null when type is null or when the method cannot be found
+ Gets reflection information for all declared constructors
+ The class/type where the constructors are declared
+ Optional parameters to only consider static constructors
+ A list of constructor infos
+ Gets reflection information for all declared methods
+ The class/type where the methods are declared
+ A list of methods
+ Gets reflection information for all declared properties
+ The class/type where the properties are declared
+ A list of properties
+ Gets reflection information for all declared fields
+ The class/type where the fields are declared
+ A list of fields
+ Given a type, returns the first inner type matching a recursive search by name
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The name of the inner type (case sensitive)
+ The inner type or null if type/name is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first inner type matching a recursive search with a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The inner type or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first method matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The method or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first constructor matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The constructor info or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Given a type, returns the first property matching a predicate
+ The class/type to start searching at
+ The predicate to search with
+ The property or null if type/predicate is null or if a type with that name cannot be found
+ Creates a field reference delegate for an instance field of a class or static field (NOT an instance field of a struct)
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The type that defines the field, or derived class of this type; must not be a struct type unless the field is static
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable delegate with T=object
+ (for static fields, the instance delegate parameter is ignored)
+ This method is meant for cases where the given type is only known at runtime and thus can't be used as a type parameter T
+ in e.g. .
+ This method supports static fields, even those defined in structs, for legacy reasons.
+ Consider using (and other overloads) instead for static fields.
+ Creates a static field reference
+ The type of the field; or if the field's type is a reference type (a class or interface, NOT a struct or other value type),
+ a type that is assignable from that type; or if the field's type is an enum type,
+ either that type or the underlying integral type of that enum type
+ The type (can be class or struct) the field is defined in
+ The name of the field
+ A readable/assignable reference to the field
+ Throws a missing member runtime exception
+ The type that is involved
+ A list of names
+ Gets default value for a specific type
+ The class/type
+ The default value
+ Creates an (possibly uninitialized) instance of a given type
+ The class/type
+ The new instance
+ Tests if a type is a struct
+ The type
+ True if the type is a struct
+ Tests if a type is a class
+ The type
+ True if the type is a class
+ Tests if a type is a value type
+ The type
+ True if the type is a value type
+ Tests if a type is an integer type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some integer
+ Tests if a type is a floating point type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some floating point
+ Tests if a type is a numerical type
+ The type
+ True if the type represents some number
+ Tests if a type is void
+ The type
+ True if the type is void
+ Tests whether a type is static, as defined in C#
+ The type
+ True if the type is static
+ By adding the following using statement to your source code: using static HarmonyLib.Code;
+ you can for example start using Ldarg_1 in you code instead of new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldarg_1)
+ and then you can use array notation to add an operand and/or a name: Call[myMethodInfo] instead of new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Call, myMethodInfo)
+ A CodeInstruction match
+ The name of the match
+ The matched opcodes
+ The matched opcodes
+ The matched operands
+ The jumps from the match
+ The jumps to the match
+ The match predicate
+ Creates a code match
+ The optional opcode
+ The optional operand
+ The optional name
+ Creates a code match
+ The opcodes
+ The optional operand
+ The optional name
+ Creates a code match that calls a method
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The optional name
+ Creates a code match that calls a method
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The optional name
+ Creates a code match
+ The CodeInstruction
+ An optional name
+ Creates a code match
+ The predicate
+ An optional name
+ Tests for any form of Ldarg*
+ The (optional) index
+ A new code match
+ Tests for Ldarga/Ldarga_S
+ The (optional) index
+ A new code match
+ Tests for Starg/Starg_S
+ The (optional) index
+ A new code match
+ Tests for any form of Ldloc*
+ The optional local variable
+ A new code match
+ Tests for any form of Stloc*
+ The optional local variable
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction calls the method/constructor
+ The method
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a constant
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads an integer constant
+ The integer constant
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a floating point constant
+ The floating point constant
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads an enum constant
+ The enum
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a string constant
+ The string
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a field
+ The field
+ Set to true if the address of the field is loaded
+ A new code match
+ Tests if the code instruction stores a field
+ The field
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match that calls a method
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match that calls a method
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match for local loads
+ Whether to match for address loads
+ An optional name
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match for local stores
+ An optional name
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match for argument loads
+ Whether to match for address loads
+ An optional name
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match for argument stores
+ An optional name
+ A new code match
+ Creates a code match for branching
+ An optional name
+ A new code match
+ Returns a string that represents the match
+ A string representation
+ A CodeInstruction matcher
+ The current position
+ The index or -1 if out of bounds
+ Gets the number of code instructions in this matcher
+ The count
+ Checks whether the position of this CodeMatcher is within bounds
+ True if this CodeMatcher is valid
+ Checks whether the position of this CodeMatcher is outside its bounds
+ True if this CodeMatcher is invalid
+ Gets the remaining code instructions
+ The remaining count
+ Gets the opcode at the current position
+ The opcode
+ Gets the operand at the current position
+ The operand
+ Gets the labels at the current position
+ The labels
+ Gets the exception blocks at the current position
+ The blocks
+ Creates an empty code matcher
+ Creates a code matcher from an enumeration of instructions
+ The instructions (transpiler argument)
+ An optional IL generator
+ Makes a clone of this instruction matcher
+ A copy of this matcher
+ Gets instructions at the current position
+ The instruction
+ Gets instructions at the current position with offset
+ The offset
+ The instruction
+ Gets all instructions
+ A list of instructions
+ Gets all instructions as an enumeration
+ A list of instructions
+ Gets some instructions counting from current position
+ Number of instructions
+ A list of instructions
+ Gets all instructions within a range
+ The start index
+ The end index
+ A list of instructions
+ Gets all instructions within a range (relative to current position)
+ The start offset
+ The end offset
+ A list of instructions
+ Gets a list of all distinct labels
+ The instructions (transpiler argument)
+ A list of Labels
+ Reports a failure
+ The method involved
+ The logger
+ True if current position is invalid and error was logged
+ Throw an InvalidOperationException if current state is invalid (position out of bounds / last match failed)
+ Explanation of where/why the exception was thrown that will be added to the exception message
+ The same code matcher
+ Throw an InvalidOperationException if current state is invalid (position out of bounds / last match failed),
+ or if the matches do not match at current position
+ Explanation of where/why the exception was thrown that will be added to the exception message
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Throw an InvalidOperationException if current state is invalid (position out of bounds / last match failed),
+ or if the matches do not match at any point between current position and the end
+ Explanation of where/why the exception was thrown that will be added to the exception message
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Throw an InvalidOperationException if current state is invalid (position out of bounds / last match failed),
+ or if the matches do not match at any point between current position and the start
+ Explanation of where/why the exception was thrown that will be added to the exception message
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Throw an InvalidOperationException if current state is invalid (position out of bounds / last match failed),
+ or if the check function returns false
+ Explanation of where/why the exception was thrown that will be added to the exception message
+ Function that checks validity of current state. If it returns false, an exception is thrown
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets an instruction at current position
+ The instruction to set
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets instruction at current position and advances
+ The instruction
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets opcode and operand at current position
+ The opcode
+ The operand
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets opcode and operand at current position and advances
+ The opcode
+ The operand
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets opcode at current position and advances
+ The opcode
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets operand at current position and advances
+ The operand
+ The same code matcher
+ Declares a local variable but does not add it
+ The variable type
+ [out] The new local variable
+ The same code matcher
+ Declares a new label but does not add it
+ [out] The new label
+ The same code matcher
+ Creates a label at current position
+ [out] The label
+ The same code matcher
+ Creates a label at a position
+ The position
+ [out] The new label
+ The same code matcher
+ Creates a label at a position
+ The offset
+ [out] The new label
+ The same code matcher
+ Adds an enumeration of labels to current position
+ The labels
+ The same code matcher
+ Adds an enumeration of labels at a position
+ The position
+ The labels
+ The same code matcher
+ Sets jump to
+ Branch instruction
+ Destination for the jump
+ [out] The created label
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts some instructions
+ The instructions
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts an enumeration of instructions
+ The instructions
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts a branch
+ The branch opcode
+ Branch destination
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts some instructions and advances the position
+ The instructions
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts an enumeration of instructions and advances the position
+ The instructions
+ The same code matcher
+ Inserts a branch and advances the position
+ The branch opcode
+ Branch destination
+ The same code matcher
+ Removes current instruction
+ The same code matcher
+ Removes some instruction from current position by count
+ Number of instructions
+ The same code matcher
+ Removes the instructions in a range
+ The start
+ The end
+ The same code matcher
+ Removes the instructions in a offset range
+ The start offset
+ The end offset
+ The same code matcher
+ Advances the current position
+ The offset
+ The same code matcher
+ Moves the current position to the start
+ The same code matcher
+ Moves the current position to the end
+ The same code matcher
+ Searches forward with a predicate and advances position
+ The predicate
+ The same code matcher
+ Searches backwards with a predicate and reverses position
+ The predicate
+ The same code matcher
+ Matches forward and advances position to beginning of matching sequence
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Matches forward and advances position to ending of matching sequence
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Matches backwards and reverses position to beginning of matching sequence
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Matches backwards and reverses position to ending of matching sequence
+ Some code matches
+ The same code matcher
+ Repeats a match action until boundaries are met
+ The match action
+ An optional action that is executed when no match is found
+ The same code matcher
+ Gets a match by its name
+ The match name
+ An instruction
+ General extensions for common cases
+ Joins an enumeration with a value converter and a delimiter to a string
+ The inner type of the enumeration
+ The enumeration
+ An optional value converter (from T to string)
+ An optional delimiter
+ The values joined into a string
+ Converts an array of types (for example methods arguments) into a human readable form
+ The array of types
+ A human readable description including brackets
+ A full description of a type
+ The type
+ A human readable description
+ A a full description of a method or a constructor without assembly details but with generics
+ The method/constructor
+ A human readable description
+ A helper converting parameter infos to types
+ The array of parameter infos
+ An array of types
+ A helper to access a value via key from a dictionary
+ The key type
+ The value type
+ The dictionary
+ The key
+ The value for the key or the default value (of T) if that key does not exist
+ A helper to access a value via key from a dictionary with extra casting
+ The value type
+ The dictionary
+ The key
+ The value for the key or the default value (of T) if that key does not exist or cannot be cast to T
+ Escapes Unicode and ASCII non printable characters
+ The string to convert
+ The string to convert
+ A string literal surrounded by
+ Extensions for
+ Returns if an is initialized and valid
+ The
+ Shortcut for testing whether the operand is equal to a non-null value
+ The
+ The value
+ True if the operand has the same type and is equal to the value
+ Shortcut for testing whether the operand is equal to a non-null value
+ The
+ The value
+ True if the operand is equal to the value
+ This is an optimized version of for
+ Shortcut for code.opcode == opcode && code.OperandIs(operand)
+ The
+ The
+ The operand value
+ True if the opcode is equal to the given opcode and the operand has the same type and is equal to the given operand
+ Shortcut for code.opcode == opcode && code.OperandIs(operand)
+ The
+ The
+ The operand value
+ True if the opcode is equal to the given opcode and the operand is equal to the given operand
+ This is an optimized version of for
+ Tests for any form of Ldarg*
+ The
+ The (optional) index
+ True if it matches one of the variations
+ Tests for Ldarga/Ldarga_S
+ The
+ The (optional) index
+ True if it matches one of the variations
+ Tests for Starg/Starg_S
+ The
+ The (optional) index
+ True if it matches one of the variations
+ Tests for any form of Ldloc*
+ The
+ The optional local variable
+ True if it matches one of the variations
+ Tests for any form of Stloc*
+ The
+ The optional local variable
+ True if it matches one of the variations
+ Tests if the code instruction branches
+ The
+ The label if the instruction is a branch operation or if not
+ True if the instruction branches
+ Tests if the code instruction calls the method/constructor
+ The
+ The method
+ True if the instruction calls the method or constructor
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a constant
+ The
+ True if the instruction loads a constant
+ Tests if the code instruction loads an integer constant
+ The
+ The integer constant
+ True if the instruction loads the constant
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a floating point constant
+ The
+ The floating point constant
+ True if the instruction loads the constant
+ Tests if the code instruction loads an enum constant
+ The
+ The enum
+ True if the instruction loads the constant
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a string constant
+ The
+ The string
+ True if the instruction loads the constant
+ Tests if the code instruction loads a field
+ The
+ The field
+ Set to true if the address of the field is loaded
+ True if the instruction loads the field
+ Tests if the code instruction stores a field
+ The
+ The field
+ True if the instruction stores this field
+ Returns the index targeted by this ldloc, ldloca, or stloc
+ The
+ The index it targets
+ Returns the index targeted by this ldarg, ldarga, or starg
+ The
+ The index it targets
+ Adds labels to the code instruction and return it
+ The
+ One or several to add
+ The same code instruction
+ Adds labels to the code instruction and return it
+ The
+ An enumeration of
+ The same code instruction
+ Extracts all labels from the code instruction and returns them
+ The
+ A list of
+ Moves all labels from the code instruction to another one
+ The to move the labels from
+ The other to move the labels to
+ The code instruction labels were moved from (now empty)
+ Moves all labels from another code instruction to the current one
+ The to move the labels to
+ The other to move the labels from
+ The code instruction that received the labels
+ Adds ExceptionBlocks to the code instruction and return it
+ The
+ One or several to add
+ The same code instruction
+ Adds ExceptionBlocks to the code instruction and return it
+ The
+ An enumeration of
+ The same code instruction
+ Extracts all ExceptionBlocks from the code instruction and returns them
+ The
+ A list of
+ Moves all ExceptionBlocks from the code instruction to another one
+ The to move the ExceptionBlocks from
+ The other to move the ExceptionBlocks to
+ The code instruction blocks were moved from (now empty)
+ Moves all ExceptionBlocks from another code instruction to the current one
+ The to move the ExceptionBlocks to
+ The other to move the ExceptionBlocks from
+ The code instruction that received the blocks
+ Extensions for a sequence of
+ Searches a list of by running a sequence of against it
+ The CodeInstructions (like a body of a method) to search in
+ An array of representing the sequence of codes you want to search for
+ General extensions for collections
+ A simple way to execute code for every element in a collection
+ The inner type of the collection
+ The collection
+ The action to execute
+ A simple way to execute code for elements in a collection matching a condition
+ The inner type of the collection
+ The collection
+ The predicate
+ The action to execute
+ A helper to add an item to a collection
+ The inner type of the collection
+ The collection
+ The item to add
+ The collection containing the item
+ A helper to add an item to an array
+ The inner type of the collection
+ The array
+ The item to add
+ The array containing the item
+ A helper to add items to an array
+ The inner type of the collection
+ The array
+ The items to add
+ The array containing the items
+ General extensions for collections
+ Tests a class member if it has an IL method body (external methods for example don't have a body)
+ The member to test
+ Returns true if the member has an IL body or false if not
+ A file log for debugging
+ Set this to make Harmony write its log content to this stream
+ Full pathname of the log file, defaults to a file called harmony.log.txt on your Desktop
+ The indent character. The default is tab
+ The current indent level
+ Changes the indentation level
+ The value to add to the indentation level
+ Log a string in a buffered way. Use this method only if you are sure that FlushBuffer will be called
+ or else logging information is incomplete in case of a crash
+ The string to log
+ Logs a list of string in a buffered way. Use this method only if you are sure that FlushBuffer will be called
+ or else logging information is incomplete in case of a crash
+ A list of strings to log (they will not be re-indented)
+ Returns the log buffer and optionally empties it
+ True to empty the buffer
+ The buffer.
+ Replaces the buffer with new lines
+ The lines to store
+ Flushes the log buffer to disk (use in combination with LogBuffered)
+ Log a string directly to disk. Slower method that prevents missing information in case of a crash
+ The string to log.
+ Log a string directly to disk if Harmony.DEBUG is true. Slower method that prevents missing information in case of a crash
+ The string to log.
+ Resets and deletes the log
+ Logs some bytes as hex values
+ The pointer to some memory
+ The length of bytes to log
+ A helper class to retrieve reflection info for non-private methods
+ Given a lambda expression that calls a method, returns the method info
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The method in the lambda expression
+ Given a lambda expression that calls a method, returns the method info
+ The generic type
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The method in the lambda expression
+ Given a lambda expression that calls a method, returns the method info
+ The generic type
+ The generic result type
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The method in the lambda expression
+ Given a lambda expression that calls a method, returns the method info
+ The lambda expression using the method
+ The method in the lambda expression
+ A reflection helper to read and write private elements
+ The result type defined by GetValue()
+ Creates a traverse instance from an existing instance
+ The existing instance
+ Gets/Sets the current value
+ The value to read or write
+ A reflection helper to read and write private elements
+ Creates a new traverse instance from a class/type
+ The class/type
+ A instance
+ Creates a new traverse instance from a class T
+ The class
+ A instance
+ Creates a new traverse instance from an instance
+ The object
+ A instance
+ Creates a new traverse instance from a named type
+ The type name, for format see
+ A instance
+ Creates a new and empty traverse instance
+ Creates a new traverse instance from a class/type
+ The class/type
+ Creates a new traverse instance from an instance
+ The object
+ Gets the current value
+ The value
+ Gets the current value
+ The type of the value
+ The value
+ Invokes the current method with arguments and returns the result
+ The method arguments
+ The value returned by the method
+ Invokes the current method with arguments and returns the result
+ The type of the value
+ The method arguments
+ The value returned by the method
+ Sets a value of the current field or property
+ The value
+ The same traverse instance
+ Gets the type of the current field or property
+ The type
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a inner type
+ The type name
+ A traverse instance
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a field
+ The type name
+ A traverse instance
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a field
+ The type of the field
+ The type name
+ A traverse instance
+ Gets all fields of the current type
+ A list of field names
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a property
+ The type name
+ Optional property index
+ A traverse instance
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a field
+ The type of the property
+ The type name
+ Optional property index
+ A traverse instance
+ Gets all properties of the current type
+ A list of property names
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a method
+ The name of the method
+ The arguments defining the argument types of the method overload
+ A traverse instance
+ Moves the current traverse instance to a method
+ The name of the method
+ The argument types of the method
+ The arguments for the method
+ A traverse instance
+ Gets all methods of the current type
+ A list of method names
+ Checks if the current traverse instance is for a field
+ True if its a field
+ Checks if the current traverse instance is for a property
+ True if its a property
+ Checks if the current traverse instance is for a method
+ True if its a method
+ Checks if the current traverse instance is for a type
+ True if its a type
+ Iterates over all fields of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ The action receiving a instance for each field
+ Iterates over all fields of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ Target object
+ The action receiving a pair of instances for each field pair
+ Iterates over all fields of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ Target object
+ The action receiving a dot path representing the field pair and the instances
+ Iterates over all properties of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ The action receiving a instance for each property
+ Iterates over all properties of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ Target object
+ The action receiving a pair of instances for each property pair
+ Iterates over all properties of the current type and executes a traverse action
+ Original object
+ Target object
+ The action receiving a dot path representing the property pair and the instances
+ A default field action that copies fields to fields
+ Returns a string that represents the current traverse
+ A string representation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/CommandSystem.Core.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/CommandSystem.Core.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdec43f
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/CommandSystem.Core.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7793a4b
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5607a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.API.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23517 @@
+ Exiled.API
+ Unique identifier for the different types of admin toys.
+ Primitive Object toy.
+ Light source toy.
+ ShootingTarget toy.
+ Ammo types present in the game.
+ Not ammo.
+ 5.56mm Ammunition.
+ Used by .
+ 7.62mm Ammunition.
+ Used by and .
+ 9mm Ammunition.
+ Used by ,.
+ 12 gauge shotgun ammo.
+ Used by
+ 44 Caliber Revolver Ammo
+ Used by
+ Players authentication types.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated through Steam.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated through Discord.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated as a Northwood staff member.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated through an unknown provider.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated as localhost.
+ Indicates that the player has been authenticated as DedicatedServer.
+ Unique identifier for the different types of blood decals.
+ The default blood decal.
+ The blood decal placed after Scp106 sends someone to the pocket dimension.
+ The spreaded blood decal.
+ The faded blood decal.
+ Unique identifier for the different types of SCP-079 cameras.
+ Represents an unknown camera.
+ The different types of configuration files distribution.
+ Default. Removed in the future.
+ Separated distribution, each plugin will have an individual config file.
+ Merged configs, all plugins share a config file.
+ Identifiers for types of damage.
+ Unknown damage source.
+ Fall damage.
+ Alpha Warhead.
+ LCZ Decontamination.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Damage dealt by a when the used is not available.
+ Damage dealt by a .
+ Damage dealt by a Tesla Gate.
+ Damage is dealt by a when the used is not available.
+ Damage dealt by frag grenades.
+ Damage dealt by SCP-018.
+ .
+ Damage is dealt by SCP Recontainment procedure.
+ Crushed by the checkpoint killer trigger.
+ Damage caused by the femur breaker.
+ Damage caused by the pocket dimension.
+ Damage caused by the friendly fire detector.
+ Damage caused by severed hands.
+ Damage caused by a custom source.
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by .
+ Damage caused by
+ Damage caused by Scp3114's strangling ability.
+ Damage caused by the marshmallow man.
+ All available dance variants being used by SCP-3114.
+ Break-dance.
+ Chicken dance.
+ The "Running Man" dance.
+ The "Maraschino" dance.
+ Twist dance.
+ The "Cabbage Patch" dance.
+ Swing dance.
+ Dance1
+ A list of Types used by exiled for .
+ Used when there's an error.
+ Warhead has been activated but not detonated.
+ Used for .
+ Has .
+ Used for .
+ rage target.
+ Used for .
+ Has .
+ Used for .
+ Has taken damage.
+ Used for .
+ Encountered an SCP
+ Used for .
+ Encountered .
+ Used for .
+ Encountered an armed enemy.
+ Used for .
+ Represents the state of a .
+ Decontamination has started.
+ It's 10 minutes remaining.
+ It's 5 minutes remaining.
+ It's 1 minute remaining.
+ It's 30 seconds remaining.
+ All doors are closed and lock.
+ The decontamination has finished.
+ Door beep types.
+ Permission denied beep.
+ Lock bypass is denied.
+ Interaction allowed.
+ All possible door locks.
+ Unlocked.
+ Regular SCP-079 door lock.
+ SCP-079 lockdown room lock.
+ Alpha Warhead detonation lock.
+ Locked via admin command.
+ Locked by decontamination lockdown (after decon starts).
+ Locked by decontamination evacuation (during final countdown to decon).
+ Special door features.
+ Door has no power.
+ Isloation.
+ Locked down by SCP-2176.
+ Unique identifier for the different types of doors.
+ Represents an unknown door.
+ Represents the 914 door.
+ Represents the GR18_INNER door.
+ Represents the Unsecured door.
+ Represents the 049_ARMORY door.
+ Represents the 079_FIRST door.
+ Represents the 079_SECOND door.
+ Represents the 096 door.
+ Represents the 079_ARMORY door.
+ Represents the 106_PRIMARY door.
+ Represents the 106_SECONDARY door.
+ Represents the 173_GATE door.
+ Represents the door between the 173 gate and the 173 armory.
+ Represents the 173_ARMORY door.
+ Represents the 173_BOTTOM door.
+ Represents the GR18 gate.
+ Represents the 914 gate.
+ Represents the 939_CRYO door.
+ Represents the CHECKPOINT_LCZ_A door.
+ Represents the CHECKPOINT_LCZ_B door.
+ Represents any entrance zone styled door.
+ Represents the ESCAPE_PRIMARY door.
+ Represents the ESCAPE_SECONDARY door.
+ Represents the SERVERS_BOTTOM door.
+ Represents the GATE_A door.
+ Represents the GATE_B door.
+ Represents the HCZ_ARMORY door.
+ Represents any heavy containment styled door.
+ Represents the HID door.
+ Represents the HID_LEFT door.
+ Represents the HID_RIGHT door.
+ Represents the INTERCOM door.
+ Represents the LCZ_ARMORY door.
+ Represents the LCZ_CAFE door.
+ Represents the LCZ_WC door.
+ Represents any light containment styled door.
+ Represents the NUKE_ARMORY door.
+ Represents the NUKE_SURFACE door.
+ Represents any of the Class-D cell doors.
+ Represents the SURFACE_GATE door.
+ Represents the 330 door.
+ Represents the 330_CHAMBER door.
+ Represents the Gate in the Checkpoint between EZ and HCZ.
+ Represents the Gate in the Checkpoint between EZ and HCZ.
+ Represents the CHECKPOINT_EZ_HCZ_A door.
+ Represents the CHECKPOINT_EZ_HCZ_B door.
+ Represents an unknown Gate.
+ Represents an unknown Elevator.
+ Represents the Elevator door for .
+ Represents the Elevator door for .
+ Represents the Elevator door for .
+ Represents the Elevator door for .
+ Represents the Elevator door for and .
+ Represents the Elevator door for and .
+ Represents the Armory door in .
+ Represents the Armory door in .
+ Represents the door inside with component.
+ Represents the New Gate where Scp173 spawn in the .
+ An enum which represents the categories of an effect.
+ Represents an uncategorized effect.
+ Represents an effect with a positive player impact.
+ Represents an effect with a negative player impact.
+ Represents an effect which modifies a player's movement speed.
+ Represents an effect which deals damage to a player over time.
+ Status effects as enum.
+ This EffectType do not exist it's only use when not found or error.
+ The player isn't able to open their inventory or reload a weapon.
+ The player isn't able to see properly.
+ Drains the player's stamina and then health.
+ Damages the player over time.
+ Blurs the player's screen.
+ Increases damage the player receives. Does not apply any standalone damage.
+ Blurs the player's screen while rotating.
+ Effect given to player after being hurt by SCP-106.
+ Deafens the player.
+ Removes 10% of the player's health per second.
+ Slows down the player's movement.
+ Prevents the player from moving.
+ Halves the player's maximum stamina and stamina regeneration rate.
+ Flashes the player.
+ Drains the player's health while sprinting.
+ Reduces the player's FOV, gives infinite stamina and gives the effect of underwater sound.
+ Reduces damage taken by body shots.
+ Damages the player every 5 seconds, starting low and increasing over time.
+ Increases the speed of the player while also draining health.
+ Makes the player invisible.
+ Slows down the player's movement with the SCP-106 sinkhole effect.
+ Reduces overall damage taken.
+ Increases movement speed.
+ Reduces the severity of negative effects.
+ Drops the player's current item, disables interaction with objects, and deals damage while effect is active.
+ Prevents the player from sprinting and reduces movement speed by 20%.
+ Causes the player to become gain immunity to certain negative status effects.
+ Cause the player to slowly take damage, reduces bullet accuracy, and increases item pickup time.
+ Increases the player's motor function, causing the player to reduce the weapon draw time, reload spead, item pickup speed, and medical item usage.
+ Effect given to player after being hurt by SCP-049.
+ Cause the lighting in the facility to dim heavily for the player.
+ Disable ambient sound.
+ Protects players from enemy damage if the config is enabled.
+ Make Scp106 able to see you when he is in the ground (stalking), causes the player's screens to become monochromatic when seeing Scp106, and instantly killed if attacked by Scp106.
+ It slows down the player, providing a passive health regeneration and saving the player from death once.
+ The effect that SCP-079 gives the scanned player with the Breach Scanner.
+ Teleports the player to the pocket dimension and drains health until the player escapes or is killed. The amount of damage recieved increases the longer the effect is applied.
+ Reduces walking sound by 10%.
+ Makes you a marshmallow guy.
+ The effect that is given to the player when getting attacked by SCP-3114's Strangle ability.
+ Makes the player nearly invisible, and allows them to pass through doors.
+ Manipulate wish Fog player will have.
+ You can choose fog with and putting it on intensity.
+ .
+ The unique type of elevator.
+ Unknown elevator Type.
+ Entrance Gate A elevator.
+ Entrance Gate B elevator.
+ Heavy Containment Zone Nuke elevator.
+ Heavy Containment Zone SCP-049 elevator.
+ Light Containment Zone checkpoint A elevator.
+ Light Containment Zone checkpoint B elevator.
+ A set of environment types.
+ The development environment, for developers.
+ The testing environment, for testing things.
+ The production environment, for the public.
+ The ptb environment, for Public Test Builds.
+ The Production environment, for the public, with debugging features.
+ A set of different Escape Scenario Type.
+ No Escape Scenario.
+ ClassD Escape Scenario.
+ Cuffed ClassD Escape.
+ Scientist Escape.
+ Cuffed Scientist Escape.
+ Unspecified Escape.
+ Represents a firearm.
+ Not a firearm.
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the state of a .
+ Generator is locked.
+ Generator is unlocked.
+ Generator is open.
+ Generator is activating.
+ Generator is engaged.
+ Unique identifier for the different types of Window.
+ Represents an unknown window.
+ Represents all the windows in .
+ Represents the window in .
+ Represents the windows in .
+ Represents the window in .
+ Represents the .
+ Represents the window in .
+ Represents all the windows in .
+ Represents all the windows in .
+ Represents all the windows in .
+ Represents the window in .
+ Unique identifier for a .
+ SCP-939 amnestic cloud.
+ Sinkhole spawned at start of round.
+ SCP-173 tantrum.
+ Should never happen
+ The types of permissions assigned to keycards.
+ No permissions.
+ Opens checkpoints.
+ Opens Gate A and Gate B.
+ Opens the Intercom door.
+ Opens the Alpha Warhead detonation button on surface.
+ Opens .
+ , .
+ , , .
+ , Opens Light Containment armory.
+ , , Opens Heavy Containment armories.
+ , , Opens MicroHID room.
+ .
+ Layer mask flags.
+ Default.
+ TransparentFX.
+ IgnoreRaycast.
+ Water.
+ UI.
+ Player.
+ InteractableNoPlayerCollision.
+ Viewmodel.
+ RenderAfterFog.
+ Hitbox.
+ Glass.
+ InvisibleCollider.
+ Ragdoll.
+ Grenade.
+ Phantom.
+ OnlyWorldCollision.
+ Door.
+ Skybox.
+ The team that is currently leading the round.
+ Represents the Scientists, Guards, and NTF team.
+ Represents the Class-D and Chaos Insurgency team.
+ Represents the SCP team.
+ Represents a draw.
+ Enum that represents the type of SCP-079 ping.
+ Represents a generator ping.
+ Represents a projectile ping.
+ Represents a Micro-HID ping.
+ Represents a human ping.
+ Represents an elevator ping.
+ Represents a door ping.
+ Represents a general ping.
+ Provides simple and readable plugin priority values.
+ Execute the plugin last, after other ones.
+ Default plugin priority.
+ Low plugin priority.
+ Medium plugin priority.
+ Higher plugin priority.
+ Higher plugin priority.
+ Execute the plugin first, before other ones.
+ Type of prefab.
+ Projectile types.
+ Not a projectile.
+ High explosive grenade.
+ Used by .
+ Flashbang.
+ Used by .
+ SCP-018 ball.
+ Used by .
+ SCP-2176 lightbulb.
+ Used by .
+ All possible ranges.
+ The shortest range with the lowest battery usage.
+ The standard, default range.
+ A longer range with increased battery usage.
+ The longest range with the most battery usage.
+ Specifies the type of edit to perform on a registry property.
+ Indicates that the value of the property should be edited.
+ Indicates that the exact name of the property should be edited.
+ Indicates that the category of the property should be edited.
+ Indicates that the property should be set as read-only.
+ Result for ReservedSlots event.
+ Don't override the base game decision.
+ Override: player has a reserved slot.
+ Override: player doesn't have a reserved slot.
+ Bypass the reserved slots system and allow the connection unconditionally.
+ Layers game respawn effects.
+ Plays the music to alive and .
+ Summons the van.
+ Summons the NTF chopper.
+ Unique identifier for the different types of rooms.
+ Unknown Room Type.
+ Light Containment Zone's Armory.
+ Light Containment Zone's Curved Hall.
+ Light Containment Zone's Straight Hall.
+ Light Containment Zone's SCP-914 room.
+ Light Containment Zone's 4-Way intersection.
+ Light Containment Zone's 3-Way intersection.
+ Light Containment Zone's PC-15's room.
+ Light Containment Zone's VT-00's room.
+ Light Containment Zone's Water Closet.
+ Light Containment Zone's Airlock room.
+ Light Containment Zone's PT-00 room.
+ Light Containment Zone's Class-D spawn room.
+ Light Containment Zone's Checkpoint B room.
+ Light Containment Zone's GR-18's room.
+ Light Containment Zone's Checkpoint A room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's SCP-079 room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's Entrance Checkpoint A room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's Entrance Checkpoint B room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's 3-Way Intersection + Armory room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's SCP-939 room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's MicroHID straight hall.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's SCP-049 + SCP-173's room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's 4-way intersection.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's SCP-106 room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's nuke room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's Tesla straight hall.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's Servers room.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's 3-way intersection.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's cruved hall.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's SCP-096 room.
+ Entrance Zone's Red Vent room.
+ Entrance Zone's Intercom room.
+ Entrance Zone's Gate A room.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall with PC's on a lower level.
+ Entrance Zone's curved hall.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall with PC's on the main level.
+ Entrance Zone's 4-way intersection.
+ Entrance Zone's Red Collapsed Tunnel Room.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall with Dr.L's locked room.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall
+ Entrance Zone's Cafeteria Room.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall with PC's and upper level.
+ Entrance Zone's Gate B room.
+ Entrance Zone's Shelter rfoom.
+ The Pocket Dimension.
+ The Surface.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's straight hall.
+ Entrance Zone's 3-way intersection.
+ Light Containment ZOne's SCP-330 room.
+ Entrance Zone's straight hall before the entrance/heavy checkpoint.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's test room's straight hall.
+ Heavy Containment Zone's Elevator System A room.
+ Heavy Containment Elevator Zone's System B room.
+ Possible shooting target buttons.
+ Increase HP button.
+ Decrease HP button.
+ Increase reset time button.
+ Decrease reset time button.
+ Reset button.
+ Remove button.
+ Toggle sync mode button.
+ Shooting target types present in the game.
+ Unknown target.
+ Radial sport target.
+ D-Class target.
+ Binary target.
+ In which side a certain belongs.
+ SCP team. Same as .
+ Contains all SCP-related roles: , , , ,
+ , , , and .
+ Mobile Task Forces team.
+ Contains , , , ,
+ and .
+ Chaos Insurgency team.
+ Contains , , , and .
+ Tutorial team. Contains . Same as .
+ No team. Same as .
+ All of the valid spawn location types.
+ The inside of SCP-330's room.
+ The inside of SCP-330's room test chamber.
+ The inside of SCP-049's Armory room.
+ The inside of the inner SCP-079 door.
+ The inside of SCP-096's locked room behind its spawn.
+ The inside of the armory next to SCP-173's spawn.
+ The inside of the door at the bottom of SCP-173's stairs.
+ On the side closest to SCP-173's spawn, on the top of the stairs.
+ Inside the first Escape door.
+ Inside the second Escape door.
+ Just inside the Intercom door.
+ Inside the LCZ Armory.
+ Inside the LCZ PC-15 room.
+ Inside the Nuke armory.
+ Inside the surface nuke room.
+ Inside the first SCP-079 gate.
+ Inside SCP-173's gate.
+ Just inside of SCP-914.
+ Inside the Gate-A room.
+ Inside the Gate-B room.
+ Inside the GR-18 door.
+ Inside the 3-way intersection HCZ Armory.
+ Inside the Micro-HID room.
+ Just inside the left door next to Micro-HID room.
+ Just inside the right door next to Micro-HID room.
+ Just inside the LCZ WC door.
+ Just inside the door at the bottom of the server's room.
+ Inside a random locker on the map.
+ Possible spawn reasons.
+ No reason specified.
+ The round has just started.
+ The player joined and the round recently started.
+ The player was dead and is respawning.
+ The player has died.
+ The player has escaped.
+ The player was revived by SCP-049.
+ The player's role was changed by an admin command.
+ The user will be destroyed.
+ The player's role was changed by an exiled plugin.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Required for YAML deserialization.
+ All available text channels.
+ Means text won't be displayed.
+ Means the text will be displayed through the broadcast system.
+ Means the text will be displayed through hint display system.
+ Possible throwable throw types.
+ Requesting to begin throwing a throwable item.
+ Requesting to confirm a weak throw.
+ Requesting to confirm a strong throw.
+ Requesting to cancel a throw.
+ All available branch environments.
+ The production branch.
+ The debug branch.
+ The development branch.
+ The beta branch.
+ The alpha branch.
+ The prealpha branch.
+ The unstable branch.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ All RippleTriggers usable in the game.
+ The FireArm Ripple.
+ The Footstep Ripple.
+ The action type that should be triggered from a keypress trigger.
+ No action.
+ Declares a keypress trigger input.
+ Declares a keypress trigger input.
+ Declares a keypress trigger input.
+ Declares a keypress trigger input.
+ All the available warhead statuses.
+ The warhead is not armed.
+ The warhead is armed.
+ The warhead detonation is in progress.
+ The warhead has detonated.
+ All available workstation statuses.
+ Workstation is currently offline.
+ Workstation is currently powering up.
+ Workstation is currently powering down.
+ Workstation is currently online.
+ Facility zone types.
+ An unspecified zone.
+ The Light Containment Zone.
+ The Heavy Containment Zone.
+ The Entrance Zone.
+ The Surface Zone.
+ An unknown type of zone.
+ A set of extensions for animation curves.
+ Modify the curve with the amount used.
+ The AnimationCurve to modify.
+ The multiplier number.
+ The new modified curve.
+ Modify the curve with the amount used.
+ The AnimationCurve to modify.
+ The add number.
+ The new modified curve.
+ Extensions for bitwise operations.
+ Adds the specified flags to the given enum value.
+ The type of the enum.
+ The enum value to add flags to.
+ The flags to add.
+ The enum value with the specified flags added.
+ Removes the specified flags from the given enum value.
+ The type of the enum.
+ The enum value to remove flags from.
+ The flags to remove.
+ The enum value with the specified flags removed.
+ Sets the specified flag to the given value, default is true.
+ The flags enum to modify.
+ The value to set the flag to.
+ The flags to modify.
+ The type of the enum.
+ The flags enum with the flag set to the given value.
+ A set of extensions for easily interact with collections.
+ Removes elements from the enumerable that satisfy the specified condition.
+ The type of elements in the enumerable.
+ The enumerable to remove elements from.
+ The condition used to determine which elements to remove.
+ A new enumerable with elements removed based on the specified condition.
+ Gets a random item from an .
+ The to get the item from.
+ Type of elements.
+ A random item from the .
+ Gets a random item from an given a condition.
+ The to get the item from.
+ Type of elements.
+ The specified condition.
+ A random item from the matching the given condition.
+ Shuffles an .
+ The type of the elements of .
+ The .
+ The amount of times to repeat the shuffle operation.
+ Thrown when the is null.
+ Thrown when the amount of iterations is less than 1.
+ A shuffled version of the .
+ Performs the specified action on each element of the .
+ The type of elements in the .
+ The to iterate over.
+ The delegate to apply to each element.
+ The original .
+ This extension method is designed for performing side effects on each element
+ of the collection without creating a new collection. It does not modify the
+ collection itself and is typically used for its side effects, such as logging,
+ printing, or updating state.
+ Adds a collection of items to an existing .
+ The type of items in the collection.
+ The original to which items will be added.
+ The collection of items to add.
+ The modified after adding the items.
+ Adds a collection of items to an existing array of .
+ The type of items in the collection.
+ The original array of to which items will be added.
+ The collection of items to add.
+ The modified array of after adding the items.
+ Adds a collection of items to an existing .
+ The type of items in the collection.
+ The original to which items will be added.
+ The collection of items to add.
+ The modified after adding the items.
+ Tries to add the specified key-value pair to the dictionary. Returns if the key already exists.
+ The type of keys in the dictionary.
+ The type of values in the dictionary.
+ The dictionary to which the key-value pair is to be added.
+ The key-value pair to add to the dictionary.
+ if the key-value pair was successfully added; otherwise, if the key already exists in the dictionary.
+ Tries to add the specified key and value to the dictionary. Returns if the key already exists.
+ The type of keys in the dictionary.
+ The type of values in the dictionary.
+ The dictionary to which the key-value pair is to be added.
+ The key to add to the dictionary.
+ The value associated with the key.
+ if the key-value pair was successfully added; otherwise, if the key already exists in the dictionary.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Gets conversion information between s and s.
+ Gets conversion information between s and s.
+ Gets conversion information between s and s.
+ Check if a damage type is caused by a weapon.
+ The damage type to be checked.
+ Indicates whether or not the MicroHid damage type should be taken into account.
+ Returns whether or not the is caused by weapon.
+ Check if a damage type is caused by a SCP.
+ The damage type to be checked.
+ Indicates whether or not the SCP-items damage types should be taken into account.
+ Returns whether or not the is caused by SCP.
+ Check if a damage type is caused by a status effect.
+ The damage type to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is caused by status effect.
+ Gets the of an s.
+ The DamageHandler to convert.
+ The of the .
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Gets a dictionary that maps each to its corresponding .
+ Gets a dictionary that maps each to its corresponding .
+ Gets an instance of points to a danger.
+ The enum.
+ The .
+ Gets an instance of points to a danger.
+ The enum.
+ The type found with the corresponding DangerType.
+ Whether or not the type has been found.
+ Gets the of the specified .
+ The enum.
+ The .
+ Gets the of the specified .
+ The enum.
+ The danger type found.
+ Whether or not the danger has been found.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Checks if a door type is a gate.
+ The door to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a gate or not.
+ Checks if a door type is a checkpoint.
+ The door to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a checkpoint or not.
+ Checks if a door type is an elevator.
+ The door to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is an elevator or not.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Gets a dictionary that maps each to its corresponding .
+ Gets a dictionary that maps each to its corresponding .
+ Gets an instance of points to an effect.
+ The enum.
+ The .
+ Gets an instance of points to an effect.
+ The enum.
+ The type found with the corresponding EffecType.
+ Whether or not the effectType has been found.
+ Gets the of the specified .
+ The enum.
+ The .
+ Gets the of the specified .
+ The enum.
+ The effect found.
+ Whether or not the effect has been found.
+ Sets the of the specified .
+ The effect.
+ The applied.
+ Returns whether or not the provided drains health over time.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect drains health over time.
+ Returns whether or not the provided heals a player.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect heals.
+ Returns whether or not the provided is a negative effect.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect is a negative effect.
+ Returns whether or not the provided is a positive effect.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect is a positive effect.
+ Returns whether or not the provided affects the player's movement speed.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect modifies the player's movement speed.
+ Returns whether or not the provided is displayed to spectators as text.
+ The .
+ Whether or not the effect is displayed to spectators as text.
+ Returns the of the given .
+ The .
+ The of the .
+ Tries to get an instance of of the given .
+ The .
+ The to return.
+ if a is found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get an instance of of the given type .
+ The .
+ The to get.
+ if a is found; otherwise, .
+ Returns the of the given .
+ The .
+ The representing the effect.
+ Extensions for Enums.
+ Queries an enum and returns their values.
+ The type of enum to query.
+ An array of the enum values from the provided enum.
+ Queries an enum and returns their names.
+ The type of enum to query.
+ An array of the enum names from the provided enum.
+ Queries an enum and returns its underlying type.
+ The type of enum to query.
+ The underlying type of the enum.
+ Queries an enum and returns its underlying type code.
+ The type of enum to query.
+ The underlying type code of the enum.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Check if an item is an ammo.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is an ammo or not.
+ Check if an item is a weapon.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Indicates whether the MicroHID item should be taken into account or not.
+ Returns whether the is a weapon or not.
+ Check if an item is an SCP.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is an SCP.
+ Check if an item is a throwable item.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is a throwable item.
+ Check if an item is a medical item.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is a medical item.
+ Check if an item is a utility item.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is an utilty item.
+ Check if a is an armor item.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is an armor.
+ Check if an item is a keycard.
+ The item to be checked.
+ Returns whether or not the is a keycard.
+ Given an , returns the matching .
+ The .
+ The , or if not found.
+ Given an , returns the matching .
+ The .
+ The , or if not found.
+ Given an , returns the matching , casted to .
+ The .
+ The type to cast the to.
+ The casted to , or if not found or couldn't be casted.
+ Gets the maximum ammo of a weapon.
+ The weapon that you want to get maximum of.
+ Returns the maximum.
+ Returns the of the weapon is using.
+ The to convert.
+ The given weapon's AmmoType.
+ Converts a valid ammo into an .
+ The to convert.
+ The ammo type of the given item type.
+ Converts a valid firearm into a .
+ The to convert.
+ The firearm type of the given item.
+ Converts an into it's corresponding .
+ The to convert.
+ The Item type of the specified ammo.
+ Converts a into it's corresponding .
+ The to convert.
+ The Item type of the specified firearm.
+ Converts a valid projectile into a .
+ The to convert.
+ The projectile type of the given item type, or if the provided item type is not a projectile.
+ Converts a into the corresponding .
+ The to convert.
+ The Item type of the specified grenade.
+ Converts a of s into the corresponding of s.
+ The items to convert.
+ A new of s.
+ Gets all s present on a .
+ The to iterate over.
+ The value which represents the attachments code to check.
+ A of value which represents all the attachments present on the specified .
+ Tries to get all s present on a .
+ The to iterate over.
+ The value which represents the attachments code to check.
+ The attachments present on the specified .
+ if the specified is a weapon.
+ Gets the value resulting from the sum of all elements within a specific of .
+ The of to compute.
+ A value that represents the attachments code.
+ Gets the base code of the specified .
+ The to check.
+ The corresponding base code.
+ Gets the of the specified .
+ The to check.
+ of the specified .
+ A set of extensions for mathematical operations.
+ Returns the square of the Euclidean distance between two specified points.
+ First point.
+ Seconds point.
+ Square of the distance.
+ Evaluates a probability.
+ The probability to evaluate.
+ The minimum value to include in the range.
+ The maximum value to include in the range.
+ if the probability occurred, otherwise .
+ Evaluates a probability.
+ The probability to evaluate.
+ The minimum value to include in the range.
+ The maximum value to include in the range.
+ if the probability occurred, otherwise .
+ A set of extensions for Networking.
+ Gets corresponding to .
+ Gets a all DirtyBit from (format:classname.methodname).
+ Gets Rpc's FullName corresponding to (format:classname.methodname).
+ Gets a 's .
+ Gets a NetworkServer.SendSpawnMessage's .
+ Send fake values to client's .
+ Target to send.
+ of object that owns .
+ 's type.
+ Property name starting with Network.
+ Value of send to target.
+ Force resync to client's .
+ of object that owns .
+ 's type.
+ Property name starting with Network.
+ Send fake values to client's .
+ Target to send.
+ of object that owns .
+ 's type.
+ Property name starting with Rpc.
+ Values of send to target.
+ Send fake values to client's .
+ Target to send.
+ of object that owns .
+ 's type.
+ Property name starting with Rpc.
+ Values of send to target.
+ Send fake values to client's .
+ Target to send.
+ of object that owns .
+ 's type.
+ Custom writing action.
+ EffectOnlySCP207.
+ MirrorExtensions.SendFakeSyncObject(player, player.NetworkIdentity, typeof(PlayerEffectsController), (writer) => {
+ writer.WriteULong(1ul); // DirtyObjectsBit
+ writer.WriteUInt(1); // DirtyIndexCount
+ writer.WriteByte((byte)SyncList<byte>.Operation.OP_SET); // Operations
+ writer.WriteUInt(17); // EditIndex
+ writer.WriteByte(1); // Value
+ });
+ Edit 's parameter and sync.
+ Target object.
+ Edit function.
+ Sends a .
+ Base instance.
+ Action that will apply needed changes to a .
+ Should message be sent to everybody or to only.
+ A type of .
+ extensions.
+ Removes a specific value from a queue.
+ The to remove from.
+ The item to remove.
+ The of data used.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Invokes a static method.
+ The method type.
+ The method name.
+ The method parameters.
+ Invokes a static event.
+ The event type.
+ The event name.
+ The event arguments.
+ Copy all properties from the source class to the target one.
+ The target object.
+ The source object to copy properties from.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Gets a role's .
+ The to get the color of.
+ The of the role.
+ Gets a role's .
+ The to check the side of.
+ .
+ Gets a team's .
+ The to get the of.
+ ..
+ Gets a random from the specified .
+ The team to get a random of.
+ A random role from the specified team.
+ Gets a random from the specified .
+ The team to get a random of.
+ A random role from the specified side.
+ Gets a random that matches the condition.
+ A function defining the condition for selecting.
+ A random .
+ Gets the of the given .
+ The .
+ .
+ Gets the full name of the given .
+ The .
+ The full name.
+ Gets the base of the given .
+ The .
+ The .
+ Tries to get the base of the given .
+ The .
+ The to return.
+ The .
+ Tries to get the base of the given .
+ The .
+ The to return.
+ The type to cast the to.
+ The .
+ Gets the .
+ Team.
+ .
+ Checks whether a is an or not.
+ The .
+ Returns whether is an or not.
+ Gets a random spawn point of a .
+ The to get the spawn point from.
+ Returns a representing the spawn, or if no spawns were found.
+ Gets the starting of a .
+ The .
+ The that the role receives on spawn.
+ Gets the starting items of a .
+ The .
+ An of that the role receives on spawn. Will be empty for classes that do not spawn with items.
+ Gets the starting ammo of a .
+ The .
+ A dictionary of AmmoType and ushort that the role receives on spawn. Will be empty for classes that do not spawn with ammo.
+ A set of extensions for and .
+ Checks if a room type is a gate.
+ The room to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a gate or not.
+ Checks if a room type is a checkpoint.
+ The room to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a checkpoint or not.
+ Checks if a room type is a Lcz checkpoint.
+ The room to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a Lcz checkpoint or not.
+ Checks if a room type is a Hcz checkpoint.
+ The room to be checked.
+ Returns whether the is a Hcz checkpoint or not.
+ Checks if a room type contains any SCP.
+ The room to be checked.
+ Returns whether the contains any SCP or not.
+ Converts the provided into the corresponding .
+ The to convert.
+ ZoneType.
+ Converts the provided into the corresponding .
+ The to convert.
+ FacilityZone.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ The names of spawn locations who's positions are on the opposite side of their door, and must be corrected.
+ Tries to get the of the door used for a specific .
+ The to check.
+ The used for that spawn location. Can be .
+ Tries to get the used for a specific .
+ The to check.
+ The used for that spawn location. Can be .
+ The names of the doors attached to each spawn location.
+ The .
+ Returns the door name.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Computes the distance between two .
+ The first string to be compared.
+ The second string to be compared.
+ The distance between the two strings.
+ Extract command name and arguments from a .
+ The to extract from.
+ Returns a containing the exctracted command name and arguments.
+ Converts a to snake_case convention.
+ The string to be converted.
+ Indicates whether special chars has to be replaced or not.
+ Returns the new snake_case string.
+ Converts a from snake_case convention.
+ The string to be converted.
+ Returns the new NotSnakeCase string.
+ Converts an into a string.
+ The type of the IEnumerable.
+ The instance.
+ Indicates whether the enumerator index should be shown or not.
+ Returns the converted .
+ Removes the prefab-generated brackets (#) on names.
+ Name of the .
+ Name without brackets.
+ Retrieves a string before a symbol from an input.
+ The input.
+ The symbol.
+ Substring before the symbol.
+ Splits camel case string to space-separated words. Ex: SomeCamelCase -> Some Camel Case.
+ Camel case string.
+ Splitted string.
+ Removes all space symbols from string.
+ Input string.
+ String without spaces.
+ Gets the player's user id without the authentication.
+ The user id.
+ Returns the raw user id.
+ Gets a SHA256 hash of a player's user id without the authentication.
+ The user id.
+ The hashed userid.
+ Contains a useful extension to compare two 's.
+ Compares two 's for equality.
+ The first .
+ The second .
+ if they are equal; otherwise, .
+ Searches for a key of a group in the RemoteAdmin config.
+ The .
+ The key of that group, or if not found.
+ Searches for a value of a group in the RemoteAdmin config.
+ The .
+ The value of that group, or if not found.
+ This attribute determines whether the class which is being applied to should be treated as .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the folder's name.
+ Gets the file's name.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class on which this attribute is being applied to should be treated as parent .
+ This attribute determines whether the class which is being applied to should replace the default class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A value indicating whether the type should enforce its authority, ignoring all other classes.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the type should enforce its authority, ignoring all other classes.
+ An attribute to easily manage initialization.
+ This attribute is used within Harmony patches and the relative annotations to define a target element.
A target element can be a , or .
allows to define elements made for patching.
A target-patching approach is useful to patch specific elements without having to directly patch everything without considering excluded elements.
Target-patching also allows to emit patches without having to manually define and/or supply parameters and elements made for patching
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The group of target-patch.
+ Gets the group id.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the prefab's asset id.
+ Gets the prefab's name.
+ An attribute that validates if the value of the marked property is greater than a specified number.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The number the marked property should be greater than.
+ Whether or not the comparison in inclusive (includes as a valid value for the marked property).
+ Gets the number that the value of the marked property should be greater than.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the comparison is inclusive.
+ If this returns true, is a valid value for the marked property.
+ An attribute that validates if the value of the marked property is less than a specified number.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The number the marked property should be less than.
+ Whether or not the comparison in inclusive (includes as a valid value for the marked property).
+ Gets the number that the value of the marked property should be less than.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the comparison is inclusive.
+ If this returns true, is a valid value for the marked property.
+ An attribute that validates if the value of the marked property is non-negative.
+ An attribute that validates if the value of the marked property is non-positive.
+ An attribute that validates if the value of the marked property included in the specified values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The values the marked property can have that should be considered valid.
+ Gets the values the marked property can have that should be considered valid.
+ This attribute determines whether the class which is being applied to should be treated as .
+ The master branch's name.
+ The branch name.
+ The branch prefix.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The master project.
+ The branch name.
+ The branch prefix.
+ Represents an in-game badge.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The badge text.
+ The badge color.
+ Indicates whether the badge is global or not.
+ Gets the badge text.
+ Gets the badge color.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the badge is global or not.
+ Gets whether or not the provided hex color code can be used in badges.
+ The hex color code, including the #.
+ If the method returns , this will be an enum representing the hex code. If the method returns , this will be .
+ Whether or not the provided hex color code can be used in badges.
+ Gets the hex color code of the provided .
+ The to get the hex color code of.
+ The hex color code, including the #.
+ Returns the Badge in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Badge-related data.
+ Useful class to save broadcast configs in a cleaner way.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The content of the broadcast>.
+ The duration of the broadcast, in seconds.
+ Whether or not the broadcast should be shown.
+ The type of the broadcast.
+ Gets or sets the broadcast content.
+ Gets or sets the broadcast duration.
+ Gets or sets the broadcast type.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the broadcast should be shown or not.
+ Returns the Broadcast in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Broadcast-related data.
+ The in-game Scp079Camera.
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base camera.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the camera's name.
+ Gets the camera's id.
+ Gets the generator's .
+ Gets the camera's .
+ Gets the camera's .
+ Gets the camera's position.
+ Gets the camera's rotation.
+ Gets the value of the zoom.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this camera is being used by SCP-079.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances given a of .
+ The of .
+ A of .
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The base .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The camera id to be searched for.
+ The with the given id or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The name of the camera.
+ The or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Get a of which contains all the instance given a of .
+ the of .
+ return a of , it's can be valid, or , depending if it's null or not.
+ a bool result if return sequence contain valid element.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The base .
+ The instance of which base.
+ if is not , or if is .
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The id camera to be shearch.
+ the result of , if is valid.
+ if is not , or if is .
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The name of the camera.
+ The , if is valid.
+ if is not , or if is .
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given .
+ if is not , or if is .
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ if is not , or if is .
+ Returns the Camera in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Camera-related data.
+ A set of tools to use in-game C.A.S.S.I.E.
+ Gets the singleton.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not C.A.S.S.I.E is currently announcing. Does not include decontamination or Alpha Warhead Messages.
+ Gets a of objects that C.A.S.S.I.E recognizes.
+ Reproduce a non-glitched C.A.S.S.I.E message.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to hold the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make noises or not during the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make subtitles.
+ Reproduce a non-glitched C.A.S.S.I.E message with a possibility to custom the subtitles.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ The translation should be show in the subtitles.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to hold the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make noises or not during the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make subtitles.
+ Reproduce a glitchy C.A.S.S.I.E announcement.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ The chance of placing a glitch between each word.
+ The chance of jamming each word.
+ Reproduce a non-glitched C.A.S.S.I.E message after a certain amount of seconds.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ The seconds that have to pass before reproducing the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to hold the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make noises or not during the message.
+ Indicates whether C.A.S.S.I.E has to make subtitles.
+ Reproduce a glitchy C.A.S.S.I.E announcement after a certain period of seconds.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ The seconds that have to pass before reproducing the message.
+ The chance of placing a glitch between each word.
+ The chance of jamming each word.
+ Calculates the duration of a C.A.S.S.I.E message.
+ The message, which duration will be calculated.
+ Determines if a number won't be converted to its full pronunciation.
+ The speed of the message.
+ Duration (in seconds) of specified message.
+ Converts a into a Cassie-Readable CONTAINMENTUNIT.
+ .
+ Unit Name.
+ Containment Unit text.
+ Converts a number into a Cassie-Readable String.
+ Number to convert.
+ A CASSIE-readable representing the number.
+ Announce a SCP Termination.
+ SCP to announce termination of.
+ HitInformation.
+ Announces the termination of a custom SCP name.
+ SCP Name. Note that for larger numbers, C.A.S.S.I.E will pronounce the place (eg. "457" -> "four hundred fifty seven"). Spaces can be used to prevent this behavior.
+ Hit Information.
+ Clears the C.A.S.S.I.E queue.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the given word is a valid C.A.S.S.I.E word.
+ The word to check.
+ if the word is valid; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the given sentence is all valid C.A.S.S.I.E word.
+ The sentence to check.
+ if the sentence is valid; otherwise, .
+ Represents the equality comparer for unity components.
+ Collision component for grenades.
+ Gets the thrower of the grenade.
+ Gets the grenade itself.
+ Inits the object.
+ The grenade owner.
+ The grenade component.
+ A fake network connection.
+ Represents a fragment of an asset containing information about its members and values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified type and gears.
+ The type of the asset fragment.
+ The member information associated with the value.
+ The dictionary containing member-information pairs.
+ Gets the type of the asset fragment.
+ Gets the name of the member which the asset derives from.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the asset derives from a field.
+ Gets the dictionary containing member-information pairs.
+ Generates an from the specified entity object by inspecting its members recursively.
+ The entity object from which to generate the .
+ The member information associated with the value.
+ The generated .
+ Generates an from the specified entity object by inspecting its members recursively.
+ The entity object from which to generate the .
+ The member information associated with the value.
+ The members to include in the generated asset fragment.
+ The generated .
+ Recursively extracts and assigns values from an to the target object.
+ The target object to which the values will be assigned.
+ The AssetFragment containing the values to be assigned.
+ The member information of the target object which could be a field or property.
+ Recursively extracts and assigns values from an to the target object.
+ The target object to which the values will be assigned.
+ The containing the values to be assigned.
+ The member information of the target object which could be a field or property.
+ The members to include in the extraction of the asset fragment.
+ Represents a registry for managing entity assets.
+ This class allows for storing and accessing entity assets, providing methods to retrieve assets by various criteria.
+ The default category name.
+ The default exact name.
+ The default asset name.
+ Gets all entity assets stored in the registry.
+ Gets all entity assets stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The type of entity asset to retrieve.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ All entity assets matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Gets the first entity asset stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The type of entity asset to retrieve.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ The first entity asset matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Gets the last entity asset stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The type of entity asset to retrieve.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ The last entity asset matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Gets all entity assets stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ All entity assets matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Gets the first entity asset stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ The first entity asset matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Gets the last entity asset stored in the registry with the specified identifier and category.
+ The identifier of the asset.
+ The category of the asset.
+ The last entity asset matching the specified identifier and category.
+ Removes the specified entity asset from the registry.
+ The entity asset to remove.
+ if the entity asset was successfully removed; otherwise, .
+ Removes all entity assets with the specified identifier and category from the registry.
+ The identifier of the assets to remove.
+ The category of the assets to remove.
+ Removes the first entity asset with the specified identifier and category from the registry.
+ The identifier of the asset to remove.
+ The category of the asset to remove.
+ Removes the last entity asset with the specified identifier and category from the registry.
+ The identifier of the asset to remove.
+ The category of the asset to remove.
+ Adds the specified entity asset to the registry.
+ The entity asset to add.
+ if the entity asset was successfully added; otherwise, .
+ An attribute used to specify and identify classes that can implement any type of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Indicates whether the class is searchable in the asset registry.
+ Indicates whether the class instance is allowed once.
+ The category of the class.
+ The exact name of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class is searchable in the asset registry.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class instance is allowed once.
+ Gets the category of the class.
+ Gets the exact name of the class.
+ An attribute used to specify and identify properties that can be manipulated externally and within subobjects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Indicates whether the property is searchable in the registry.
+ Indicates whether the property is read-only.
+ Indicates whether the property is serializable.
+ The category of the property.
+ The exact name of the property.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is searchable in the asset registry.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is read-only.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is serializable.
+ Gets the category of the property.
+ Gets the exact name of the property.
+ An attribute to mark an type as a managed object type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ An attribute to easily initialize states.
+ The component which handles tick related features.
+ The default fixed tick rate (60 per second).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the current tick rate.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can tick.
+ Gets a of containing all the delegates to be invoked.
+ Gets all the currently bound handles.
+ Binds a .
+ The to bind.
+ Binds a .
+ The to bind.
+ The coroutine to handle.
+ Unbinds a .
+ The to unbind.
+ Unbinds all the currently bound handles.
+ A class to manipulate game's constants.
+ Constant type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ An actual constant value.
+ A collection of types where this constant is used.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets the value of game's constant.
+ Gets or sets a value which will replace in types.
+ Gets a collection of types where should be replaced with .
+ Gets a collection of methods that should be skipped when patching.
+ Gets a collection of methods that are patched.
+ Gets the instance for this constant property.
+ Gets the list of all .
+ A converter to value's type.
+ The instance.
+ A value.
+ Gets the by it's patched type and constant value.
+ A game's constant value.
+ Type where this constant is using.
+ The instance or .
+ Actor is the base class for a that can be placed or spawned in-game.
+ The default fixed tick rate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be destroyed the next tick.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the position.
+ Gets or sets the rotation.
+ Gets or sets the scale.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can tick.
+ Gets or sets the value which determines the size of every tick.
+ Gets a [] containing all the components in parent.
+ Attaches a to the specified .
+ .
+ .
+ Attaches a to the specified .
+ The source actor.
+ The actor to be modified.
+ Fired after the instance is created.
+ Fired after the first fixed tick.
+ Fired every tick.
+ Fired before the current instance is destroyed.
+ Subscribes all the events.
+ Unsubscribes all the events.
+ Represents a class of an .
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The entity belonging to the property.
+ Indicates whether the class is searchable in the asset registry.
+ Indicates whether the class instance is allowed once.
+ The category of the property.
+ The exact name of the property.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The entity belonging to the property.
+ The containing all information to initialize the class.
+ Gets the entity instance belonging to this property.
+ Gets the class type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class is searchable in the asset registry.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the class instance is allowed once.
+ Gets the category of the property.
+ Gets the exact name of the property.
+ Represents an entity asset that can be manipulated externally and within subobjects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the default name.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified identifier.
+ The identifier for the entity asset.
+ Gets the class of the entity asset.
+ Gets the properties of the entity asset.
+ Gets the registry of the entity asset.
+ Acquires an entity asset from the specified target object.
+ The target object to acquire the entity asset from.
+ The optional identifier for the entity asset.
+ The acquired entity asset.
+ Thrown when the target is null.
+ Thrown when the target type is not decorated with .
+ Acquires an entity asset from the specified target object.
+ The target object to acquire the entity asset from.
+ The members to include in the acquired entity asset.
+ The optional identifier for the entity asset.
+ The acquired entity asset.
+ Thrown when the target is null.
+ Thrown when the target type is not decorated with .
+ Revokes the entity asset associated with the specified target object within the specified category.
+ The target object associated with the entity asset to revoke.
+ The exact name of the entity asset to revoke.
+ The category from which to revoke the entity asset.
+ Revokes the entity assets associated with the specified target object and exact names.
+ The target object associated with the entity assets to revoke.
+ The exact names of the entity assets to revoke.
+ Thrown when the target is null or does not match the type of the first owner entity.
+ Retrieves all entities from the registry of the specified type and category.
+ The type of entities to retrieve.
+ The category of entities to retrieve.
+ An enumerable collection of entities from the registry.
+ Retrieves the entity with the specified name from the registry of the specified type.
+ The type of the entity to retrieve.
+ The exact name of the entity to retrieve.
+ The entity with the specified name from the registry.
+ Retrieves the entity property with the specified name from the registry.
+ The exact name of the entity property to retrieve.
+ The entity property with the specified name from the registry.
+ Retrieves the entity property and its index with the specified name from the registry.
+ The exact name of the entity property to retrieve.
+ A tuple containing the entity property and its index in the registry.
+ Edits the entity property with the specified name in the registry.
+ The exact name of the entity property to edit.
+ The type of edit to perform on the entity property.
+ The value to apply during the edit operation.
+ Thrown when the value cannot be converted to the required type.
+ Thrown when an invalid registry edit type is provided.
+ The base class of all Exiled objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets all the registered types.
+ Gets or sets the base .
+ Gets or sets the name of the instance.
+ Gets or sets the tag of the instance.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values can be edited.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is being destroyed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search for the object
+ when both and are null.
+ If found, assigns it to .
+ Gets all the active instances.
+ Implicitly converts the given instance to a .
+ The instance's name.
+ Gets a from a given type name.
+ The type name to look for.
+ A matching the type name or if not found.
+ Registers the specified type .
+ The type to register.
+ The name of the registered type.
+ The registered .
+ Registers the specified .
+ The type to register.
+ The name of the registered type.
+ The assembly to register object types in.
+ The registered .
+ Registers the specified type.
+ The type to register.
+ if the type was unregistered successfully; otherwise, .
+ Unregisters the specified type.
+ The name of the type to unregister.
+ if the type was unregistered successfully; otherwise, .
+ Finds the most accurate matching the given .
+ The name to look for.
+ A value indicating whether abstract types should be ignored.
+ The with the name that matches the given name.
+ Gets a type from all the registered types.
+ The type.
+ The matching .
+ Occurs when the requested type is not the same as the specified type.
+ Gets a type from all the registered types.
+ The type.
+ The name of the type to look for.
+ The matching .
+ Occurs when the requested type's name is not the same as the specified name.
+ Gets a type from all the registered types.
+ The type.
+ The matching .
+ Occurs when the requested type is not the same as the specified type.
+ Gets a type from all the registered types.
+ The type.
+ The name of the type to look for.
+ The matching .
+ Occurs when the requested type's name is not the same as the specified name.
+ Gets a type from all the registered types.
+ The name of the type to look for.
+ The matching .
+ Occurs when the requested type's name is not the same as the specified name.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ The parameters to initialize the object.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The cast type.
+ The type.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The cast type.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type to cast.
+ The parameters to initialize the object.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The cast type.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The parameters to initialize the object.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The cast type.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The parameters to initialize the object.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The new instance.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ The type.
+ The name to be given to the new instance.
+ The parameters to initialize the object.
+ The new instance.
+ Destroys all the active instances.
+ Destroys all the active instances.
+ The type to look for.
+ Finds the active instances of type filtered based on a predicate.
+ The type to look for.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ The corresponding active .
+ Finds all the active instances of type filtered based on a predicate.
+ The type to look for.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type .
+ The type to look for.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type with the specified .
+ The name to look for.
+ The type to look for.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type .
+ The type to look for.
+ The type.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type filtered based on a predicate.
+ The type to look for.
+ The type.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type with the specified .
+ The tag to look for.
+ The type to look for.
+ A [] containing all the matching results.
+ Finds all the active instances of type .
+ The type to look for.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A [] containing all the elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Finds all the active instances of type .
+ The type to look for.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A [] containing all the elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Destroys all the active instances of type .
+ The type to look for.
+ Destroys an active instance of type given the specified .
+ The type to look for.
+ The belonging to the instance to be destroyed.
+ if the object was destroyed; otherwise, .
+ Destroys an active instance given the specified .
+ The type of the object.
+ The belonging to the object.
+ if the object was destroyed; otherwise, .
+ Finds the most appropriate entry.
+ The type to look for.
+ The name to pair.
+ The source on which iterate on.
+ The corresponding entry or if not found.
+ Destroys the current instance.
+ Waits until the server host object is available and then sets the base game object.
+ An IEnumerator representing the asynchronous operation.
+ Fired before the current instance is destroyed.
+ Fired when the current instance has been explicitly destroyed.
+ Represents a property of an .
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The entity belonging to the property.
+ The value of the property.
+ The origin member.
+ Indicates whether the property is searchable in the registry.
+ Indicates whether the property is read-only.
+ Indicates whether the property is serializable.
+ The category of the property.
+ The exact name of the property.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The entity belonging to the property.
+ The value of the property.
+ The origin member.
+ The containing all information to initialize the property.
+ Thrown when the member is not either a property or a field.
+ Gets the entity instance belonging to the property.
+ Gets the value of the property.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is searchable in the registry.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is read-only.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the property is serializable.
+ Gets the category of the property.
+ Gets the exact name of the property.
+ Gets the initial member name.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the origin member is a field.
+ Creates a new instance of with the specified value.
+ The new value for the property.
+ A new instance of with the specified value.
+ Thrown when attempting to edit a ReadOnly property.
+ Makes the property read-only.
+ A new instance of that is read-only.
+ Thrown when attempting to edit a ReadOnly property.
+ Sets the category of the property to the specified value.
+ The new category for the property.
+ A new instance of with the updated category.
+ Thrown when attempting to edit a ReadOnly property.
+ Sets the exact name of the property to the specified value.
+ The new exact name for the property.
+ A new instance of with the updated exact name.
+ Thrown when attempting to edit a ReadOnly property.
+ Contains all information before replicating a .
+ The type of data to be replicated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the value which is being replicated.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can be replicated.
+ The base class which defines in-game entities.
+ The room's transform.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gameobject of the Entity.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets all active instances.
+ This collection should be used sparingly and only if circumstances require it, due to its potentially large size.
+ Gets all entity's 's.
+ Gets or sets the 's .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the position.
+ Gets or sets the rotation.
+ Gets the nearest game entity to the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The maximum distance the game entity can be from the to be included.
+ The nearest within the specified distance, or if no game
+ entity is found.
+ Gets all game entities near the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The maximum distance the game entity can be from the to be included.
+ The filtered collection of objects.
+ Gets the farthest game entity from the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The minimum distance the game entity can be from the to be included.
+ The farthest from the specified within the given
+ distance, or if no game entity is found.
+ Gets all game entities that have a distance greater than the specified distance from the given .
+ The to compare.
+ The minimum distance the game entity can be from the to be included.
+ The filtered collection of objects.
+ Returns the local space position, based on a world space position.
+ World position.
+ Local position, based on the GameEntity.
+ Returns the World position, based on a local space position.
+ Local position.
+ World position, based on the GameEntity.
+ is a versatile component designed to enhance the functionality of various entities.
It can be easily integrated with various types of entities, making it a valuable tool for user-defined entity behaviours.
+ The type of the entity to which the behaviour is applied.
+ This abstract class serves as a foundation for user-defined behaviours that can be applied to entities (such as playable characters)
+ to extend and customize their functionality. It provides a modular and extensible architecture for enhancing gameplay elements.
+ Gets or sets the owner of the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be automatically disposed
+ when its owner is set to null.
+ If set to true, the will be disposed when the associated owner is set to null.
+ This can be useful to manage resources and cleanup when the owning entity is no longer available.
+ If set to false, the behaviour will remain active even when the owner is null, allowing for custom handling
+ of such scenarios by the derived classes.
+ Virtual method to find and set the owner of the current object.
+ This method is responsible for finding and setting the owner for the current object.
Implementations should define the logic to locate and assign the appropriate owner to the object based on the specific context.
+ Checks if the specified owner is not null and matches the stored owner.
+ The owner to be checked.
+ if the specified owner is not null and matches the stored owner; otherwise, .
+ This method verifies if the provided owner is not null and matches the stored owner.
It is typically used to ensure that the owner being checked is valid and corresponds to the expected owner for the current context.
+ A class which allows implicit conversions.
+ Can be used along with , means it doesn't require another instance to be comparable or usable.
+ The type of the source object to handle the instance of.
+ The type of the child object to handle the instance of.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Required for YAML deserialization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the enum item.
+ Gets all object instances.
+ Gets the value of the enum item.
+ Gets the name determined from reflection.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum values to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Retrieves an array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ The type.
+ An array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Parses a object.
+ The object to be parsed.
+ The corresponding object instance, or if not found.
+ Converts the instance to a human-readable representation.
+ A human-readable representation of the instance.
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Returns a the 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ The 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the specified object instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare.
+ Another object to compare.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Defines a system used to store and retrieve objects.
+ The type of the key in the dictionary.
+ The type of the value in the dictionary.
+ Gets a that stores dictionaries.
+ Rent a temporarily.
+ The .
+ Rent a temporarily. Fills it with the provided of .
+ The items to fill the dictionary with.
+ The .
+ Returns a finished to the pool, clearing all of its contents.
+ The to return.
+ Returns the to the pool and returns its contents as an array.
+ The to return.
+ The contents of the returned dictionary as an array.
+ Defines a system used to store and retrieve objects.
+ The type of the objects in the hash set.
+ Gets a that stores hash sets.
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist. The hashset will be filled with all the provided .
+ The items to fill the hashset with.
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Returns the to the pool and returns its contents as an array.
+ The to return.
+ The contents of the returned hashset as an array.
+ Defines the contract for a class that stores and retrieves commonly used objects.
+ The type that is stored in the pool.
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist.
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Returns the object to the pool.
+ The object to return, of type .
+ Defines a system used to store and retrieve objects.
+ The type of the objects in the list.
+ Gets a that stores lists.
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist. The capacity of the list will be equal to or greater than .
+ The capacity of content in the .
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist. The list will be filled with all the provided .
+ The items to fill the list with.
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Returns the to the pool and returns its contents as an array.
+ The to return.
+ The contents of the returned list as an array.
+ Defines a system used to store and retrieve objects.
+ The type of the objects in the list.
+ Gets a that stores lists.
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist. The list will be filled with all the provided .
+ The items to fill the list with.
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Returns the to the pool and returns its contents as an array.
+ The to return.
+ The contents of the returned queue as an array.
+ Defines a system used to store and retrieve objects.
+ Gets a that stores .
+ Retrieves a stored object of type , or creates it if it does not exist. The capacity of the StringBuilder will be equal to or greater than .
+ The capacity of content in the .
+ The stored object, or a new object, of type .
+ Returns the contents of the and returns it to the pool.
+ The to return.
+ The value of the .
+ Represents a class for managing the replication of a reference associated with a specific owner type.
+ The type that owns or manages the replicated object.
+ The type of the replicated value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A function to get the value from the owner.
+ An action to set the value for the owner.
+ The initial owner for which the value should be replicated.
+ Thrown if either the getter or setter is null.
+ Gets or sets the owner of the .
+ Represents a class for managing the replication of a reference.
+ The type of the replicated value.
+ The current value of the .
+ The replicated value of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value to be replicated.
+ Represents a class for managing the replication of a reference associated with a specific owner type.
+ The type of the replicated value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before replicating the .
+ Provides pre-replication logic to be used along with setter.
+ The value to replicate.
+ A class to handle object instances.
+ The type of the object to handle the instance of.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The branch to instantiate.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets the relative value.
+ Gets the singleton value.
+ Converts the given instance into .
+ The instance to convert.
+ Tries to get the relative value.
+ The type of the object.
+ The object instance.
+ if the object instance is not null and can be casted as the specified type; otherwise, .
+ Destroys the given instance.
+ The object to destroy.
+ if the instance was destroyed; otherwise, .
+ This is a generic Singleton implementation for components.
Create a derived class where the type is the script you want to "Singletonize"
+ The type of the class.
+ Do not redefine or in derived classes.
Instead, use methods:
+ To perform the initialization and cleanup: those methods are guaranteed to only be called once in the entire lifetime of the component.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Looks for an existing instance of the .
+ The existing instance, or if not found.
+ Creates a new instance of the .
+ The created instance, or if not found.
+ Gets or creates a new instance of .
+ The found or created instance.
+ Flushes the current actor.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ If a duplicated instance of a component is loaded into the scene this method will be called instead of .
That way you can customize what to do with repeated instances.
+ The default approach is delete the duplicated component.
+ A class which allows data implicit conversions and ensures unique values.
+ Can be used along with , means it doesn't require another instance to be comparable or usable.
+ The type of the source object to handle the instance of.
+ The type of the child object to handle the instance of.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets all object instances.
+ Gets the value of the enum item.
+ Gets the name determined from reflection.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum values to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The type to cast the enum to.
+ The enum values to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The type to cast the enum to.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves an array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ The type.
+ An array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ Parses a object.
+ The object to be parsed.
+ The corresponding object instance, or if not found.
+ Converts the instance to a human-readable representation.
+ A human-readable representation of the instance.
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Returns a the 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ The 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the specified object instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare.
+ Another object to compare.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ A class which allows data implicit conversions.
+ Can be used along with , means it doesn't require another instance to be comparable or usable.
+ The type of the source object to handle the instance of.
+ The type of the child object to handle the instance of.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the unmanaged item.
+ Gets all object instances.
+ Gets the value of the enum item.
+ Gets the name determined from reflection.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Implicitly converts the to .
+ The value to convert.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum values to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The type to cast the enum to.
+ The enum values to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The type to cast the enum to.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast object.
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Safely casts the specified to the corresponding type.
+ The enum value to be cast.
+ The cast .
+ if the was cast; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves an array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ The type.
+ An array of the values of the constants in a specified .
+ Parses a object.
+ The object to be parsed.
+ The corresponding object instance, or if not found.
+ Converts the instance to a human-readable representation.
+ A human-readable representation of the instance.
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Returns a the 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ The 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the specified object instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare.
+ Another object to compare.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Defines a behaviour which is being set up through user-defined type component.
+ Gets the behaviour component.
+ Defines a behaviours array which is being set up through user-defined type components.
+ Gets the behaviour components.
+ Defines an additive user-defined identifier.
+ Defines an additive user-defined pipe.
+ Additive property should be adjusted here.
+ Defines an additive user-defined property.
+ Defines additive settings set up through user-defined properties.
+ The type.
+ Gets or sets the settings.
+ Defines a collection of additive settings set up through user-defined properties.
+ The type.
+ Gets or sets the settings.
+ An interface representing the capability to generate an .
+ Defines the contract for basic ECS implementation.
+ Gets a of containing all the components in children.
+ Adds a component to the .
+ The to be added.
+ The name of the component.
+ The added component.
+ Adds a component to the .
+ The cast type.
+ The to be added.
+ The name of the component.
+ The added component.
+ Adds a component to the .
+ The of the to be added.
+ The name of the component.
+ The added component.
+ Adds a component to the .
+ The to be added.
+ The name of the component.
+ The added component.
+ Adds a component to the .
+ The cast type.
+ The of the to be added.
+ The name of the component.
+ The added component.
+ Adds multiple components to the .
+ The collection of representing the components to be added.
+ The added components.
+ Adds multiple components from the .
+ The collection of instances to be added.
+ The added components.
+ Adds multiple components from the .
+ The type to be added.
+ The collection of instances to be added.
+ The added components.
+ Adds multiple components to the .
+ The type to be added.
+ The collection of representing the components to be added.
+ The added components.
+ Removes a component from the .
+ The to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed component.
+ Removes a component from the .
+ The cast type.
+ The to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed component.
+ Removes a component from the .
+ The of the to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed component.
+ Removes a component from the .
+ The to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed component.
+ Removes all components of the specified type from the .
+ The type to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed components.
+ Removes all components of the specified type from the .
+ The of the to be removed.
+ The name of the component.
+ The removed components.
+ Removes multiple components from the .
+ The collection of representing the components to be removed.
+ Removes multiple components from the .
+ The collection of instances to be removed.
+ Removes multiple components from the .
+ The type to be removed.
+ The collection of instances to be removed.
+ Removes multiple components from the .
+ The type to be removed.
+ The collection of representing the components to be removed.
+ Gets a component from the .
+ The to look for.
+ The component.
+ Gets a component from the .
+ The cast .
+ The of the to look for.
+ The component.
+ Gets a component from the .
+ The of the to look for.
+ The component.
+ Gets all components of type from the .
+ The to look for.
+ An of components.
+ Gets all components of type from the .
+ The cast .
+ The of the to look for.
+ An of components.
+ Gets all components of type from the .
+ The of the to look for.
+ An of components.
+ Tries to get a component from the .
+ The to look for.
+ The .
+ if the component was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a component from the .
+ The of the to get.
+ The found component.
+ if the component was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a component from the .
+ The cast .
+ The of the to get.
+ The found component.
+ if the component was found; otherwise, .
+ Checks if the has an active component.
+ The to look for.
+ A value indicating whether or not subclasses should be considered.
+ if the component was found; otherwise, .
+ Checks if the has an active component.
+ The to look for.
+ A value indicating whether or not subclasses should be considered.
+ if the component was found; otherwise, .
+ The interface which allows defined objects to be cast to each other.
+ The type of the object to cast.
+ Unsafely casts the current instance to the specified type.
+ The type to which to cast the instance.
+ The cast instance.
+ Safely casts the current instance to the specified type.
+ The type to which to cast the instance.
+ The cast object.
+ if the instance was successfully cast; otherwise, .
+ The base class which defines nullable objects.
+ Implicitly converts a to a boolean value.
+ The to convert.
+ if the is not ; otherwise, .
+ Defines the contract for basic state features.
+ Gets the state's id.
+ Gets the state's name.
+ Gets the state's description.
+ Fired when entering the state.
+ The state controller.
+ Fired when exiting the state.
+ The state controller.
+ The base class which handles in-context states.
+ Gets all registered states.
+ Gets all the s listening to this .
+ Gets all the s running on this .
+ Gets all the s running on a other than this.
+ Initializes all states defined in the executing .
+ A value indicating whether attribute should be used.
+ Gets the belonging to the specified id.
+ The state's id.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the specified name.
+ The state's name.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the specified .
+ The state's .
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Gets the s belonging to the specified id between the defined range.
+ The minimum inclusive range.
+ The maximum exclusive range.
+ All s belonging to the specified id between the specified range.
+ Gets the s belonging to the specified id between the defined ids.
+ The ids to look for.
+ All s belonging to the specified id between the defined ids.
+ Gets the s belonging to the specified id between the defined names.
+ The names to look for.
+ All s belonging to the specified id between the defined names.
+ Gets the s belonging to the specified id between the defined types.
+ The types to look for.
+ All s belonging to the specified id between the defined types.
+ Gets the belonging to the specified type .
+ The type to look for.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Tries to get a given the specified id.
+ The state's id.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified name.
+ The state's name.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The state's .
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The type to look for.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Converts the to a human readable representation.
+ A human readable representation of the object.
+ The base controller which handles actors using in-context states.
+ Gets all handled states.
+ Gets or sets the current state.
+ Gets or sets the previous state.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when entering a new state.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when exiting the current state.
+ Fired every tick from the current state.
+ The state firing the update.
+ Fired when the state is changed.
+ This is a generic Singleton implementation for components.
Create a derived class of the script you want to "Singletonize"
+ Do not redefine or in derived classes.
Instead, use methods:
+ To perform the initialization and cleanup: those methods are guaranteed to only be called once in the entire lifetime of the component.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the method has already been called by Unity.
+ Creates a new instance of the .
+ The type of the .
+ The created or already existing instance.
+ Gets a given the specified type .
+ The type of the to look for.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified type.
+ The the type of the to look for.
+ The type to cast the to.
+ The corresponding of type , or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified type.
+ The the type of the to look for.
+ The corresponding .
+ Flushes the current actor.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ Fired on .
+ This method will only be called once even if multiple instances of the component exist in the scene.
You can override this method in derived classes to customize the initialization of the component.
+ If a duplicated instance of a component is loaded into the scene this method will be called instead of .
That way you can customize what to do with repeated instances.
+ The default approach is delete the duplicated component.
+ The interface which allows defined mono behaviours to be cast to each other.
+ The type of the mono behaviour to cast.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The interface which allows defined objects to be cast to each other.
+ The type of the object to cast.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A custom version of which allows the player's max amount of health to be changed.
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount of health the player will have.
+ A custom version of which allows the player's max amount of HumeShield to be changed.
+ Gets or sets the multiplier for gaining HumeShield.
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount of HumeShield the player can have.
+ A custom version of which allows the player's maximum amount of Stamina to be changed.
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount of stamina the player will have.
+ Clamps a float to fit the current stamina bar.
+ The value to clamp.
+ The clamped num.
+ Overriding NW Method to sync Player percentage of Stamina.
+ The writer.
+ Overriding NW Method to sync Player percentage of Stamina.
+ The reader.
+ the float value sync to server.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the friendly fire should be forced.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the action is due to suicide.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the self damage is allowed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the damage is friendly fire.
+ Computes and processes the damage.
+ The to damage.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The amount of damage to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ Cassie announcement to play.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ The amount of damage to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ The amount of damage to be set.
+ The to be used.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ The amount of damage to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ The amount of damage to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ Gets the base .
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ The attacker to be set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ Gets or sets the target.
+ Gets or sets the attacker. CAN BE NULL!.
+ Gets or sets the target's .
+ Gets or sets the attacker's .
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage to be dealt.
+ Gets or sets the start velocity.
+ Gets or sets the direct damage.
+ Gets or sets the damage absorbed by AHP processes.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base .
+ All available actions.
+ None.
+ The result is determined by a damage action.
+ The result is determined by a death action.
+ Gets or sets the base .
+ Gets or sets the belonging to this instance.
+ Gets the text to show in the server logs.
+ Gets or sets the for the damage handler.
+ Gets the .
+ Implicitly converts the given instance to a object.
+ The instance.
+ Applies the damage to the specified .
+ The to damage.
+ The of the call to this method.
+ Computes and processes the damage.
+ The to damage.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The announcement to be set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The announcement to be set.
+ The subtitles to be set.
+ Gets the default announcement.
+ Gets or sets the announcement.
+ Gets or sets a of which determines the result of the subtitle belonging to this instance.
+ Implicitly converts the given instance to a object.
+ The instance.
+ Implicitly converts the given instance to a object.
+ The instance.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The to be set.
+ The target to be set.
+ Gets or sets the used by the damage handler.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets the penetration.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the human hitboxes should be used.
+ Allows generic damage to a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Transform input data to custom generic handler.
+ Current player (Target).
+ Attacker.
+ Damage amount.
+ Damage type.
+ Custom cassie announcement.
+ Text to provide for player death screen.
+ Gets or sets a custom base.
+ Gets or sets the current attacker.
+ Gets a value indicating whether allow self damage.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the friendly fire rules should be ignored.
+ Custom Exiled process damage.
+ Current player hub.
+ Handles processing damage outcome.
+ Generic firearm path for handle type.
+ Current player.
+ Current attacker.
+ Damage amount.
+ Damage type.
+ ItemType.
+ A wrapper to easily manipulate the behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target to be set.
+ Represents airlock.
+ A containing all known 's and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Base-game controller.
+ Gets the list with all airlocks.
+ Gets the basegame controller.
+ Gets the first subdoor.
+ Gets the second subdoor.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not both subdoors are locked.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or airlock is disabled.
+ Gets the by its base-game controller.
+ Base-game controller.
+ Instance of .
+ Gets the by one of it's subdoors.
+ Subdoor.
+ Instance of .
+ Toggles airlock.
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ Represents a basic interactable door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The 's for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the list with all SCP-106's colliders.
+ Gets or sets the total cooldown before door can be triggered again.
+ Gets or sets the remaining cooldown before door can be triggered again.
+ Represents a basic non-interactable door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The 's for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Represents .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The 's for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the prefab of broken door.
+ Gets or sets max health of the door.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not door is destroyed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is breakable.
+ Gets or sets remaining health of the door.
+ Gets or sets damage types which will be ignored.
+ Damages the door.
+ Amount to be dealt.
+ Damage type. Some types can be ignored according to .
+ if door was damaged. Otherwise, false.
+ Breaks the specified door. No effect if the door cannot be broken, or if it is already broken.
+ The to apply to the door.
+ if the door was broken, if it was unable to be broken, or was already broken before.
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ Represents a checkpoint door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the list of all sub doors belonging to this .
+ Gets or sets the current checkpoint stage.
+ Gets or sets a time in seconds for main timer.
+ Gets or sets time before doors close.
+ Gets or sets time in seconds when warning will be shown.
+ Gets a containing all known subdoors s.
+ Toggles the state of the doors from .
+ New state for the subdoors.
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ A containing all known 's and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The of 's for this door.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets the base-game corresponding with this door.
+ Gets the door's .
+ Gets the that the door is located in.
+ Gets the 's that the door is located in.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the door is fully closed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the door is fully open.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the door is currently moving.
+ Gets a value indicating the precise state of the door, from 0-1. A value of 0 indicates the door is fully closed, while a value of 1 indicates the door is fully open. Values in-between represent the door's animation progress.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the door is considered open by the game.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the door is open.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the door is close.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is a gate.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is a checkpoint door.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is an elevator door.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door can be damaged.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is non-interactable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is subdoor belonging to a checkpoint.
+ Gets the checkpoint door the door is belonging to, or null if the door doesn't belong to a checkpoint.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door requires a keycard to open.
+ This value is if is equal to .
+ Gets or sets the keycard permissions required to open the door.
+ Setting this value to will allow this door to be opened without a keycard.
+ Gets or sets the door's position.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 can walk through the door.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the door is locked.
+ Gets or sets the door lock type.
+ Gets the door's Instance ID.
+ Gets a nametag of a door.
+ Gets the name of this door.
+ Gets or sets the required permissions to open the door.
+ Gets or sets the door's rotation.
+ Gets or sets the size scale of the door.
+ Gets the door's .
+ Gets a containing all 's that are connected with .
+ Gets the door object associated with a specific , or creates a new one if there isn't one.
+ The base-game .
+ A wrapper object.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The name to search for.
+ The with the given name or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ .
+ The with the given name or if not found.
+ Gets the door object associated with a specific , or creates a new one if there isn't one.
+ The base-game .
+ The with the given name or if not found.
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified .
+ The zone from which looking for doors.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified .
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified zones.
+ The zones to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified zones.
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified zones.
+ The zones to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified zones.
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified .
+ The room to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified .
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified rooms.
+ The rooms to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified rooms.
+ Gets a of containing all doors present in the specified rooms.
+ The rooms to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all doors present in the specified rooms.
+ Gets a of filtered given a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a of containing all corresponding doors.
+ The types to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all corresponding doors.
+ Gets a of containing all corresponding doors.
+ The types to retrieve the doors from.
+ A of containing all corresponding doors.
+ Returns the closest to the given .
+ The position to find the closest door to.
+ The distance between the door and the point.
+ The door closest to the provided position.
+ Gets a random .
+ Filters by .
+ A value indicating whether it filters broken doors.
+ object.
+ Permanently locks a corresponding to the given type.
+ The door to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks a corresponding to the given type.
+ The door to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Unlocks a corresponding to the specified type.
+ The .
+ Locks a doors corresponding to the given type.
+ The door to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Permanently locks all doors in the facility.
+ The specified .
+ Locks all doors in the facility.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Permanently locks all doors given the specified .
+ The to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Permanently locks all doors given the specified zones.
+ The zones to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks all doors given the specified .
+ The to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks all doors given the specified zones.
+ The zones to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Permanently locks all doors corresponding to the given types.
+ The doors to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks all doors corresponding to the given types.
+ The doors to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Unlocks all doors in the facility.
+ Unlocks all doors in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all doors in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all doors in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all doors in the facility.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ Interacts with the Door.
+ The player interacting.
+ Makes the door play a beep sound.
+ The beep sound to play.
+ Change the door lock with the given lock type.
+ The to use.
+ Permanently locks all active locks on the door, and then reverts back any changes after a specified length of time.
+ The of the lockdown.
+ A value indicating whether the door state should be modified.
+ Temporary locks all active locks on the door, and then reverts back any changes after a specified length of time.
+ The amount of time that must pass before unlocking the door.
+ The of the lockdown.
+ A value indicating whether the door state should be modified.
+ Unlocks and clears all active locks on the door.
+ Unlocks and clears all active locks on the door after a specified length of time.
+ The amount of time that must pass before unlocking the door.
+ The of the lockdown.
+ Checks if specified can interact with the door.
+ Player to check.
+ if the specified player can interact with the door. Otherwise, .
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ Creates the door object associated with a specific .
+ The base-game .
+ Target door .
+ A wrapper object.
+ Represents an elevator door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the that this door's belongs to.
+ Gets the type according to .
+ Gets the target panel for this lift.
+ Gets the associated with this elevator door.
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ Represents a "pryable" door or gate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The 's for this door.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the list of all available pry positions.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the door is fully closed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the door is fully open.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the door is currently moving.
+ Gets or sets remaining cooldown for prying.
+ Gets or sets which will block prying if door has them.
+ Tries to pry the door open. No effect if the door cannot be pried.
+ if the door was able to be pried open.
+ to perform pry gate.
+ Returns the Door in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Door-related data.
+ The allows user-defined delegate routes bound to an reference.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the 's target.
+ Gets the 's delegate.
+ Implicitly converts an to .
+ The to convert.
+ The class which handles delegates dynamically acting as multicast listener.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The delegates to be bound.
+ Gets all the bound delegates.
+ This indexer allows access to bound listeners using an reference.
+ The listener to look for.
+ The bound listener corresponding to the specified reference.
+ Binds a delegate the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listener to.
+ The delegate to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listener from.
+ The containing the listener to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds all bound listeners to a to the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listeners from.
+ The containing the listeners to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds a delegate the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the listener from.
+ The delegate to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the listener from.
+ The containing the listener to unbind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds all bound listeners to a from the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the listeners from.
+ The containing the listeners to unbind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds a listener to the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ The delegate to be bound.
+ Unbinds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ Unbinds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ The delegate to be unbound.
+ Invokes the delegates from the specified listener.
+ The listener instance.
+ Invokes all the delegates from all the bound delegates.
+ The class which handles all the multicast delegates.
+ The custom delegate.
+ The type.
+ The instance.
+ The custom delegate, with empty parameters.
+ Executes all listeners safely.
+ Event arg type.
+ Source event.
+ Event arg.
+ Event or its arg is null.
+ Executes all listeners safely.
+ Source event.
+ Event is null.
+ Initializes all the dynamic handlers in the specified type instance.
+ The type instance.
+ Unbinds all the dynamic handlers in the specified type instance.
+ The type instance.
+ Defines a dynamic event dispatcher.
+ Unbinds all the delegates from all the bound delegates.
+ The allows user-defined delegate routes bound to an reference.
+ The delegate type parameter.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the 's target.
+ Gets the 's delegate.
+ Implicitly converts the instance to a .
+ The instance.
+ Declares a new instance.
+ The new instance.
+ The 's generic version which accepts a type parameter.
+ The event type parameter.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The delegates to be bound.
+ Gets all the bound delegates.
+ This indexer allows access to bound listeners using an reference.
+ The listener to look for.
+ The bound listener corresponding to the specified reference.
+ Binds a delegate the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listener to.
+ The delegate to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds a listener to the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listener to.
+ The containing the listener to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds all bound listeners to a to the event dispatcher.
+ The to bind the listeners to.
+ The containing the listeners to bind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds a delegate the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the listener from.
+ The delegate to unbind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds a delegate from the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the delegate from.
+ The containing the delegate to unbind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Unbinds all bound listeners to a from the event dispatcher.
+ The to unbind the listeners from.
+ The containing the listeners to unbind.
+ The left-hand operator.
+ Binds a listener to the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ The delegate to be bound.
+ Unbinds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ Unbinds a listener from the event dispatcher.
+ The listener instance.
+ The delegate to be unbound.
+ Invokes the delegates from the specified listener.
+ The listener instance.
+ The .
+ Invokes all the delegates from all the bound delegates.
+ The parameter instance.
+ The base class that handles the config subsystem.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The config object.
+ Gets or sets the serializer for configs and translations.
+ Gets or sets the deserializer for configs and translations.
+ Gets a containing all the .
+ Gets a containing all the subconfigs.
+ Gets the base config instance.
+ Gets or sets the config's folder.
+ Gets or sets the config's name.
+ Gets the absolute path.
+ Gets a instance given the specified type .
+ The type of the config to look for.
+ Whether a new config should be generated, if not found.
+ The corresponding instance or if not found.
+ Gets a instance given the specified folder.
+ The folder of the config to look for.
+ The corresponding instance or if not found.
+ Generates a new config of type .
+ The type of the config.
+ The generated config.
+ Loads all configs.
+ Loads a config from a .
+ The config type.
+ The config data.
+ The object.
+ Loads a config from the cached configs.
+ The config to load.
+ Loads a config.
+ The config to load.
+ The config's path.
+ Gets the path of the specified data object of type .
+ The type of the data to be read.
+ The corresponding data's path or if not found.
+ Reads a data object of type .
+ The type of the data to be read.
+ The corresponding instance or if not found.
+ Reads the base data object of type .
+ The type of the data to be read.
+ The corresponding instance or if not found.
+ Writes a new value contained in the specified config of type .
+ The type of the data to be written.
+ The name of the parameter to be modified.
+ The new value to be written.
+ Useful struct to save effect-related configs cleanly.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ Get all the information of the effect>.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The type of the effect>.
+ The duration of the effect, in seconds.
+ The intensity of the effect.
+ Whether the effect will add duration onto the effect if already active or not.
+ Whether or not the effect should be enabled.
+ Gets or sets the effect type.
+ Gets or sets the effect duration.
+ Gets or sets the effect intensity.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the effect will add duration onto the effect if already active or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the effect should be enabled or not.
+ Returns the effect in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing effect-related data.
+ Wrapper class for .
+ A of on the map.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets the prefab's type.
+ Gets the prefab's object.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the generator's .
+ Gets or sets the generator's state.
+ Gets or sets the generator's current time.
+ Gets the generator's dropdown speed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the generator is ready to be activated.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generator is engaged.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generator is activating.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generator is open.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generator is unlocked.
+ Gets or sets the generator's lever delay.
+ Gets or sets current interaction cooldown.
+ Gets or sets the generator's activation time.
+ Gets or sets the generator's deactivation time.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown to wait before toggling the generator's panel.
+ Gets or sets the interaction cooldown to wait after unlocking the generator.
+ Gets or sets the interaction cooldown to wait after failing the generator's unlock interaction.
+ Gets or sets the last activator for the generator.
+ Gets the generator position.
+ Gets the generator rotation.
+ Gets or sets the required permissions to interact with the generator.
+ Spawns a .
+ The position to spawn it at.
+ The rotation to spawn it as.
+ The that was spawned.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The instance.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets a of given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Try-get a belonging to the , if any.
+ The instance.
+ A or if not found.
+ Whether or not a generator was found.
+ Try-get a of given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ A of matching the .
+ Whether or not at least one generator was found.
+ Try-get a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Whether or not at least one generator was found.
+ Denies the unlock.
+ Denies the unlock and resets the interaction cooldown.
+ Sets the specified flag.
+ The flag to set.
+ A value indicating whether the flag is enabled.
+ Returns the Generator in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Generator-related data.
+ A alternative detour tool which adds more ways to manage patches and external assemblies.
+ Gets all the patched methods.
+ Gets all the patched methods and their relative patch group.
+ Patch all your Harmony and return you the number of failed patch.
+ The Harmony instance to Patch.
+ The number of failed patch.
+ Searches the current assembly for Harmony annotations and uses them to create patches.
It supports target-patching using and the relative .
+ The Harmony instance id.
+ The target group to include.
+ Thrown when the is or empty.
+ The instance.
+ Unpatches methods by patching them with zero patches.
+ The Harmony instance id.
+ The target group to include.
+ Thrown when the is or empty.
+ A wrapper for SCP-939's amnestic cloud.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the amnestic cloud prefab's type.
+ Gets the amnestic cloud prefab's object.
+ Gets the for this instance.
+ Gets the player who controls SCP-939.
+ Gets or sets current state of cloud.
+ Gets or sets duration for effects.
+ Gets or sets minimum time to press key to spawn cloud.
+ Gets or sets maximum time to press key to spawn cloud.
+ Gets or sets total duration before hazard will get destroyed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not hazard is active or not.
+ A wrapper for .
+ with to it's .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the list of all hazards.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the list with all affected by this hazard players.
+ Gets or sets max hazard distance.
+ Gets or sets max hazard height.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not hazard is active.
+ Gets or sets offset for position.
+ Gets the room where this hazard is located.
+ Gets or sets the position.
+ Gets the by .
+ The instance.
+ for .
+ Gets the hazard by the room where it's located.
+ Room.
+ in given .
+ Gets the hazard by it's .
+ Game object.
+ in given .
+ Gets the of based on predicate.
+ Condition to satisfy.
+ of based on predicate.
+ Gets an of .
+ The to get.
+ of based on type.
+ Checks if player is in hazard zone.
+ Player to check.
+ if player is in hazard zone. Otherwise, false.
+ Represents a sinkhole hazard.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the .
+ A wrapper for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the tantrum prefab's type.
+ Gets the tantrum cloud prefab's object.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not sizzle should be played.
+ Gets or sets the synced position.
+ Gets or sets the correct position of tantrum hazard.
+ Places a Tantrum (SCP-173's ability) in the indicated position.
+ The position where you want to spawn the Tantrum.
+ Whether or not the tantrum will apply the effect.
+ If is , the tantrum is moved slightly up from its original position. Otherwise, the collision will not be detected and the slowness will not work.
+ The instance.
+ Represents temporary hazard.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not hazard is destroyed.
+ Gets the total duration before hazard gets destroyed.
+ Gets or sets elapsed time which has spend after creating.
+ Destroys this hazard.
+ Useful class to save hint configs in a cleaner way.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The content of the hint>.
+ The duration of the hint, in seconds.
+ The hint parameters.
+ The hint effects.
+ Whether or not the hint should be shown.
+ Gets or sets the hint content.
+ Gets or sets the hint duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hint should be shown or not.
+ Gets or sets the hint parameters.
+ Gets or sets the hint effects.
+ Returns the hint in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing hint-related data.
+ Contains all information before processing an action.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's processing the action.
+ Gets the processing input.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the action can be processed.
+ Manages actions for a player.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired before processing an action.
+ Gets or sets the amount of key presses.
+ Gets an active binding, or if not found.
+ Binds an .
+ The to be bound.
+ Binds an .
+ The name of the action.
+ The condition to invoke the action.
+ The bound action.
+ The bound .
+ Unbinds an based on the specified predicate.
+ The to unbind.
+ Unbinds an based on the specified predicate.
+ The predicate used to find the input binding to unbind.
+ Unbinds an based on the specified condition.
+ The condition used to find the input binding to unbind.
+ Unbinds an based on the specified name.
+ The name used to find the input binding to unbind.
+ Unbinds an based on the specified .
+ The used to find the input binding to unbind.
+ Unbinds an based on the specified .
+ The used to find the input binding to unbind.
+ Represents an input binding.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a containing all existing input bindings.
+ Gets the name of the binding.
+ Gets the condition to invoke the action.
+ Gets the action.
+ Gets the keypress.
+ Creates a new .
+ The new .
+ Gets or sets the paired to .
+ Gets or sets the paired to .
+ Gets or sets the paired to .
+ Gets or sets the paired to .
+ Input actions should be bound here, in order to avoid conflicts with the current execution pipeline.
+ All conditions are set to by default.
+ The input condition, paired to , to be evaluated.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ The input condition, paired to , to be evaluated.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ The input condition, paired to , to be evaluated.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ The input condition, paired to , to be evaluated.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ The input action, paired to , to be executed.
+ The input action, paired to , to be executed.
+ The input action, paired to , to be executed.
+ The input action, paired to , to be executed.
+ A set of tools to easily handle the Intercom.
+ Gets the instance of .
+ Gets or sets the text displayed on the intercom screen.
+ Gets or sets the current state of the intercom.
+ Gets the intercom's .
+ Gets the intercom's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the intercom is currently being used.
+ Gets the that is using the intercom.
+ Will be if is .
+ Gets or sets the remaining cooldown of the intercom.
+ Gets or sets the remaining speech time of the intercom.
+ Plays the intercom's sound.
+ Sets a value indicating whether or not the sound is the intercom's start speaking sound.
+ Reset the intercom's cooldown.
+ Times out the intercom.
+ Sets that only the player can see.
+ Only this player can see Display Text.
+ Text displayed to the player.
+ Resync .
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Gets the absolute maximum amount of ammo that may be held at one time, if ammo is forcefully given to the player (regardless of worn armor or server configuration).
+ For accessing the maximum amount of ammo that may be held based on worn armor and server settings, see .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the ammo.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the armor.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is equippable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is holsterable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this is a worn item.
+ Gets or sets the Weight of the armor.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not excess ammo should be removed when the armor is dropped.
+ Gets or sets how strong the helmet on the armor is.
+ Gets or sets how strong the vest on the armor is.
+ Gets or sets how much faster stamina will drain when wearing this armor.
+ Gets how much the users movement speed should be affected when wearing this armor. (higher values = slower movement).
+ Gets how much worse and s are affected by wearing this armor.
+ Gets or sets the ammo limit of the wearer when using this armor.
+ Gets or sets the item caterory limit of the wearer when using this armor.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the usable item.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the grenade.
+ The owner of the grenade. Leave for no owner.
+ The player parameter will always need to be defined if this grenade is custom using Exiled.CustomItems.
+ Gets a to change grenade properties.
+ Gets or sets the maximum radius of the grenade.
+ Gets or sets the multiplier for damage against players.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ Gets or sets how long the fuse will last.
+ Spawns an active grenade on the map at the specified location.
+ The location to spawn the grenade.
+ Optional: The owner of the grenade.
+ Spawned grenade.
+ Returns the ExplosiveGrenade in a human readable format.
+ A string containing ExplosiveGrenade-related data.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ A of which contains all the existing firearms based on all the s.
+ Gets a which contains all the base codes expressed in and .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the firearm.
+ .
+ .
+ Gets a which represents all the preferences for each .
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the amount of ammo in the firearm.
+ Gets or sets the max ammo for this firearm.
+ Disruptor can't be used for MaxAmmo.
+ Gets the of the firearm.
+ Gets or sets the of the firearm.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm is being aimed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm Flashlight.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm's flashlight module is enabled.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm's NightVision is being used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm's flashlight module is enabled or NightVision is being used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the firearm is automatic.
+ Gets the s of the firearm.
+ Gets the s of the firearm.
+ Gets the base code of the firearm.
+ Gets the fire rate of the firearm, if it is an automatic weapon.
+ Gets or sets the recoil settings of the firearm, if it's an automatic weapon.
+ This property will not do anything if the firearm is not an automatic weapon.
+ Gets the firearm's . Will be for non-automatic weapons.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the base damage.
+ Gets the maximum value of the firearm's range.
+ Gets a of and [] which contains all available attachments for all firearms.
+ Creates and returns a representing the provided .
+ The type of firearm to create.
+ The amount of ammo to add. Use null to add max ammo.
+ The newly created firearm.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of which must be added.
+ The of and [] to add.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of which must be added.
+ The of and [] to add.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of which must be added.
+ The to add.
+ The [] to add.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of of which must be added.
+ The to add.
+ The [] to add.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of of which must be added.
+ The of and [] to add.
+ Adds or replaces an existing preference to the .
+ The of of which must be added.
+ The of and [] to add.
+ Removes a preference from the if it already exists.
+ The of which must be removed.
+ The to remove.
+ Removes a preference from the if it already exists.
+ The of of which must be removed.
+ The to remove.
+ Removes a preference from the if it already exists.
+ The of which must be removed.
+ The of to remove.
+ Removes a preference from the if it already exists.
+ The of of which must be removed.
+ The of to remove.
+ Clears all the existing preferences from .
+ The of which must be cleared.
+ Clears all the existing preferences from .
+ The of of which must be cleared.
+ Clears all the existing preferences from .
+ Adds a to the firearm.
+ The to add.
+ Adds a of the specified to the firearm.
+ The to add.
+ Adds a of to the firearm.
+ The of to add.
+ Adds a of to the firearm.
+ The of to add.
+ Removes a from the firearm.
+ The to remove.
+ Removes a of the specified from the firearm.
+ The to remove.
+ Removes a of the specified from the firearm.
+ The to remove.
+ Removes a of from the firearm.
+ The of to remove.
+ Removes a list of of the specified of from the firearm.
+ The of to remove.
+ Removes a list of of the specified of from the firearm.
+ The of to remove.
+ Removes all attachments from the firearm.
+ Gets a of the specified .
+ The to check.
+ The corresponding .
+ Tries to get a of the specified .
+ The to check.
+ The corresponding .
+ A value indicating whether or not the firearm has the specified .
+ Tries to get a of the specified .
+ The to check.
+ The corresponding .
+ A value indicating whether or not the firearm has the specified .
+ Gets the damage based on the specified distance.
+ The distance to evaluate.
+ The corresponding damage based on the specified distance.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Change the owner of the .
+ old owner.
+ new owner.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new flash grenade item.
+ The owner of the grenade. Leave for no owner.
+ The player parameter will always need to be defined if this grenade is custom using Exiled.CustomItems.
+ Gets a to change grenade properties.
+ Gets or sets the minimum duration of player can take the effect.
+ Gets or sets the additional duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the how mush the flash grenade going to be intensified when explode at .
+ Gets or sets how long the fuse will last.
+ Spawns an active grenade on the map at the specified location.
+ The location to spawn the grenade.
+ Optional: The owner of the grenade.
+ Spawned grenade.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the FlashGrenade in a human readable format.
+ A string containing FlashGrenade-related data.
+ A wrapped class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new Flashlight item.
+ or .
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Can be or .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item is emitting light.
+ Gets or sets time since level loaded when player will be able to change again.
+ Returns the item in a human readable format.
+ A string containing item-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ A dictionary of all 's that have been converted into .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The to encapsulate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the item to create.
+ Gets a list of all 's on the server.
+ Gets or sets the unique serial number for the item.
+ Gets a value indicating whether if the item are in an inventory.
+ Gets or sets the scale for the item.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets the Weight of the item.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is ammunition.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is armor.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is a keycard.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item will be destroy when being used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is a throwable item.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item can be used by a player.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is a weapon.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item emits light.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item is currently imitating light.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this item can be used to disarm players.
+ Gets the who owns the item.
+ Gets an existing or creates a new instance of one.
+ The to convert into an item.
+ The item wrapper for the given .
+ Gets the given a .
+ The to check.
+ The given the specified .
+ Gets the Item belonging to the specified serial.
+ The Item serial.
+ Returns the Item found or if not found.
+ Creates a new with the proper inherited subclass.
+ Based on the , the returned can be casted into a subclass to gain more control over the object.
- Usable items (Adrenaline, Medkit, Painkillers, SCP-207, SCP-268, and SCP-500) should be casted to the class.
- All valid ammo should be casted to the class.
- All valid firearms (not including the Micro HID) should be casted to the class.
- All valid keycards should be casted to the class.
- All valid armor should be casted to the class.
- Explosive grenades and SCP-018 should be casted to the class.
- Flash grenades should be casted to the class.
The following have their own respective classes:
- Flashlights can be casted to .
- Radios can be casted to .
- The Micro HID can be casted to .
- SCP-244 A and B variants can be casted to .
- SCP-330 can be casted to .
- SCP-2176 can be casted to the class.
- SCP-1576 can be casted to the class.
- Jailbird can be casted to the class.
+ Items that are not listed above do not have a subclass, and can only use the base class.
+ The of the item to create.
+ The who owns the item by default.
+ The created. This can be cast as a subclass.
+ Gives this item to a .
+ The to give the item to.
+ Destroy this item.
+ Creates the that based on this .
+ The location to spawn the item.
+ The rotation of the item.
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The created .
+ Clones the current item with a different serial.
+ Cloned item object.
+ Returns the Item in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Item-related data.
+ Changes the owner of the .
+ Old owner.
+ New owner.
+ Change the owner of the .
+ old owner.
+ new owner.
+ Helper method for saving data between items and pickups.
+ -related data to give to the .
+ A wrapped class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new Jailbird item.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage dealt with a Jailbird melee hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage dealt with a Jailbird charge hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds that the effect will be applied on being hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds that the effect will be applied on being hit.
+ Gets or sets the radius of the Jailbird's hit register.
+ Gets or sets the total amount of damage dealt with the Jailbird.
+ Gets or sets the number of times the item has been charged and used.
+ Gets or sets the for this item.
+ Gets or sets amount of time when Jailbird is charging.
+ Calculates the damage corresponding to a given .
+ The wear state to calculate damage for.
+ The amount of damage associated with the specified wear state.
+ Resets the Jailbird to normal.
+ Breaks the Jailbird.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the JailBird in a human readable format.
+ A string containing JailBird-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the keycard.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the of the keycard.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the Keycard in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Keycard-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new Micro HID item.
+ Gets or sets the remaining energy in the MicroHID.
+ Gets the base of the item.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the time it takes to start firing from the MicroHID.
+ Gets or sets the time it takes to switch the MicroHID to other mode.
+ Gets or sets the time it takes to power down the MicroHID.
+ Starts firing the MicroHID.
+ Recharges the MicroHID.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the MicroHid in a human readable format.
+ A string containing MicroHid-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new Radio item.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the percentage of the radio's battery, between 0-100.
+ Gets or sets the current .
+ Gets or sets the for the current .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the radio is enabled or not.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the radio is transmitting.
+ Gets or sets a multiplier for draining radio.
+ Sets the of the given .
+ The to modify.
+ The new settings of the specified range.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the Radio in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Radio-related data.
+ old owner.
+ new owner.
+ A wrapper class for item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the grenade.
+ The owner of the grenade. Leave for no owner.
+ The player parameter will always need to be defined if this grenade is custom using Exiled.CustomItems.
+ Gets a to change grenade properties.
+ Gets or sets the time for SCP-018 not to ignore the friendly fire.
+ Gets or sets how long the fuse will last.
+ Spawns an active grenade on the map at the specified location.
+ The location to spawn the grenade.
+ Optional: The owner of the grenade.
+ Spawned grenade.
+ Returns the ExplosiveGrenade in a human readable format.
+ A string containing ExplosiveGrenade-related data.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets Scp1576Playback.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown for using the SCP-1576.
+ Gets or sets the warning duration.
+ Forcefully stops the transmission of SCP-1576.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The owner of the grenade. Leave for no owner.
+ The player parameter will always need to be defined if this grenade is custom using Exiled.CustomItems.
+ Gets a to change grenade properties.
+ Gets or sets how long the fuse will last.
+ Spawns an active grenade on the map at the specified location.
+ The location to spawn the grenade.
+ Optional: The owner of the grenade.
+ Spawned grenade.
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the ExplosiveGrenade in a human readable format.
+ A string containing ExplosiveGrenade-related data.
+ A wrapper class for SCP-244.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new SCP-244 item.
+ The type of SCP-244, either or .
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-244 will spawn primed.
+ Gets or sets the Scp244's remaining health.
+ Gets or sets the activation angle, where 1 is the minimum and -1 is the maximum activation angle.
+ Gets or sets the maximum diameter within which SCP-244's hypothermia effect is dealt.
+ This does not prevent visual effects.
+ Gets or sets an offset for the drop height.
+ Creates the that based on this .
+ The location to spawn the item.
+ The rotation of the item.
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The created .
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the SCP-244 in a human readable format.
+ A string containing SCP-244 related data.
+ Candy enumeration status.
+ If no candy was able to be added.
+ If at least one candy was added.
+ If all candies provided were added.
+ A wrapper class for SCP-330 bags.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, as well as a new SCP-330 bag item.
+ Gets the with all presented in game candies.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets the s held in this bag.
+ Gets or sets the exposed type. When set to a candy color, the bag will appear as that candy when dropped with the method. Setting it to results in it looking like a bag.
+ Gets or sets a index in of current selected candy.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of candies in the bag.
+ Adds a specific candy to the bag.
+ The to add.
+ if the candy was successfully added to the bag; otherwise, .
+ Adds a collection of candy's to a bag.
+ The 's to add.
+ The 's insertion status.
+ based on number of candy added.
+ Removes a specific candy from the bag.
+ The to be removed.
+ Whether or not to only remove all matching candy. (If , all candies of the given type are removed).
+ The total amount of candies that were removed from the bag.
+ Removes all candy from the bag.
+ The total amount of candies that were removed from the bag.
+ Drops candies from the bag.
+ The of candies to drop.
+ Whether or not to drop all candies matching the given type, or just one.
+ Whether or not to drop all candies individually, or as a bag, when dropping more than one candy.
+ The to use, if the override is set to true.
+ a of s generated by this method. *Can be empty!*.
+ Creates the that based on this .
+ The location to spawn it.
+ The rotation to give the item.
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The created .
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the SCP-330 in a human readable format.
+ A string containing SCP-330 related data.
+ Clones current object.
+ old owner.
+ new owner.
+ A wrapper class for throwable items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the throwable item.
+ The owner of the throwable item. Leave for no owner.
+ The player parameter will always need to be defined if this throwable is custom using Exiled.CustomItems.
+ Gets the base for this item.
+ Gets a to change grenade properties.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time it takes to pull the pin.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether players can pickup grenade after throw.
+ Throws the item.
+ Whether to use full or weak force.
+ this.ServerThrow(projectileSettings.StartVelocity, projectileSettings.UpwardsFactor, projectileSettings.StartTorque, startVel);
+ Clones current object.
+ New object.
+ Returns the Throwable in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Throwable-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the usable item.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is equippable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is holsterable.
+ Gets or sets the weight of the item.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the item is currently being used.
+ Gets or sets how long it takes to use the item.
+ Gets or sets how long after using starts a player has to cancel using the item.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown between repeated uses of this item.
+ Gets all the cooldown between uses of this item.
+ Creates the that based on this .
+ The location to spawn the item.
+ The rotation of the item.
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The created .
+ Uses the item.
+ The of the item cannot be .
+ The in-game lift.
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Internal list that contains all ElevatorDoor for current group.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The to wrap.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a random .
+ object.
+ Gets a value of the internal doors list.
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets the lift's name.
+ Gets or sets the lift's status.
+ Gets the representing the space inside the lift.
+ Gets the lift's .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the lift is operative.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the lift is currently moving.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the lift is locked.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the total .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The instance.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the corresponding to the specified , if any.
+ The .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets all lifts corresponding to the specified types, if any.
+ The types.
+ All corresponding lifts.
+ Gets all lifts corresponding to the specified types, if any.
+ The types.
+ All corresponding lifts.
+ Gets the corresponding to the specified name, if any.
+ The lift's name.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Permanently locks an elevator corresponding to the given type.
+ The elevator to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks an elevator corresponding to the given type.
+ The elevator to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Unlocks a lift corresponding to the specified type.
+ The .
+ Permanently locks all elevators in the facility.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks all elevators in the facility.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Permanently locks all elevators corresponding to the given types.
+ The doors to affect.
+ The specified .
+ Temporary locks all elevators corresponding to the given types.
+ The doors to affect.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The specified .
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ The zones to affect.
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ The types to affect.
+ Unlocks all lifts in the facility.
+ The types to affect.
+ Tries to start the lift.
+ The destination level.
+ Indicates whether the start will be forced or not.
+ if the lift was started successfully; otherwise, .
+ Locks the lift.
+ The .
+ Locks the lift.
+ The duration of the lockdown.
+ The of the lockdown.
+ A value indicating whether the door state should be modified.
+ Unlocks the lift.
+ Unlocks the lift.
+ The delay after which the lift should be unlocked.
+ The of the lockdown.
+ Changes lock of the lift.
+ The .
+ Returns whether or not the provided position is inside the lift.
+ The position.
+ if the point is inside the elevator. Otherwise, .
+ Returns the Lift in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Lift-related data.
+ A wrapper for .
+ with and .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ instance.
+ where this chamber is located.
+ Gets all chambers.
+ Gets or sets all pickups that should be spawned when the door is initially opened.
+ Gets or sets all pickups in the chamber.
+ Gets or sets all spawn points.
+ Used if is set to .
+ Gets or sets all the acceptable items which can be spawned in this chamber.
+ Gets or sets required permissions to open this chamber.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple spawn points should be used.
+ If , will be used over .
+ Gets or sets a spawn point for the items in the chamber.
+ Used if is set to .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not items should be spawned as soon as they are initialized.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before a player can interact with the chamber again.
+ Gets the of current cooldown.
+ Used in check.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the chamber is interactable.
+ Gets the locker where this chamber is located at.
+ Spawns a specified item from .
+ from .
+ Amount of items that should be spawned.
+ Gets the chamber by its .
+ .
+ .
+ Represents a basic locker.
+ with and .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets the all instances.
+ Gets or sets all instances in this locker.
+ Gets the all in this locker.
+ Gets or sets an id for manipulating opened chambers.
+ Gets the given the instance.
+ instance.
+ instance.
+ Gets the all instances matching the predicate.
+ Predicate to match.
+ All instances matching the predicate.
+ Interacts with a specific chamber.
+ If , the interaction will be randomized.
+ The player who interacts.
+ Fills the chamber.
+ Chamber to fill.
+ Represents a pedestal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ instance.
+ A set of tools to print messages to the server console.
+ Represents critical context, used for critical errors and issues.
+ Represents database context, used for database-related operations and issues.
+ Represents network context, used for network-related operations and issues.
+ Represents authentication context, used for authentication and authorization-related operations.
+ Represents configuration context, used for configuration-related operations and issues.
+ Represents performance context, used for performance-related monitoring and issues.
+ Represents security context, used for security-related operations and issues.
+ Represents API context, used for API-related operations and issues.
+ Represents logic context, used for core application logic operations and issues.
+ Represents I/O context, used for input/output operations and issues.
+ Represents serialization context, used for de/serialize operations and issues.
+ Gets a of plugin assemblies that have debug logs enabled.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The message to be sent.
+ A value indicating whether the method invoking the debug function should be traced.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The inputted object's type.
+ The object to be logged and returned.
+ Returns the object inputted in .
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The message to be sent.
+ A value indicating whether the method invoking the debug function should be traced.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ This should be used to send errors only.
+ It's recommended to send any messages in the catch block of a try/catch as errors with the exception string.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a level messages to the game console.
+ This should be used to send errors only.
+ It's recommended to send any messages in the catch block of a try/catch as errors with the exception string.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Sends a log message to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ The message level of importance.
+ The message color.
+ Sends a log message to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ The message level of importance.
+ The message color.
+ Sends a raw log message to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ The of the message.
+ Sends a raw log message to the game console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ The of the message.
+ Sends an with the provided message if the condition is false and stops the execution.
+ For example:
+ Player ply = Player.Get(2);
+ Log.Assert(ply is not null, "The player with the id 2 is null");
+ results in it logging an error if the player is null and not continuing.
+ The conditional expression to evaluate. If the condition is true it will continue.
+ The information message. The error and exception will show this message.
+ If the condition is false. It throws an exception stopping the execution.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The inputted object's type.
+ The object to be logged and returned.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Returns the object inputted in .
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ Server must have exiled_debug config enabled.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ This should be used to send errors only.
+ It's recommended to send any messages in the catch block of a try/catch as errors with the exception string.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends a level message to the game console with context.
+ This should be used to send errors only.
+ It's recommended to send any messages in the catch block of a try/catch as errors with the exception string.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ Sends an with the provided message if the condition is false and stops the execution, including context information.
+ For example:
+ Player ply = Player.Get(2);
+ Log.AssertWithContext(ply is not null, "The player with the id 2 is null", "GameLogic");
+ results in it logging an error if the player is null and not continuing.
+ The conditional expression to evaluate. If the condition is true it will continue.
+ The information message. The error and exception will show this message.
+ Additional context to include in the log.
+ If the condition is false. It throws an exception stopping the execution.
+ A set of tools to easily handle the in-game map.
+ A list of s on the map.
+ A list of s on the map.
+ Gets a value indicating whether decontamination has begun in the light containment zone.
+ Gets a value indicating whether decontamination phase is in the light containment zone.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the decontamination override is in the light containment zone.
+ Gets all objects.
+ Gets all objects.
+ Gets or sets the current seed of the map.
+ Gets the .
+ Broadcasts a message to all players.
+ The to be broadcasted.
+ Clears all players' broadcasts before sending the new one.
+ Broadcasts a message to all players.
+ The duration in seconds.
+ The message that will be broadcast (supports Unity Rich Text formatting).
+ The broadcast type.
+ Clears all players' broadcasts before sending the new one.
+ Shows a hint to all players.
+ The message that will be broadcasted (supports Unity Rich Text formatting).
+ The duration in seconds.
+ Clears all players' broadcasts.
+ Starts the light containment zone decontamination process.
+ Turns off all lights in the facility.
+ The duration of the blackout. -1 for permanent.
+ The s to affect.
+ Turns off all lights in the facility.
+ The duration of the blackout. -1 for permanent.
+ The s to affect.
+ Changes the of all lights in the facility.
+ The new of the lights.
+ Resets the color of all lights in the facility.
+ Gets a random .
+ object.
+ Gets a random .
+ Filters by .
+ object.
+ Plays a random ambient sound.
+ Plays an ambient sound.
+ The id of the sound to play.
+ Destroy all objects.
+ Destroy all the objects from the specified list.
+ The List of pickups to destroy.
+ Destroy all objects.
+ Destroy all objects from the specified list.
+ The List of RagDolls to destroy.
+ Places a decal.
+ The position of the blood decal.
+ The direction of the blood decal.
+ The type of decal to place.
+ Places a blood decal.
+ The position of the blood decal.
+ The direction of the blood decal.
+ Gets all the near cameras.
+ The position from which starting to search cameras.
+ The maximum toleration to define the radius from which get the cameras.
+ A of which contains all the found cameras.
+ Explode.
+ The position where explosion will be created.
+ The projectile that will create the explosion.
+ The player who create the explosion.
+ Spawn projectile effect.
+ The position where effect will be created.
+ The projectile that will create the effect.
+ Plays a gun sound at the specified position.
+ Position to play the sound at.
+ The type of firearm to play the sound of.
+ The maximum distance the sound can be heard from.
+ The audio clip ID to play.
+ Clears the lazy loading game object cache.
+ Wrapper class for handling NPC players.
+ Gets a list of Npcs.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified ReferenceHub.
+ The ReferenceHub to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the ReferenceHub, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified GameObject.
+ The GameObject to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the GameObject, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified user ID.
+ The user ID to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the user ID, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified ID.
+ The ID to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the ID, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified ICommandSender.
+ The ICommandSender to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the ICommandSender, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified Footprint.
+ The Footprint to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the Footprint, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified CommandSender.
+ The CommandSender to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the CommandSender, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified Collider.
+ The Collider to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the Collider, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified net ID.
+ The net ID to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the net ID, or null if not found.
+ Retrieves the NPC associated with the specified NetworkConnection.
+ The NetworkConnection to retrieve the NPC for.
+ The NPC associated with the NetworkConnection, or null if not found.
+ Spawns an NPC based on the given parameters.
+ The name of the NPC.
+ The of the NPC.
+ The Network ID of the NPC. If 0, one is made.
+ The userID of the NPC.
+ The position to spawn the NPC.
+ The spawned.
+ Destroys the NPC.
+ Forces the NPC to look in the specified rotation.
+ The position to look at.
+ Forces the NPC to look in the specified rotation.
+ The rotation to look towards.
+ Forces the NPC to use their current .
+ if the jailbird is used. Else .
+ Forces the NPC to shoot their current .
+ if the weapon shot request is received. Returns otherwise, or if the player is not an or is not holding a .
+ Sets the NPC's current status for Aiming Down Sights.
+ Should the player be aiming down sights.
+ if the weapon Aim Down Sights request is received. Returns otherwise, or if the player is not an or is not holding a .
+ A set of useful paths.
+ Gets AppData path.
+ Gets managed assemblies directory path.
+ Gets the server's config path.
+ Gets or sets exiled directory path.
+ Gets or sets plugins path.
+ Gets or sets Dependencies directory path.
+ Gets or sets the configuration folder path.
+ Gets or sets individual configs directory path.
+ Gets or sets the loader configuration file path.
+ Gets or sets the configuration file path.
+ Gets or sets the backup configs path.
+ Gets or sets translations path.
+ Gets or sets individual translations directory path.
+ Gets or sets backup translations path.
+ Gets or sets logs path.
+ Reloads all paths.
+ The new root directory.
+ Gets the config path of a plugin.
+ The prefix of the plugin.
+ The config path of the plugin.
+ Gets the translation path of a plugin.
+ The prefix of the plugin.
+ The translation path of the plugin.
+ A wrapper class for an Ammo pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets the max ammo.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets or Sets the number of ammo.
+ Returns the AmmoPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing AmmoPickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for a Body Armor pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is equippable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this item is holsterable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this is a worn item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not excess ammo should be removed when the armor is dropped.
+ Gets or sets how strong the helmet on the armor is.
+ Gets or sets how strong the vest on the armor is.
+ Gets or sets how much faster stamina will drain when wearing this armor.
+ Gets how much the users movement speed should be affected when wearing this armor. (higher values = slower movement).
+ Gets or sets the ammo limit of the wearer when using this armor.
+ Gets or sets the item caterory limit of the wearer when using this armor.
+ Returns the BodyArmorPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing BodyArmorPickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for dropped Explosive Pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum radius of the grenade.
+ Gets or sets the multiplier for damage against players.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ Gets or sets how long the effect will last.
+ A wrapper class for a Firearm pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets the of the firearm.
+ Gets or sets the of the firearm.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup is already distributed.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating how many ammo have this .
+ Gets or sets the max ammo the Firearm can have.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the attachment code have this .
+ Returns the FirearmPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing FirearmPickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for dropped Flashbang Pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the minimum duration of player can take the effect.
+ Gets or sets the additional duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the how mush the flash grenade going to be intensified when explode at .
+ A wrapper class for a high explosive grenade pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets or sets how long the fuse will last.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets maximum distance between grenade and explosion to trigger it.
+ Trigger the grenade to make it Explode.
+ Trigger the grenade to make it Explode.
+ The of the explosion.
+ Helper method for saving data between projectiles and pickups.
+ -related data to write to.
+ A wrapper class for a jailbird pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage dealt with a Jailbird melee hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage dealt with a Jailbird charge hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds that the effect will be applied on being hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds that the effect will be applied on being hit.
+ Gets or sets the radius of the Jailbird's hit register.
+ Gets or sets the total amount of damage dealt with the Jailbird.
+ Gets or sets the number of times the item has been charged and used.
+ Gets or sets the of the item.
+ Returns the jailbird in a human readable format.
+ A string containing jailbird related data.
+ A wrapper class for a Keycard pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets or sets the of the keycard.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ A wrapper class for a MicroHID pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the MicroHID Energy Level.
+ Returns the MicroHIDPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing MicroHIDPickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ A dictionary of all 's that have been converted into .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets the of the Pickup.
+ Gets the current the Pickup is in.
+ Gets or sets the pickup's PhysicsModule.
+ Gets or sets the unique serial number for the item.
+ Gets or sets the pickup's scale value.
+ Gets or sets the weight of the item.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time it takes to pick up this item, based on .
+ Notes: Changing this value will change the item's . This does not account for status effects such as ; see to account for status effects.
+ Gets or sets the of the item.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup is locked (can't be picked up).
+ Gets or sets the pickup information.
+ Gets or sets the previous owner of this item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup is currently in use.
+ Gets or sets the pickup position.
+ Gets or sets the relative position of the pickup.
+ Gets or sets the pickup rotation.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this pickup is spawned.
+ Gets a in which pickup is now. Can be .
+ Gets or sets a multiplier to convert weight to time.
+ Gets or sets a time to pick up item.
+ + * = Picking up time.
+ Gets an existing or creates a new instance of one.
+ The to convert into a .
+ The wrapper for the given .
+ Gets the given a .
+ The serial to look for.
+ The given the specified serial.
+ Gets the given a .
+ The to check.
+ The given the specified .
+ Gets an of containing all existing instances given an of .
+ An of to convert into an of .
+ An of containing all existing instances.
+ Gets an of containing all existing instances given an .
+ The to look for.
+ An of containing all existing instances.
+ Gets an of containing all existing instances given an of .
+ The 's to check.
+ An of containing all existing instances.
+ Gets an of containing all existing instances given a of .
+ The type to cast the pickups to.
+ An of to convert into an of .
+ An of containing all existing instances.
+ Gets an containing all existing instances given an .
+ The type to cast the pickups to.
+ The to look for.
+ A of .
+ Gets an containing all existing instances given a of .
+ The type to cast the pickups to.
+ The 's to check.
+ The given the specified .
+ Creates and returns a new with the proper inherited subclass.
+ Based on the , the returned can be cast into a subclass to gain more control over the object.
- All valid ammo should be cast to the class.
- All valid firearms (not including the Micro HID) should be cast to the class.
- All valid keycards should be cast to the class.
- All valid armor should be cast to the class.
- All grenades and throwables (not including SCP-018 and SCP-2176) should be cast to the class.
The following have their own respective classes:
- Radios can be cast to .
- The Micro HID can be cast to .
- SCP-244 A and B variants can be cast to .
- SCP-330 can be cast to .
- SCP-018 can be cast to .
- SCP-2176 can be cast to .
+ Items that are not listed above do not have a subclass, and can only use the base class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ The created .
+ Creates and spawns a .
+ The of the pickup.
+ The position to spawn the at.
+ The rotation to spawn the .
+ An optional previous owner of the item.
+ The . See documentation of for more information on casting.
+ Returns the amount of time it will take for the provided to pick up this item, based on and active status effects.
+ The player to check search time.
+ player cannot be null.
+ The amount of time it will take for the provided to pick up this item.
+ Spawns pickup on a server.
+ Spawns pickup on a server.
+ The position to spawn the at.
+ The rotation to spawn the .
+ An optional previous owner of the item.
+ The spawned .
+ Unspawns pickup on server.
+ Destroys the already spawned pickup.
+ Clones the current pickup with a different serial.
+ Cloned pickup object.
+ Returns the Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Pickup-related data.
+ Helper method for saving data between items and pickups.
+ -related data to give to the .
+ initialize item properties.
+ target item.
+ A wrapper class for EffectGrenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Returns the EffectGrenadePickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing EffectGrenadePickup-related data.
+ A wrapper class for ExplosionGrenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the maximum radius of the ExplosionGrenade.
+ Gets or sets the minimum duration of player can take the effect.
+ Gets or sets the maximum duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the maximum duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the maximum duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the damage of the going to get.
+ Returns the ExplosionGrenadePickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing ExplosionGrenadePickup-related data.
+ A wrapper class for FlashbangGrenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the minimum duration of player can take the effect.
+ Gets or sets the additional duration of the effect.
+ Gets or sets the how much the flashbang going to be intensified when exploding on .
+ Returns the FlashbangPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing FlashbangPickup-related data.
+ A wrapper class for Projectile.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets the of the item.
+ Creates and returns a new with the proper inherited subclass.
+ Based on the , the returned can be casted into a subclass to gain more control over the object.
The following have their own respective classes:
- FragGrenade can be casted to .
- Flashbang can be casted to .
- Scp018 A and B variants can be casted to .
- Scp2176 can be casted to .
+ Projectile that are not listed will cause an Exception.
+ The of the pickup.
+ The created .
+ Creates and spawns a .
+ The of the pickup.
+ The position to spawn the at.
+ The rotation to spawn the .
+ Whether the should be in active state after spawn.
+ An optional previous owner of the item.
+ The . See documentation of for more information on casting.
+ Activates the current .
+ Spawns a .
+ The position to spawn the at.
+ The rotation to spawn the .
+ Whether the should be in active state after spawn.
+ An optional previous owner of the item.
+ The spawned .
+ Returns the ProjectilePickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing ProjectilePickup-related data.
+ A wrapper class for Scp018Projectile.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the pickup's PhysicsModule.
+ Gets or sets the pickup's max velocity.
+ Gets or sets the pickup's velocity per bounce.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-018 can injure teammates.
+ Gets or sets the time for SCP-018 not to ignore the friendly fire.
+ Gets the current damage of SCP-018.
+ Returns the Scp018Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Scp018Pickup-related data.
+ A wrapper class for an SCP-2176 Projectile.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-2176 has shattered.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-2176's next collision will make the dropped sound effect.
+ Returns the Scp2176Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Scp2176Pickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for TimeGrenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the grenade has already exploded.
+ Gets or sets FuseTime.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the greande is active.
+ Immediately exploding the .
+ Returns the TimeGrenadePickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing TimeGrenadePickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for a Radio pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the Radio Battery Level.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the radio is active.
+ Returns the RadioPickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing RadioPickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for dropped SCP-330 bags.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Returns the Scp1576Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Scp1576Pickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for a SCP-244 pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the pickup.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets the amount of time this Scp244 has been on the ground.
+ Gets the speed of 's too grow.
+ Gets the time for the sphere to finish their expansion.
+ Gets the current size effect of the Scp244's Hypothermia.
+ Gets or sets the current size percent of the Scp244's Hypothermia.
+ Gets or sets the maximum diameter within which SCP-244's hypothermia effect is dealt.
+ This does not prevent visual effects.
+ Gets or sets the Scp244's remaining health.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this Scp244 is breakable.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this Scp244 is broken.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the activation angle, where 1 is a minimum, and -1 it's a maximum activation angle.
+ Damages the .
+ The used to deal damage.
+ if the the damage has been dealt; otherwise, .
+ Returns the Scp244Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Scp244Pickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for dropped SCP-330 bags.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that this class is encapsulating.
+ Gets or sets the exposed .
+ Gets or sets the s held in this bag.
+ Returns the Scp330Pickup in a human readable format.
+ A string containing Scp330Pickup related data.
+ A wrapper class for dropped Usable Pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ Gets or sets how long it takes to use the item.
+ Gets or sets how long after using starts a player has to cancel using the item.
+ Represents the in-game player, by encapsulating a .
+ Category for player roles.
+ Category for player stats.
+ Category for player movement.
+ Category for player effects.
+ Category for player world space.
+ Category for player inventory.
+ Category for player hints.
+ Category for general player information.
+ The default player class.
+ A list of the player's items.
+ A dictionary of custom item category limits.
+ A dictionary of custom ammo limits.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the player to be encapsulated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the player.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets a containing all 's on the server.
+ Gets a list of all 's on the server.
+ Gets a containing cached and their user ids.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets or sets a containing cached and their FF multiplier. This is for non-unique roles.
+ Gets or sets a containing cached and their which is cached Role with FF multiplier. This is for unique custom roles.
+ Consider adding this as object, Dict so that CustomRoles, and Strings can be parsed.
+ Gets or sets a unique custom role that does not adbide to base game for this player. Used in conjunction with .
+ Gets the encapsulated .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the player's ammo.
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets the hint currently watched by the player.
+ May be .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is viewing a hint.
+ Gets the 's , can be null.
+ Gets the 's , can be null.
+ Gets the of the player.
+ Gets the player's .
+ Gets the encapsulated 's PlayerCameraReference.
+ Gets or sets the player's .
+ Gets or sets the player's id.
+ Gets the player's user id.
+ Gets the player's user id without the authentication.
+ Gets the player's authentication token.
+ Gets the player's authentication type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is verified.
+ This is always if online_mode is set to .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is a NPC.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has an active CustomName.
+ Gets or sets the player's nickname displayed to other player.
+ Gets or sets the player's nickname, if null it sets the original nickname.
+ Gets the player's nickname.
+ Gets or sets the player's player info area bitmask.
+ This property can be used to hide player name elements, such as the player's name, badges, etc.
+ Gets or sets the player's custom player info string. This string is displayed along with the player's .
+ Gets or sets the range at which this player's info can be viewed by others.
+ Gets the dictionary of the player's session variables.
+ Session variables can be used to save temporary data on players. Data is stored in a .
+ The key of the data is always a , whereas the value can be any .
+ The data stored in a player's session variables can be accessed by different assemblies; it is recommended to uniquely identify stored data so that it does not conflict with other plugins that may also be using the same name.
+ Data saved with session variables is not being saved on player disconnect. If the data must be saved after the player's disconnects, a database must be used instead.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has Do Not Track (DNT) enabled. If this value is , data about the player unrelated to server security shouldn't be stored.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player is fully connected to the server.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has a reserved slot.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is in whitelist.
+ It will always return if a whitelist is disabled on the server.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has Remote Admin access.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has Admin Chat access.
+ Gets a value indicating a player's kick power.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player's overwatch is enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is allowed to enter noclip mode.
+ For forcing the player into noclip mode, see .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player has noclip enabled.
+ indicating status.
+ For permitting a player to enter and exit noclip freely, see .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the that currently has the player cuffed.
+ This value will be if the player is not cuffed. Setting this value to will uncuff the player if they are cuffed.
+ Gets or sets the player's position.
+ Gets or sets the relative player's position.
+ The value will be default if the player's role is not an .
+ Gets or sets the player's rotation.
+ Returns the direction the player is looking at.
+ Gets the 's current movement speed.
+ Gets the player's .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the actual RA permissions.
+ Gets a that is unique to this player and this class. This allows modification of various aspects related to the role solely.
+ The type of the Role is different based on the of the player, and casting should be used to modify the role.
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
= .
If not listed above, the type of Role will be .
+ If the role object is stored, it may become invalid if the player changes roles. Thus, the property can be checked. If this property is , the role should be discarded and this property should be used again to get the new Role.
+ This role is automatically cached until it changes, and it is recommended to use this property directly rather than storing the property yourself.
+ Roles and RoleTypeIds can be compared directly. Player.Role == RoleTypeId.Scp079 is valid and will return if the player is SCP-079. To set the player's role, see .
+ Gets the previous player's role.
+ Gets or sets the player's SCP preferences.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is cuffed.
+ Players can be cuffed without another player being the cuffer.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is reloading a weapon.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is aiming with a weapon.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has enabled weapon's flashlight module.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is jumping.
+ Gets the player's IP address.
+ Gets the player's command sender instance.
+ Gets player's .
+ Gets the player's .
+ Gets the player's net ID.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is the host.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is alive.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is dead.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's is any NTF rank.
+ Equivalent to checking the player's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's is any Chaos rank.
+ Equivalent to checking the player's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's is any SCP.
+ Equivalent to checking the player's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's is any human rank.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's is equal to .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's friendly fire is enabled.
This property only determines if this player can deal damage to players on the same team;
This player can be damaged by other players on their own team even if this property is .
+ Gets or sets the player's scale.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player's bypass mode is enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is muted.
+ This property will NOT persistently mute and unmute the player. For persistent mutes, see and .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is global muted.
+ This property will NOT persistently mute and unmute the player. For persistent mutes, see and .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is intercom muted.
+ This property will NOT persistently mute and unmute the player. For persistent mutes, see and .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is speaking.
+ Gets the loudness of a player when speaking.
+ Gets the player's voice color.
+ Gets or sets the player's voice channel.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is transmitting on a Radio.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player has godmode enabled.
+ Gets the player's unit name.
+ Gets or sets the player's unit id.
+ Gets an array of if the Scp1853 effect is enabled or an empty array if it is not enabled.
+ Gets a list of active the player has.
+ Gets or sets the player's health.
+ Gets or sets the player's maximum health.
+ Gets or sets the player's artificial health.
+ If the health is greater than the , it will also be changed to match the artificial health.
+ Gets or sets the player's maximum artificial health.
+ Gets the of the Player.
+ Gets a of all active Artificial Health processes on the player.
+ Gets or sets the player's Hume Shield.
+ This value can bypass the role's hume shield maximum. However, this value will only be visible to the end-player as Hume Shield if is . Otherwise, the game will treat the player as though they have the amount of Hume Shield specified, even though they cannot see it.
+ Gets or sets the players maximum Hume Shield.
+ Gets or sets the players multiplier for gaining HumeShield.
+ Gets the player's .
+ Gets or sets the item in the player's hand. Value will be if the player is not holding anything.
+ Gets the armor that the player is currently wearing. Value will be if the player is not wearing any armor.
+ Gets the class.
+ Gets or sets the amount of stamina the player has.
+ This will always be a value between 0-1, 0 representing no stamina and 1 representing maximum stamina.
+ Gets or sets the players maximum stamina.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the staff bypass is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the player's group name.
+ Gets the current the player is in.
+ Gets the current zone the player is in.
+ Gets the current the player is in. Can be .
+ Gets all effects from the player, including non active ones.
+ Gets all currently active effects.
+ Gets all currently active effects.
+ Gets or sets the player's group.
+ Gets or sets the player's rank color.
+ Gets or sets the player's rank name.
+ Gets the global badge of the player. Value will be if the player does not have a global badge.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player's badge is hidden.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is Northwood staff.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is a global moderator.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is in the pocket dimension.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player should use stamina system.
+ Gets the player's ping.
+ Gets the player's items.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's inventory is empty.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player's inventory is full.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player is a target of SCP-096.
+ This property checks if the player is present in the list of targets maintained by SCP-096.
+ if the player is a target of SCP-096; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player is an observer of SCP-173.
+ This property checks if the player is present in the list of observers maintained by SCP-173.
+ if the player is an observer of SCP-173; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player has agreed to microphone recording.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not player will be affected by a flashbang.
+ Gets a of spectators that are currently spectating this .
+ Gets a which contains all player's preferences.
+ Gets the player's .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is spawn protected.
+ Gets a dictionary for storing player objects of connected but not yet verified players.
+ Converts NwPluginAPI player to EXILED player.
+ The NwPluginAPI player.
+ EXILED player.
+ Gets a filtered by side. Can be empty.
+ The players' side.
+ The filtered .
+ Gets a filtered by team. Can be empty.
+ The players' team.
+ The filtered .
+ Gets a filtered by role. Can be empty.
+ The players' role.
+ The filtered .
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Gets the nearest player to the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The maximum distance the player can be from the to be included.
+ The nearest within the specified distance, or if no player is found.
+ Gets all players near the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The maximum distance the player can be from the to be included.
+ The filtered collection of objects.
+ Gets the farthest player from the specified within the given distance.
+ The to compare.
+ The minimum distance the player can be from the to be included.
+ The farthest from the specified within the given distance, or if no player is found.
+ Gets all players that have a distance greater than the specified distance from the given .
+ The to compare.
+ The minimum distance the player can be from the to be included.
+ The filtered collection of objects.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The command sender.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The Footprint.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The command sender.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The player's .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the all instances belonging to the given instances, if any.
+ The reference hubs to retrieve the players from.
+ All instances belonging to the given instances.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to a specific netId, if any.
+ The player's .
+ The owning the netId, or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to a specific , if any.
+ The player's .
+ The owning the , or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to a specific , if any.
+ The player's .
+ The owning the , or if not found.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The player's .
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the player belonging to the specified id.
+ The player id.
+ Returns the player found or if not found.
+ Gets the by identifier.
+ The player's nickname, ID, steamID64 or Discord ID.
+ Returns the player found or if not found.
+ Gets the from NwPluginAPI class.
+ The class.
+ A or if not found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a network ID.
+ The network ID.
+ The player that matches the given net ID, or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given a .
+ The .
+ The player that matches the given , or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player given an ID.
+ The user ID.
+ The player that matches the given ID, or if no player is found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get a player by identifier.
+ The player's nickname, ID, steamID64 or Discord ID.
+ The player found or if not found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get the from NwPluginAPI class.
+ The class.
+ The player found or if not found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Try-get player by .
+ The .
+ The player found or if not found.
+ A boolean indicating whether or not a player was found.
+ Gets an containing all players processed based on the arguments specified.
+ The array segment of strings representing the input arguments to be processed.
+ The starting index within the array segment.
+ Contains the updated arguments after processing.
+ Determines whether empty entries should be kept in the result.
+ An representing the processed players.
+ Gets an containing all players processed based on the arguments specified.
+ The array segment of strings representing the input arguments to be processed.
+ The starting index within the array segment.
+ An representing the processed players.
+ Adds a player's UserId to the list of reserved slots.
+ The UserId of the player to add.
+ Whether or not to add a permanently. It will write a to UserIDReservedSlots.txt file.
+ if the slot was successfully added, or if the provided UserId already has a reserved slot.
+ Adds a player's UserId to the whitelist.
+ The UserId of the player to add.
+ Whether or not to add a permanently. It will write a to UserIDWhitelist.txt file.
+ if the record was successfully added, or if the provided UserId already is in whitelist.
+ Reloads the reserved slot list, clearing all reserved slot changes made with add/remove methods and reverting to the reserved slots files.
+ Reloads the whitelist, clearing all whitelist changes made with add/remove methods and reverting to the whitelist files.
+ Adds a player's UserId to the list of reserved slots.
+ Whether or not to add a player's UserId permanently. It will write a player's UserId to UserIDReservedSlots.txt file.
+ if the slot was successfully added, or if the provided UserId already has a reserved slot.
+ Adds a player's UserId to the whitelist.
+ Whether or not to add a player's UserId permanently. It will write a player's UserId to UserIDWhitelist.txt file.
+ if the record was successfully added, or if the provided UserId already is in whitelist.
+ Adds a component to the player.
+ The component type to add.
+ Removes a component from a player.
+ The component type to remove.
+ Gets vision information based on the specified target player and optional mask layer.
+ The Player to target.
+ The mask layer to use (default is 0).
+ A object containing the provided information.
+ Gets vision information based on the specified target position and optional parameters.
+ The target position as a .
+ The radius to check (default is 0).
+ The vision trigger distance (default is 0).
+ Specifies whether to check fog (default is true).
+ Specifies whether to check Line of Sight (default is true).
+ The mask layer to use (default is 0).
+ Specifies whether to check if the player is in darkness (default is true).
+ A object based on the provided information.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role to add.
+ Friendly fire multiplier.
+ Wrapper to call .
+ Role with FF to add even if it exists.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role to add.
+ Friendly fire multiplier.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role FF multiplier to add.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Roles to add with friendly fire values.
+ Whether or not to overwrite current values if they exist.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role associated for CustomFF.
+ Role to add.
+ Friendly fire multiplier.
+ Wrapper to call .
+ Role associated for CustomFF.
+ Role with FF to add even if it exists.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules for CustomRole.
+ Role associated for CustomFF.
+ Role to add and FF multiplier.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules for CustomRole.
+ Role associated for CustomFF.
+ Role to add.
+ Friendly fire multiplier.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to add to FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role associated for CustomFF.
+ Roles to add with friendly fire values.
+ Whether to overwrite current values if they exist - does NOT delete previous entries if they are not in provided rules.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Adds the Custom role to the if they did not already exist.
+ Custom role with FF role rules.
+ Sets the .
+ New rules for CustomRoleFriendlyFireMultiplier to set to.
+ Sets the .
+ Role to associate FF rules to.
+ New rules for CustomRoleFriendlyFireMultiplier to set to.
+ Tries to remove from FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role to add.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Tries to remove a of from FriendlyFire rules.
+ The of to remove.
+ Whether or not all roles were removed from FriendlyFire rules successfully.
+ Tries to remove from FriendlyFire rules.
+ Role to add.
+ Whether or not the item was able to be added.
+ Forces the player to reload their current .
+ if firearm was successfully reloaded. Otherwise, .
+ Forces the player to unload their current .
+ if the weapon unload request is received. Returns otherwise, or if the player is not an or is not holding a .
+ Forces the player to toggle the Flashlight Attachment on their current .
+ if the weapon flashlight toggle request is received. Returns otherwise, or if the player is not an or is not holding a .
+ Tries to get an item from a player's inventory.
+ The unique identifier of the item.
+ The found. if it doesn't exist.
+ if the item is found, otherwise.
+ Tries to get an items from a player's inventory.
+ The predicate to satisfy.
+ The found.
+ if the item is found, otherwise.
+ Sets the player's rank.
+ The rank name to be set.
+ The group to be set.
+ Handcuff the player as administrator.
+ Handcuff the player.
+ The cuffer player.
+ Removes the player's handcuffs.
+ Drops an item from the player's inventory.
+ The to be dropped.
+ Is the item Thrown?.
+ Drops an item from the player's inventory.
+ The to be dropped.
+ dropped .
+ Drops the held item. Will not do anything if the player is not holding an item.
+ Is the item Thrown?.
+ Drops the held item. Will not do anything if the player is not holding an item.
+ Dropped item's .
+ Indicates whether or not the player has an item.
+ The item to search for.
+ , if the player has it; otherwise, .
+ Indicates whether or not the player has an item type.
+ The type to search for.
+ , if the player has it; otherwise, .
+ Counts how many items of a certain a player has.
+ The item to search for.
+ How many items of that the player has.
+ For counting ammo, see .
+ Counts how many items of a certain a player has.
+ The ProjectileType to search for.
+ How many items of that the player has.
+ Counts how many items of a certain a player has.
+ The category to search for.
+ How many items of that the player has.
+ Removes an from the player's inventory.
+ The to remove.
+ Whether or not to destroy the item.
+ A value indicating whether or not the was removed.
+ Removes an from the player's inventory.
+ The serial to remove.
+ Whether or not to destroy the item.
+ A value indicating whether or not the was removed.
+ Removes an from the player's inventory.
+ The of the .
+ Whether or not to destroy the item.
+ Whether or not to remove all items of the specified .
+ Removes all 's that satisfy the condition from the player's inventory.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ Whether or not to destroy the items.
+ Count of a successfully removed 's.
+ Removes the held from the player's inventory.
+ Whether or not to destroy the item.
+ Returns a value indicating whether or not the was removed.
+ Sends a console message to the player's console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ The message color.
+ Disconnects the player.
+ The disconnection reason.
+ Resets the 's stamina.
+ Gets a user's SCP preference.
+ The SCP RoleType.
+ A value from -5 to 5, representing a player's preference to play as the provided SCP. Will return 0 for invalid SCPs.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The used to deal damage.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The used to deal damage.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The attacking player.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The of the damage dealt.
+ The cassie announcement to make if the damage kills the player.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The attacking player.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The of the damage dealt.
+ The cassie announcement to make if the damage kills the player.
+ The death text to appear on screen.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The attacking player.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The throw force.
+ The armor penetration amount.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The of the damage dealt.
+ The cassie announcement to make if the damage kills the player.
+ Hurts the player.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The reason for the damage being dealt.
+ The cassie announcement to make.
+ Heals the player.
+ The amount of health to heal.
+ Whether or not healing should exceed their max health.
+ Forces the player to use an item.
+ The ItemType to be used.
+ if item was used successfully. Otherwise, .
+ Forces the player to use an item.
+ The item to be used.
+ if item was used successfully. Otherwise, .
+ Kills the player.
+ The the player has been killed.
+ The cassie announcement to make upon death.
+ Kills the player.
+ The reason the player has been killed.
+ The cassie announcement to make upon death.
+ Kills the player.
+ The .
+ Kills the player.
+ A to kill the player with.
+ Kills the player and vaporizes the body.
+ The attacking player.
+ The cassie announcement to make upon death.
+ Bans the player.
+ The ban duration, in seconds.
+ The ban reason.
+ The ban issuer.
+ Bans the player.
+ The length of time to ban.
+ The ban reason.
+ The ban issuer.
+ Kicks the player.
+ The kick reason.
+ The kick issuer.
+ Persistently mutes the player. For temporary mutes, see and .
+ Whether or not this mute is for the intercom only.
+ Revokes a persistent mute. For temporary mutes, see and .
+ Whether or not this un-mute is for the intercom only.
+ Blinks the player's tag.
+ Used to wait.
+ Sends a message to the player's Remote Admin console.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Indicates whether or not the message should be highlighted as success.
+ The plugin name.
+ Sends a message to the player's Remote Admin Chat.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Indicates whether or not the message should be highlighted as success.
+ if message was send; otherwise, .
+ Sends a message to the player's Remote Admin Chat.
+ The message to be sent.
+ Indicates whether or not the message should be highlighted as success.
+ if message was send; otherwise, .
+ Shows a broadcast to the player. Doesn't get logged to the console and can be monospaced.
+ The broadcast duration.
+ The message to be broadcasted.
+ The broadcast type.
+ Clears all player's broadcasts before sending the new one.
+ Broadcasts the given to the player.
+ The to be broadcasted.
+ Clears all player's broadcasts before sending the new one.
+ Clears the player's brodcast. Doesn't get logged to the console.
+ Adds the amount of a specified ammo type to the player's inventory.
+ The to be added.
+ The amount of ammo to be added.
+ Adds the amount of a weapon's ammo type to the player's inventory.
+ The of the weapon.
+ The amount of ammo to be added.
+ Removes an amount of from the player's inventory.
+ The to be removed.
+ The amount to be removed.
+ if the specified amount of ammo was removed entirely or partially; otherwise, .
+ Sets the amount of a specified ammo type to the player's inventory.
+ The to be set.
+ The amount of ammo to be set.
+ Gets the ammo count of a specified ammo type in a player's inventory.
+ The to be searched for in the player's inventory.
+ The specified ammo count.
+ Drops a specific out of the player's inventory.
+ The that will be dropped.
+ The amount of ammo that will be dropped.
+ Whether or not ammo limits will be taken into consideration.
+ if ammo was dropped; otherwise, .
+ Gets the maximum amount of ammo the player can hold, given the ammo .
+ The of the ammo to check.
+ If the method should ignore the armor the player is wearing.
+ The maximum amount of ammo this player can carry.
+ Gets the maximum amount of ammo the player can hold, given the ammo .
+ This limit will scale with the armor the player is wearing.
+ For armor ammo limits, see .
+ The of the ammo to check.
+ The number that will define the new limit.
+ Reset a custom limit.
+ The of the ammo to reset.
+ Check if the player has a custom limit for a specific .
+ The to check.
+ If the player has a custom limit for the specific .
+ Gets the maximum amount of an the player can hold, based on the armor the player is wearing, as well as server configuration.
+ The to check.
+ If the method should ignore the armor the player is wearing.
+ The maximum amount of items in the category that the player can hold.
+ Set the maximum amount of an the player can hold. Only works with , , , and .
+ This limit will scale with the armor the player is wearing.
+ For armor category limits, see .
+ The to check.
+ The number that will define the new limit.
+ Reset a custom limit. Only works with , , , and .
+ The of the category to reset.
+ Check if the player has a custom limit for a specific .
+ The to check.
+ If the player has a custom limit for the specific .
+ Adds an item of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ The given to the player.
+ Adds an firearm of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The firearm to be added.
+ The attachments to be added to the item.
+ The given to the player.
+ Adds the amount of items of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ The amount of items to be added.
+ An containing the items given.
+ Adds the amount of firearms of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ The amount of items to be added.
+ The attachments to be added to the item.
+ An containing the items given.
+ Adds the list of items of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The list of items to be added.
+ An containing the items given.
+ Adds the list of items of the specified type with default durability(ammo/charge) and no mods to the player's inventory.
+ The of and of to be added.
+ An containing the items given.
+ Adds an item to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ Adds an item to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ The attachments to be added to the item.
+ Adds an item to the player's inventory.
+ The of the item to be added.
+ The that was added.
+ Adds an item to the player's inventory.
+ The of the item to be added.
+ The attachments to be added to of the item.
+ The that was added.
+ Adds an item to the player's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ The object of the item.
+ The that was added.
+ Adds the list of items to the player's inventory.
+ The list of items to be added.
+ Adds the list of items to the player's inventory.
+ The of and of to be added.
+ Grants the player their current role's loadout.
+ Grants a player a role's loadout.
+ The role loadout to give.
+ Gives the player a specific candy. Will give the player a bag if they do not already have one.
+ The to give.
+ if a candy was given.
+ Resets the player's inventory to the provided list of items, clearing any items it already possess.
+ The new items that have to be added to the inventory.
+ Resets the player's inventory to the provided list of items, clearing any items it already possess.
+ The new items that have to be added to the inventory.
+ Resets the player's inventory to the provided inventory, clearing any items/ammo it already possess.
+ The role inventory to add to the inventory.
+ Clears the player's inventory, including all ammo and items.
+ Whether or not to fully destroy the old items.
+ Clears the player's items.
+ Whether or not to fully destroy the old items.
+ Clears all ammo in the inventory.
+ Drops all items in the player's inventory, including all ammo and items.
+ Forces the player to throw a grenade.
+ The to be thrown.
+ Whether to throw with full or half force.
+ The item that was spawned.
+ Forcefully throws a item.
+ The to be thrown.
+ Whether to throw with full or half force.
+ Shows a hint to the player.
+ The message to be shown.
+ The duration the text will be on screen.
+ Show a hint to the player.
+ The hint to be shown.
+ Sends a HitMarker to the player.
+ The size of the hitmarker, ranging from 0 to ).
+ Safely gets an from , then casts it to .
+ The returned object type.
+ The key of the object to get.
+ When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter is used.
+ if the SessionVariables contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, .
+ Plays the Hume Shield break sound effect from the player.
+ This will only function if the player's is .
+ Gets a module from the player's component.
+ The returned object type.
+ The module that was requested.
+ Gets a describing whether or not the given status effect is currently enabled.
+ The to check.
+ A determining whether or not the player effect is active.
+ Disables all currently active status effects.
+ Disables all currently active status effects.
+ A category to filter the disabled effects.
+ Disables a specific status effect on the player.
+ The to disable.
+ Disables a specific status effect on the player.
+ The to disable.
+ Disables a of on the player.
+ The of to disable.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The to enable.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A bool indicating whether or not the effect was valid and successfully enabled.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The to enable.
+ The intensity of the effect will be active for.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A bool indicating whether or not the effect was valid and successfully enabled.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The name of the to enable.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A bool indicating whether or not the effect was valid and successfully enabled.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The name of the to enable.
+ The intensity of the effect will be active for.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A bool indicating whether or not the effect was valid and successfully enabled.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The name of the to enable.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ The instance of the activated effect.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The name of the to enable.
+ The intensity of the effect will be active for.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ The instance of the activated effect.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The to enable.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ Enables a status effect on the player.
+ The to enable.
+ The intensity of the effect will be active for.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ return if the effect has been Enable.
+ Syncs the status effect on the player.
+ The to sync.
+ Enables a random on the player.
+ An optional category to filter the applied effect. Set to for any effect.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A that was given to the player.
+ Enables a random on the player.
+ An optional category to filter the applied effect. Set to for any effect.
+ The intensity of the effect will be active for.
+ The amount of time the effect will be active for.
+ If the effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ A that was given to the player.
+ Enables a of on the player.
+ The of to enable.
+ The amount of time the effects will be active for.
+ If an effect is already active, setting to will add this duration onto the effect.
+ Syncs a of on the player.
+ The of to enable.
+ Gets an instance of by .
+ The .
+ The .
+ Tries to get an instance of by .
+ The .
+ The .
+ A bool indicating whether or not the was successfully gotten.
+ Tries to get an instance of by .
+ The .
+ The to get.
+ A bool indicating whether or not the was successfully gotten.
+ Gets a indicating the intensity of the given .
+ The to check.
+ Thrown if the given type is not a valid .
+ The intensity of the effect.
+ Changes the intensity of a status effect.
+ The to change the intensity of.
+ The intensity of the effect.
+ The new duration to add to the effect.
+ Whether or not to add the duration..
+ Changes the intensity of a .
+ The to change.
+ The new intensity to use.
+ The new duration to add to the effect.
+ Whether or not to add the duration..
+ Increases intensity of a .
+ The intensity to add.
+ The duration.
+ Whether or not to add the duration on top.
+ The to increase intensity of.
+ Increases intensity of a .
+ The to increase intensity of.
+ The intensity to add.
+ The duration.
+ Whether or not to add the duration on top.
+ Changes the intensity of a status effect.
+ The name of the to enable.
+ The intensity of the effect.
+ The new length of the effect. Defaults to infinite length.
+ Gets an instance of by if the Scp1853 effect is enabled or null if it is not enabled.
+ The .
+ The .
+ Tries to get an instance of by (does not work if the Scp1853 effect is not enabled).
+ The .
+ The .
+ A bool indicating whether or not the was successfully gotten.
+ Opens the report window.
+ The text to send.
+ Places a Tantrum (SCP-173's ability) under the player.
+ Whether or not the tantrum will apply the effect.
+ If is , the tantrum is moved slightly up from its original position. Otherwise, the collision will not be detected and the slowness will not work.
+ The instance..
+ Gives a new to the player.
+ The amount to give the player.
+ The maximum AHP for this stat.
+ How much value is lost per second.
+ Percent of incoming damage absorbed by this stat.
+ The number of seconds to delay the start of the decay.
+ Whether or not the process is removed when the value hits 0.
+ The that was added.
+ Reconnects the player to the server. Can be used to redirect them to another server on a different port but same IP.
+ New port.
+ Player reconnection delay.
+ Whether or not player should be reconnected.
+ Type of round restart.
+ Teleports the player to the given coordinates.
+ The coordinates to move the player to.
+ Teleports the player to the given object, with no offset.
+ The object to teleport to.
+ Teleports the player to the given object, offset by the defined offset value.
+ The object to teleport the player to.
+ The offset to teleport.
+ Teleports player to a random object of a specific type.
+ Object for teleport.
+ Teleports the player to a random object.
+ The list of object types to choose from.
+ Teleports player to a random object of a specific type.
+ Object for teleport.
+ Retrieves the cooldown time for the specified ItemType.
+ The ItemType to retrieve the cooldown for.
+ The cooldown time in seconds, or -1 if not found.
+ Sets the cooldown time for the specified ItemType.
+ The cooldown time in seconds.
+ The ItemType to set the cooldown for.
+ Triggers an explosion for the player.
+ Triggers an explosion for the player.
+ The type of projectile causing the explosion.
+ The player triggering the explosion.
+ Spawns an explosion effect for the player.
+ The type of projectile creating the effect.
+ Sets a new rank given the specified values.
+ The name of the rank to be set.
+ The color of the rank.
+ Plays a beep sound that only the player can hear.
+ Plays a gun sound that only the target can hear.
+ Position to play on.
+ Weapon' sound to play.
+ Sound's volume to set.
+ GunAudioMessage's audioClipId to set (default = 0).
+ Set to the player that only can see.
+ Target to set info.
+ Setting info.
+ Set to the player that only can see.
+ Target to set info.
+ Nickname to set.
+ Change character model for appearance.
+ It will continue until 's changes.
+ Model type.
+ Whether or not to skip the little jump that works around an invisibility issue.
+ The UnitNameId to use for the player's new role, if the player's new role uses unit names. (is NTF).
+ Change character model for appearance.
+ It will continue until 's changes.
+ Model type.
+ The players who should see the changed appearance.
+ Whether or not to skip the little jump that works around an invisibility issue.
+ The UnitNameId to use for the player's new role, if the player's new role uses unit names. (is NTF).
+ Send CASSIE announcement that only can hear.
+ Announcement words.
+ Same on 's isHeld.
+ Same on 's isNoisy.
+ Same on 's isSubtitles.
+ Send CASSIE announcement with custom subtitles for translation that only can hear and see it.
+ The message to be reproduced.
+ The translation should be show in the subtitles.
+ Same on 's isHeld.
+ Same on 's isNoisy.
+ Same on 's isSubtitles.
+ Converts the player in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Player-related data.
+ Expose how a plugin has to be made.
+ The config type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Fired after enabling the plugin.
+ Subscribes all events and relative handlers.
+ Fired after disabling the plugin.
+ Unsubscribes all events and relative handlers.
+ Expose how a plugin has to be made.
+ The config type.
+ The translation type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the plugin translations.
+ Helper for Prefabs.
+ Gets a dictionary of to .
+ Gets the prefab attribute of a prefab type.
+ The prefab type.
+ The .
+ Spawns a prefab on server.
+ The prefab type.
+ The position to spawn the prefab.
+ The rotation of the prefab.
+ The instantied.
+ Spawns a prefab on server.
+ The prefab type.
+ The position to spawn the prefab.
+ The rotation of the prefab.
+ The type.
+ The instantied.
+ Loads all prefabs.
+ A set of tools to handle the ragdolls more easily.
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The encapsulated .
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets or sets the s clean up time.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the clean up event can be executed.
+ Gets the instance of the ragdoll.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets the ragdoll's [].
+ Gets all ragdoll's [].
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the ragdoll has been already cleaned up.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the ragdoll can be cleaned up.
+ Gets the ragdoll's name.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's nickname.
+ Gets the ragdoll's existence time.
+ Gets or sets the owner . Can be if the ragdoll does not have an owner.
+ Gets or sets the time that the ragdoll was spawned.
+ Gets or sets the of the ragdoll.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the ragdoll has expired and SCP-049 is unable to revive it if was not being targets.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this ragdoll has been consumed by an SCP-049-2.
+ Gets the the ragdoll is located in.
+ Gets the the ragdoll is in.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's position.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's rotation.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's scale.
+ Gets the ragdoll's death reason.
+ Gets or sets a of 's that will be ignored by clean up event.
+ Gets the last ragdoll of the player.
+ The player to get the last ragdoll.
+ The Last Ragdoll.
+ Creates a new ragdoll.
+ The data associated with the ragdoll.
+ Created ragdoll. Will be if method retunred .
+ if ragdoll was successfully created. Otherwise, false.
+ Creates a new ragdoll.
+ The of the ragdoll.
+ The name of the ragdoll.
+ The damage handler responsible for the ragdoll's death.
+ Created ragdoll. Will be if method retunred .
+ The optional owner of the ragdoll.
+ The ragdoll.
+ Creates a new ragdoll.
+ The of the ragdoll.
+ The name of the ragdoll.
+ The reason the ragdoll died.
+ Created ragdoll. Will be if method retunred .
+ The optional owner of the ragdoll.
+ The ragdoll.
+ Creates and spawns a new ragdoll.
+ The data associated with the ragdoll.
+ The ragdoll.
+ Creates and spawns a new ragdoll.
+ The of the ragdoll.
+ The name of the ragdoll.
+ The damage handler responsible for the ragdoll's death.
+ The position of the ragdoll.
+ The rotation of the ragdoll.
+ The optional owner of the ragdoll.
+ The ragdoll.
+ Creates and spawns a new ragdoll.
+ The of the ragdoll.
+ The name of the ragdoll.
+ The reason the ragdoll died.
+ The position of the ragdoll.
+ The rotation of the ragdoll.
+ The optional owner of the ragdoll.
+ The ragdoll.
+ Gets the belonging to the , if any.
+ The to get.
+ A or if not found.
+ Gets the of belonging to the , if any.
+ The to get.
+ A of .
+ Gets the of belonging to the of , if any.
+ The s to get.
+ A of .
+ Destroys the ragdoll.
+ Spawns the ragdoll.
+ Un-spawns the ragdoll.
+ Returns the Ragdoll in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Ragdoll-related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances used for the containment zone.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the C.A.S.S.I.E is currently busy.
+ Gets a value about how many generator have been activated.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the containment zone is open.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the containment zone is locked.
+ Gets or sets the delay to wait before overcharging.
+ Gets or sets the lockdown duration.
+ Gets the activator button's .
+ Gets or sets the 's position.
+ Gets the activator's window.
+ Gets the activator's position.
+ Gets or sets the activator's lerp speed.
+ Gets or sets the announcement played to warn players about the contaiment sequence's progress.
+ Gets or sets the announcement played when counting down to overcharge.
+ Gets or sets the announcement played when the contaiment is successful done.
+ Gets or sets the announcement played when the contaiment is failed.
+ Gets or sets the announcement played when all the generators have been activated.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the containment sequence is done.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the containment sequence is successfully done.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances locked during the overcharge procedure.
+ Tries to kill SCP-079.
+ if SCP-079 was successfully contained; otherwise, .
+ Playes an announcement.
+ The announcement to play.
+ The glitchy multiplier.
+ Begins the overcharge procedure.
+ Ends the overcharge procedure.
+ Announces the engagement status.
+ Announces the engagement status.
+ The engaged generators count.
+ Refreshes the engagement status.
+ Begins the recontainment procedure.
+ Refreshes the activator.
+ Breaks the glass protecting the activator button.
+ A set of tools to handle team respawns more easily.
+ Gets the NTF Helicopter's .
+ Gets the Chaos Van's .
+ Gets or sets the next known that will spawn.
+ Gets or sets the amount of seconds before the next respawn phase will occur.
+ Gets a indicating the amount of time before the next respawn wave will occur.
+ Gets a indicating the moment in UTC time the next respawn wave will occur.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not a team is currently being spawned or the animations are playing for a team.
+ Gets or sets the amount of spawn tickets belonging to the Chaos Insurgency.
+ Gets or sets the amount of spawn tickets belonging to the NTF.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not spawn protection is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the spawn protection time, in seconds.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not spawn protected players can shoot.
+ Gets a of that have spawn protection.
+ Gets a string array of possible names for NTF.
+ Generates a queue.
+ The team to get queue of.
+ Amount to get.
+ A queue of .
+ Play an effect when a certain class spawns.
+ The effect to be played.
+ Play an effect when a certain class spawns.
+ The effect to be played.
+ Play effects when a certain class spawns.
+ The effects to be played.
+ Play effects when a certain class spawns.
+ The effects to be played.
+ Summons the NTF chopper.
+ Summons the van.
+ Whether or not to play the Chaos Insurgency spawn music.
+ Grants tickets to a .
+ The to grant tickets to.
+ The amount of tickets to grant.
+ Removes tickets from a .
+ The to remove tickets from.
+ The amount of tickets to remove.
+ Modify tickets from a .
+ The to modify tickets from.
+ The amount of tickets to modify.
+ Forces a spawn of the given .
+ The to spawn.
+ Whether or not effects will be played with the spawn.
+ Represents the base-game FilmMaker role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets or sets the filmmaker's camera rotation.
+ Gets the base .
+ Defines a role that represents an fpc class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the player's relative position as perceived by the server.
+ Gets or sets the player's relative position as perceived by the client.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether if the player should get damage.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether if a rotation is detected on the player.
+ Gets or sets the walking speed.
+ Gets or sets the sprinting speed.
+ Gets or sets the jumping speed.
+ Gets or sets the crouching speed.
+ Gets or sets the velocity.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether if a movement is detected on a .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player can send inputs.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is invisible.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player should use stamina system. Resets on death.
+ Gets or sets the stamina usage multiplier. Resets on death.
+ Gets or sets the stamina regen multiplier. Resets on death.
+ Gets a list of players who can't see the player.
+ Gets or sets the player's current .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is crouching or not.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is on the ground.
+ Gets the 's current movement speed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the is in darkness.
+ Gets the 's vertical rotation.
+ Gets the 's horizontal rotation.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the is AFK.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this role is protected by a hume shield.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the fake appearance of the player.
+ Resets the 's stamina.
+ Resets and .
+ Defines a role that represents a human class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets the player's unit name.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the uses unit names or not.
+ Gets the game .
+ Gets the armor efficacy based on a specific and the armor the is wearing.
+ The .
+ The armor efficacy.
+ Represents a role that supports a hume shield.
+ Gets a reference to the role's .
+ Defines a interface that represents a in player's role.
+ Gets the SCP .
+ Defines a role that represents players with no role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Defines a role that represents a player with overwatch enabled.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The encapsulated .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets the game .
+ Gets the Overwatch role for a player.
+ The overwatch RoleType.
+ Defines the class for role-related classes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Gets an array of all .
+ Gets a shuffled list of all possible .
+ Gets a random human .
+ Gets a random human .
+ Gets the next Scp to spawn according to NW logic.
+ Gets the next Human to spawn according to NW logic.
+ Gets the this role is referring to.
+ Gets the of this .
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the of this .
+ Gets the of this .
+ Gets the of this .
+ Gets the full name.
+ Gets the last time the was active.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this role represents a dead role.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this role represents a living role.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this role is still valid. This will only ever be if the Role is stored and accessed at a later date.
+ Gets a random spawn position of this role.
+ The spawn position.
+ Converts a role to its appropriate .
+ The role.
+ Returns whether or not 2 roles are the same.
+ The role.
+ The other role.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Returns whether or not the two roles are different.
+ The role.
+ The other role.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Returns whether or not the role has the same RoleTypeId as the given .
+ The .
+ The .
+ if the values are equal.
+ Returns whether or not the role has a different RoleTypeId as the given .
+ The .
+ The .
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Returns whether or not the role has the same RoleTypeId as the given .
+ The .
+ The .
+ if the values are equal.
+ Returns whether or not the role has a different RoleTypeId as the given .
+ The .
+ The .
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Gets a random .
+ Specifies whether non-playable roles should be included.
+ An optional collection of role types to exclude.
+ A random .
+ Returns the role in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing role-related data.
+ Sets the player's .
+ The new to be set.
+ The defining why the player's role was changed.
+ S
+ Sets the player's .
+ The new to be set.
+ The defining player spawn logic.
+ Sets the player's .
+ The new to be set.
+ The defining why the player's role was changed.
+ The defining player spawn logic.
+ Creates a role from and .
+ The .
+ The created instance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-049-2.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets SCP-049-2's .
+ Gets SCP-049-2's .
+ Gets SCP-049-2's .
+ Gets or sets the amount of times this SCP-049-2 has been resurrected.
+ Gets the SCP-049-2 attack damage.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the amount of time to simulate SCP-049-2's Bloodlust ability.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-049-2 is currently pursuing a target (Bloodlust ability).
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-049-2 is consuming a ragdoll.
+ Gets the that SCP-049-2 is currently consuming. Will be if is .
+ Gets the amount of time in between SCP-049-2 attacks.
+ Returns a indicating whether or not SCP-049-2 is close enough to a ragdoll to consume it.
+ This method only returns whether or not SCP-049-2 is close enough to the body to consume it; the body may have been consumed previously. Make sure to check to ensure the body can be consumed.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if close enough to consume the body; otherwise, .
+ Returns a indicating whether or not SCP-049-2 is close enough to a ragdoll to consume it.
+ This method only returns whether or not SCP-049-2 is close enough to the body to consume it; the body may have been consumed previously. Make sure to check to ensure the body can be consumed.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if close enough to consume the body; otherwise, .
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-049.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Gets a list of players who are turned away from SCP-049 Sense Ability.
+ Gets SCP-049's .
+ Gets SCP-049's .
+ Gets SCP-049's .
+ Gets SCP-049's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-049 is currently reviving a player.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-049's "Doctor's Call" ability is currently active.
+ Gets the player that is currently being revived by SCP-049. Will be if is .
+ Gets the ragdoll that is currently being revived by SCP-049. Will be if is .
+ Gets all the dead zombies.
+ Gets or sets how mush time the Call Ability will be effective.
+ Gets or sets the Cooldown of the Call Ability.
+ Gets or sets the Cooldown of the Sense Ability.
+ Gets or sets the Cooldown of the Sense Ability when you lost your target.
+ Gets or sets the Cooldown of the Sense Ability when it's failed.
+ Gets or sets how mush time the Sense Ability will be effective.
+ Gets all the resurrected players.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-049 can use its Doctor's Call ability again.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-049 can use its Good Sense of the Doctor ability again.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-049 can attack again.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the .
+ Gets or sets the duration of the .
+ Gets or sets the distance of the Sense Ability.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Lose the current target of the Good Sense ability.
+ Resurrects a .
+ The to resurrect.
+ The Resurrected player.
+ Resurrects a owner.
+ The Ragdoll to resurrect.
+ The Resurrected Ragdoll.
+ Attacks a Player.
+ The to attack.
+ Trigger the Sense Ability on the specified .
+ The Player to sense.
+ Refresh the duration.
+ Gets the amount of resurrections of a .
+ The to check.
+ The amount of resurrections of the checked player.
+ Returns a indicating whether or not the ragdoll can be resurrected by SCP-049.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if the body can be revived; otherwise, .
+ Returns a indicating whether or not the ragdoll can be resurrected by SCP-049.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if the body can be revived; otherwise, .
+ Returns a indicating whether or not SCP-049 is close enough to a ragdoll to revive it.
+ This method only returns whether or not SCP-049 is close enough to the body to revive it; the body may have expired. Make sure to check to ensure the body can be revived.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if close enough to revive the body; otherwise, .
+ Returns a indicating whether or not SCP-049 is close enough to a ragdoll to revive it.
+ This method only returns whether or not SCP-049 is close enough to the body to revive it; the body may have expired. Make sure to check to ensure the body can be revived.
+ The ragdoll to check.
+ if close enough to revive the body; otherwise, .
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-049.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-079.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Gets a list of players who will be turned away from SCP-079's scan.
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets SCP-079's .
+ Gets or sets the camera SCP-079 is currently controlling.
+ This value will return the Hcz079ContChamber Camera if SCP-079's current camera cannot be detected.
+ Gets or sets the camera SCP-079 is currently controlling.
+ This value will return the Hcz079ContChamber Camera if SCP-079's current camera cannot be detected.
+ Gets or sets 079s cooldown duration for Tesla.
+ Gets or sets the amount of aux power to be taken when Tesla is powered by 079.
+ Note: Will not apply change on client.
+ Gets or sets the multiplier of aux power to regen while speaking.
+ Gets or sets the cost for blackout ability.
+ Gets or sets the duration for blackout ability.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown for blackout ability.
+ Gets or sets the cost for changing elevator state.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can transmit its voice to a speaker.
+ Gets a list of rooms that have been marked by SCP-079. Marked rooms grant SCP-079 experience if a kill occurs in them.
+ Gets the speaker SCP-079 is currently using. Can be .
+ Gets the doors SCP-079 has locked. Can be .
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's abilities. Can be .
+ Gets or sets the amount of experience SCP-079 has.
+ Gets the Current Camera Position.
+ Gets the relative experience.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's level.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's level index.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's next level threshold.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's energy.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's max energy.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's room lockdown cooldown.
+ Gets the Remaining Lockdown Duration.
+ Gets the amount of rooms that SCP-079 has blacked out.
+ Gets the maximum amount of rooms that SCP-079 can black out at its current .
+ Gets or sets the amount of time until SCP-079 can use its blackout zone ability again.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time that SCP-2176 will disable SCP-079 for.
+ Gets the Roll Rotation of SCP-079.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079's signal is lost due to SCP-2176.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating how much more time SCP-079 will be lost.
+ Gets SCP-079's energy regeneration speed.
+ Gets the game .
+ Gets or sets time it takes for SCP-079 to switch to camera in same zone.
+ Gets or sets time it takes for SCP-079 to switch to camera in other zone.
+ Unlocks all doors that SCP-079 has locked.
+ Forces SCP-079's signal to be lost for the specified amount of time.
+ Time to lose SCP-079's signal.
+ Grants SCP-079 experience.
+ The amount to grant.
+ The reason to grant experience.
+ The RoleType of the player that's causing it to happen.
+ Locks the provided .
+ The door to lock.
+ if the door has been lock; otherwise, .
+ Indicates if the energy cost should be consumed or not.
+ Unlocks the .
+ Unlocks the provided .
+ The door to unlock.
+ Marks a room as being modified by SCP-079 (granting experience if a kill happens in the room).
+ The room to mark.
+ Marks a array of rooms as being modified by SCP-079 (granting experience if a kill happens in the room).
+ The Array of Rooms to mark.
+ Removes a marked room.
+ The room to remove.
+ Clears the list of marked SCP-079 rooms.
+ Gets the cost to switch from the current to the provided .
+ The camera to get the cost to switch to.
+ The cost to switch from the current camera to the new camera.
+ Gets the cost to modify a door.
+ The door to get the cost to modify.
+ The action.
+ The cost to modify the door.
+ Blackout the current room.
+ Indicates if the energy cost should be consumed or not.
+ Blackout the current zone.
+ Indicates if the energy cost should be consumed or not.
+ Trigger the Ping Ability to ping a .
+ The SyncNormal Position.
+ The PingType to return.
+ Indicates if the energy cost should be consumed or not.
+ Trigger the Lockdown Room Ability to lock the current room.
+ Cancels the Actual Lockdown.
+ Trigger the SCP-079's Tesla Gate Ability.
+ Indicates if the energy cost should be consume or not.
+ Gets the spawn chance of SCP-079.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-096.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets a list of players who will be turned away from SCP-096.
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets SCP-096's .
+ Gets a value indicating SCP-096's ability state.
+ Gets a value indicating SCP-096's rage state.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can receive targets.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can attack.
+ Gets or sets the Charge Ability Cooldown.
+ Gets or sets the Charge Ability duration.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-096 can be enraged again.
+ Gets or sets enraged time left.
+ Gets or sets enraged time left.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TryNotToCry ability is active.
+ Gets a of Players that are currently targeted by SCP-096.
+ Gets the .
+ Adds the specified as an SCP-096 target.
+ The player to add as a target.
+ if target was successfully added. Otherwise, .
+ Adds the specified as an SCP-096 target.
+ The player to add as a target.
+ Is because player look SCP-096.
+ if target was successfully added. Otherwise, .
+ Removes the specified from SCP-096's targets.
+ The player to remove as a target.
+ if target was successfully removed. Otherwise, .
+ Enrages SCP-096 for the given amount of times.
+ The amount of time to enrage SCP-096.
+ Ends SCP-096's enrage cycle.
+ Whether or not to clear the remaining enrage time.
+ Returns whether or not the provided is a target of SCP-096.
+ The player to check.
+ Whether or not the player is a target of SCP-096.
+ Returns whether or not the provided is observed by SCP-096.
+ The player to check.
+ Whether or not the player is observed.
+ Removes all targets from SCP-096's target list.
+ Trigger the attack ability.
+ Trigger the charge ability.
+ The cooldown time to set before the charge can be executed again.
+ Shows the input prompt for the RageCycle ability.
+ The input prompt duration.
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-096.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-106.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets SCP-106's Vigor Level.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 is currently submerged.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 can activate teslas.
+ Gets a value indicating whether if SCP-106 can be cleared.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 is currently slow down by a door.
+ Gets a value indicating the current time of the sinkhole.
+ Gets a value indicating the normalized state of the sinkhole.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 is currently in the middle of an animation.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 sinkhole is hidden.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current sinkhole state.
+ Gets the sinkhole target duration.
+ Gets the speed multiplier of the sinkhole.
+ Gets or sets how mush cost the Ability Stalk will cost per tick when being stationary.
+ Gets or sets how mush cost the Ability Stalk will cost per tick when moving.
+ Gets or sets how mush vigor will be regenerate while moving per seconds.
+ Gets or sets the duration of Corroding effect.
+ Gets or sets how mush vigor Scp106 will gain when being reward for having caught a player.
+ Gets or sets how mush reduction cooldown Scp106 will gain when being reward for having caught a player.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown duration of it's Sinkhole ability's.
+ Gets or sets how mush vigor it's ability Hunter Atlas will cost per meter.
+ Gets or sets how mush damage Scp106 will dealt when attacking a player.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time in between player captures.
+ Gets or sets the Sinkhole cooldown.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 will enter his stalking mode.
+ Gets the .
+ Forces SCP-106 to use its portal, and Teleport to position.
+ Where the player will be teleported.
+ The amount of vigor that is required and will be consumed.
+ If the player will be teleport.
+ Send a player to the pocket dimension.
+ The to send.
+ If the player has been capture in PocketDimension.
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-106.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-173.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets a list of players who will be turned away from SCP-173.
+ Gets SCP-173's movement module.
+ Gets SCP-173's .
+ Gets SCP-173's .
+ Gets SCP-173's .
+ Gets SCP-173's .
+ Gets SCP-173's .
+ Gets the SCP-173's .
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-173 can use breakneck speed again.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-173 can place a tantrum.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-173 is currently being viewed by one or more players.
+ Gets a of players that are currently viewing SCP-173. Can be empty.
+ Gets SCP-173's max move speed.
+ Gets the SCP-173's movement speed.
+ Gets or sets SCP-173's simulated stare. SCP-173 will be treated as though it is being looked at while this value is greater than 0.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-173 is able to blink.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-173 can blink.
+ Gets a value indicating the max distance that SCP-173 can move in a blink. Factors in .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-173's breakneck speed is active.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Places a Tantrum (SCP-173's ability) under the player.
+ Whether or not to place the tantrum if SCP-173 is currently being viewed.
+ The cooldown until SCP-173 can place a tantrum again. Set to 0 to not affect the cooldown.
+ The instance, or if it cannot be placed.
+ Plays a SCP-173 Audio Clip (Snap, Hit, Teleport).
+ The SoundId to Play.
+ Teleport SCP-173 using the blink ability to the Target Position.
+ The Target Position.
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-173.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-3114.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets Scp3114's .
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the damage amount of SCP-3114's slap ability.
+ Gets the current target of SCP-3114's strangle ability. Can be .
+ Gets or sets the SCP-3114's Stolen Role.
+ Gets or sets the SCP-3114's Ragdoll used for it's FakeIdentity.
+ Gets or sets the SCP-3114's UnitId used for it's FakeIdentity.
+ Gets or sets current state of SCP-3114's disguise ability.
+ Gets or sets the SCP-3114's Disguise duration.
+ Gets or sets the warning time seconds.
+ Gets or sets the bound dance.
+ Reset Scp3114 FakeIdentity.
+ Plays a random Scp3114 voice line.
+ The type of voice line to play.
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-3114.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Stops dancing.
+ Starts the dancing process.
+ The requested .
+ Defines a role that represents SCP-939.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the base .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-939 can attack again.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 is currently using its focus ability.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 is currently lunging.
+ Gets SCP-939's .
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-939 can use its amnestic cloud ability again.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the amnestic cloud.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time before SCP-939 can use any of its mimicry abilities again.
+ Gets a value indicating the amount of voices that SCP-939 has saved.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 has a placed mimic point.
+ Gets a value indicating the position of SCP-939's mimic point. May be if is .
+ Gets a list of players this SCP-939 instance can see regardless of their movement.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Removes all recordings of player voices. Provide an optional target to remove all the recordings of a single player.
+ If provided, will only remove recordings of the targeted player.
+ Removes all recordings of player voices.
+ Plays a Ripple Sound (Usable RippleType: Footstep, FireArm).
+ The RippleType to play to 939.
+ The Sync Position to play.
+ The Player to send the Ripple Sound.
+ Created a Amnestic Cloud at the SCP-939's position.
+ The duration of the Amnestic cloud.
+ Place a Mimic Point at the specified position.
+ The Position of the Mimic Point.
+ Destroys the Current Mimic Point.
+ Gets the Spawn Chance of SCP-939.
+ The List of Roles already spawned.
+ The Spawn Chance.
+ Defines a role that represents a spectator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The encapsulated .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The .
+ Gets the at which the player died.
+ Gets the total amount of time the player has been dead.
+ Gets the 's death position.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is ready to respawn or not.
+ Gets currently spectated by this . May be .
+ Gets the game .
+ The in-game room.
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The room's .
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets the name.
+ Gets the 's position.
+ Gets the 's rotation.
+ Gets the in which the room is located.
+ Gets the enum representing this room.
+ This property is the internal of the room. For the actual string of the Room's name, see .
+ Gets the room's .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets a reference to the room's .
+ Gets a reference to the in the room, or if this room does not contain one.
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Using that will make sense only for rooms with more than one light controller, in other cases better to use .
+ Gets a of around the .
+ Gets a of in the .
+ Gets or sets the color of the room's lights by changing the warhead color.
+ Will return when is .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the lights in this room are currently off.
+ Gets the FlickerableLightController's NetworkIdentity.
+ Gets the room's FlickerableLightController.
+ Gets a containing all known s in that .
+ Gets a containing all known s in that .
+ Gets a containing all known s in that .
+ Gets a containing all known s in that .
+ Gets a containing all known s in that .
+ Gets a containing all known s around that .
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a from a given .
+ The to search with.
+ The of the given identified, if any. Can be .
+ Gets a from a given .
+ The to search with.
+ The of the given identified, if any. Can be .
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a of given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The with the given or if not found.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Tries to find the room that a is inside, first using the 's parents, then using a Raycast if no room was found.
+ The inside the room.
+ The that the is located inside. Can be .
+ Gets a random .
+ Filters by .
+ object.
+ Flickers the room's lights off.
+ Flickers the room's lights off for a duration.
+ Duration in seconds.
+ Locks all the doors in the room.
+ DoorLockType of the lockdown.
+ Locks all the doors in the room.
+ Duration in seconds.
+ DoorLockType of the lockdown.
+ Locks all the doors and turns off all lights in the room.
+ DoorLockType of the blackout.
+ Locks all the doors and turns off all lights in the room.
+ Duration in seconds.
+ DoorLockType of the blackout.
+ Unlocks all the doors in the room.
+ Resets the room color to default.
+ Sets of the room that only the player can see.
+ Only this player can see room color.
+ Color to set.
+ Sets the lights of the room to be either on or off, visible only to the player.
+ The player who will see the lights state change.
+ The state to set the lights to. True for on, false for off.
+ Returns the Room in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Room-related data.
+ A set of tools to handle the round more easily.
+ Gets a list of players who will be ignored from determining round end.
+ Gets the time elapsed from the start of the round.
+ Gets the start time of the round.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the round is started or not.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the round in progress or not.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the round is ended or not.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the round is lobby or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the amount of Chaos Targets remaining.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the round is locked or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the lobby is locked or not.
+ Gets or sets the number of players who have escaped as .
+ Gets or sets the number of players who have escaped as .
+ Gets or sets the number of kills.
+ Gets or sets the number of surviving SCPs.
+ Gets or sets the number of kills made by SCPs.
+ Gets or sets the number of players who have been turned into zombies.
+ Gets or sets the timer for waiting players in lobby.
+ Gets or sets the action to do at round end.
+ Gets the number of rounds since the server started.
+ Gets a indicating the sides that are currently alive.
+ Gets or sets a visual offset applied to the target counter for SCPs.
+ Restarts the round with custom settings.
+ Indicates whether or not it'll be a fast restart.
+ If it's a fast restart, then players won't be reconnected from
+ the server; otherwise, they will.
+ Overrides a value of .
+ Makes sense if someone used a command to set another action.
+ The .
+ - does nothing, just restarts the round silently.
+ - restarts the server, reconnects all players.
+ - shutdowns the server, also disconnects all players.
+ Restarts the round silently.
+ Forces the round to end, regardless of which factions are alive.
+ Indicates whether or not it'll force the restart with no check if it's locked.
+ A describing whether or not the round was successfully ended.
+ Start the round.
+ A wrapper for SCP-3114 ragdolls.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base ragdoll to wrap.
+ Gets or sets the role that the corpse is disguised as.
+ Gets or sets the delay between when SCP-3114 can disguise this corpse.
+ Gets or sets the time required to reveal this corpse.
+ Gets or sets the current time of revealing this corpse.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this corpse will trigger animation.
+ A set of tools to modify SCP-914's behaviour.
+ Gets the cached .
+ Gets or sets SCP-914's .
+ Gets or sets SCP-914's config mode.
+ Gets SCP-914's .
+ Gets SCP-914's .
+ Gets the position of SCP-914's intake chamber.
+ Gets the position of SCP-914's output chamber.
+ Gets the position offset in which item is moving.
+ Gets a value indicating whether SCP-914 is active and currently processing items.
+ Gets a value indicating all of the GameObjects currently present inside SCP-914's intake chamber.
+ Gets the intake booth .
+ Gets the output booth .
+ Gets the list with which SCP-914 has.
+ Filters all GameObjects inside SCP-914's intake chamber into players and items.
+ The to return.
+ The to return.
+ All GameObjects present inside SCP-914's intake chamber. And also return Player and Pickup casted.
+ Plays the SCP-914's sound.
+ The to play.
+ Starts SCP-914.
+ who interacts with Scp914.
+ Interact code.
+ Gets the for .
+ Item for which processor should be returned.
+ The if item has it. Otherwise, .
+ A processor for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets or sets a new to which item will be upgraded on or .
+ Gets or sets a new to which item will be upgraded on .
+ Gets or sets a new to which item will be upgraded on or .
+ A processor for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not magazine should be refilled.
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ A processor for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ A wrapper for base class for all processors.
+ Gets the with and .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets a from it's base .
+ The instance.
+ The instance.
+ Upgrades an item from player's inventory.
+ Player from whose inventory item will be chosen.
+ Item to update.
+ Setting to use.
+ A new upgraded item.
+ Upgrades an pickup from player's inventory.
+ Pickup to update.
+ Setting to use.
+ A new upgraded pickup.
+ Gets a random output item.
+ Selected .
+ The item to be updated.
+ A new item.
+ A processor for most of items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base instance.
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a list of items that replace upgrading item when is .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not item which has will execute method for updating.
+ Handles pickup if new was None.
+ Pickup to handle.
+ Handles old pickup that has been upgraded.
+ Pickup to handle.
+ Source: https://dotnetfiddle.net/8M6iIE.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The inner type description instance.
+ Source: https://dotnetfiddle.net/8M6iIE.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The inner descriptor instance.
+ The comment to be written.
+ Gets the comment to be written.
+ Source: https://dotnetfiddle.net/8M6iIE.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The next visitor instance.
+ Source: https://dotnetfiddle.net/8M6iIE.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base descriptor instance.
+ Converts a of to Yaml configs and vice versa.
+ Converts to Yaml configs and vice versa.
+ Converts instances of to YAML configurations and vice versa.
+ This class implements the interface to handle the serialization and deserialization
+ of enum classes that use private constructors for their instantiation.
+ Determines whether this converter can handle the specified type.
+ The type to check.
+ if the type is assignable to ; otherwise, .
+ Reads YAML data and creates an instance of the specified type.
+ Uses reflection to invoke a private parameterless constructor to create the instance.
+ The YAML parser used to read the data.
+ The type of the object to create.
+ A new instance of the specified type.
+ Thrown if no private parameterless constructor is found.
+ Writes an object to YAML.
+ This method is currently not implemented.
+ The YAML emitter used to write the data.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The type of the object to serialize.
+ A YAML type converter for types with private constructors.
+ This converter handles deserialization by invoking a private parameterless constructor
+ and serialization by writing only non-default property values.
+ Determines whether this converter can handle the specified type.
+ The type to check.
+ if the type has a private parameterless constructor; otherwise, .
+ Reads YAML data and creates an instance of the specified type.
+ Uses reflection to invoke a private parameterless constructor to create the instance.
+ The YAML parser used to read the data.
+ The type of the object to create.
+ A new instance of the specified type with properties set from the YAML data.
+ Thrown if no private parameterless constructor is found.
+ Writes an object to YAML.
+ Serializes only the properties that have values different from their default values.
+ The YAML emitter used to write the data.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The type of the object to serialize.
+ Applies YAML data to an object by setting its properties.
+ The instance of the object to update.
+ The dictionary containing YAML data.
+ Gets the default value for a type.
+ The type to get the default value for.
+ The default value for the type, or for reference types.
+ Converts a Vector2, Vector3 or Vector4 to Yaml configs and vice versa.
+ Event emitter which wraps all strings in double quotes.
+ Gets the list.
+ Basic configs validation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The node deserializer instance.
+ A set of tools to easily work with the server.
+ Gets a dictionary that pairs assemblies with their associated plugins.
+ Gets the Player of the server.
+ Might be when called when the server isn't loaded.
+ Gets the cached component.
+ Gets or sets the name of the server.
+ Gets the server's version.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not streaming of this version is allowed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this server is on a beta version of SCP:SL.
+ Gets a value indicating the type of build this server is hosted on.
+ Gets the RemoteAdmin permissions handler.
+ Gets the Ip address of the server.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this server is a dedicated server.
+ Gets the port of the server.
+ Gets the current TPS (Ticks per Second) of the Server.
+ Gets or sets the max TPS (Ticks per Second) of the Server.
+ Gets the actual frametime of the server.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not friendly fire is enabled.
+ Gets the number of players currently on the server.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of players able to be on the server.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not late join is enabled.
+ Gets the late join time, in seconds. If a player joins less than this many seconds into a game, they will be given a random class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server is marked as Heavily Modded.
+ Read the VSR for more info about its usage.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this server has the whitelist enabled.
+ Gets the List of player currently whitelisted.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this server is verified.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not idle mode is enabled.
+ Gets the dictionary of the server's session variables.
+ Session variables can be used to save temporary data. Data is stored in a .
+ The key of the data is always a , whereas the value can be any .
+ The data stored in a session variable can be accessed by different assemblies; it is recommended to uniquely identify stored data so that it does not conflict with other plugins that may also be using the same name.
+ Data saved with session variables is not being saved on server restart. If the data must be saved after a restart, a database must be used instead.
+ Gets or sets a list with all fake SyncVar that will be applied to player ass soon as he connects.
+ As string argument use a full name of Network property ('full type name'.'property name').
+ As object argument use value that will be used instead of a current value.
+ Adds a new value to .
+ A property of a sync var (starts with "Network").
+ The value that will replace actual one.
+ Adds a new value to .
+ The sync var field.
+ The new value that will replace actual one.
+ Adds a new value to .
+ Type where sync var is declared.
+ Name of sync var field or property.
+ The new value that will replace actual one.
+ Restarts the server, reconnects all players.
+ Shutdowns the server, disconnects all players.
+ Shutdowns the server, disconnects all players.
+ Indicates whether to terminate the application after shutting down the server.
+ Indicates whether to suppress the broadcast notification about the shutdown.
+ Redirects players to a server on another port, restarts the current server.
+ The port to redirect players to.
+ if redirection was successful; otherwise, .
+ If the returned value is , the server won't restart.
+ Redirects players to a server on another port, shutdowns the current server.
+ The port to redirect players to.
+ if redirection was successful; otherwise, .
+ If the returned value is , the server won't shutdown.
+ Executes a server command.
+ The command to be run.
+ The running the command.
+ Command response, if there is one; otherwise, .
+ Safely gets an from , then casts it to .
+ The returned object type.
+ The key of the object to get.
+ When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter is used.
+ if the SessionVariables contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, .
+ Handles dynamic spawn locations.
+ Gets or sets the for this item.
+ Defines a spawn point that follows a base-game role spawn point.
+ Gets or sets the role type used for this spawn.
+ Represents a spawn location for a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The this spawn is for.
+ The position of the spawn.
+ The horizontal rotation of the spawn.
+ Gets the the spawn is for.
+ Gets the position of the spawn.
+ Gets the horizontal rotation of the spawn.
+ Defines item spawn properties.
+ Gets or sets this spawn point name.
+ Gets or sets the spawn chance.
+ Gets or sets this spawn point position.
+ Deconstructs the class into usable variables.
+ Handles special properties of spawning an entity.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating how many items can be spawned when the round starts.
+ Gets or sets a of possible dynamic spawn points.
+ Gets or sets a of possible static spawn points.
+ Gets or sets a of possible role-based spawn points.
+ Gets a value indicating whether spawn points count is zero.
+ Gets the amount of spawn points in this instance.
+ The amount of existing spawn points.
+ Handles static spawn locations.
+ The in-game tesla gate.
+ The square distance of the value from that check if the player is too far for being shot.
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ The for this tesla.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets or sets a of which contains all the players ignored by tesla gates.
+ Gets or sets a of which contains all the roles ignored by tesla gates.
+ Gets or sets a of which contains all the teams ignored by tesla gates.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets the tesla gate's position.
+ Gets the tesla gate's rotation.
+ Gets the tesla gate's which is located in.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the tesla gate's shock burst is in progess.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's inactive time.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's radius from which players can be hurted.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's distance from which can be triggered.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's distance from which players must stand for it to enter idle mode.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's windup time to wait before generating the shock.
+ Gets or sets the tesla gate's cooldown to wait before the next shock.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tesla gate is idling.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the tesla gate's next burst should be treated as instant burst.
+ The instant burst ignores the standard cooldown time, reducing it to the cooldown time used for bursts triggered by SCP-079.
+ Gets a of which contains all the tantrums to destroy.
+ Gets a of which contains all the players inside the hurt range.
+ Gets a of which contains all the players inside the idle range.
+ Gets a of which contains all the players inside the trigger range.
+ Gets the belonging to the .
+ The instance.
+ The corresponding instance.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Try-get a belonging to the , if any.
+ The instance.
+ A or if not found.
+ Whether or not the tesla gate was found.
+ Try-get a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Whether or not at least one tesla gate was found.
+ Triggers the tesla gate.
+ A value indicating whether the shock should be treated as instant burst.
+ Force triggers the tesla gate ignoring the delay between each burst.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is in the hurt range of a specific tesla gate.
+ The to check.
+ if the given is in the hurt range of the tesla gate; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is in the idle range of a specific tesla gate.
+ The to check.
+ if the given is in the idle range of the tesla gate; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is in the trigger range of a specific tesla gate.
+ The to check.
+ if the given is in the trigger range of the tesla gate; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the tesla gate can be idle by a specific .
+ The to check.
+ if the given can idle the tesla gate; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the tesla gate can be triggered by a specific .
+ The to check.
+ if the given can trigger the tesla gate; otherwise, .
+ Useful class to save text display configs in a cleaner way.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The content of the text display.
+ The duration of the text display, in seconds.
+ Whether or not the text display should be displayed.
+ The text channel to be used to display the content.
+ Gets or sets the content.
+ Gets or sets the duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be shown or not.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Shows the content to a player.
+ The player to display the content to.
+ The content to display.
+ The duration of the text display.
+ The to rely on.
+ Additional arguments.
+ Shows the content to a player.
+ The player to display the content to.
+ Additional arguments.
+ Shows the content to a player.
+ The player to display the content to.
+ The text channel to be used to display the content.
+ Additional arguments.
+ Returns the in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing -related data.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The to be wrapped.
+ The of the object.
+ Gets the original .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets who spawn the Primitive AdminToy.
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the Footprint of the player who spawned the AdminToy.
+ Gets or sets the position of the .
+ Gets or sets the rotation of the .
+ Gets or sets the scale of the toy.
+ Gets or sets the movement smoothing value of the toy.
+ Higher values reflect smoother movements.
- 60 is an ideal value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be network updated.
+ Gets the belonging to the .
+ The instance.
+ The corresponding instance.
+ Spawns the toy into the game. Use to remove it.
+ Removes the toy from the game. Use to bring it back.
+ Destroys the toy.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the toy.
+ Gets the light prefab's type.
+ Gets the light prefab's object.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets or sets the intensity of the light.
+ Gets or sets the range of the light.
+ Gets or sets the color of the primitive.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the light should cause shadows from other objects.
+ Creates a new .
+ The position of the .
+ The rotation of the .
+ The scale of the .
+ The color of the .
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The new .
+ Gets the belonging to the .
+ The instance.
+ The corresponding instance.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the toy.
+ Gets the light prefab's type.
+ Gets the light prefab's object.
+ Gets the base .
+ Gets or sets the type of the primitive.
+ Gets or sets the material color of the primitive.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primitive can be collided with.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primitive is visible.
+ Gets or sets the primitive flags.
+ Creates a new .
+ The to create.
+ The to apply.-.
+ The color.
+ The position.
+ The rotation.
+ The size of the primitive.
+ Whether or not the primitive is static.
+ Whether or not the primitive should be spawned.
+ The newly created .
+ Creates a new .
+ The settings of the .
+ The new .
+ Gets the belonging to the .
+ The instance.
+ The corresponding instance.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base class.
+ Gets the prefab's type.
+ Gets the prefab's object.
+ Gets the prefab's type.
+ Gets the prefab's object.
+ Gets the prefab's type.
+ Gets the prefab's object.
+ Gets the base-game for this target.
+ Gets the of the bullseye.
+ Gets the for this target.
+ Gets the bullseye location of the target.
+ Gets the bullseye radius of the target.
+ Gets or sets the max health of the target.
+ Gets or sets the remaining health of the target.
+ Gets or sets the remaining health of the target.
+ Gets or sets the size scale of the target.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the target is in sync mode.
+ Gets the type of the target.
+ Creates a new .
+ The of the .
+ The position of the .
+ The rotation of the .
+ The scale of the .
+ Whether the should be initially spawned.
+ The new .
+ Gets the belonging to the .
+ The instance.
+ The corresponding instance.
+ Clears the target and resets its health.
+ Damages the target with the given damage, item, footprint, and hit location.
+ The damage to be dealt.
+ The dealing the damage.
+ The exact location of the hit.
+ Whether or not the damage was sent.
+ Contains all information before disabling a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the to be disabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can be disabled.
+ Contains all information before enabling a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the to be enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can be enabled.
+ Contains all information before reloading a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the to be reloaded.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can be reloaded.
+ The type of the plugin's config.
+ Represents the base class for a virtual plugin in the system.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before enabling a .
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before disabling a .
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before reloading a .
+ Gets a containing all registered instances.
+ Gets or sets the object.
+ Gets the plugin's master branch name.
+ Gets the plugin's name.
+ Gets the plugin's prefix.
+ Gets the plugin's .
+ Gets the plugin's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the plugin is running.
+ Gets a given a .
+ The type of the to look for.
+ The corresponding , or if not found.
+ Thrown when the provided does not inherit from .
+ Gets a given a .
+ The type of the to look for.
+ The corresponding cast to , or if not found.
+ Thrown when the provided does not inherit from .
+ Reloads a .
+ The type of the to reload.
+ if the was reloaded successfully; otherwise, .
+ Reloads a .
+ The type of the to reload.
+ if the was reloaded successfully; otherwise, .
+ Reloads all the virtual plugins present in the assembly.
+ Reloads a 's config.
+ The type of the to look for.
+ if the 's config was reloaded successfully; otherwise, .
+ Reloads a 's config.
+ The type of the to look for.
+ if the 's config was reloaded successfully; otherwise, .
+ Enables all virtual plugins present in the assembly.
+ A of containing all enabled virtual plugins.
+ Disables all virtual plugins present in the assembly.
+ A of containing all disabled virtual plugins.
+ Reloads the 's config.
+ if the 's config was reloaded successfully; otherwise, .
+ Fired after enabling the .
+ Fired after disabling the .
+ Fired after reloading the .
+ Fired before the is enabled.
+ Fired before the is disabled.
+ Fired after enabling the .
+ Fired after disabling the .
+ Tries to register a .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ A set of tools to easily work with the alpha warhead.
+ Gets the cached component.
+ Gets the cached component.
+ Gets the cached component.
+ Gets the of the warhead lever.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not automatic detonation is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the auto detonation time.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not doors will be opened when the warhead activates.
+ Gets all of the warhead blast doors.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the warhead lever is enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the warhead's outside panel has been opened.
+ Gets or sets the warhead status.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the warhead has already been detonated.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the warhead detonation is in progress.
+ Gets or sets the warhead detonation timer.
+ Gets the warhead real detonation timer.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the warhead should be disabled.
+ Gets or sets the amount of kills caused by the warhead (shown on the summary screen).
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the warhead can be started.
+ Closes the surface blast doors.
+ Opens or closes all doors on the map, based on the provided .
+ Whether to open or close all doors on the map.
+ Starts the warhead countdown.
+ Stops the warhead.
+ Detonates the warhead.
+ Shake all players, like if the warhead has been detonated.
+ Gets whether or not the provided position will be detonated by the alpha warhead.
+ The position to check.
+ If , only lifts will be checked.
+ Whether or not the given position is prone to being detonated.
+ A wrapper class for .
+ A containing all known s and their corresponding .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The base for this door.
+ The for this window.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a randomly selected .
+ A randomly selected object.
+ Gets the base-game for this window.
+ Gets the window's .
+ Gets the the window is in.
+ Gets the window's .
+ Gets the window's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this window is breakable.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this window is broken.
+ Gets or sets if the window's remaining health. No effect if the window cannot be broken.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this window can be broken by SCP.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this window is broken.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating who is the LastAttacker.
+ Gets the window object associated with a specific , or creates a new one if there isn't one.
+ The base-game .
+ A wrapper object.
+ Gets a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Try-get a belonging to the , if any.
+ The instance.
+ A or if not found.
+ Whether or not a window was found.
+ Try-get a of filtered based on a predicate.
+ The condition to satisfy.
+ A of which contains elements that satisfy the condition.
+ Whether or not at least one window was found.
+ Break the window.
+ Damages the window.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ Damages the window.
+ The amount of damage to deal.
+ The handler of damage.
+ Whether or not the Window get Damage.
+ Returns the Window in a human-readable format.
+ A string containing Window-related data.
+ A wrapper for workstation.
+ A with and .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Gets a list with all .
+ Gets the prefab's type.
+ Gets the prefab's object.
+ Gets or sets a current working status.
+ Gets a current collider with which player need to interact.
+ Gets a stopwatch which is used in counting all cooldowns.
+ Gets a last interacted with workstation player.
+ Gets a room where this workstation is located.
+ Gets a workstation from it's base-game analog.
+ The instance.
+ The .
+ Spawns a .
+ The position to spawn it at.
+ The rotation to spawn it as.
+ The Workstation that was spawned.
+ Interacts with workstation.
+ Player who interact.
+ Defines the contract for basic config features.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plugin is enabled or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether debug messages should be displayed in the console or not.
+ Interface for doors that can be damaged.
+ Gets or sets the health of the door.
+ Gets or sets max health of the door.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not door is destroyed.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not this door is breakable.
+ Gets or sets damage types which will be ignored.
+ Damages the door.
+ Amount to be dealt.
+ Damage type. Some types can be ignored.
+ if door was damaged. Otherwise, false.
+ Breaks the specified door. No effect if the door cannot be broken, or if it is already broken.
+ The to apply to the door.
+ if the door was broken, if it was unable to be broken, or was already broken before.
+ An interface for all enum classes.
+ Represents an interface for commands with game permissions.
+ Gets the permissions of a command.
+ Represents an interface for all non-interactable doors.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not door should ignore lockdowns.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not door should ignore RA requests.
+ Represents an interface for commands with permissions.
+ Gets the permissions of a command.
+ Defines the contract for basic plugin features.
+ The config type.
+ Gets the plugin assembly.
+ Gets the plugin name.
+ Gets the plugin prefix.
+ Gets the plugin author.
+ Gets the plugin commands.
+ Gets the plugin priority.
+ Higher values mean higher priority and vice versa.
+ Gets the plugin version.
+ Gets the required version of Exiled to run the plugin without bugs or incompatibilities.
+ Gets a value indicating whether a plugin should bypass the required EXILED version check.
+ This should only be used by plugins which do not need to be updated across major version updates.
+ Gets the plugin config.
+ Gets the internally used translations. Plugins should implement and use .
+ Gets the plugin config path.
+ Gets the plugin translation path.
+ Fired after enabling the plugin.
+ Fired after disabling the plugin.
+ Fired after reloading the plugin.
+ Fired before registering commands.
+ Fired before unregistering configs.
+ Represents an object with a position.
+ Gets the position of this object.
+ Represents an interface for objects that provide replication notifications.
+ The type of the replicated value.
+ Gets the value of the .
+ Gets the replicated value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is able to replicate.
+ Replicates the current to .
+ A value indicating whether the replication transaction should be closed and disposed.
+ Replicates to .
+ The will have different values, and they will need to be replicated again using .
+ The value to be replicated.
+ Sends a new value to the .
+ The will have different values, and they will need to be replicated again using .
+ The value to be replicated.
+ Represents an object with a rotation.
+ Gets the rotation of this object.
+ Defines the contract for basic translation features.
+ Defines the contract for config validator.
+ Validates a config value.
+ A value to validate.
+ Returns whether or not config value is correct.
+ Represents an object with a position and a rotation.
+ Defines the contract for classes that wrap a base-game object.
+ The base-game class that is being wrapped.
+ Gets the base that this class is wrapping.
+ The limit of a certain when wearing a piece of armor.
+ The being limited.
+ The amount to limit to.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The of the ammo.
+ The ammo limit.
+ Converts a base game to its appropriate .
+ Base game armor limit.
+ Converts a to its appropriate base game .
+ armor limit.
+ A tool to identify attachments.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The code of the attachment.
+ The name of the attachment.
+ The slot of the attachment.
+ Gets the attachment code.
+ Gets the attachment name.
+ Gets the attachment slot.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The left-hand operand to compare.
+ The right-hand operand to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The left-hand operand to compare.
+ The right-hand to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Computes the sum of its right-hand operand and its left-hand operand.
+ The to be added up.
+ The to be added up.
+ A value that represents the sum of the two operands.
+ Subtracts its right-hand operand from its left-hand operand.
+ The to be subtracted.
+ The to be subtracted.
+ A value representing the subtraction between the two operands.
+ Computes the sum of its right-hand operand and its left-hand operand.
+ The to be added up.
+ The to be added up.
+ A value that represents the sum of the two operands.
+ Subtracts its right-hand operand from its left-hand operand.
+ The to be subtracted.
+ The to be subtracted.
+ A value representing the subtraction between the two operands.
+ Converts the string representation of a to its equivalent.
+ A return value indicates whether the conversion is succeeded or failed.
+ The to convert.
+ The converted .
+ if was converted successfully; otherwise, .
+ Gets a by name.
+ Weapons .
+ Attachment name.
+ instance.
+ Gets the all 's for type, by slot.
+ Weapons .
+ Attachment slot.
+ instance.
+ Converts the string representation of a to its equivalent.
+ A return value indicates whether the conversion is succeeded or failed.
+ The to convert.
+ The converted .
+ if was converted successfully; otherwise, .
+ Indicates whether this instance and a are equal.
+ The to compare with the current instance.
+ if and this instance represent the same value; otherwise, .
+ Indicates whether this instance and a are equal.
+ The to compare with the current instance.
+ if and this instance represent the same value; otherwise, .
+ Settings for primitives.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The type of the primitive.
+ The to apply.
+ The color of the primitive.
+ The position of the primitive.
+ The rotation of the primitive.
+ The scale of the primitive.
+ Whether or not the primitive should be spawned.
+ Whether or not the primitive should be static.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ The primitive to copy properties of.
+ Gets or sets the primitive type.
+ Gets or sets the primitive flags.
+ Gets or sets the primitive color.
+ Gets or sets the primitive position.
+ Gets or sets the primitive rotation.
+ Gets or sets the primitive scale.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the primitive should be spawned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the primitive should be spawned.
+ Settings for specific radio ranges.
+ The amount of battery usage per minute while idle.
+ The amount of battery usage per minute while talking.
+ The maximum range in which this radio will pickup and send voice messages.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4cf75a
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3fad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CreditTags.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ Exiled.CreditTags
+ A client command to show an EXILED credit tag.
+ Handles credits for Exiled Devs, Contributors and Plugin devs.
+ Gets a static reference to this class.
+ Gets a of Exiled Credit ranks.
+ Gets a of recently cached userIds and their ranks.
+ Uses badge.
+ Uses Custom Player Info area
+ Uses Badge if available, otherwise uses CustomPlayerInfo if available.
+ Includes both options.
+ Represents all existing ranks.
+ No EXILED roles.
+ Exiled Developer.
+ Exiled Contributor.
+ Exiled Plugin Developer.
+ EXILED Tournament Participant.
+ EXILED Tournament Champion.
+ EXILED Donator.
+ Event Handlers for the plugin of Exiled.
+ Handles checking if a player should have a credit tag or not upon joining.
+ An object representing Exiled Credit ranks.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The name of the rank.
+ The name of the rank's color.
+ The hex color value of the rank's color (in CustomPlayerInfo).
+ Gets a value representing the ranks name.
+ Gets a value representing the ranks color.
+ Gets a value representing the rank's color as a hex value.
+ Handles the Safe Thread Request.
+ Gets the result.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not it was successful.
+ Gets the HTTP Status Code.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the request was successful.
+ Gets the call to the website to obtain users to their roles.
+ The URL.
+ The error handling .
+ The result handling .
+ The issuing the request.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f733930
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..747778e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.CustomModules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7942 @@
+ Exiled.CustomModules
+ The command to give a player an item.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Checks if the player is eligible to receive custom items.
+ The command to view info about a specific item.
+ Gets the instance.
+ The command to list all installed items.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the command instance.
+ Gets the command instance.
+ The main parent command for custom items..
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The command to spawn a specific item.
+ Gets the instance.
+ The command to give a role to player(s).
+ Gets the command instance.
+ The command to view info about a specific role.
+ Gets the instance.
+ The command to list all registered roles.
+ Gets the command instance.
+ Gets the command instance.
+ The main parent command for customroles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ All available firing modes.
+ Shooting is not allowed.
+ Semi-automatic firing mode.
+ Burst firing mode.
+ Only automatic firearms are supported.
+ Automatic firing mode.
+ Only automatic firearms are supported.
+ All available match states.
+ States the match has no defined state.
+ States the match is paused.
+ States the match is in progress.
+ States the match has terminated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom abilities.
+ Represents an invalid custom ability.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom escapes.
+ Represents an invalid custom escapes.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom items.
+ Represents an invalid custom item.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom roles.
+ Represents an invalid custom role.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom teams.
+ Represents an invalid custom team.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available escape scenarios.
+ Represents an invalid scenario.
+ Represents the base enum class for all available custom teams.
+ Represents an invalid custom game mode.
+ Enumerates the available module types.
+ Custom items module.
+ Custom abilities module.
+ Custom escapes module.
+ Custom roles module.
+ Custom teams module.
+ Custom game modes module.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ Gets the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the game entity.
+ The game entity.
+ The if found; otherwise, null.
+ Gets the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the player ability.
+ The player.
+ The if found; otherwise, null.
+ Gets the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the item ability.
+ The item.
+ The if found; otherwise, null.
+ Gets the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the pickup ability.
+ The pickup.
+ The if found; otherwise, null.
+ Tries to get the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the game entity.
+ The game entity.
+ When this method returns, contains the , if found; otherwise, null.
+ true if the is found; otherwise, false.
+ Tries to get the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the player ability.
+ The player.
+ When this method returns, contains the , if found; otherwise, null.
+ true if the is found; otherwise, false.
+ Tries to get the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the item ability.
+ The item.
+ When this method returns, contains the , if found; otherwise, null.
+ true if the is found; otherwise, false.
+ Tries to get the associated with the specified .
+ The type of the pickup ability.
+ The pickup.
+ When this method returns, contains the , if found; otherwise, null.
+ true if the is found; otherwise, false.
+ A set of extensions for .
+ A set of extensions for .
+ A set of extensions for .
+ This attribute determines whether the class which is being applied to should identify a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the modules's id.
+ Gets all component types, if supported by the target module.
+ Represents a marker interface for custom ability.
+ Gets or sets the last action's response.
+ defines an action which displays information about the ability.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ defines an action which activates the ability.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ defines an action which switches backward.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ defines an action which switches forward.
+ if the condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ The paired action selects the ability.
+ The paired action activates the ability.
+ The paired action switches ability backward.
+ The paired action switches ability forward.
+ The actor which handles all tracking-related tasks for item abilities.
+ Abstract base class serving as a foundation for custom abilities associated with a specific .
+ The type of associated with the custom ability.
+ The class establishes a flexible structure for creating and managing custom abilities tied to a particular .
+ This class is parameterized by the type to denote the specific associated with the custom ability.
It is designed to be utilized in conjunction with the interface, enabling seamless integration into existing systems for extending and enhancing ability-related functionalities.
+ A of containing all the registered custom abilites.
+ A containing all the registered custom abilites ordered by their type.
+ Gets a of containing all the registered custom abilites.
+ Gets a of containing all the registered custom abilites.
+ Gets all entities and all their respective 's.
+ Gets all entities belonging to a .
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before adding an ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after adding an ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before removing an ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after removing an ability.
+ Gets the ability's settings.
+ Gets or sets the 's name.
+ Gets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ability is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the description of the ability.
+ Gets the reflected generic type.
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom ability.
+ The with the specified id, or if no ability is found.
+ Gets a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified of .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets all instances from a .
+ The 's owner.
+ All instances matching the search.
+ Tries to get a given the specified id.
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current 's.
+ The entity to search on.
+ The found 's, if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified type of .
+ The type to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified type of .
+ The type to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Gets the associated with the specified custom ability type for the given entity.
+ The type of the custom ability.
+ The entity for which the custom ability is associated.
+ The associated with the specified custom ability type for the given entity.
+ This method retrieves the associated with the specified custom ability type for the given entity.
+ It is typically used to access the behavior component associated with a specific custom ability for an entity.
+ Adds the specified custom ability to the given entity and returns it.
+ The type of the custom ability.
+ The entity to which the custom ability will be added.
+ The added custom ability instance.
+ if the custom ability was added successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method attempts to add the specified custom ability to the given entity. If the addition is successful,
+ it returns the added custom ability instance. If the addition fails, the method returns .
+ Adds the custom ability of the specified type to the given entity.
+ The entity to which the custom ability will be added.
+ The type of the custom ability.
+ if the custom ability was added successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method attempts to add the custom ability of the specified type to the given entity.
+ If the addition is successful, it returns . If the addition fails, the method returns .
+ Adds the custom ability of the specified type to the given entity.
+ The entity to which the custom ability will be added.
+ The type name of the custom ability.
+ if the custom ability was added successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method attempts to add the custom ability of the specified type to the given entity.
+ If the addition is successful, it returns . If the addition fails, the method returns .
+ Adds the custom ability identified by the specified ID to the given entity.
+ The entity to which the custom ability will be added.
+ The ID of the custom ability.
+ if the custom ability was added successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method attempts to add the custom ability identified by the specified ID to the given entity.
+ If the addition is successful, it returns . If the addition fails, the method returns .
+ Adds multiple custom abilities of the specified types to the given entity.
+ The entity to which the custom abilities will be added.
+ The types of the custom abilities to be added.
+ This method adds multiple custom abilities of the specified types to the given entity.
+ Adds multiple custom abilities identified by their type names to the given entity.
+ The entity to which the custom abilities will be added.
+ The type names of the custom abilities to be added.
+ This method adds multiple custom abilities identified by their type names to the given entity.
+ Removes the custom ability of type from the specified entity.
+ The type of custom ability to be removed.
+ The entity from which the custom ability will be removed.
+ if the custom ability was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom ability of the specified type from the specified entity. If the removal operation fails,
+ the method returns . The removal process involves destroying the active object associated with the custom ability.
+ Removes the custom ability of the specified type from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which the custom ability will be removed.
+ The type of custom ability to be removed.
+ if the custom ability was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom ability of the specified type from the specified entity. If the removal operation fails,
+ the method returns . The removal process involves destroying the active object associated with the custom ability.
+ Removes the custom ability of the specified name from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which the custom ability will be removed.
+ The name of the custom ability type to be removed.
+ if the custom ability was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom ability of the specified type from the specified entity. If the removal operation fails,
+ the method returns . The removal process involves destroying the active object associated with the custom ability.
+ Removes the custom ability with the specified ID from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which the custom ability will be removed.
+ The ID of the custom ability to be removed.
+ if the custom ability was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom ability with the specified ID from the specified entity. If the removal operation fails,
+ the method returns . The removal process involves destroying the active object associated with the custom ability.
+ Removes all custom abilities associated with the specified entity.
+ The entity from which all custom abilities will be removed.
+ This method removes all custom abilities associated with the specified entity. The removal process involves destroying the active objects
+ associated with each custom ability. If the entity has no custom abilities, the method has no effect.
+ Removes custom abilities of the specified types from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which custom abilities will be removed.
+ The types of custom abilities to be removed.
+ This method removes custom abilities of the specified types from the specified entity. The removal process involves destroying the active objects
+ associated with each custom ability. If the entity has no custom abilities of the specified types, the method has no effect.
+ Removes custom abilities with the specified names from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which custom abilities will be removed.
+ The names of custom abilities to be removed.
+ This method removes custom abilities with the specified names from the specified entity. The removal process involves destroying the active objects
+ associated with each custom ability. If the entity has no custom abilities with the specified names, the method has no effect.
+ Removes custom abilities with the specified ids from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which custom abilities will be removed.
+ The ids of custom abilities to be removed.
+ This method removes custom abilities with the specified ids from the specified entity. The removal process involves destroying the active objects
+ associated with each custom ability. If the entity has no custom abilities with the specified ids, the method has no effect.
+ Enables all the custom abilities present in the assembly.
+ Enables all the custom abilities present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the abilities from.
+ Disables all the custom abilities present in the assembly.
+ Adds the custom ability to the specified entity.
+ The entity to which the custom ability will be added.
+ This method adds the custom ability to the specified entity, incorporating its behavior into the entity's functionality.
+ If the entity already has a custom ability of the same type, the method ensures that the entity is associated with the new instance.
+ Removes the custom ability from the specified entity.
+ The entity from which the custom ability will be removed.
+ if the custom ability was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom ability from the specified entity. If the entity has multiple instances of the same custom ability,
+ it ensures that only the association with the current instance is removed. If the entity has no remaining instances of the custom ability,
+ the method removes the entity entry from the internal storage.
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to register from.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ Represents a marker interface for custom ability behaviors.
+ Represents a marker interface for custom ability.
+ Represents a marker interface for custom ability that can be selected.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the ability can be selected.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the ability is selected.
+ Selects the ability.
+ Unselects the ability.
+ Represents the base class for player-specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets the default values.
+ Represents the base class for player-specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether should be used with this ability.
+ Gets or sets the required cooldown before using the ability again.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cooldown should be forced when the ability is added, making it already usable.
+ Gets or sets the time to wait before the ability is activated.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the ability.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability is used.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability activation is denied regardless any conditions.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability activation in on cooldown.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability is expired.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability is ready.
+ Represents the base class for player-specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets or sets the default level the ability should start from.
+ Gets or sets the maxiumum level the ability cannot exceed.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability returns to a previous level.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability reaches a new level.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability reached the maximum level.
+ Represents the base class for player-specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets or sets the message to display when the ability is unlocked.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a specific entity type.
+ The type of entity associated with the ability behavior.
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ability is active.
+ This value is just affected by duration-based abilities.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Fired every tick when the ability is still active.
+ Subscribes all the events statically.
+ Unsubscribes all the events statically.
+ Represents the base class for active ability behaviors associated with a specific entity type.
+ The type of entity associated with the ability behavior.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before a
+ activates the ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after a
+ activates the ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability expires.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability is ready.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the last time the ability was used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the ability is ready.
+ Gets or sets the remaining cooldown.
+ Forces the cooldown making the ability usable.
+ The new value, representing the updated cooldown timestamp.
+ Resets the cooldown making the ability not usable.
+ A value indicating whether the ability should expire, if active.
+ The new value, representing the updated cooldown timestamp.
+ Activates the ability.
+ A value indicating whether the activation should be forced.
+ if the ability was activated; otherwise, .
+ Fired before the ability is activated.
+ Fired after the ability is activated.
+ Fired when the ability time's up.
+ This method will be fired using duration-based abilities.
+ Fired when the ability is ready.
+ Executes the ability once, or permanently if behaves passive.
+ This method will be fired as soon as the ability is activated.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a specific entity type, providing support for levels.
+ The type of entity associated with the ability behavior.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability's level is changed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability's level is added.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability's level is removed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired after the ability's max level has been reached.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the level of the ability.
+ Fired when the level is changed.
+ The new level.
+ Fired when the ability gains a level.
+ Fired when the ability loses a level.
+ Fired when the ability's max level has been reached.
+ Fired before granting access to a new level.
It defines the condition to access the next level.
+ if the level can change; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a specific entity type, providing support for passive usage.
+ The type of entity associated with the ability behavior.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a specific entity type, providing support for levels and unlocking the ability.
+ The type of entity associated with the ability behavior.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ability can be used regardless any conditions.
+ Defines the conditions to be met in order to unlock the ability.
+ if the ability can be unlocked; otherwise, .
+ Fired before the ability has been unlocked.
+ A value indicating whether the ability should be unlocked.
+ Fired after the ability has been unlocked.
+ Fired after activating the ability which hasn't been unlocked yet.
+ Represents the base class for item-specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets the item's owner.
+ Represents a base class for custom abilities associated with a specific .
+ Gets a containing all registered custom abilities.
+ Gets all owners and all their respective 's.
+ Gets all owners belonging to a .
+ Gets a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets all 's from a .
+ The 's owner.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ Theid to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the item's current abilities.
+ The entity to search on.
+ The found 's, if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the item's current .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the item's current .
+ The type to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with an item, providing support for levels.
+ Gets the item's owner.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with an item, providing support for passive usage.
+ Gets the item's owner.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with an item, providing support for levels and unlocking the ability.
+ Gets the item's owner.
+ Represents the base class for pickup-specific ability behaviors.
+ Represents a base class for custom abilities associated with a specific .
+ Gets a containing all registered custom abilities.
+ Gets all owners and all their respective 's.
+ Gets all owners belonging to a .
+ Gets a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets all 's from a .
+ The 's owner.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Tries to get a given the specified id.
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the pickup's current 's.
+ The entity to search on.
+ The found 's, if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the pickup's current .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the pickup's current .
+ The type to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for player-specific ability behaviors.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a player, providing support for levels.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a player, providing support for passive usage.
+ Represents a base class for custom abilities associated with a specific .
+ Gets a containing all registered custom abilities.
+ Gets all owners and all their respective 's.
+ Gets all owners belonging to a .
+ Gets a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets all 's from a .
+ The 's owner.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current 's.
+ The entity to search on.
+ The found 's, if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The type to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for SCP-079 specific ability behaviors.
+ Gets or sets the of the owner.
+ Gets or sets the required tier to unlock the ability.
+ Gets or sets the gained experience after using the ability.
+ Gets or sets the required energy to use the ability.
+ Gets or sets a of containing all the zones in which SCP-079 can use the ability.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before SCP-079 gains experience.
+ Fired when the owner gains experience due to the activation of the ability.
+ Represents the base class for ability behaviors associated with a player, providing support for levels and unlocking the ability.
+ Abstract class facilitating the seamless management of escaping behavior within the game environment.
+ The class serves as a foundational framework for implementing and controlling various escaping mechanisms.
+ As an implementation of , seamlessly integrates into existing systems, allowing developers to extend and enhance escape-related functionalities.
The class also implements and , enabling straightforward comparisons for equality checks.
+ Gets a which contains all registered 's.
+ Gets all existing 's to be displayed based on the relative .
+ Gets all players and their respective .
+ Gets or sets the 's name.
+ Gets or sets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is enabled.
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets all 's to be displayed based on the relative .
+ Gets or sets a of containing all escape settings.
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom escape.
+ The with the specified id, or if no escape is found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a from a .
+ The owner.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Attempts to retrieve a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom escape.
+ When this method returns, contains the associated with the specified id, if the id was found; otherwise, .
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The to search on.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Enables all the custom escapes present in the assembly.
+ Enables all the custom escapes present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the escapes from.
+ Disables all the custom escapes present in the assembly.
+ Attaches a with the specified to the specified .
+ The to attach the escape rules to.
+ The unique identifier of the to attach.
+ This method attempts to attach a to the provided based on the specified .
+ Attaches a with the specified to the specified .
+ The to attach the escape rules to.
+ The name of the to attach.
+ This method attempts to attach a to the provided based on the specified .
+ Attaches a with the specified to the specified .
+ The to attach the escape rules to.
+ The of the to attach.
+ This method attempts to attach a to the provided based on the specified .
+ Attaches a -derived to the specified .
+ The type of to attach.
+ The to attach the escape rules to.
+ This method attempts to attach a -derived to the provided .
+ Detaches a with the specified from the specified .
+ The to detach the escape rules from.
+ The unique identifier of the to detach.
+ This method attempts to detach a with the provided from the specified .
+ Detaches a with the specified from the specified .
+ The to detach the escape rules from.
+ The name of the to detach.
+ This method attempts to detach a with the provided from the specified .
+ Detaches a with the specified from the specified .
+ The to detach the escape rules from.
+ The of the to detach.
+ This method attempts to detach a with the provided from the specified .
+ Detaches a -derived from the specified .
+ The type of to detach.
+ The to detach the escape rules from.
+ This method attempts to detach a -derived from the specified .
+ Attaches a to the specified .
+ The to attach the escape rules to.
+ Detaches a to the specified .
+ The to detach the escape rules from.
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to register from..
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for custom escape behaviors.
+ This class extends and implements .
It serves as the foundation for creating custom escape behaviors associated with in-game player actions.
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets or sets a of containing all escape's settings.
+ Gets the current escape scenario.
+ Gets or sets the handling all bound delegates to be fired before escaping.
+ Gets or sets the handling all bound delegates to be fired after escaping.
+ Calculates the escape scenario.
+ An is required in order to make it work.
+ The corresponding .
+ Fired before the player escapes.
+ The instance.
+ Fired after the player escapes.
+ The player who escaped.
+ A tool to easily setup escapes.
+ The default distance tolerance value.
+ Gets the default escape position.
+ Gets the default values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether escaping is allowed.
+ Gets or sets the role to be given when escaping.
+ Gets or sets the custom role to be given when escaping.
+ Gets or sets the escape position.
+ Gets or sets the maximum allowable distance for applying the specified settings.
+ The type.
+ Represents a custom game mode in the system, derived from and implementing .
+ This class serves as a base for creating custom game modes within the system.
+ Custom game modes extend functionality through inheritance from this base class and can implement additional behaviors
+ by also implementing the interface.
+ Game modes encapsulate specific rules, mechanics, and behaviors that define the gameplay experience within the system.
+ Additionally, there are two important classes associated with custom game modes:
+ -
+ Represents the state of the game on the server. It defines rules and conditions specific to the custom game mode during the round,
+ including win conditions and other relevant settings.
+ The class is used to encapsulate the current state of the game, such as in-progress rounds,
+ outcomes, or any other state-related information relevant to the custom game mode.
+ Classes derived from are responsible for defining and enforcing the rules and conditions of the custom game mode on the server.
+ -
+ Represents the state of an individual player within the custom game mode.
+ The class manages the behavior and interactions of a single player within the custom game mode. It governs the specific actions of a single player.
+ It is responsible for handling player-specific actions and responses, providing a way to customize the experience for each player.
+ Gets a containing all 's.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the game mode can start automatically based on the configured probability, if automatic.
+ if the game mode can start automatically; otherwise, .
+ Gets the type of the game state.
+ The type of the game state if found; otherwise, .
+ Gets the types of the player states.
+ The types of the player states if found; otherwise, empty.
+ Gets all instances based on the predicate.
+ The predicate.
+ All instances matching the predicate.
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom game mode.
+ The with the specified id, or if no game mode is found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Attempts to retrieve a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom game mode.
+ When this method returns, contains the associated with the specified id, if the id was found; otherwise, .
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Enables all the custom game modes present in the assembly.
+ Enables all the custom game modes present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the game modes from.
+ Disables all the custom game modes present in the assembly.
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to register from.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ A tool to easily setup game modes.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the game mode operates in automatic mode.
+ In automatic mode, the behavior of the game mode is managed automatically by the .
+ The game mode will start automatically if the specified probability condition is met and the minimum player requirement () is satisfied.
+ Gets or sets the probability condition for automatic game mode activation.
+ This property specifies the probability condition that determines whether the game mode will start automatically.
+ If the specified probability condition is met and the minimum player requirement () is satisfied, the game mode will activate automatically.
+ Gets or sets the minimum amount of players to start the game mode.
+ Gets or sets the maximum allowed amount of players managed by the game mode.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the exceeding players should be rejected.
+ Gets or sets the message to be displayed when a player is rejected due to exceeding amount of players.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the players can respawn.
+ Gets or sets the respawn time for individual players.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether teams can regularly respawn.
+ Gets or sets the respawn time for individual teams.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom ending conditions should be used over predefined conditions.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether server should be restarted when the game mode ends.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time to await before restarting the server.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all zones that should be permanently locked.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all doors that should be permanently locked.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all elevators that should be permanently locked.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the decontamination should be enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Alpha Warhead is enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Alpha Warhead interactions are allowed.
+ Gets or sets the amount of time, expressed in seconds, after which the Alpha Warhead will be automatically started.
+ must be set to .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all spawnable roles.
+ If not empty, all undefined roles won't be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all spawnable custom roles.
+ If not empty, all undefined custom roles won't be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all spawnable teams.
+ If not empty, all undefined teams won't be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all spawnable custom teams.
+ If not empty, all undefined custom teams won't be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all non spawnable roles.
+ If not empty, all undefined roles will be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all non spawnable custom roles.
+ If not empty, all undefined custom roles will be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all non spawnable custom teams.
+ If not empty, all undefined teams will be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all non spawnable custom teams.
+ If not empty, all undefined custom teams will be able to spawn.
+ It's highly recommended to not use it along with .
+ Represents the state of the game on the server within the custom game mode, derived from and implementing .
+ The class encapsulates the current state of the game during rounds within the custom game mode.
+ It serves as the foundation for defining and enforcing rules, conditions, and settings specific to the custom game mode on the server.
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets the associated to the current .
+ Gets or sets the settings associated with the custom game mode.
+ Gets or sets the 's config.
+ Gets all instances.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets the time elapsed from the start of the round.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the game state can be ended.
+ Gets the current player count.
+ Adds a new to .
+ The to add.
+ Removes a new to .
+ The to remove.
+ Starts the .
+ A value indicating whether the should be started regardless any conditions.
+ Ends the .
+ A value indicating whether the should be ended regardless any conditions.
+ Defines and evaluates the ending conditions.
+ if the current game state matches the defined ending conditions; otherwise, .
+ Represents the state of an individual player within the custom game mode, derived from .
+ The class manages the behavior and interactions of a single player within the custom game mode.
+ It serves as a base class for defining player-specific actions and responses within the context of the custom game mode.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired after the has been deployed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired after the has been activated.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired after the has been deactivated.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can behave regularly.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is respawnable.
+ Gets the respawn time for individual players.
+ Gets or sets the score.
+ Gets or sets the last time the player died.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player is ready to respawn.
+ Gets or sets the remaining respawn time.
+ Forces the respawn procedure.
+ The new value, representing the updated death timestamp.
+ Resets the respawn procedure.
+ The new value, representing the updated death timestamp.
+ Deploys the in game.
+ Increases the score of the .
+ The amount of score to be increased.
+ Decreases the score of the .
+ The amount of score to be decreased.
+ Fired after a has been deployed.
+ It defines the initial state of the .
+ Fired after a has been deployed and is active.
+ It defines the initial state of the .
+ Fired after a has been deployed and is not active.
+ It defines the initial state of the .
+ Respawns the owner of the .
+ A class to easily manage item behavior.
+ Gets all tracked behaviours.
+ Gets a which contains all registered 's.
+ Gets all Items and their respective .
+ Gets all Pickups and their respective .
+ Gets all pickups belonging to a .
+ Gets all items belonging to a .
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the 's name.
+ Gets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the 's description.
+ Gets or sets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is registered.
+ Gets a of containing all pickup owning this .
+ Gets a of containing all item owning this .
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom item.
+ The with the specified id, or if no item is found.
+ Retrieves a instance based on the specified custom item id.
+ The custom item id to retrieve.
+ The retrieved instance if found and enabled; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves a instance based on the specified item name.
+ The name of the custom item to retrieve.
+ The retrieved instance if found; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves a instance based on the specified type.
+ The type to retrieve the custom item for.
+ The retrieved instance if found and enabled; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves a instance based on the specified instance.
+ The instance to retrieve the custom item from.
+ The retrieved instance if found; otherwise, .
+ Retrieves a instance based on the specified instance.
+ The instance to retrieve the custom item from.
+ The retrieved instance if found; otherwise, .
+ Attempts to retrieve a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom item.
+ When this method returns, contains the associated with the specified id, if the id was found; otherwise, .
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to retrieve a instance based on the specified custom item id.
+ The custom item id to retrieve.
+ The retrieved instance, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the retrieval is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to retrieve a instance based on the specified item name.
+ The name of the custom item to retrieve.
+ The retrieved instance, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the retrieval is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to retrieve a instance based on the specified instance.
+ The instance to retrieve the custom item for.
+ The retrieved instance, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the retrieval is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to retrieve a instance based on the specified instance.
+ The instance to retrieve the custom item for.
+ The retrieved instance, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the retrieval is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to retrieve a instance based on the specified type.
+ The type to retrieve the custom item for.
+ The retrieved instance, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the retrieval is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a custom item at the specified position.
+ The position where the item should be spawned.
+ The custom item to spawn.
+ The spawned pickup, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the spawn is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a custom item at the specified position using the specified custom item id.
+ The position where the item should be spawned.
+ The custom item id to spawn.
+ The spawned pickup, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the spawn is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a custom item at the specified position using the specified item name.
+ The position where the item should be spawned.
+ The name of the custom item to spawn.
+ The spawned pickup, if successful; otherwise, .
+ if the spawn is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to give a custom item to a player using the specified item name.
+ The player to give the item to.
+ The name of the custom item to give.
+ Determines whether to display a message to the player.
+ if the give is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to give a custom item to a player using the specified item ID.
+ The player to give the item to.
+ The ID of the custom item to give.
+ Determines whether to display a message to the player.
+ if the give is successful; otherwise, .
+ Tries to give a custom item to a player using the specified item type.
+ The player to give the item to.
+ The type of the custom item to give.
+ Determines whether to display a message to the player.
+ if the give is successful; otherwise, .
+ Enables all the custom items present in the assembly.
+ This method dynamically enables all custom items found in the calling assembly. Custom items
+ must be marked with the to be considered for enabling.
+ Enables all the custom items present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the items from.
+ This method dynamically enables all custom items found in the calling assembly. Custom items
+ must be marked with the to be considered for enabling.
+ Disables all the custom items present in the assembly.
+ This method dynamically disables all custom items found in the calling assembly that were
+ previously registered.
+ Spawns the in a specific location.
+ The x coordinate.
+ The y coordinate.
+ The z coordinate.
+ The wrapper of the spawned .
+ Spawns a as a in a specific location.
+ The x coordinate.
+ The y coordinate.
+ The z coordinate.
+ The to be spawned as a .
+ The wrapper of the spawned .
+ Spawns the where a specific is, and optionally sets the previous owner.
+ The position where the will be spawned.
+ The previous owner of the pickup, can be null.
+ The of the spawned .
+ Spawns an as a where a specific is, and optionally sets the previous owner.
+ The position where the will be spawned.
+ The to be spawned as a .
+ The previous owner of the pickup, can be null.
+ The of the spawned .
+ Spawns the in a specific position.
+ The where the will be spawned.
+ The of the item. Can be null.
+ The of the spawned .
+ Spawns an as in a specific position.
+ The where the will be spawned.
+ The to be spawned as a .
+ The of the item. Can be null.
+ The of the spawned .
+ Spawns the specified number of items at given spawn points.
+ The collection of spawn points to use.
+ The maximum number of items to spawn.
+ The total number of items spawned.
+ Spawns all items at their dynamic and static positions.
+ Gives a specific to the specified .
+ The to receive the item.
+ The to be given to the player.
+ Determines whether to display a message for the action (default is true).
+ Gives the specified to the specified .
+ The to receive the pickup.
+ The to be given to the player.
+ Determines whether to display a message for the action (default is true).
+ Gives a new instance of the custom item to the specified .
+ The to receive the item.
+ Determines whether to display a message for the action (default is true).
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to register items from.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ Represents the base class for custom armor behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game armors.
+ .
+ A tool to easily setup armors.
+ Gets or sets how much faster stamina will drain when wearing this armor.
+ Gets or sets how strong the helmet on the armor is.
+ Gets or sets how strong the vest on the armor is.
+ A class that converts custom candy to base game candy.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The that will be encapsulated.
+ The delegate to be passed to .
+ Gets the delegate to be passed to .
+ Represents the base class for custom candies behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game candies.
+ Gets or sets a containing all tracked indexes in .
+ .
+ Applies effect to player.
+ The player to apply effects to.
+ Fired when player is eating custom candy.
+ The event instance.
+ A tool to easily setup candies.
+ Gets or sets a of a custom candy.
+ Gets or sets chance that player would get a custom candy.
+ Gets or sets the that will be displayed when player ate custom candy..
+ Gets or sets a that will be displayed when player has received custom candy.
+ A custom tracker for candies.
+ Patches to add custom candies tracking-removing logic.
+ Represents the base class for custom grenade behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game grenades.
+ .
+ Throw the custom grenade object.
+ The position to throw at.
+ The amount of force to throw with.
+ The weight of the Grenade.
+ The fuse time of the grenade.
+ The of the grenade to spawn.
+ The to count as the thrower of the grenade.
+ The spawned .
+ Handles tracking thrown requests by custom grenades.
+ .
+ Handles tracking thrown custom grenades.
+ .
+ Handles tracking exploded custom grenades.
+ .
+ Handles the tracking of custom grenade pickups that are changed into live grenades by a frag grenade explosion.
+ .
+ A tool to easily setup grenades.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grenade should explode immediately when contacting any surface.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating how long the grenade's fuse time should be.
+ Represents the base class for custom firearm behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game firearms.
+ .
+ Gets or sets the replicated clip.
+ Gets or sets the replicated max ammo.
+ Handles reloading events for firearms.
+ The containing information about the reloading event.
+ Handles shooting events for firearms.
+ The containing information about the shooting event.
+ Handles shot events for firearms.
+ The containing information about the shot event.
+ Handles hurting events for firearms.
+ The containing information about the hurting event.
+ Handles unloading events for custom firearms.
+ The containing information about the unloading event.
+ Handles attachments events for custom firearms.
+ The containing information about the attachments event.
+ A tool to easily setup firearms.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the custom reload logic should be used.
+ It adds support for non- items.
+ Gets or sets the firearm's ammo type.
+ This property cannot be used along with .
+ is required to be set to in case of non- items.
+ Gets or sets the firearm's custom ammo type.
+ This property cannot be used along with .
+ is required to be set to .
+ Gets or sets the firearm's attachments.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the firearm's damage.
+ Gets or sets the firearm's max ammo.
+ Gets or sets the size of the firearm's clip.
+ Gets or sets the size of the firearm's chamber.
+ is required to be set to .
+ Gets or sets the firearm's fire rate.
+ Only decreasing is supported by non-automatic firearms.
+ Automatic firearms are not supported.
+ Gets or sets the burst length.
+ Only firearms with will be affected.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether friendly fire is allowed with this firearm on FF-enabled servers.
+ Represents the base class for custom semi automatic firearm behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game firearms.
+ Gets or sets the firearm's fire rate.
+ Automatic firearms won't be affected.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the firearm can shoot.
+ Represents a marker interface for custom item behaviors.
+ Represents the base class for custom item behaviors.
+ This class extends and implements and .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game items.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item changes role.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item dies.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item escapes.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item gets handcuffed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item drops it.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item picks it up.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item changes it.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item upgrades it.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before owner of the item upgrades it through his inventory.
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets the item's owner.
+ Checks if the specified owner is not null and matches the owner of the item.
+ The player who owns the item.
+ /// if the specified owner is not null and matches the owner of the item; otherwise, .
+ This method verifies if the provided owner is not null and matches the owner of the item.
It is typically used to ensure that the owner being checked is valid and corresponds to the expected owner for the current context.
+ Checks if the specified pickup is being tracked and associated with this item.
+ The to check.
+ if the specified pickup is being tracked and associated with this item; otherwise, .
+ This method ensures that the provided pickup is being tracked by the
+ and the tracked values associated with the pickup contain this item instance.
+ Handles tracking items when they a player changes their role.
+ .
+ Handles making sure custom items are not "lost" when a player dies.
+ .
+ Handles making sure custom items are not "lost" when a player escapes.
+ .
+ Handles making sure custom items are not "lost" when being handcuffed.
+ .
+ Handles tracking items when they are dropped by a player.
+ .
+ Handles tracking items when they are picked up by a player.
+ .
+ Handles tracking items when they are selected in the player's inventory.
+ .
+ Prevents custom items from being affected by SCP-914.
+ .
+ Called anytime the item enters a player's inventory by any means.
+ The acquiring the item.
+ The being acquired.
+ Whether the pickup hint should be displayed.
+ Shows a message to the player upon picking up a custom item.
+ The who will be shown the message.
+ Shows a message to the player upon selecting a custom item.
+ The who will be shown the message.
+ A tool to easily setup items.
+ Gets the default values.
+ It refers to the base-game item behavior.
+ Gets or sets the custom item's .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the weight of the item.
+ Gets or sets the scale of the item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this item causes things to happen that may be considered hacks, and thus be shown to global moderators as being present in a player's inventory when they gban them.
+ Gets or sets the to be displayed when the item has been picked up.
+ Gets or sets the to be displayed when the item has been selected.
+ The actor which handles all tracking-related tasks for items.
+ Represents the base class for custom ammo behaviors.
+ This class extends .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game ammo.
+ .
+ Gets or sets the box size.
+ A tool to easily setup ammos.
+ Gets or sets the sizes of the ammo box.
+ Gets or sets the maximum allowed amount of ammo.
+ Represents a marker interface for custom pickup behaviors.
+ Represents the base class for custom pickup behaviors.
+ This class extends and implements and .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game pickup.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before the pickup is gets picked up.
+ Gets the relative .
+ Checks if the specified pickup is being tracked and associated with this item.
+ The to check.
+ if the specified pickup is being tracked and associated with this item; otherwise, .
+ This method ensures that the provided pickup is being tracked by the
+ and the tracked values associated with the pickup contain this item instance.
+ Handles tracking pickups when they are picked up by a player.
+ .
+ Called anytime the pickup enters a player's inventory by any means.
+ The acquiring the pickup.
+ Whether the pickup hint should be displayed.
+ Shows a message to the player upon picking up a custom item.
+ The who will be shown the message.
+ A tool to easily setup pickups.
+ Gets the default values.
+ It refers to the base-game pickup behavior.
+ Gets or sets the custom pickup's .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the weight of the pickup.
+ Gets or sets the scale of the pickup.
+ Gets or sets the to be displayed when the pickup has been picked up.
+ The actor which handles all tracking-related tasks for pickups.
+ Defines the contract for config features related to custom entities.
+ Gets or sets the custom entity's .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the weight of the entity.
+ Gets or sets the scale of the entity.
+ Gets or sets the to be displayed when the entity has been picked up.
+ Represents a marker class for custom modules.
+ The folder where custom modules are stored.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired when a module gets enabled.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired when a module gets disabled.
+ Gets or sets the 's name.
+ Gets or sets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the module's configuration.
+ Gets the name of the serialized parent folder.
+ Gets the name of the child folder.
+ Gets the name of the serialized child file.
+ Gets the name of the serialized module pointer.
+ Gets the path to the parent folder.
+ Gets the path to the serialized module child folder.
+ Gets the path to the serialized module file.
+ Gets the path to the serialized module pointer.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The to compare.
+ The to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The left to compare.
+ The right to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The left to compare.
+ The right to compare.
+ if the values are equal.
+ Compares two operands: and .
+ The left to compare.
+ The right to compare.
+ if the values are not equal.
+ Loads all custom modules from the specified assembly and enables them.
+ This method iterates through all plugins loaded by Exiled, extracts their assemblies, and attempts to load custom modules from each assembly.
+ It then sets the state of the automatic modules loader to enabled.
+ Unloads all currently loaded custom modules and sets the automatic modules loader state to disabled.
+ Loads custom modules from the specified assembly and optionally enables them.
+ The assembly from which to load custom modules. If , defaults to the calling assembly.
+ Determines whether the loaded modules should be enabled after loading.
+ Unloads custom modules from the specified assembly.
+ The assembly from which to unload custom modules. If , defaults to the calling assembly.
+ Determines whether the provided id is equal to the current object.
+ The id to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The custom module to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Returns a the 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ The 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ Serializes the current module to a file specified by .
+ Thrown when is null.
+ Deserializes the module from the file specified by .
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to register from.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ Abstract base class providing a foundation for custom role management, integrating seamlessly with various game behaviors.
+ The class establishes a robust framework for creating and managing custom roles within the game architecture.
+ This class is designed to be utilized in conjunction with the interface, ensuring easy integration into existing systems for extending and enhancing role-related functionalities.
Additionally, implements and , enabling straightforward equality comparisons.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired before a player changes role.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired after a player changes role.
+ Gets a which contains all registered 's.
+ Gets all players and their respective .
+ Gets all players belonging to a .
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the 's name.
+ Gets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets the 's description.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the 's .
+ Gets or sets the relative spawn chance of the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must belong to in order to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required alive team to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must have to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required role type for players to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required custom team that players must belong to in order to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required alive custom team to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must have to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required custom role for players to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value representing the maximum instances of the that can be automatically assigned.
+ Gets or sets the required teams for this to win.
+ This property specifies the teams the belongs to.
+ Gets or sets the from which to retrieve players for assigning the .
+ Gets or sets the from which to retrieve players for assigning the .
+ Gets or sets all roles to override, preventing the specified roles to spawn.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be treated as a separate team unit.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be considered an SCP.
+ Gets a value indicating whether a player can spawn as this based on its assigned probability.
+ if the probability condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ Gets all instances of this .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the role can spawn given a condition.
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is registered.
+ Gets a of containing all players owning this .
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom role.
+ The with the specified id, or if no role is found.
+ Gets a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets all instances based on the predicate.
+ The predicate.
+ All instances matching the predicate.
+ Gets all instances belonging to the specified .
+ The specified .
+ All instances belonging to the specified .
+ Gets all instances belonging to the specified .
+ The specified .
+ All instances belonging to the specified .
+ Gets all instances belonging to the specified .
+ The specified .
+ All instances belonging to the specified .
+ Gets all instances belonging to the specified teams.
+ The specified teams.
+ All instances belonging to the specified teams.
+ Gets all instances belonging to the specified teams.
+ The specified teams.
+ All instances belonging to the specified teams.
+ Gets a given the specified .
+ The specified .
+ The matching the search or if not found.
+ Gets a from a .
+ The owner.
+ The matching the search or if not registered.
+ Attempts to retrieve a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom role.
+ When this method returns, contains the associated with the specified id, if the id was found; otherwise, .
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified id.
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given a specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the player's current .
+ The to search on.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified .
+ The to search for.
+ The found , if not registered.
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Attempts to spawn the specified player with the provided custom role.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method attempts to spawn the specified player with the given custom role. If the custom role is not provided
+ or is invalid, the method returns .
+ Attempts to spawn the specified player with the custom role identified by the provided type or type name.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The id of the custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method allows attempting to spawn the specified player with a custom role identified by its type or type name.
+ If the custom role type or name is not provided, or if the identification process fails, the method returns .
+ Attempts to spawn the specified player with the custom role identified by the provided name.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The name of the custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method allows attempting to spawn the specified player with a custom role identified by its name.
+ If the custom role name is not provided, or if the identification process fails, the method returns .
+ Spawns the specified player with the provided custom role.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ A value indicating whether the custom role assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method forces the specified player to respawn with the given custom role. If the custom role is
+ not provided or is invalid, the method returns .
+ Spawns the specified player with the custom role identified by the provided type or type name.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The id of the custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ A value indicating whether the custom role assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method allows the spawning of the specified player with a custom role identified by its type or type name.
+ If the custom role type or name is not provided, or if the identification process fails, the method returns .
+ Spawns the specified player with the custom role identified by the provided name.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The name of the custom role to be assigned to the player.
+ A value indicating whether the custom role assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method allows the spawning of the specified player with a custom role identified by its name.
+ If the custom role name is not provided, or if the identification process fails, the method returns .
+ Spawns the specified player with the custom role identified by the provided type.
+ The type of custom role to be added.
+ The to be spawned.
+ if the player was spawned with the custom role successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method add the custom role of type assigned to the specified player.
+ If the addition operation fails, the method returns .
+ Removes the custom role from the specified player.
+ The owner of the custom role.
+ if the custom role was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom role assigned to the specified player. If the player does not
+ have a custom role or if the removal operation fails, the method returns .
+ Removes the custom role of type from the specified player.
+ The type of custom role to be removed.
+ The owner of the custom role.
+ if the custom role was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom role of type assigned to the specified player.
+ If the player does not have the specified custom role or if the removal operation fails,
+ the method returns .
+ Removes the custom role from each player in the specified collection.
+ The collection of players whose custom roles will be removed.
+ This method removes the custom role from each player in the provided collection. Players without
+ a custom role or for whom the removal operation fails will be excluded from the removal process.
+ Removes the custom role of type from each player in the specified collection.
+ The type of custom role to be removed.
+ The collection of players whose custom roles will be removed.
+ This method removes the custom role of type from each player in the provided collection.
+ Players without the specified custom role or for whom the removal operation fails will be excluded from the removal process.
+ Enables all the custom roles present in the assembly.
+ This method dynamically enables all custom roles found in the calling assembly. Custom roles
+ must be marked with the to be considered for enabling. If
+ a custom role is enabled successfully, it is added to the returned list.
+ Enables all the custom roles present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the roles from.
+ This method dynamically enables all custom roles found in the calling assembly. Custom roles
+ must be marked with the to be considered for enabling.
+ Disables all the custom roles present in the assembly.
+ This method dynamically disables all custom roles found in the calling assembly that were
+ previously registered.
+ Spawns the player as a specific .
+ The to be spawned.
+ A value indicating whether the assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ if the player was spawned; otherwise, .
+ This method spawns the specified player as the current , adding the
+ required behavior component. If the player is already alive, the spawn operation
+ fails and returns .
+ Spawns each player in the specified collection as a specific .
+ The collection of instances to be spawned.
+ This method spawns each player in the provided collection as the current ,
+ adding the required behavior component. Players that are already alive will not be
+ affected by the spawn operation. The method is designed for spawning multiple players
+ with a single call.
+ Force spawns the specified player as a specific .
+ The to be force spawned.
+ This method forcefully spawns the player as the current , regardless of
+ the player's current state. If the player is not alive, it is immediately spawned;
+ otherwise, the player's role is temporarily set to Spectator before being force spawned.
+ Force spawns the specified player as a specific .
+ The to be force spawned.
+ A value indicating whether the assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ This method forcefully spawns the player as the current , regardless of
+ the player's current state. If the player is not alive, it is immediately spawned;
+ otherwise, the player's role is temporarily set to Spectator before being force spawned.
+ Force spawns each player in the specified collection as a specific .
+ The collection of instances to be force spawned.
+ This method forcefully spawns each player in the provided collection as the current CustomRole,
+ regardless of their current state. Players that are not alive will be immediately spawned;
+ otherwise, their roles are temporarily set to Spectator before being force spawned.
+ Force spawns each player in the specified collection as a specific .
+ The collection of instances to be force spawned.
+ A value indicating whether the assignment should maintain the players' current positions.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set..
+ This method forcefully spawns each player in the provided collection as the current CustomRole,
+ regardless of their current state. Players that are not alive will be immediately spawned;
+ otherwise, their roles are temporarily set to Spectator before being force spawned.
+ Removes the custom role from the specified player.
+ The owner of the custom role.
+ if the custom role was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom role assigned to the specified player. If the player does not
+ have a custom role or if the removal operation fails, the method returns .
+ Removes the custom role from each player in the specified collection.
+ The collection of players whose custom roles will be removed.
+ This method removes the custom role from each player in the provided collection. Players without
+ a custom role or for whom the removal operation fails will be excluded from the removal process.
+ Tries to register a .
+ The assembly to try and register from.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to unregister a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ Abstract base class representing a custom team, providing a foundational structure for custom team management.
+ The class forms the basis for creating and managing custom teams within the game architecture.
+ This class implements the interface, facilitating straightforward equality comparisons, and also implements for integer-based comparisons.
It serves as a versatile framework for handling custom team-related functionalities and interactions.
+ Gets a which contains all registered 's.
+ Gets all players and their respective .
+ Gets all players belonging to a .
+ Gets or sets the name of the .
+ Gets or sets the 's id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the display name of the .
+ The display name is used to represent the in user interfaces and other visual contexts.
+ Gets or sets the display color of the .
+ The display color is the visual representation of the name color in user interfaces and other visual contexts.
+ Gets or sets the size of the .
+ The size indicates the maximum number of players that can be part of this .
+ Gets or sets a collection of ids representing all custom roles offered as units.
+ This property provides access to a curated collection of objects, encapsulating all available custom role within the context of units.
The collection is designed to be both queried and modified as needed to accommodate dynamic scenarios within the game architecture.
+ Gets or sets the minimum amount time after which any team will be allowed to spawn.
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount time after which any team will be spawned.
+ Gets or sets the relative spawn probability of the .
+ Gets or sets the which is being spawned from.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is configured to use respawn tickets.
+ If set to true, the utilizes a ticket system for player respawns.
+ Gets or sets the current number of respawn tickets available for the .
+ This property represents the remaining number of respawn tickets that can be used by the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must belong to in order to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required alive team to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must have to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required role type for players to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required custom team that players must belong to in order to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required alive custom team to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the required that players must have to allow the to spawn.
+ This property specifies the required custom role for players to be eligible for spawning in the .
+ Gets or sets the teams the belongs to.
+ Gets the amount of time after which any team will be allowed to spawn.
+ Gets a value indicating whether a player can spawn as this based on its assigned probability.
+ if the probability condition was satisfied; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the team can spawn given a condition.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is registered.
+ If set to true, the is successfully registered.
+ Gets an of containing all players belonging to this .
+ This property returns a collection of players associated with the .
+ Gets a random from the available .
+ This property returns a randomly selected from the available .
+ Gets all instances based on the predicate.
+ The predicate.
+ All instances matching the predicate.
+ Gets a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom team.
+ The with the specified id, or if no team is found.
+ Gets a instance based on the specified id.
+ The id to check.
+ The matching the search, or if not registered.
+ Gets a instance based on the specified name.
+ The specified name.
+ The matching the search, or if not registered.
+ Gets a instance associated with a specific .
+ The to check.
+ The matching the search, or if not registered.
+ Attempts to retrieve a based on the provided id or .
+ The id or of the custom team.
+ When this method returns, contains the associated with the specified id, if the id was found; otherwise, .
+ if a was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified id.
+ The id to look for.
+ The found , null if not registered.
+ if a is found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a given the specified name.
+ The name to look for.
+ The found , null if not registered.
+ if a is found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a belonging to the specified .
+ The to look for.
+ The found , null if not registered.
+ if a is found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn the specified .
+ The to be spawned.
+ if the was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a given the specified id.
+ The specified id.
+ if the was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a player as a unit.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The unit to be assigned.
+ if the player was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a player as a unit given the specified id.
+ The to be spawned.
+ The specified id.
+ if the player was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a of as a unit.
+ The players to be spawned.
+ The unit to be assigned.
+ if the players were successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a of as a unit given the specified id.
+ The players to be spawned.
+ The specified id.
+ if the players were successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a given a specified amount of units.
+ The amount of units to be spawned.
+ The to be spawned.
+ if the was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Tries to spawn a given the specified id.
+ The amount of units to be spawned.
+ The specified id.
+ if the was successfully spawned; otherwise, .
+ Enables all the custom teams present in the assembly.
+ Enables all the custom teams present in the assembly.
+ The assembly to enable the teams from.
+ Disables all the custom teams present in the assembly.
+ Determines whether the provided id is equal to the current object.
+ The id to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The custom role to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+ The object to compare.
+ if the object was equal; otherwise, .
+ Returns a the 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ The 32-bit signed hash code of the current object instance.
+ Spawns a as a unit within the current .
+ The to be spawned.
+ This method initiates the spawning of the specified as a unit associated with the current .
+ Removes the player from the specified custom team.
+ The owner of the custom team's role.
+ if the custom team's role was removed successfully; otherwise, .
+ This method removes the custom team's role assigned to the specified player. If the player does not
+ have a custom role or if the removal operation fails, the method returns .
+ Forces a respawn wave by spawning the specified amount of units.
+ The number of units to be spawned.
+ Forces the respawn wave regardless any conditions, including tickets.
+ If the provided is less than or equal to zero, no respawn action is taken.
+ This method retrieves the players from the dead team and spawns each player individually. If the dead team is empty or no players are found, the method exits.
+ Additionally, if the respawn team is of type and a valid is available using , a new unit naming message is sent for NineTailedFox units.
+ Forces a respawn wave using the specified of .
+ The collection of players to be spawned.
+ A value indicating whether the team size should remain the same as the specified collection.
+ Forces the respawn wave regardless any conditions, including tickets.
+ If the provided collection of is null or empty, no respawn action is taken.
+ If the respawn system utilizes tickets (specified by ), and there are available tickets, one ticket is consumed for each player respawned.
+ The method iterates through the collection of players, spawning each player individually. The parameter controls whether the team size should remain constant or not. If is set to and the team size limit is reached, further spawning is halted.
+ Additionally, if the respawn team is of type and a valid is available using , a new unit naming message is sent for NineTailedFox units.
+ Forces a respawn wave, spawning players up to the specified team size.
+ Forces the respawn wave regardless any conditions, including tickets.
+ This method triggers a respawn wave, spawning players up to the current team size limit.
+ Adds respawn tickets to the current instance.
+ The amount of tickets to add.
+ This method increases the current respawn ticket count by the specified .
+ Removes respawn tickets from the current instance.
+ The amount of tickets to remove.
+ This method decreases the current respawn ticket count by the specified . If the ticket count is insufficient, no tickets are removed.
+ Tries to register a .
+ Unused parameter.
+ The specified .
+ if the was registered; otherwise, .
+ Tries to register a .
+ if the was unregistered; otherwise, .
+ The type.
+ Represents the base class for custom role behaviors.
+ This class extends and implements .
It provides a foundation for creating custom behaviors associated with in-game player roles.
+ Gets a of containing all players to be spawned without affecting their current position (static).
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets the relative .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets a random spawn point based on existing settings.
+ Gets or sets the of the fake appearance applied by this component.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets a of which should be permanently given to the player.
+ Gets a value indicating whether should be used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether an existing spawnpoint should be used.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the effects should persistently remain active.
+ Gets or sets the of this component.
+ Gets the current speed of the .
+ Gets or sets the the escape settings.
+ Gets or sets the handling all bound delegates to be fired before escaping.
+ Gets or sets the handling all bound delegates to be fired after escaping.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the specified is allowed.
+ The to check.
+ if the specified is allowed; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the specified is ignored.
+ The to check.
+ if the specified is ignored; otherwise, .
+ Evaluates the specified conditions affecting the round's ending conditions.
+ The corresponding evaluation.
+ Fired before the player escapes.
+ The instance.
+ Fired after the player escapes.
+ The player who escaped.
+ Tries to get a valid target based on a specified condition.
+ The condition.
+ The maximum distance to reach.
+ The valid target.
+ if the target was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get a valid target based on a specified condition.
+ The condition.
+ The maximum distance to reach.
+ The valid targets.
+ if targets were found; otherwise, .
+ A tool to easily setup roles.
+ Gets the default values.
+ It refers to the base-game human roles behavior.
+ Gets the SCP preset referring to the base-game SCPs behavior.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player's role is dynamic.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player's role should use the specified only.
+ Gets or sets a for the console message given to players when they receive a role.
+ Gets or sets the scale.
+ Gets or sets the initial health.
+ Gets or sets the max health.
+ Gets or sets the initial artificial health.
+ Gets or sets the max artificial health.
+ Gets or sets the text to be displayed as soon as the role is assigned.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the unique defining the role to be assigned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the assignment should maintain the player's current position.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the assignment should maintain the player's current inventory.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all dynamic roles.
+ Dynamic roles are specific roles that, if assigned, do not result in the removal of the from the player.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all the ignored damage types.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all the allowed damage types.
+ Gets or sets a [] containing all doors that can be bypassed.
+ Gets or sets a containing cached and their which is cached Role with FF multiplier.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCPs can be hurt.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCPs can hurt the owner.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can enter pocket dimension.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can use intercom.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can use the voicechat.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can place blood.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can be handcuffed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can use elevators.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can bypass checkpoints.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can activate warhead.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can activate workstations.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can activate generators.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can pickup items.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can drop items.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can select items from their inventory.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can look at Scp173.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the owner can trigger Scp096.
+ Gets or sets the custom info.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should be hidden.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the C.A.S.S.I.E death announcement should be played when the owner dies.
+ Gets or sets the C.A.S.S.I.E announcement to be played when the owner dies from an unhandled or unknown termination cause.
+ Gets or sets a containing all the C.A.S.S.I.E announcements
+ to be played when the owner gets killed by a player with the corresponding .
+ Gets or sets a containing all the C.A.S.S.I.E announcements
+ to be played when the owner gets killed by a player with the corresponding .
+ Gets or sets a containing all the C.A.S.S.I.E announcements
+ to be played when the owner gets killed by a player belonging to the corresponding .
+ Gets or sets a containing all the C.A.S.S.I.E announcements
+ to be played when the owner gets killed by a player belonging to the corresponding .
+ A tool to easily manage summary info.
+ The foundation forces.
+ The Chaos Insurgency forces.
+ The anomalies.
+ The neutral forces.
+ Gets the current summary.
+ The current summary.
+ Updates the summary.
+ Represents a marker class for a module's pointer.
+ The type of the module this configuration belongs to.
+ Gets the module pointer for the specified custom module and assembly with a target module type.
+ The type of the target module.
+ The custom module to get the pointer for.
+ The assembly to search for the module pointer. If null, the calling assembly is used.
+ The module pointer for the specified custom module and target module type, or null if not found.
+ Gets the module pointer for the specified custom module from the calling assembly with a target module type.
+ The type of the target module.
+ The custom module to get the pointer for.
+ The module pointer for the specified custom module and target module type, or null if not found.
+ The actor which handles all tracking-related tasks for items.
+ The type of the .
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when an item is added.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when an item is removed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when an item is restored.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when an item tracking is modified.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when a pickup is added.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when a pickup is removed.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when a pickup is restored.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired when a pickup tracking is modified.
+ Gets a containing all serials and their corresponding items.
+ Gets a containing all serials and their corresponding items.
+ Adds or tracks the trackables of an item based on its serial.
+ The whose trackables are to be added or tracked.
+ if the item was added or tracked successfully; otherwise, .
+ Adds or tracks the trackables of a pickup based on its serial.
+ The whose trackables are to be added or tracked.
+ if the pickup was added or tracked successfully; otherwise, .
+ Adds or tracks the trackables of both pickups and items based on their serial.
+ The objects whose trackables are to be added or tracked.
+ Restores all trackables from a pickup which is being tracked.
+ The serial to restore all trackables from.
+ The item to reapply the trackables to.
+ if the pickup was restored successfully; otherwise, .
+ Restores all trackables from a pickup which is being tracked.
+ The whose trackables are to be restored.
+ if the pickup was restored successfully; otherwise, .
+ Restores all trackables from a pickup which is being tracked.
+ The whose trackables are to be restored.
+ The whose trackables are to be transfered.
+ if the pickup was restored successfully; otherwise, .
+ Restores all trackables from a item which is being tracked.
+ The whose trackables are to be restored.
+ The whose trackables are to be transfered.
+ if the item was restored successfully; otherwise, .
+ Removes an item and all its trackables from the tracking.
+ The item to be removed.
+ Removes an ability from the tracking.
+ The item owning the ability.
+ The to be removed.
+ Removes a pickup and all its trackables from the tracking.
+ The pickup to be removed.
+ Removes an ability from the tracking.
+ The pickup owning the ability.
+ The to be removed.
+ Removes an item or pickup with the specified serial number from the tracking.
+ The serial number of the item or pickup to be removed.
+ The of containing all items to be removed.
+ Checks if an item is being tracked.
+ The to check.
+ if the item is being tracked; otherwise, .
+ Checks if a pickup is being tracked.
+ The to check.
+ if the pickup is being tracked; otherwise, .
+ Gets the tracked values associated with the specified item.
+ The to retrieve tracked values from.
+ An containing the tracked values associated with the item.
+ If the item is not tracked, returns an empty collection.
+ Gets the tracked values associated with the specified pickup.
+ The to retrieve tracked values from.
+ An containing the tracked values associated with the pickup.
+ If the pickup is not tracked, returns an empty collection.
+ Handles the event when a player is dropping an item.
+ The containing information about the dropping item.
+ Handles the event when an item is dropped.
+ The containing information about the dropped item.
+ Handles the event when an item is added.
+ The containing information about the added item.
+ Handles the event when a tracked item or pickup is removed from a player's inventory.
+ The containing information about the removed item.
+ Handles the event when a tracked item or pickup is destroyed.
+ The containing information about the destroyed pickup.
+ Defines the contract for config features related to inventory management.
+ Gets or sets the items to be given.
+ Gets or sets the custom items to be given.
+ Gets or sets the ammo box settings to be applied.
+ Gets or sets the custom ammo box settings to be applied.
+ Manages the inventory settings for human players, providing a convenient interface for customization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The list of items to be given.
+ The list of custom items to be given.
+ The ammo box settings to be applied.
+ The custom ammo box settings to be applied.
+ Gets or sets the probability associated with this inventory slot.
Useful for inventory tweaks involving one or more probability values.
+ Represents a marker class for a module's pointer.
+ The type of the entity to which the module behaviour is applied.
+ This abstract class serves as a foundation for user-defined module behaviours that can be applied to entities (such as playable characters)
+ to extend and customize their functionality through custom modules. It provides a modular and extensible architecture for enhancing gameplay elements.
+ Gets or sets the behaviour's configs.
+ Implements the behaviour's configs by copying properties from the config object to the current instance.
+ Applies a configuration property value from the source property to the target property.
+ The source property from the config object.
+ The target property in the current instance.
+ A struct containing all information about a module.
+ The name of the method which enables all the module instances.
+ The name of the method which disables all the module instances.
+ The binding flags for identifying the registration handlers.
+ All known modules information.
+ The of the module.
+ A value indicating whether the module is currently loaded.
+ The module identifier.
+ Callback method for enabling all instances of the module.
+ Callback method for disabling all instances of the module.
+ Gets the module 's name.
+ Gets a instance based on the module type or name.
+ The module type to look for.
+ The corresponding .
+ Gets a instance based on the module type or name.
+ The module type's name to look for.
+ The corresponding .
+ Gets a instance based on the module type or name.
+ The module type's id to look for.
+ The corresponding .
+ Invokes a module callback by name, enabling or disabling module instances based on the specified assembly.
+ The name of the callback to invoke ("EnableAll" or "DisableAll").
+ The assembly to pass to the callback method.
+ Represents a marker class for a module's pointer.
+ Gets or sets the module's id the is pointing to.
+ Gets the module pointer for the specified custom module and assembly.
+ The custom module to get the pointer for.
+ The assembly to search for the module pointer. If null, the calling assembly is used.
+ The module pointer for the specified custom module, or null if not found.
+ Gets the module pointer for the specified custom module from the calling assembly.
+ The custom module to get the pointer for.
+ The module pointer for the specified custom module, or null if not found.
+ Represents an in-game player by encapsulating a , providing an extended feature set through the class.
+ The class enhances the functionality of the base class, introducing additional features and capabilities.
This class is designed to be used seamlessly alongside existing methods that expect a as a parameter, allowing for compatibility with the existing codebase.
+ The use of nullable context is enabled to prevent users from inadvertently passing or interacting with references.
+ Developers can leverage the enhanced functionality provided by the class while benefiting from the familiar interface of the class.
It serves as a comprehensive representation of an in-game entity, encapsulating the associated with an expanded set of features.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the player to be encapsulated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the player.
+ Gets all pawn's 's.
+ Gets the pawn's .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's current .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's custom abilities.
+ Gets the pawn's ability behaviours.
+ Gets the pawn's .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's .
+ Can be .
+ Gets the pawn's custom ammo box containing.
+ Gets the selected .
+ Gets or sets the selected .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the pawn has a .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the pawn is any SCP, including custom ones.
+ Gets the global role of the pawn.
+ It will return a if available, or the if null.
+ Gets the global items associated with the pawn.
+ It will return a combination of standard s and s.
+ Gets or sets the global current item of the pawn.
+ If a is equipped, it returns the ; otherwise, it returns the regular .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the pawn is any custom SCP.
+ Gets a of containing all custom items in the pawn's inventory.
+ A of which contains all found custom items.
+ Gets a of .
+ A of .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the pawn has the of the specified type.
+ The type of the .
+ if a of the specified type was found; otherwise, .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the pawn has the of the specified type.
+ The type of the .
+ if a of the specified type was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the first of the specified type from the collection of custom items.
+ The type of the to retrieve.
+ The output parameter that will contain the retrieved , if found.
+ if a of the specified type was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the of the specified type from the .
+ The type of the to retrieve.
+ The output parameter that will contain the retrieved , if found.
+ if a of the specified type was found; otherwise, .
+ Tries to get the of the specified type from the player's abilities.
+ The type of the to retrieve.
+ The output parameter that will contain the retrieved , if found.
+ if a of the specified type was found; otherwise, .
+ Add an or of the specified type to the pawn's inventory.
+ The item to be added.
+ if the item has been given to the pawn; otherwise, .
+ Adds a of containing all the custom items to the pawn's inventory.
+ The custom items to be added.
+ Sets the pawn's role.
+ The role to be set.
+ A value indicating whether the should be spawned in the same position.
+ The to be set.
+ The to be set.
+ Safely drops an item.
+ The item to be dropped.
+ Gets the ammo count of a specified custom ammo in a pawn's inventory.
+ The custom ammo to be searched for in the pawn's inventory.
+ The specified custom ammo count.
+ Adds an amount of custom ammo to the pawn's ammo box.
+ The type of the custom ammo.
+ The amount to be added.
+ if the specified amount of ammo was given entirely or partially; otherwise, .
+ Removes an amount of custom ammo from the pawn's ammo box.
+ The type of the custom ammo.
+ The amount to be removed.
+ if the specified amount of ammo was removed entirely or partially; otherwise, .
+ Sets the amount of a specified custom ammo to the pawn's inventory.
+ The type of the custom ammo.
+ The amount of ammo to be set.
+ The actor which handles all team respawning tasks for roles.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all delegates to be fired when selecting the next known team.
+ Gets or sets the next known team.
+ Gets or sets the previous spawned team.
+ Gets all teams' tickets.
+ Gets all enqueued roles.
+ Forces the spawn of a wave of the specified team.
+ The specified team.
+ Spawns the wave.
+ The actor which handles all role assignment tasks for roles.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before assigning human roles.
+ Gets or sets the which handles all the delegates fired before assigning SCP roles.
+ Gets or sets all enqueued SCPs.
+ Gets or sets all enqueued humans.
+ Gets or sets all enqueued players.
+ Gets or sets the human roles queue.
+ Gets the next human role to spawn from the Queue.
+ Gets a filter to retrieve all available human custom roles.
+ Gets a filter to retrieve all available SCP custom roles.
+ Spawns human players based on the provided queue of teams and the length of the queue.
+ An array of teams representing the queue of teams to spawn.
+ The length of the queue.
+ Spawns SCPs based on the target SCP number.
+ The target number of SCPs to spawn.
+ Distributes the given roles to all specified players based on a predicate.
+ If a role cannot be assigned due to some circumstances, it will be enqueued until a new role is found.
+ The players to assign the roles to.
+ The roles to be assigned.
+ The predicate.
+ Distributes the given roles to all specified players based on a predicate.
+ If a role cannot be assigned due to some circumstances, it will be enqueued until a new role is found.
+ The players to assign the roles to.
+ The roles to be assigned.
+ The predicate.
+ Finds an available based on a predicate.
+ The predicate.
+ The first available .
+ Finds the first available in the specified list.
+ The list of roles to evaluate.
+ The first available .
+ Gets all custom roles after evaluating their probability.
+ The custom roles to evaluate.
+ All evaluated custom roles.
+ The world base.
+ The default dequeue rate.
+ Gets the .
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ Gets or sets the dequeue rate, expressed in seconds.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ If enqueued, the game mode will be continuously evaluated until it starts or the enqueued game mode changes.
+ The defines the delay between each evaluation check.
+ Gets the enqueued game mode.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ Gets or sets the running game mode.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ Gets the current summary info.
+ Enqueues a custom game mode for execution.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ The custom game mode to enqueue.
+ Whether to continuously enqueue the game mode.
+ Enqueues a custom game mode by its ID for execution.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ The ID of the custom game mode to enqueue.
+ Whether to continuously enqueue the game mode.
+ Clears the current game mode queue.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ Starts the execution of the enqueued game mode.
+ Requires to be enabled.
+ The custom game mode to start.
+ Whether to force-start the game mode.
+ Represents a marker interface for trackable behaviors.
+ The plugin's config.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether debug messages should be printed to the console.
+ .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in role assigner should be used over the base game one.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in respawn manager should be used over the base game one.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic modules loader should be used.
+ It iterates over all existing plugins trying to enable all the modules for each plugin's assembly.
+ It negatively affects the performance in case of the presence of a big amount of plugins.
+ Gets or sets all modules to be loaded.
+ Handles all custom role API functions.
+ Gets a static reference to the plugin's instance.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the specified module is loaded.
+ The module to check.
+ if the module is loaded; otherwise, .
+ Handles events.
+ Handles the all the module's registration.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The configuration instance.
+ Fired when a module gets enabled.
+ The module which is being enabled.
+ Fired when a module gets disabled.
+ The module which is being disabled.
+ Handles events.
+ Contains all information after adding an ability.
+ The type of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the added custom ability.
+ Gets the entity to which the custom ability has been added.
+ Contains all information before adding an ability.
+ The type of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the custom ability being added.
+ Gets the entity to which the custom ability is being added.
+ Contains all information after removing an ability.
+ The type of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the removed custom ability.
+ Gets the entity to which the custom ability has been removed.
+ Contains all information before removing an ability.
+ The type of the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the custom ability being removed.
+ Gets the entity to which the custom ability is being removed.
+ Contains all information before escaping.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the new .
+ Gets or sets the new .
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the to be displayed.
+ Contains all information of a before a changes role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information of a before a dies.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Contains all information of a before a escapes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information of a before handcuffing a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The instance.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information before a gets upgraded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information of a before a 's inventory item is upgraded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Represents a marker interface used for all related events.
+ Gets the in the player's inventory.
+ Gets the 's behaviour.
+ Represents a marker interface used for all pickup related events.
+ Gets the in the player's inventory.
+ Gets the 's behaviour.
+ Contains all information before assigning human roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets all roles to be assigned.
+ Contains all information before assigning SCP roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the players to be spawned.
+ Gets or sets all roles to be assigned.
+ Contains all information after a player changes role to a custom role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who changed role.
+ Gets the previous role.
+ Contains all information before a player changes role to a custom role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the player who's changing role.
+ Gets or sets the role to be changed to.
+ Supports both roles and custom roles.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player can change role.
+ Contains all information before selecting the next known team.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the next known team.
+ Contains all information after modifying an item tracking.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information after modifying a pickup tracking.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information after modifying a tracking.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets all previous abilities.
+ Gets all current abilities.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the CustomItem support.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b0cc9
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f8620a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Events.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14277 @@
+ Exiled.Events
+ An attribute to contain data about an event patch.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The of the handler class that contains the event.
+ The name of the event.
+ Gets the that will be raised by this patch.
+ The config value command.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The command to get config value.
+ Gets a static instance of class.
+ The command to set config value.
+ Gets a static instance of class.
+ The config command.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The config merge command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The config split command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The command to disable a plugin.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ A command to display plugins that are subscribed to the specific event.
+ Gets the instance of the command.
+ The command to enable a plugin.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The command to install plugin.
+ Gets the class instance.
+ The command to show all the patches done by plugins.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The plugin manager.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A command to display list with all verified plugin.
+ Gets the static instance of the command.
+ The command to show all plugins.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload all command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload configs command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload gameplay command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload permissions command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload plugins command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload command.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The reload remoteadmin command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ The reload translations command.
+ Gets static instance of the command.
+ Command for showing current server TPS.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether events are only patched if they have delegates subscribed to them.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-173 can be blocked or not by the tutorial.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-096 can be triggered or not by the tutorial.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-049 can activate the sense ability on tutorials.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether tutorial is affected by SCP-079 scan.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether flashbangs flash original thrower.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the name tracking (invisible EXILED version string added to the end of the server name) is enabled or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inventory should be dropped before being set as spectator, through commands or plugins.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the blood can be spawned or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether keycard throw can affect basic doors.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether configs has to be reloaded every time a round restarts.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether translations has to be reloaded every time a round restarts.
+ Gets a value indicating whether bans should be logged or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether to log RA commands.
+ Contains all the information after sending a C.A.S.S.I.E. message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Indicates whether the event can be executed or not.
+ Gets or sets the message.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the message should be held.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the message should make noise.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the message can be sent.
+ Event args for when a player is taking damage.
+ Gets the attacker .
+ Gets or sets the managing the damage to the target.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args for events that can be allowed or denied.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the event is allowed to continue.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ The base Exiled Event Args interface to be used by all other event arg interfaces/classes.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args for all related events.
+ Gets the environmental hazard that the player is interacting with.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the that is a part of the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ An interface which defines the contract for related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Event args used for all related events.
+ Gets the triggering the event.
+ Contains all information before jailbird breaks.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a jailbird that is going to break.
+ Contains all information after changing item attachments.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the old list.
+ Gets or sets the new list.
+ Gets the code.
+ Gets the code.
+ Gets the which has been modified.
+ Gets the who's changed attachments.
+ Contains all information before changing firearm ammo.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the who's changing the 's ammo.
+ Gets the the ammo type is being changed to.
+ Gets the old status.
+ Gets the old ammo.
+ Gets or sets the new status to be used by the firearm.
+ Gets or sets the new ammo to be used by the firearm.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the ammo can be changed.
+ Contains all information before changing item attachments.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The attachments code.
+ Gets the old list.
+ Gets or sets the new list.
+ Gets the code.
+ Gets or sets the code.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the attachments can be changed.
+ Gets the which is being modified.
+ Gets the who's changing attachments.
+ Contains all information before a player charges a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The item being charged.
+ Whether the item can be charged or not.
+ Gets the who's charging an item.
+ Gets the that is being charged. This will always be a .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the Jailbird can be charged.
+ Contains all information before a keycard interacts with a door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the item that's interacting with the door.
+ Gets the player who's threw the keycard.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the keycard can interact with the door.
+ Contains all information before receiving a preference.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the which is being modified.
+ Gets the old [].
+ Gets or sets the new of .
+ Gets the current attachments code.
+ Gets or sets the new attachments code.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the attachments preference is allowed.
+ Gets the who's changing attachments.
+ Contains all information before a player swings a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The item being swung.
+ Whether the item can be swung or not.
+ Gets the who's swinging an item.
+ Gets the that is being swung.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item can be swung.
+ Contains all information before radio pickup battery drains.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the radio percent drain.
+ Contains all information before C.A.S.S.I.E announces light containment zone decontamination.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the announcement id, from 0 to 6.
+ Gets the announcement State.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the action will be.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the announcement is going to be global or not.
+ Contains all information before C.A.S.S.I.E announces the NTF entrance.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the number of SCPs left.
+ Gets or sets the NTF unit name.
+ Gets or sets the NTF unit number.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the NTF spawn will be announced by C.A.S.S.I.E.
+ Contains all information before C.A.S.S.I.E announces an SCP termination.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the killed .
+ Gets or sets the termination cause.
+ Gets the player the announcement is being played for.
+ Gets the player who killed the SCP.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the SCP termination will be announced by C.A.S.S.I.E.
+ Contains all information for when the server is turned a pickup into a live grenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The being changed.
+ The .
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup that changed into a grenade.
+ Gets a value indicating the projectile that spawned.
+ Contains all information for when the server is turning a pickup into a live grenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The being changed.
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup being changed into a grenade.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating what type of grenade will be spawned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup will be changed.
+ Contains all information before the door is damaged.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the door can take damage.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the type of door damage (DoorDamageType).
+ Gets or sets the damage dealt to the door.
+ Gets a value indicating the door that takes damage.
+ Contains all information before decontaminating the light containment zone.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not light containment zone decontamination can begin.
+ Contains all the information after the door explodes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the door that was destroyed.
+ Gets the .
+ Contains all the information before the door explodes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the door that will be destroyed.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the door can be destroyed.
+ Contains all information after an elevator has arrived.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an elevator.
+ Gets the players in the elevator.
+ Contains all information before elevator starts moving.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the current elevator.
+ Gets a list of all players in elevator.
+ Contains all information before a grenade explodes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets the position where the grenade is exploding.
+ Gets the players who could be affected by the grenade, if any, and the damage that be dealt.
+ Gets the grenade that is exploding.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the grenade can be thrown.
+ Gets the player who thrown the grenade.
+ Contains all information before the server spawns an item in locker.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the item being spawned.
+ Gets a value indicating the target locker chamber.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item can be spawned.
+ Contains all information after activating a generator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the generator.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generator can be activated or not.
+ Contains all information after the server spawns a pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup being spawned.
+ Contains all information after the server destroys a pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup being destroyed.
+ Contains all information before placing a blood decal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the who's placing the blood.
+ Gets the target's instance.
+ Gets or sets the blood placing position.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the blood can be placed.
+ Contains all information before placing a bullet hole decal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the decal position.
+ Gets or sets the decal rotation.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the decal can be placed.
+ Gets the decal owner.
+ Contains information about items in the pocket dimension.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the value of the PocketItem.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating when the Pickup will be dropped onto the map.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup should be removed from the Pocket Dimension.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the warning sound for the pickup should be sent.
+ Gets or sets the location where the pickup will drop onto the map.
+ Contains all information up to spawning Scp244.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the which the Pickup will be spawning in.
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup being spawning.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item can be spawning.
+ Contains all information before the server spawns an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating the pickup being spawned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item will be initially spawned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item can be spawned.
+ Contains all information before the server spawns a team's respawn vehicle.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The team who the vehicle belongs to.
+ Gets or sets which vehicle should spawn.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the vehicle can be spawned.
+ Contains all information before turning off lights.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets or sets the blackout duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the lights can be turned off.
+ Contains all information before a player filps the switch to a generator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the switch can be flipped.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the player who's filpping the switch to the generator.
+ Contains all information before a player activates the warhead panel.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the warhead can be activated.
+ Gets the player who's trying to activate the warhead panel.
+ Contains all information before a player activates a workstation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the workstation.
+ Gets or sets the workstation status.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the workstation can be activated.
+ Gets the player who's trying to activate the workstation.
+ Contains all information before adding an item to a player's inventory.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the item to be added.
+ Gets the pickup that the item originated from or if the item was not picked up.
+ Contains all information when a player aims.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is aiming down sight in.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the player is aiming down sight out.
+ Gets the used to trigger the aim action.
+ Gets the player who's triggering the aim action.
+ Contains all information after banning a player from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the banned player.
+ Gets the issuer player.
+ Gets the ban details.
+ Gets the ban type.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the ban is forced or not.
+ Contains all information before banning a player from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The ban target.
+ The ban issuer.
+ The ban seconds duration.
+ The ban reason.
+ The ban full message.
+ Indicates whether the event can be executed or not.
+ Gets or sets the ban duration.
+ Contains all information before a player cancels usage of an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's stopping the use of an item.
+ Gets the item that the player cancelling.
+ Gets the player who cancelling the item.
+ Contains all information before a player cancels usage of an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's stopping the use of an item.
+ Gets the item that the player cancelling.
+ Gets the player who is cancelling the item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can cancelling the use of item.
+ Contains all information after a player's held item changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the previous item.
+ Gets the new item.
+ Gets the player who's changed the item.
+ Contains all information before a player changes danger.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player changing danger.
+ The .
+ The .
+ Whether or not the danger is being activated. If false it is ending.
+ The player that has been encountered if the danger is an encounter or null if it isn't.
+ Whether or not it is allowed to activate/deactivate.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the of Danger changing.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the danger is being activated.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the danger is ending.
+ Gets the encountered player if the danger is an encounter or null if it isn't.
+ Contains all information before a player's user group changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the player's new group.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can change groups.
+ Gets the player who's changing his group.
+ Contains all information before a player's held item changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the new item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event is allowed to continue.
+ Gets the player who's changing the item.
+ Contains all information before MicroHID state is changed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the MicroHID instance.
+ Gets the old MicroHID state.
+ Gets or sets the new MicroHID state.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the MicroHID state can be changed or not.
+ Gets the player who's using the MicroHID.
+ Contains all information before changing movement state.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's changing the movement state.
+ Gets the old state.
+ Gets the new state.
+ Contains all information before changing a player's in-game nickname.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The who's name is being changed.
+ The new name to be used.
+ Gets the 's old name.
+ Gets or sets the 's new name.
+ Gets the who's name is being changed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be allowed.
+ Contains all information before radio preset is changed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the old radio preset value.
+ Gets or sets the new radio preset value.
+ Client radio graphics won't sync with this value.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the radio preset can be changed or not.
+ Client radio graphics won't sync with .
+ Gets the player who's using the radio.
+ Gets the which is being used.
+ Contains all information before a player's changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Finalizes an instance of the class.
+ Gets the player whose is changing.
+ Gets or sets the new player's role.
+ Gets base items that the player will receive.
+ Gets the base ammo values for the new role.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inventory will be preserved or not.
+ Gets or sets the reason for their class change.
+ Gets or sets the spawn flags for their class change.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event can continue.
+ Contains all information before a spectator changes the spectated player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets player that was being spectated.
+ Gets the player who's going to be spectated.
+ Gets player that is changing spectated player.
+ Contains all information before a player closes a generator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's closing the generator.
+ The instance.
+ Indicates whether or not the generator can be closed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the generator door can be closed.
+ Gets the generator that is being closed.
+ Gets the player who's closing the generator door.
+ Contains all information before a player damages a shooting target.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the shooting target which is being damaged.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the exact world location the bullet impacted the target.
+ Gets or sets the damage amount.
+ Gets or sets the distance between the shooter and the shooting target.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the target can be damaged.
+ Gets the item which is being used to deal the damage.
+ Gets the player who's damaging the shooting target.
+ Contains all information before damage is dealt to a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The damage being dealt.
+ Gets the object that is damaged.
+ Gets or sets the damage handler for this event.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the window can be broken.
+ Gets the causing the damage.
+ Contains all information before deactivating a workstation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the last user of the workstation.
+ Gets the workstation.
+ Gets or sets the workstation status.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the workstation can be deactivated.
+ Contains all information before a player's object is destroyed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the destroying player.
+ Contains all information after a player dies.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Target's old .
+ Gets the old from the killed player.
+ Gets the dead player.
+ Gets the attacker. Can be NULL.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Contains all information before displaying the hitmarker to the player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether audio should be played.
+ Gets or sets the hitmarker's size.
+ Contains all information after a player drops ammo.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the type of dropped ammo.
+ Gets the amount of dropped ammo.
+ Gets the dropped ammo pickups.
+ Gets the player who dropped the ammo.
+ Contains all information after a player drops an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the pickup was thrown.
+ Contains all information before a player drops ammo.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the type of ammo being dropped.
+ Gets or sets the amount of ammo being dropped.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the ammo can be dropped.
+ Gets the player who's dropping the ammo.
+ Contains all information before a player drops an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item was thrown.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the item can be dropped.
+ Gets the item to be dropped.
+ Gets the player who's dropping the item.
+ Contains all information before a player drops a null item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's dropping the null item.
+ Contains all information before a player's weapon is dryfired.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the weapon can be dryfired.
+ Gets the being dryfired.
+ Gets the player who's dryfiring the weapon.
+ Contains all information before a player dies.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the list of items to be dropped.
+ Gets the dying player.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can be killed.
+ Gets the killing player.
+ Contains all information before a player earns an achievement.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the achievement that will be earned.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the achievement will be awarded to the player.
+ Gets the player who earned the achievement.
+ Contains all information before a player enters in an environmental hazard.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's entering the environmental hazard.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player should be affected by the environmental hazard.
+ Contains all information before a player enters killer collision.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's currently entering killer collision.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is killed by killer collision.
+ Contains all information before a player enters the pocket dimension.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the SCP-106 who sent the player to the pocket dimension.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can enter the pocket dimension.
+ Gets the player who's entering the pocket dimension.
+ Contains all information before a player escapes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A that will be initialized with.
+ A that will be initialized with.
+ Gets the player who's escaping.
+ Gets or sets the role that will be assigned when the player escapes.
+ Gets or sets the EscapeScenario that will represent for this player.
+ Gets or sets the RespawnTickets that will represent the amount of tickets granted to a specific after the player escapes.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can escape.
+ Contains all information before a player escapes the pocket dimension.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's escaping the pocket dimension.
+ Gets or sets the position in which the player is going to be teleported to.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can successfully escape the pocket dimension.
+ Contains all information before a player exits an environmental hazard.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's exiting from the environmental hazard.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player should be affected by the environmental hazard.
+ Contains all information before a player dies from walking through an incorrect exit in the pocket dimension.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the PocketDimensionTeleport the player walked into.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player dies by failing the pocket dimension escape.
+ Gets the player who's escaping the pocket dimension.
+ Contains all information before a player flips a coin.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's flipping the coin.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the coin is landing on tails.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the coin can be flipped.
+ Contains all information before handcuffing a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is getting cuffed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can be handcuffed.
+ Gets the cuffer player.
+ Contains all information after a has healed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player's last recorded amount of health.
+ Gets the amount of health healed.
+ Contains all information before a heals.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the amount of health the player will be healed.
+ Contains all information before a player gets damaged.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the amount of inflicted damage.
+ Gets or sets the action than will be made on the player.
+ Contains all information before a player gets damaged.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the amount of inflicted damage.
+ Contains all information after a player has interacted with an interactable.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who interacted.
+ Contains all information before a player interacts with a door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can interact with the door.
+ Gets or sets the instance.
+ Gets the player who's interacting with the door.
+ Contains all information before a player interacts with an elevator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can interact with the elevator.
+ Gets the player who's interacting with the elevator.
+ Contains all information before a player interacts with a locker.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the interacting chamber.
+ Gets the chamber id.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can interact with the locker.
+ Gets the player who's interacting with the locker.
+ Contains all information before a player interacts with a shooting target.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the shooting target being interacted with.
+ Gets the button the player interacted with.
+ Gets or sets the new max HP of the target.
+ Gets or sets the new auto reset time of the target.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the interaction is allowed.
+ Gets the player interacting with the shooting target.
+ Contains all information before a player speaks to the intercom.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's going to speak on the intercom.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can speak on the intercom.
+ Contains all information before muting a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's being muted.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player is being intercom muted or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can be muted.
+ Contains all information after adding an item to a player's inventory.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The the item was added to.
+ The added .
+ The the originated from, or if the item was not picked up.
+ Gets the player that had the item added.
+ Gets the item that was added.
+ Gets the pickup that the item originated from or if the item was not picked up.
+ Contains all information after removing an item from a player's inventory.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The the item was removed to.
+ The removed .
+ The the originated from, or if the item was not picked up.
+ Gets the player that had the item removed.
+ Gets the item that was removed.
+ Gets the pickup that the item originated from or if the item was not picked up.
+ Contains all information after a player joins the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the joined player.
+ Contains all information before a player jumps.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's jumping.
+ Gets or sets the jump direction.
+ Gets or sets the jump speed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the client data can be synchronized with the server.
+ Contains all information after kicking a player from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the kick reason.
+ Gets the kicked player.
+ Contains all information before kicking a player from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ban target.
+ Gets or sets the kick reason.
+ Gets the full kick message.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not action is taken against the target.
+ Gets or sets the ban issuer.
+ Logs the kick, anti-backdoor protection from malicious plugins.
+ The name of the calling assembly.
+ The message to be logged.
+ Contains all the information after a lands on the ground.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the who's landing.
+ Contains all information after a disconnects from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who left the server.
+ Gets the left player.
+ Contains information before a report is sent to local administrators.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the reported player.
+ Gets or sets the report reason.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the report can be processed or not.
+ Gets the reporter.
+ Contains all information before a player makes noise.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's making noise.
+ Gets or sets the footsteps distance.
+ Contains all information before a player opens a generator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the generator can be opened.
+ Gets the generator that is opening.
+ Gets the player who's opening the generator.
+ Contains all information before a player picks up an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item can be picked up.
+ Gets the pickup that's being picked up.
+ Gets the player who's picking up an item.
+ Contains all information before pre-authenticating a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player's user id.
+ Gets the player's IP address.
+ Gets the request's expiration.
+ Gets the flags.
+ Gets the player's country.
+ Gets the request's signature.
+ Gets the reader starting position for reading the preauth.
+ Gets the connection request.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player can be authenticated or not.
+ Gets or sets the cached that is returned back to the NwPluginAPI.
+ Delays a pre-authentincating player.
+ The seconds of delay.
+ Indicates whether the delay is forced or not.
+ Redirects a pre-authentincating player.
+ The redirection port.
+ Indicates whether the redirection is forced or not.
+ Rejects a pre-authentincating banned player.
+ The ban reason.>
+ The ban expiration.
+ Indicates whether the rejection is forced or not.
+ Rejects a pre-authentincating banned player.
+ The ban reason.
+ The ban expiration.
+ Indicates whether the rejection is forced or not.
+ Rejects a pre-authentincating player.
+ The rejection custom reason.
+ Indicates whether the rejection is forced or not.
+ Rejects a pre-authentincating player.
+ The .
+ Indicates whether the rejection is forced or not.
+ Contains all information before a player receives a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The intensity the effect is being changed to.
+ Gets the receiving the effect.
+ Gets the being received.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating how long the effect will last. If its value is 0, then it doesn't always reflect the real effect duration.
+ Gets or sets the value of the new intensity of the effect. Setting this to 0 is the same as setting IsAllowed to
+ .
+ Gets the value of the intensity of this effect on the player.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the effect will be applied.
+ Contains all information after a player's weapon is reloaded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the being reloaded.
+ Gets the player who's reloaded the weapon.
+ Contains all information before a player's weapon is reloaded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the weapon can be reloaded.
+ Gets the being reloaded.
+ Gets the player who's reloading the weapon.
+ Contains all information before freeing a handcuffed player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The cuffer player.
+ The target player to be uncuffed.
+ Indicates whether the event can be executed or not.
+ Gets the target player to be cuffed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can be handcuffed.
+ Gets the cuffer player.
+ Contains all information before removing an item from a player's inventory.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the item to be removed.
+ Gets the pickup relative to the item.
+ Contains all information when checking if a player has a reserved slot.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the UserID of the player that is being checked.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the player has a reserved slot in the base game system.
+ Gets or sets the event result.
+ Contains all information before unmuting a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's being unmuted.
+ Indicates whether the player is being intercom unmuted or not.
+ Indicates whether or not the player can be unmuted.
+ Contains all information before a player searches a Pickup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the SearchSession.
+ Gets or sets the SearchCompletor.
+ Gets or sets the Pickup search duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Pickup can be searched.
+ Gets the Pickup that is being searched.
+ Gets the Player who's searching the Pickup.
+ Contains all information before a player sends a message in AdminChat.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pickup can be searched.
+ Gets or sets the message which is being sent.
+ Gets the player who's sending the message.
+ Contains all information before a player fires a weapon.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's shooting.
+ Gets the target .
+ Gets or sets the for the event.
+ Gets or sets the position of the shot.
+ Gets or sets the netId of the target of the shot.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the shot can be fired.
+ Contains all information after a player has fired a weapon.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The hit.
+ Gets the player who shot.
+ Gets the firearm used to shoot.
+ Gets the hitbox type of the shot. Can be !.
+ Gets or sets the inflicted damage.
+ Gets the shot distance.
+ Gets the shot position.
+ Gets the raycast result.
+ Gets the target of the shot. Can be !.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the shot can hurt the target.
+ Contains all information after spawning a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the spawned player.
+ the spawned player's old role.
+ Gets the who spawned.
+ Gets the player's old role.
+ Gets the reason for their class change.
+ Gets the spawn flags for their class change.
+ Contains all information after spawning a player ragdoll.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ragdoll's position.
+ Gets the ragdoll's rotation.
+ Gets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets the ragdoll's creation time.
+ Gets the ragdoll's nickname.
+ Gets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets the spawned .
+ Gets the Owner of the ragdoll.
+ Contains all information before spawning a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ the spawned player's old role.
+ Gets the spawning .
+ Gets or sets the 's spawning position.
+ Position will apply only for .
+ Gets or sets the 's spawning rotation.
+ Rotation will apply only for .
+ Gets the player's old role.
+ Contains all information before spawning a player ragdoll.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the spawning position of the ragdoll.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's rotation.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's scale.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets the ragdoll's creation time.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's nickname.
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets or sets the ragdoll's .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the ragdoll can be spawned.
+ Gets the Owner of the ragdoll.
+ Contains all information when a player stays on an environmental hazard.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's staying on the environmental hazard.
+ Contains all information before a player turns off a generator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's flipping the switch.
+ The instance.
+ Indicates whether or not the switch of the generator can be flipped.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the switch can be flipped.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the player who's filpping the switch of the generator.
+ Contains all information before receving a throwing request.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's sending the request.
+ Gets or sets the item being thrown.
+ Gets or sets the type of throw being requested.
+ Contains all information after a player throws a grenade.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's thrown the grenade.
+ Gets the item being thrown.
+ Gets the thrown grenade.
+ Contains all information after a player toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the new weapon's flashlight state will be enabled.
+ Gets the being held.
+ Gets the player who's toggling the weapon's flashlight.
+ Contains all information before a player toggles a flashlight.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the being toggled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the flashlight should be on.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can toggle the flashlight.
+ Gets the player who's toggling the flashlight.
+ Contains all information before a player toggles noclip.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's toggling noclip.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the noclip mode will be enabled or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can toggle noclip.
+ Contains all information before a player toggles overwatch mode.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player that is toggling overwatch.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether overwatch will be enabled or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event is allowed or not.
+ Contains all information before toggling a radio.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the which is being used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the radio is being turned on or off.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the radio can be turned on or off.
+ Gets the player who's using the radio.
+ Contains all information before a player toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the new weapon's flashlight state will be enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the weapon's flashlight can be toggled.
+ Gets the being held.
+ Gets the player who's toggling the weapon's flashlight.
+ Contains all information regarding the player using the radio.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's transmitting.
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can transmit.
+ Contains all information before triggering a tesla.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is in hurting range.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player will cause the tesla going to be idle.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player will cause the tesla going to be activated.
+ Gets the player who triggered the tesla.
+ Gets the Tesla.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player will be detected by the tesla.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the tesla will be deactivated.
+ Contains all information after a player's weapon is unloaded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the being unloaded.
+ Gets the player who's unloaded the weapon.
+ Contains all information before a player's weapon is unloaded.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the weapon can be unloaded.
+ Gets the being unloaded.
+ Gets the player who's unloading the weapon.
+ Contains all information before a generator is unlocked.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the generator can be unlocked.
+ Gets the generator that is going to be unlocked.
+ Gets the player who's unlocking the generator.
+ Contains all information after a player used an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the item that the player used.
+ Gets the player who used the item.
+ Contains all information before a player consumes a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's going to use the item.
+ Gets the item that the player using.
+ Gets the player who using the item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can use the item.
+ Contains all information before a player uses an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's going to use the item.
+ Gets the item that the player using.
+ Gets the player who using the item.
+ Gets or sets the item cooldown.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can use the item.
+ Contains all information before MicroHID energy is changed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the MicroHID instance.
+ Gets the current state of the MicroHID.
+ Gets or sets the MicroHID energy drain.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the MicroHID energy can be changed or not.
+ Gets the player who's using the MicroHID.
+ Contains all information before radio battery charge is changed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the which is being used.
+ Gets or sets the radio battery drain per second.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the radio battery charge can be changed or not.
+ Gets the player who's using the radio.
+ Contains all information after the server verifies a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the verified player.
+ Contains all information after a player presses the voicechat key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's voicechatting.
+ Gets or sets the 's .
+ Gets the 's .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can voicechat.
+ Contains all information before reporting a cheater.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the targeted player.
+ Gets the server id.
+ Gets or sets the report reason.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the report will be sent.
+ Gets the issuing player.
+ Contains all information before a Scp-0492 attacks a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets the player that is going to damaged by a SCP-0492.
+ Gets or sets the damage of the attack.
+ Contains all information after zombie consumes RagDolls.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ See for all RagDolls consumed.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-049-2.
+ Gets the RagDoll to be consumed.
+ Gets or sets a value about how mush heath the Zombie will get.
+ Contains all information before zombie consumes a ragdoll.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ See for all ragdolls consumed.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-049-2.
+ Gets the ragdoll to be consumed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether 049-2 can consume a corpse.
+ Contains all information before a enters Bloodlust.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The triggering the event.
+ The who is SCP-049-2.
+ Gets the who is target by SCP-049-2.
+ Contains all information before SCP-049 good sense of the doctor is activated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with information before SCP-049 sense is activated.
+ Gets the Player who is playing as SCP-049.
+ Gets or sets the Player who the sense ability is affecting.
+ Gets or sets the cooldown of the ability.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the Effect.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the server will send 049 information on the recall.
+ Contains all information before SCP-049 attacks a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player controlling SCP-049.
+ Gets the target of attack.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not target can be attacked.
+ Contains all information before SCP-049 finishes reviving a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-049.
+ Gets the player who's getting revived.
+ Gets the Ragdoll who's getting revived.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can be revived.
+ Contains all information before SCP-049 Call is activated.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-049.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the Call Ability.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the server will send 049 information on the call.
+ Contains all information before SCP-049 begins recalling a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's getting recalled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the recall can begin.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-049.
+ Gets the Ragdoll who's getting recalled.
+ Contains all information before adding a target to the SCP-079 scan.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the player who will be added to the scan.
+ Contains all information before a SCP-079 changes the current camera.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is SCP-079.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power that will be required to switch cameras.
+ Gets or sets the camera SCP-079 will be moved to.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can switch cameras.
+ Defaults to a value describing whether or not SCP-079 has enough auxiliary power to switch.
Can be set to to allow a switch regardless of SCP-079's auxiliary power amount.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 uses a speaker.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the room that the speaker is located in.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-079 is able to speak to players.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 changes rooms via elevator.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to teleport to an elevator camera.
+ Gets the SCP-079 wants to move.
+ Gets the SCP-079 wants to move.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can teleport.
+ Defaults to a describing whether or not SCP-079 has enough auxiliary power to teleport.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 gains experience.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the role that was used to gain experience.
+ The RoleType will be when it's not an assisted experience.
+ Gets or sets the experience gain type.
+ Gets or sets the amount of experience to be gained.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the experience is successfully granted.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 gains a level.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets SCP-079's new level.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the level is successfully granted.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 triggers a tesla gate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the that SCP-079 is triggering.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to interact with a tesla gate through SCP-079.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can interact with the tesla gate.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 lockdowns a room.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the of the room that will be locked down.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to lockdown a room.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can lockdown a room.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 loses its signal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The duration of the signal loss.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets or sets the duration that SCP-079 should lose its signal for.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 is allowed to lose its signal here.
+ Contains all information after SCP-079 loses its signal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The duration of the signal loss.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the duration that SCP-079 should lose its signal for.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 pings a location.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating if the sync matches.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the event is allowed to continue.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required for SCP-079 to ping.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the type of ping.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the position of the ping.
+ Gets the room where the ping is located in.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Contains information after SCP-079 gets recontained.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player that previously controlled SCP-079.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 turns off the lights in a room.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the room that will be locked down.
+ Gets or sets the duration of the blackout.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to black out the room.
+ Gets or sets the blackout cooldown duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can black out the room.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 uses a speaker.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the room that the speaker is located in.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to use a speaker through SCP-079.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can use the speaker.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 finishes using a speaker.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the room that the speaker is located in.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can stop using the speaker.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 interacts with a door.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can interact with the door.
+ Gets or sets the instance.
+ Gets the player who's interacting with the door.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to trigger a door through SCP-079.
+ Contains all information before SCP-079 lockdowns a room.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-079.
+ Gets the of the room that will be locked down.
+ Gets the send back to player.
+ Gets or sets the amount of auxiliary power required to lockdown a room.
+ Gets or sets the time of the blackout.
+ Gets or sets the blackout cooldown duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-079 can lockdown a room.
+ Contains all information before adding a target to SCP-096.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the that is controlling SCP-096.
+ Gets the being added as a target.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not the target was being target cause of looking it's face.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the target is allowed to be added.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 attacks someone.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets the player that is going to be damaged by the SCP-096.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage of the SCP-096 hit.
+ Gets or sets the amount of damage of the SCP-096 if the target is not a target of the SCP-096.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 calms down.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's controlling SCP-096.
+ Indicates whether or not SCP-096 can calm down.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-096.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether SCP-096 enrage time left should be cleared or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can be enraged.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 charges.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-096.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can charge.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 gets enraged.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-096.
+ Gets or sets the SCP-096 rage initial duration.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can be enraged.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 begins prying a gate open.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or Sets a value indicating whether or not the gate can be pried open by SCP-096.
+ Gets the to be pried open.
+ Gets the to be pried open.
+ Gets the player that is controlling SCP-096.
+ Contains all information before SCP-096 tries not to cry.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who is controlling SCP-096.
+ Gets the to be cried on.
+ the value can be null
+ Gets the to be cried on.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-096 can try not to cry.
+ Contains all information before SCP-106 attacks a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player controlling SCP-106.
+ Gets the target of the attack.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not target can be attacked.
+ Contains all information before SCP-106 use the stalk ability.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-106.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 can stalk.
+ Contains all information before SCP-106 uses the stalk ability.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the required minimum vigor to stalk.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-106.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 can stalk.
+ Contains all information before SCP-106 teleports using hunter atlas.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the teleporting position.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-106 can teleport using a portal.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-106.
+ Contains all information before a player sees SCP-173.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the target who has looked at SCP-173.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-173.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player can be added as an observer.
+ Contains all information before a Scp-173 snaps a player neck.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets the player that is going to be snapped.
+ Contains all information before a players blink near SCP-173.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the location the player is blinking to.
+ Gets or sets how long the blink cooldown will last.
+ Gets a of players who have triggered SCP-173.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is allowed to blink.
+ Gets the player who controlling SCP-173.
+ Contains all information before server handle SCP-173 blink network message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a of players who have triggered SCP-173.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player is allowed to blink.
+ Gets the player who controlling SCP-173.
+ Contains all information before the tantrum is placed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player's instance.
+ Gets the .
+ Gets the tantrum .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the tantrum can be placed.
+ Gets the player who's placing the tantrum.
+ Contains all information after a player stops looking at SCP-173.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-173.
+ Gets the target who no longer sees SCP-173.
+ Contains all information before an Scp-173 uses breakneck speeds.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can use breakneck speeds.
+ Gets the player who's using breakneck speeds.
+ Contains all information before damage is dealt to a .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The damage being dealt.
+ Gets the object that is damaged.
+ Gets the Damage handler for this event.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the can be broken.
+ Contains all information before a player opens SCP-244.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value representing the being opened.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can open SCP-244.
+ Contains all information before SCP-244 is used.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the Scp244 instance.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SCP-244 can be used.
+ Gets the player who's using the SCP-244.
+ Contains all information before SCP-3114 changes its dancing status.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-3114 is dancing.
+ Gets or sets the bound dance.
+ Contains all information after SCP-3114 disguised.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information before SCP-3114 disguises to a new role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information after SCP-3114 reveals.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the reveal is manual or not.
+ Contains all information before SCP-3114 reveals.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the reveal is manual or not.
+ Contains all information after SCP-3114 slaps.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the SCP-3114.
+ Gets the SCP-3114.
+ Contains all information before strangling a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets the being strangled.
+ Contains all information before SCP-3114 tries to use a body.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains all information prior to sending voiceline SCP-3114.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Contains all information before a player drops a SCP-330 candy.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the type of candy drop.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the player can interact with SCP-330.
+ Gets the player who's interacting with SCP-330.
+ Contains all information after a player has eaten SCP-330.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets the that was eaten by the player.
+ Contains all information before a player eats SCP-330.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ Gets or sets the that is being eaten by the player.
+ Contains all information before a player interacts with SCP-330.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating how many times this player has interacted with SCP-330.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating the type of candy that will be received from this interaction.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the player's hands should get severed.
+ Contains all information before a player activates SCP-914.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-914 can be activated.
+ Gets the player who's activating SCP-914.
+ Contains all information before a player changes the SCP-914 knob setting.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the SCP-914 knob setting.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-914's knob setting can be changed.
+ Gets the player who's changing the SCP-914 knob setting.
+ Contains all information after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the on which item was upgraded.
+ Contains all information after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the upgraded pickup.
+ Gets the on which item was upgraded.
+ Contains all information before SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets SCP-914 working knob setting.
+ Gets or sets a that will be used for upgrading item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the upgrade is successful.
+ Gets a list of items to be upgraded inside SCP-914.
+ Gets the who owns the item to be upgraded.
+ Contains all information before SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a list of items to be upgraded inside SCP-914.
+ Gets or sets the position the item will be output to.
+ Gets or sets SCP-914 working knob setting.
+ Gets the for this item.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the upgrade is successful.
+ Contains all information before SCP-914 upgrades a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The being upgraded.
+ The being used.
+ Gets or sets the location the player will be teleported to.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not items will be upgraded.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not only held items are upgraded.
+ Gets or sets the being used.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the event can continue.
+ Gets the player that is being upgraded.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 changes its target focus.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The state of the focus.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 can focus.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 is currently focusing or un-focusing.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information after SCP-939 attacks.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 uses its lunge ability.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 uses its amnestic cloud ability.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Whether or not SCP-939 is attempting to place an amnestic cloud.
+ Whether or not the cooldown is ready.
+ SCP-939's amnestic cloud cooldown.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 can place an amnestic cloud.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 is ready to place its amnestic cloud.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939's amnestic cloud cooldown is ready.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating SCP-939's amnestic cloud cooldown.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before the footsteps are being shown to SCP-939.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Gets the player that triggered the ripple.
+ Gets the position of the ripple.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether footsteps are visible.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 plays a sound effect.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The sound that is being played.
+ Whether or not SCP-939's environmental mimicry cooldown is ready.
+ The cooldown of the environmental mimicry.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 can play the sound.
+ This will default to if is . In this case, setting it to will override the cooldown.
+ Gets the sound being played.
+ Gets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939's environmental mimicry cooldown is ready.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating SCP-939's environmental mimicry cooldown.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 plays a stolen player's voice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's voice was stolen.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 can play the stolen voice.
+ Gets the players who's voice was stolen.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 plays a stolen player's voice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's voice was stolen.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not SCP-939 can play the stolen voice.
+ Gets the players who's voice was stolen.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Contains all information before SCP-939 sees the player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The target being shown to SCP-939.
+ Whether or not SCP-939 is allowed to view the player.
+ Gets the player who's being shown to SCP-939.
+ Gets the player who's controlling SCP-939.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether visibility can be validated.
+ Contains all information before adding a new unit name.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The generated unit name.
+ The value indicating whether or not the unit name can be added.
+ Gets the generated .
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the unit name can be added.
+ Contains all information before assigning human roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets all roles to be assigned.
+ Contains all information before assigning SCP roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the players to be spawned.
+ Gets or sets all roles to be assigned.
+ Gets all chosen player's reference hubs.
+ Contains all information choosing the team to be assigned to a player.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the team respawn queue.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the team can be assigned.
+ Gets the team respawn queue in a string value.
+ The actual modified team respawn queue.
+ Contains all information before deploying a human role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets the original to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets or sets the role to be deployed.
+ Contains all information before deploying a SCP role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The players from which retrieve the player to be spawned from.
+ All enqueued SCPs.
+ Gets or sets the to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets the original to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets or sets the role to be deployed.
+ Gets all roles to be assigned.
+ Gets all chosen player's reference hubs.
+ Contains all information before deploying a team role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets the original to be fired to deploy the role.
+ Gets or sets the player to be deployed.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the role's deployment is reliable.
+ When set to , the will not be counted among respawned players.
+ Gets or sets the role to be deployed.
+ Contains all information before ending a round.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the round summary class list.
+ Gets or sets the leading team.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the round is ended by API call.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event can be executed or not.
+ Contains all information before setting up the environment for the assignment of human roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the human queue.
+ Gets or sets the human queue length.
+ Contains all information before setting up the environment for the assignment of SCP roles.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the amount of SCPs to be spawned.
+ Contains all information before setting up the environment for respawning a wave of or
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the .
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount of respawnable players.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating what the next respawnable team is.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the spawn can occur.
+ Contains all information after a team has spawned.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets all spawned players.
+ Gets the spawned team.
+ Contains all information before spawning a wave of or
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the list of players that are going to be respawned.
+ Gets a value the next team to be respawned.
+ Gets the maximum amount of respawnable players.
+ Gets or sets the RoleTypeId spawn queue.
+ Gets the current spawnable team.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the spawn can occur.
+ Contains all information after a new respawn sequence has been restarted.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Gets the sequence's timer.
+ Gets or sets the current .
+ Gets or sets the time for the next sequence.
+ Contains all information after the end of a round.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the leading team.
+ Gets or sets the round summary class list.
+ Gets or sets the time to restart the next round.
+ Contains all information before selecting the team to respawn next.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The used as the starting value for this event.
+ Gets or sets that represents the team chosen to spawn.
+ Contains all information before a player changes the warhead lever status.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the lever is enabled.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the lever status will change.
+ Gets the player who's changing the warhead status.
+ Contains all information before detonating the warhead.
+ Contains all information before starting the warhead.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The player who's going to start the warhead.
+ Indicating whether or not the nuke was set off automatically.
+ Indicating whether the event can be executed or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the nuke was set off automatically.
+ Contains all information before stopping the warhead.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the warhead can be stopped.
+ Gets the player who's going to stop the warhead.
+ Patch and unpatch events into the game.
+ Gets the plugin instance.
+ Gets the used to employ all patches.
+ Patches all events.
+ Unpatches all events.
+ A simple coroutine manager wrapping MEC.
+ Starts a single coroutine and keeps track of it.
+ The coroutine to start.
+ A unique key to identify the coroutine. Defaults to the name of the caller method.
+ Starts multiple coroutines and keeps track of them.
+ A list of tuples containing coroutines and their unique keys.
+ Stops a running coroutine.
+ The unique key of the coroutine to stop.
+ Stops all running coroutines.
+ Checks if a coroutine is running.
+ The unique key of the coroutine to check.
+ True if the coroutine is running, otherwise false.
+ A versatile tool for dynamically and bulk registering/unregistering events.
+ Gets a value indicating whether events have been registered.
+ Registers all methods in the specified instances marked with .
+ The instances of classes containing listener methods to be registered.
+ Unregisters all currently active event handlers in this event group.
+ Registers all methods in the specified instance that have the [Listener] attribute.
+ The instance containing listener methods to be registered.
+ Unregisters all event handlers that were previously registered.
+ A utility class that scans for all available events.
+ Gets or sets a dictionary of event types and their corresponding event instances.
+ Retrieves all available event types and their corresponding instances.
+ A dictionary containing event types as keys and their corresponding instances as values.
+ Scans the assembly for event types and populates the dictionary.
+ An attribute to mark listeners.
+ Represents a group of features for a plugin, managing event handlers and coroutines.
+ A dictionary containing all feature groups identified by a key.
+ The key identifying this feature group.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Adds the feature group to the dictionary.
+ The key the feature group should be identified by.
+ Gets the handling registration of event handlers.
+ Gets the list of events pertaining to the .
+ Gets the list of MEC coroutines added to this .
+ Gets a value indicating whether the features in this group are registered.
+ Registers all supplied features.
+ Unregisters all supplied features.
+ Supplies a list of events to this feature group.
+ A params list that contains all event classes to be added.
+ The current instance of .
+ Supplies a coroutine to this feature group.
+ The coroutine to be added.
+ The current instance of .
+ Supplies multiple coroutines to this feature group.
+ The coroutines to be added.
+ The current instance of .
+ The custom delegate, with empty parameters.
+ THe custom delegate, with empty parameters. Holds async events with .
+ of .
+ An implementation of that encapsulates a no-argument event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a of delegates that are subscribed to the inner event.
+ Subscribes a to the inner event, and checks patches if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The to subscribe the to.
+ The to subscribe to the .
+ The with the handler added to it.
+ Subscribes a to the inner event, and checks patches if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The to subscribe the to.
+ The to subscribe to the .
+ The with the handler added to it.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event, and checks if unpatching is possible, if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The the will be unsubscribed from.
+ The that will be unsubscribed from the .
+ The with the handler unsubscribed from it.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event, and checks if unpatching is possible, if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The the will be unsubscribed from.
+ The that will be unsubscribed from the .
+ The with the handler unsubscribed from it.
+ Subscribes a target to the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Subscribes a target to the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Executes all listeners safely.
+ Runs the coroutine manually so exceptions can be caught and logged.
+ A class that logs exceptions that occur when handling events.
+ Logs an exception that occurred when handling an event.
+ The exception that occurred.
+ The name of the event.
+ The method that caused the exception.
+ The custom delegate.
+ The type.
+ The instance.
+ The custom delegate.
+ The type.
+ The instance.
+ of .
+ An implementation of the interface that encapsulates an event with arguments.
+ The specified that the event will use.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a of which contains all the instances.
+ Gets a of delegates that are subscribed to the inner event.
+ Subscribes a target to the inner event and checks if patching is possible, if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The the will be subscribed to.
+ The that will be subscribed to the .
+ The with the handler subscribed to it.
+ Subscribes a to the inner event, and checks patches if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The to subscribe the to.
+ The to subscribe to the .
+ The with the handler added to it.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event and checks if unpatching is possible, if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The the will be unsubscribed from.
+ The that will be unsubscribed from the .
+ The with the handler unsubscribed from it.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event, and checks if unpatching is possible, if dynamic patching is enabled.
+ The the will be unsubscribed from.
+ The that will be unsubscribed from the .
+ The with the handler unsubscribed from it.
+ Subscribes a target to the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Subscribes a target to the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Unsubscribes a target from the inner event if the conditional is true.
+ The handler to add.
+ Executes all listeners safely.
+ The event argument.
+ Event or its arg is .
+ Runs the coroutine manualy so exceptions can be caught and logged.
+ A tool for patching.
+ The below variable is used to increment the name of the harmony instance, otherwise harmony will not work upon a plugin reload.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a that contains all patch types that haven't been patched.
+ Gets a set of types and methods for which EXILED patches should not be run.
+ Gets the instance.
+ Patches all events that target a specific .
+ The all matching patches should target.
+ Patches all events.
+ Whether to patch events as well as all required patches.
+ the number of failed patch returned.
+ Checks the list and un-patches any methods that have been defined there. Once un-patching has been done, they can be patched by plugins, but will not be re-patchable by Exiled until a server reboot.
+ Unpatches all events.
+ Gets all types that have a attributed to them.
+ A of all patch types.
+ A class with information about a verified plugin.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the plugin id.
+ Gets or sets the plugin name.
+ Gets or sets the plugin author.
+ Gets or sets the plugin description.
+ Gets or sets the URL to plugin repository.
+ Gets or sets name of the file that we should download.
+ Returns a verified plugin in a human-readable format.
+ Human-readable string.
+ Cassie related events.
+ Invoked before sending a cassie message.
+ Called before sending a cassie message.
+ The instance.
+ Handles event.
+ Handles event.
+ Called once the map is generated.
+ This fixes an issue where
+ all those extensions that
+ require calling the central
+ property of the Map class in
+ the API were corrupted due to
+ a missed call, such as before
+ getting the elevator type.
+ Handles adding and removing from .
+ Called after a pickup is spawned. Hooked to .
+ The spawned Pickup.
+ Called before a pickup is destroyed. Hooked to .
+ The destroyed Pickup.
+ Handles adding and removing from .
+ Called after a ragdoll is spawned. Hooked to .
+ The spawned ragdoll.
+ Called before a ragdoll is destroyed. Hooked to .
+ The destroyed ragdoll.
+ Handles some round clean-up events and some others related to players.
+ Handles scene unload event.
+ Called once when the server changes the scene.
+ This fixes the main issue with ghost mode,
+ when it spams with a NRE error.
+ Before that, we were clearing the cache
+ on WaitForPlayers event, but
+ sometimes (ordinally on silent rount restart)
+ the server accepts players' tokens before
+ WaitForPlayers event is called.
+ Item related events.
+ Invoked before the ammo of an firearm are changed.
+ Invoked before item attachments are changed.
+ Invoked after item attachments are changed.
+ Invoked before receiving a preference.
+ Invoked before a keycard interacts with a door.
+ Invoked before a melee item is swung.
+ Invoked before a is charged.
+ Invoked before a radio pickup is draining battery.
+ Invoked before jailbird breaks.
+ Called before the ammo of an firearm is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before item attachments are changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called after item attachments are changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before receiving a preference.
+ The instance.
+ Called before keycard interacts with a door.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a melee item is swung.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a is charged.
+ The instance.
+ Called before radio pickup is draining battery.
+ The instance.
+ Called before jailbird breaks.
+ The instance.
+ Map related events.
+ Invoked before placing bullet holes.
+ Invoked before placing blood.
+ Invoked before announcing the light containment zone decontamination.
+ Invoked before announcing an SCP termination.
+ Invoked before announcing the NTF entrance.
+ Invoked before a has been activated.
+ Invoked before decontaminating the light containment zone.
+ Invoked before a grenade explodes.
+ Invoked before an item is spawned.
+ Invoked before an item is spawned in locker.
+ Invoked after the map is generated.
+ Invoked before the server changes a pickup into a grenade, when triggered by an explosion.
+ Invoked after the server changes a pickup into a grenade, when triggered by an explosion.
+ Invoked before turning off lights.
+ Invoked after an pickup is spawned.
+ Invoked after an pickup is destroyed.
+ Invoked before a team vehicle is spawned.
+ Called before spawning Scp244.
+ Called before dealing damage to the door.
+ Called before destroying the door.
+ Called before destroyed the door.
+ Invoked before an item is placed in the pocket dimension.
+ Invoked before elevator starts moving.
+ Invoked after an elevator has arrived.
+ Called before placing a decal.
+ The instance.
+ Called before placing bloods.
+ The instance.
+ Called before announcing the light containment zone decontamination.
+ The instance.
+ Called before announcing an SCP termination.
+ The instance.
+ Called before announcing the NTF entrance.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a has been activated.
+ The instance.
+ Called before decontaminating the light containment zone.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a grenade explodes.
+ The instance.
+ Called before an item is spawned.
+ The instance.
+ Called before an item is spawned in locker.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the map is generated.
+ Called before the server changes a into a live Grenade when hit by an explosion.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the server changes a into a live Grenade when hit by an explosion.
+ The instance.
+ Called before turning off lights.
+ The instance.
+ Called after an pickup is spawned.
+ The instance.
+ Called after an pickup is destroyed.
+ The instance.
+ Invoked before a team vehicle is spawned.
+ The instance.
+ Called before destroyed the door.
+ The instance.
+ Called before destroying the door.
+ The instance.
+ Called before dealing damage to the door.
+ The instance.
+ Called before spawning Scp244.
+ The instance.
+ Called before an item is dropped in the pocket dimension.
+ The instnace.
+ Called before elevator starts moving.
+ The instance.
+ Called after an elevator has arrived.
+ The instance.
+ Player related events.
+ Invoked when sending a complaint about a player to the local server administrators.
+ Invoked when a player reports a cheater.
+ Invoked before authenticating a .
+ Invoked before reserved slot is finalized for a .
+ Invoked before kicking a from the server.
+ Invoked after a has been kicked from the server.
+ Invoked before banning a from the server.
+ Invoked after a has been banned from the server.
+ Invoked after a is changing danger state.
+ Invoked before a earns an achievement.
+ Will not fire for certain client-side achievements.
+ Invoked before using an .
+ Invoked after a uses an .
+ Invoked after a uses an .
+ Invoked after , if a player's class has
+ changed during their health increase, won't fire.
+ Invoked before a has stopped the use of a .
+ Invoked after a has stopped the use of a .
+ Invoked after a interacted with something.
+ Invoked before spawning a .
+ Invoked after spawning a .
+ Invoked before activating the warhead panel.
+ Invoked before activating a workstation.
+ Invoked before deactivating a workstation.
+ Invoked after a has joined the server.
+ Invoked after a has been verified.
+ Invoked after a has left the server.
+ Invoked before destroying a .
+ Invoked before hurting a .
+ Invoked after hurting a .
+ Invoked before a heals.
+ Invoked after a has healed.
+ Invoked before a dies.
+ Invoked after a died.
+ Invoked before changing a role.
+ If is set to when Escape is , tickets will still be given to the escapee's team even though they will 'fail' to escape. Use to block escapes instead.
+ Invoked afer throwing an .
+ Invoked before receving a throwing request an .
+ Invoked before dropping an .
+ Invoked after dropping an .
+ Invoked before dropping a null .
+ Invoked before picking up an .
+ Invoked before handcuffing a .
+ Invoked before freeing a handcuffed .
+ Invoked before a escapes.
+ Invoked before a begins speaking to the intercom.
+ Invoked after a gets shot.
+ Invoked before a shoots a weapon.
+ Invoked before a enters the pocket dimension.
+ Invoked before a escapes the pocket dimension.
+ Invoked before a fails to escape the pocket dimension.
+ Invoked before a enters killer collision.
+ Invoked before a reloads a weapon.
+ Invoked after a reloads a weapon.
+ Invoked before spawning a .
+ Invoked after a has spawned.
+ Invoked after a held changes.
+ Invoked before a held changes.
+ Invoked before changing a group.
+ Invoked before a interacts with a door.
+ Invoked before a interacts with an elevator.
+ Invoked before a interacts with a locker.
+ Invoked before a triggers a tesla gate.
+ Invoked before a unlocks a generator.
+ Invoked before a opens a generator.
+ Invoked before a closes a generator.
+ Invoked before a turns on the generator by switching lever.
+ Invoked before a turns off the generator by switching lever.
+ Invoked before a receives a status effect.
+ Invoked before muting a user.
+ Invoked before unmuting a user.
+ Invoked before a user's radio battery charge is changed.
+ Invoked before a user's radio preset is changed.
+ Invoked before a MicroHID state is changed.
+ Invoked before a MicroHID energy is changed.
+ Invoked before dropping ammo.
+ Invoked after dropping ammo.
+ Invoked before a interacts with a shooting target.
+ Invoked before a damages a shooting target.
+ Invoked before a flips a coin.
+ Invoked before a toggles the flashlight.
+ Invoked before a unloads a weapon.
+ Invoked after a unloads a weapon.
+ Invoked before a triggers an aim action.
+ Invoked before a toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ Invoked after a toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ Invoked before a dryfires a weapon.
+ Invoked after a presses the voicechat key.
+ Invoked before a makes noise.
+ Invoked before a jumps.
+ Invoked after a lands.
+ Invoked after a presses the transmission key.
+ Invoked before a changes move state.
+ Invoked after a changed spectated player.
+ Invoked before a toggles the NoClip mode.
+ Invoked before a toggles overwatch.
+ Invoked before turning the on/off.
+ Invoked before a searches a Pickup.
+ Invoked before a send a message in AdminChat.
+ Invoked before a damage a Window.
+ Invoked after a has an item added to their inventory.
+ Invoked before a has an item added to their inventory.
+ Invoked before a has an item removed from their inventory.
+ Invoked after a has an item removed from their inventory.
+ Invoked before a enters in an environmental hazard.
+ Invoked when a stays on an environmental hazard.
+ Invoked when a exists from an environmental hazard.
+ Invoked before a 's nickname is changed.
+ Invoked before displaying the hitmarker to the player.
+ Called when sending a complaint about a player to the local server administrators.
+ The instance.
+ Called when a player reports a cheater.
+ The instance.
+ Called before reserved slot is resolved for a .
+ The instance.
+ Called before kicking a from the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has been kicked from the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called before banning a from the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a player's danger state changes.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a player has been banned from the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a earns an achievement.
+ The instance.
+ Called before using a usable item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before completed using of a usable item.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a used a item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a has stopped the use of a item.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has stopped the use of a item.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a interacted with something.
+ The instance.
+ Called before spawning a ragdoll.
+ The instance.
+ Called after spawning a ragdoll.
+ The instance.
+ Called before activating the warhead panel.
+ The instance.
+ Called before activating a workstation.
+ The instance.
+ Called before deactivating a workstation.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has left the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a died.
+ The instance.
+ Called before changing a role.
+ The instance.
+ If is set to when Escape is , tickets will still be given to the escapee's team even though they will 'fail' to escape. Use to block escapes instead.
+ Called before throwing a grenade.
+ The instance.
+ Called before receving a throwing request.
+ The instance.
+ Called before dropping an item.
+ The instance.
+ Called after dropping an item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before dropping a null item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a picks up an item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before handcuffing a .
+ The instance.
+ Called before freeing a handcuffed .
+ The instance.
+ Called before a escapes.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a begins speaking to the intercom.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a shoots a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a shoots a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a enters the pocket dimension.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a escapes the pocket dimension.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a fails to escape the pocket dimension.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a enters killer collision.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a reloads a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a reloads a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called before spawning a .
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has spawned.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a held item changes.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a held item changes.
+ The instance.
+ Called before changing a group.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a interacts with an elevator.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a interacts with a locker.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a triggers a tesla.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a receives a status effect.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a user's radio battery charge is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a MicroHID state is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a MicroHID energy is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a interacts with a shooting target.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a damages a shooting target.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a flips a coin.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a toggles the flashlight.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a unloads a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a unloads a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a triggers an aim action.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a dryfires a weapon.
+ The instance.
+ Invoked after a presses the voicechat key.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a makes noise.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a jumps.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a lands.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a presses the transmission key.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a changes move state.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a changes spectated player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a toggles the NoClip mode.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a toggles overwatch.
+ The instance.
+ Called before turning the radio on/off.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a searches a Pickup.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a searches a Pickup.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has an item added to their inventory.
+ The the item was added to.
+ The added .
+ The the originated from, or if the item was not picked up.
+ Called after a has an item removed from their inventory.
+ The the item was removed from.
+ The removed .
+ The the originated from, or if the item was not picked up.
+ Called before a has an item added to their inventory.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a has an item removed from their inventory.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a enters in an environmental hazard.
+ The instance.
+ Called when a stays on an environmental hazard.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a exits from an environmental hazard.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a damage a window.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a unlocks a generator.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a opens a generator.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a closes a generator.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a turns on the generator by switching lever.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a turns off the generator by switching lever.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a interacts with a door.
+ The instance.
+ Called before dropping ammo.
+ The instance.
+ Called after dropping ammo.
+ The instance.
+ Called before muting a user.
+ The instance.
+ Called before unmuting a user.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a user's radio preset is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before hurting a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called ater a being hurt.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a is healed.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a is healed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a dies.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has joined the server.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a has been verified.
+ The instance.
+ Called before destroying a .
+ The instance.
+ Called before a 's custom display name is changed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before displaying the hitmarker to the player.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a toggles the weapon's flashlight.
+ The instance.
+ Called before pre-authenticating a .
+ Returns the instance.
+ SCP-049 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-049 finishes reviving a player.
+ Invoked before SCP-049 begins reviving a player.
+ Invoked before SCP-049 uses the good sense of the doctor ability.
+ Invoked before SCP-049 uses the call ability.
+ Invoked before SCP-049 attacks player.
+ Called before SCP-049 finishes reviving a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-049 starts to revive a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-049 starts the good sense of the doctor ability.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-049 starts the call ability.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-049 attacks player.
+ The instance.
+ related events.
+ Invoked before a player triggers the bloodlust effect for 049-2.
+ Called after 049-2 gets his benefits from consumed ability.
+ Called before 049-2 gets his benefits from consuming ability.
+ Called before 049-2 damages someone.
+ Called before a player triggers the bloodlust effect for 049-2.
+ The instance.
+ Invokes after 049-2 gets his benefits from consumed ability.
+ instance.
+ Invokes before 049-2 gets his benefits from consuming ability.
+ instance.
+ Invokes before 049-2 hits someone.
+ instance.
+ SCP-079 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 switches cameras.
+ Invoked before gaining experience with SCP-079.
+ Invoked before gaining levels with SCP-079.
+ Invoked before triggering a tesla with SCP-079.
+ Invoked before triggering a door with SCP-079.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 teleports using an elevator.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 lockdowns a room.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 changes a speaker status.
+ Invoked after SCP-079 recontainment.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 loses signal.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 loses signal.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 sends a ping.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 turns off the lights in a room.
+ Invoked before SCP-079 turns off the lights in a zone.
+ Invoked before a target added to the SCP-079 scan.
+ Called before SCP-079 switches cameras.
+ The instance.
+ Called before gaining experience with SCP-079.
+ The instance.
+ Called before gaining levels with SCP-079.
+ The instance.
+ Called before triggering a tesla with SCP-079.
+ The instance.
+ Called before interacting with a door with SCP-079.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 teleports using an elevator.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 lockdowns a room.
+ The instance.
+ Called while interacting with a speaker with SCP-079.
+ The instance.
+ Called after SCP-079 is recontained.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 loses signal.
+ The instance.
+ Called after SCP-079 loses signal.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 sends a ping.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 turns off the lights in a room.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-079 turns off the lights in a zone.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a player is added to the SCP-079 scan.
+ The instance.
+ SCP-096 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 is enraged.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 calms down.
+ Invoked before adding a target to SCP-096.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 begins prying open a gate.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 begins charging.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 tries not to cry.
+ Invoked before SCP-096 damages someone.
+ Called before SCP-096 is enraged.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-096 calms down.
+ The instance.
+ Called before adding a target to SCP-096.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-096 begins prying open a gate.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-096 begins charging.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-096 starts trying not to cry.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-096 damages someone.
+ The instance.
+ SCP-106 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-106 attacks player.
+ Invoked before SCP-106 teleports using the hunter atlas.
+ Invoked before SCP-106 use the stalk ability.
+ Invoked before SCP-106 exit the stalk ability.
+ Called before SCP-106 attacks player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-106 teleports using the hunter atlas.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-106 use the stalk ability.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-106 exit the stalk ability.
+ The instance.
+ SCP-173 related events.
+ Invoked before players near SCP-173 blink.
+ Invoked before server handle SCP-173 blink network message.
+ Invoked before a tantrum is placed.
+ Invoked before using breakneck speeds.
+ Invoked before a player starts looking at SCP-173.
+ Invoked after a player stops looking at SCP-173.
+ Invoked before SCP-173 snaps a player neck.
+ Called before players near SCP-173 blink.
+ The instance.
+ Called before server handle SCP-173 blink network message.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a tantrum is placed.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a using breakneck speeds.
+ The instance.
+ Called before player starts looking at SCP-173.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a player stops looking at SCP-173.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-173 snaps a player neck.
+ The instance.
+ Scp244 related events.
+ Invoked before using an .
+ Invoked before an Scp244 take damage.
+ Invoked before an Scp244 open because the angle was too low.
+ Called before using a usable item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before an Scp244 take damage.
+ The instance.
+ Called before Scp244 open because the angle was too low.
+ The instance.
+ Scp3114 related events.
+ Invoked before disguising.
+ Invoked when disguised.
+ Invoked before trying to use a body.
+ Invoked when reveals.
+ Invoked after SCP-3114 slaps a player.
+ Invoked before reveals.
+ Invoked before sending any SCP-3114 voicelines.
+ Invoked before SCP-3314 changes its dancing status.
+ Invoked before strangling a player.
+ Called before diguising.
+ The instance.
+ Called after diguising.
+ The instance.
+ Called before trying to use a body.
+ The instance.
+ Called after reveals.
+ The instance.
+ Called after SCP-3114 slaps a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before revealing.
+ The instance.
+ Called before sending any SCP-3114 voicelines.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-3314 changes its dancing status.
+ The instance.
+ Called before strangling a player.
+ The instance.
+ Scp330 related events.
+ Invoked before a interacts with SCP-330.
+ Invoked before a drop a SCP-330 candy.
+ Invoked before a player eats a candy from SCP-330.
+ Invoked after the player has eaten a candy from SCP-330.
+ Called before a player eats a candy from SCP-330.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the player has eaten a candy from SCP-330.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a interacts with SCP-330.
+ The instance.
+ Called before a searches a Pickup.
+ The instance.
+ Handles SCP-914 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-914 upgrades a Pickup.
+ Invoked before SCP-914 upgrades an item in a player's inventory.
+ Invoked before SCP-914 upgrades a player.
+ Invoked before activating the SCP-914 machine.
+ Invoked before changing the SCP-914 machine knob setting.
+ Invoked after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Invoked after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ Called before SCP-914 upgrades a item.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-914 upgrades an item in a player's inventory.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-914 upgrades a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called before activating the SCP-914 machine.
+ The instance.
+ Called before changing the SCP-914 machine knob setting.
+ The instance.
+ Invoked after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ The instance.
+ Called after SCP-914 upgrades an item.
+ The instance.
+ Handles SCP-939 related events.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 changes its target focus.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 uses its lunge ability.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 uses its amnestic cloud ability.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 plays a stolen voice.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 will save Human voice.
+ Invoked before SCP-939 plays a sound effect.
+ Invoked after SCP-939 attack.
+ This event is calling only when attack doesn't have target.
+ Invoked before footstep displayed to SCP-939.
+ Invoked before validating visibility.
+ Called before footstep displayed to SCP-939.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 changes its target focus.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 uses its lunge ability.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 uses its amnestic cloud ability.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 plays a stolen voice.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 plays a stolen voice.
+ The instance.
+ Called before SCP-939 plays a sound.
+ The instance.
+ Called after SCP-939 attacks.
+ The instance.
+ Called before validating visibility.
+ The instance.
+ Server related events.
+ Invoked before waiting for players.
+ Invoked after the start of a new round.
+ Invoked before ending a round.
+ Invoked after the end of a round.
+ Invoked before the restart of a round.
+ Invoked before setting up the environment for respawning a wave of Chaos Insurgency or NTF.
+ Invoked before respawning a wave of Chaos Insurgency or NTF.
+ Invoked before adding an unit name.
+ Invoked before choosing the team to be assigned to a player.
+ Invoked before selecting the team that will respawn.
+ Invoked after the "reload configs" command is ran.
+ Invoked after the "reload translations" command is ran.
+ Invoked after the "reload gameplay" command is ran.
+ Invoked after the "reload remoteadminconfigs" command is ran.
+ Invoked after the "reload plugins" command is ran.
+ Invoked after the "reload permissions" command is ran.
+ Invoked after a team has spawned.
+ Invoked before setting up the environment for the assignment of human roles.
+ Invoked before setting up the environment for the assignment of SCP roles.
+ Invoked before assigning human roles.
+ Invoked before assigning SCP roles.
+ Invoked before deploying a SCP role.
+ Invoked before deploying a human role.
+ Invoked before deploying a team role.
+ Invoked after a new respawn sequence has been restarted.
+ Called before waiting for players.
+ Called after the start of a new round.
+ Called before ending a round.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the end of a round.
+ The instance.
+ Called before restarting a round.
+ Called before selecting the team that will respawn next.
+ The instance.
+ Called before setting up the environment for respawning a wave of Chaos Insurgency or NTF.
+ The instance.
+ Called before respawning a wave of Chaos Insurgency or NTF.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a team has spawned.
+ Called before adding an unit name.
+ The instance.
+ Called before choosing the team to be assigned to a player.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the "reload configs" command is ran.
+ Called after the "reload translations" command is ran.
+ Called after the "reload gameplay" command is ran.
+ Called after the "reload remoteadminconfigs" command is ran.
+ Called after the "reload plugins" command is ran.
+ Called after the "reload permissions" command is ran.
+ Called before setting up the environment for the assignment of human roles.
+ The instance.
+ Called before setting up the environment for the assignment of SCP roles.
+ The instance.
+ Called before assigning human roles.
+ The instance.
+ Called before assigning SCP roles.
+ The instance.
+ Called before deploying a SCP role.
+ The instance.
+ Called before deploying a human role.
+ The instance.
+ Called before deploying a team role.
+ The instance.
+ Called after a new respawn sequence has been restarted.
+ The instance.
+ Handles warhead related events.
+ Invoked before stopping the warhead.
+ Invoked before starting the warhead.
+ Invoked before changing the warhead lever status.
+ Invoked after the warhead has been detonated.
+ Invoked before detonating the warhead.
+ Called before stopping the warhead.
+ The instance.
+ Called before starting the warhead.
+ The instance.
+ Called before changing the warhead lever status.
+ The instance.
+ Called after the warhead has been detonated.
+ Called before detonating the warhead.
+ The instance.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the event and .
+ Processes Jailbird statuses.
+ instance.
+ type.
+ .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Supplements the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the , and events.
+ Patches
+ to add and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event and .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Trims colliders from the given array.
+ The list of colliders to trim from.
+ An array of colliders.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Adds event.
+ Adds event on encounter dangers.
+ Adds event on encounter dangers.
+ Adds event on encounter dangers.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches setter.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches to add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches setter.
+ Adds the .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
Adds the and events.
+ Patches .
Adds the , and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches for .
+ Patches for .
+ Replaces last returned to .
+ Patches the method.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches with .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds , ,
+ , and
+ , and
+ , events.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ .
+ Adds the and
+ the events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event and event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the , , , and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches the method to add the
+ event.
+ Patches for the event.
+ Patches the method to add the
+ event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches to add missing event handler to the
+ .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and events.
+ Patches the method.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches CheaterReport.UserCode_CmdReport__UInt32__String__Byte\u005B\u005D__Boolean(uint, string, byte[], bool) />.
+ Adds the and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the events.
+ Process shot.
+ The player.
+ The firearm.
+ The raycast hit.
+ The destructible.
+ The damage.
+ If the shot is allowed.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the events.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches delegate.
+ Adds the event.
+ Fix for spawning in void.
+ Patches .
Adds the and events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
Adds the event.
+ Patches .
Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ patches to add the
+ event.
+ patches to add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event,
+ event and
+ event.
+ Patches
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches the method to add the .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches Scp079VoiceModule.ServerIsSending />.
+ Adds the and the events.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event and for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event for SCP-079.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches the method.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches the method.
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches .
+ To add the event.
+ Patches .
+ To add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches to add missing logic to the
+ .
+ Patches to add missing event handler to the
+ .
+ Patches to add missing event handler to the
+ .
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and events.
+ Patches setter.
+ Adds the and event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches to add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches the method to add the
+ event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and event.
+ Patches the method to add the
+ event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and events.
+ Patches
+ to add the , and events.
+ Patches
+ to add event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches
+ to add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches setter.
+ Adds the .
+ Patches to add
+ , and events.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds and events.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and event.
+ Adds the Propperty.
+ Patches to add
+ , and events.
+ Patches to add the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches
+ to add and events.
+ Patch the .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the event.
+ Patches .
+ Fix than NW call before for AmmoItem.
+ Patches delegate.
+ Fix than NW don't set the field .
+ Fix for .
+ Patches the delegate.
+ Changes to .
+ Patches the delegate.
+ Sync .
+ Changes to .
+ Patches the delegate.
+ Sync , .
+ Changes to .
+ Patches to fix all grenade properties.
+ Fix for chamber lists weren't cleared.
+ Patches the delegate.
+ Fixes open doors getting easily broke.
+ Bug reported to NW (https://trello.com/c/6Nz7Isjm/4637-scp096-easily-breaking-opened-doors).
+ Patches .
+ Patches delegate.
+ Fix bug where Scp0492 respawn at wrong place partially fix nw bug (https://trello.com/c/T1P333XK/5482-scp049-able-to-revive-old-player-corpse?filter=SCP049).
+ Patches to help override in and .
+ Patches the delegate.
+ Fix than Scp3114Slap was giving humeshield even if player was not hit by Scp3114.
+ Bug reported to NW (https://trello.com/c/1AwpM8XE/5814-scp3114-is-able-to-get-humeshield-with-godmod-player).
+ Patches getter to fix Slowness effect.
+ Patches method to fix Slowness effect.
+ Fixes method.
+ Patches .
+ Fixes if a plugin gives you an weapon that you do not have ammo for, your attachments will not correctly appear on said weapon.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the as NW config.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patch for adding to list.
+ Patch for removing to list.
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ .
+ Patches for command logging.
+ Logs a command to the RA log file.
+ The command being logged.
+ The sender of the command.
+ Patches .
+ Implements .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches to add and functional.
+ Patch for controlling hazard list.
+ Checks friendly fire rules.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Use instead of this if the damage is not done instantly.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Use instead of this if the damage is not done instantly.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ FF multiplier.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Friendly fire multiplier is also provided back if needed.
+ Use instead of this if the damage is not done instantly.
+ Checks if there can be damage between two players, according to the FF rules.
+ The person attacking.
+ The person being attacked.
+ FF multiplier.
+ True if the attacker can damage the victim.
+ Friendly fire multiplier is also provided back if needed.
+ Patches .
+ Patches to allow or disallow friendly fire.
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the support.
+ Patches to save scale for pickups and control property.
+ Patches to control property for delayed spawned pickup.
+ Patches .
+ Implements , using and .
+ Patches .
+ Implements .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the , , property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the and property.
+ Patches .
+ Adds the property.
+ Patches .
+ Patch the .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Implements .
+ Patches .
+ Implements , and .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches .
+ Patches to add a adding workstation into list.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbbd95b
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9cfe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Loader.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+ Exiled.Loader
+ Automatically updates with Reference used to generate Exiled.
+ Gets which SCP: SL version generated Exiled.
+ The configs of the loader.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether outdated Exiled versions should be loaded or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether outdated plugins should be loaded or not.
+ Gets or sets the Exiled directory path from which plugins will be loaded.
+ Gets or sets the environment type.
+ Gets or sets the config files distribution type.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether testing releases have to be downloaded or not.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the game version should be validated before downloading the release.
+ Gets or sets which assemblies should be excluded from the update.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether Exiled should auto-update itself as soon as a new release is available.
+ Used to handle plugin configs.
+ Loads all the plugin configs.
+ The raw configs to be loaded.
+ Returns a dictionary of loaded configs.
+ Loads the config of a plugin using the distribution.
+ The plugin which config will be loaded.
+ The raw configs to detect if the plugin already has generated configs.
+ The of the plugin.
+ Loads the config of a plugin using the default distribution.
+ The plugin which config will be loaded.
+ The raw configs to detect if the plugin already has generated configs.
+ The of the plugin.
+ Loads the config of a plugin using the separated distribution.
+ The plugin which its config will be loaded.
+ The of the plugin.
+ Validates a config.
+ The plugin which its config will be validated.
+ A to validate.
+ Returns a validated config.
+ Reads, loads, and saves plugin configs.
+ Returns a value indicating if the reloading process has been completed successfully or not.
+ Saves default distribution configs.
+ The configs to be saved, already serialized in yaml format.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the configs have been saved successfully or not.
+ Saves separated distribution plugin configs.
+ The prefix of the plugin which its config is going to be saved.
+ The configs to be saved, already serialized in yaml format.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the configs have been saved successfully or not.
+ Saves plugin configs.
+ The configs to be saved.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the configs have been saved successfully or not.
+ Read all plugin configs.
+ Returns the read configs.
+ Clears the configs.
+ Returns a value indicating whether configs have been cleared successfully or not.
+ Reloads RemoteAdmin configs.
+ A class that contains the different EXILED loader messages.
+ Gets the default loader message.
+ Gets the easter egg loader message.
+ Gets the christmas loader message.
+ Gets the halloween loader message.
+ Gets the loader message according to the actual month.
+ The correspondent loader message.
+ This class implements all possible MultiAdmin features.
+ Comparator implementation according to plugin priorities.
+ Public instance.
+ An API bridge to GitHub services.
+ The API template to get releases.
+ Gets all releases from a git repository.
+ The repository from which get the releases.
+ The settings.
+ The .
+ A [] containing all requested releases.
+ A set of extensions to be used along with https clients.
+ Gets all releases from a git repository.
+ The .
+ The repository from which get the releases.
+ The settings.
+ A [] containing all requested releases.
+ An asset containing all release data.
+ The release's id.
+ The release's tag name.
+ A value indicating whether the release is a pre-release.
+ The release's creation date.
+ The release's assets.
+ The release's description.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ An asset containing all information about a release.
+ The release's id.
+ The release's name.
+ The release's size.
+ The release's URL.
+ The release's download URL.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ An asset containing all settings to be used when getting releases.
+ The amount of results per page to be shown.
+ The page.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ Builds the query.
+ A query containing the specified settings.
+ A set of extensions to easily interact with Linux/Unix environment.
+ Sets rw and execution permissions given a file, for the current user and group.
+ The path of the file.
+ Used to handle plugins.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the plugins list.
+ Gets a dictionary containing the file paths of assemblies.
+ Gets the initialized global random class.
+ Gets the version of the assembly.
+ Gets plugin dependencies.
+ Loads all plugins.
+ Loads an assembly.
+ The path to load the assembly from.
+ Returns the loaded assembly or .
+ Create a plugin instance.
+ The plugin assembly.
+ Returns the created plugin instance or .
+ Gets an instance.
+ A class to get the instance of.
+ Returns the instance of a .
+ Gets an instance.
+ A class to get the instance of.
+ Returns the instance of a .
+ Enables all plugins.
+ Reloads all plugins.
+ Disables all plugins.
+ Gets a plugin with its prefix or name.
+ The name or prefix of the plugin (Using the prefix is recommended).
+ The desired plugin, null if not found.
+ Runs the plugin manager, by loading all dependencies, plugins, configs and then enables all plugins.
+ The dependencies that could have been loaded by Exiled.Bootstrap.
+ A MEC .
+ Indicates that the passed type is derived from the plugin type.
+ Type.
+ if passed type is derived from or , otherwise .
+ Attempts to load Embedded (compressed) assemblies from specified Assembly.
+ Assembly to check for embedded assemblies.
+ Check UAC elevated (for Windows).
+ Loads all dependencies.
+ The Northwood PluginAPI Plugin class for the EXILED Loader.
+ The config for the EXILED Loader.
+ Called by PluginAPI when the plugin is enabled.
+ An asset containing all information about an assembly's version.
+ The assembly.
+ The version.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns
+ an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or
+ occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
+ An object to compare with this instance.
+ A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
+ The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes other in the sort order.
+ Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as other.
+ Greater than zero This instance follows other in the sort order.
+ An asset containing all data about a new version.
+ The release.
+ The asset of the release.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ An asset containing all information about a tagged release.
+ The release.
+ The asset of the release.
+ Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ Contains the extensions to get a path.
+ Gets a path of an assembly.
+ The .
+ The provided assembly is .
+ The path of the assembly or .
+ Gets a path of a plugin.
+ The .
+ The provided plugin is .
+ The path of the plugin or .
+ Used to handle plugin translations.
+ Loads all of the plugin's translations.
+ The raw translations to be loaded.
+ Returns a dictionary of loaded translations.
+ Loads the translations of a plugin based on the actual distribution.
+ The plugin which its translation has to be loaded.
+ The raw translations to check whether or not the plugin already has a translation config.
+ The of the desired plugin.
+ Reads, loads, and saves plugin translations.
+ Returns a value indicating if the reloading process has been completed successfully or not.
+ Saves default distribution translations.
+ The translations to be saved, already serialized in yaml format.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the translations have been saved successfully or not.
+ Saves plugin translations based on the separated distribution.
+ The prefix of the plugin which its translation is going to be saved.
+ The translations to be saved, already serialized in yaml format.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the translations have been saved successfully or not.
+ Saves plugin translations.
+ The translations to be saved.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the translations have been saved successfully or not.
+ Read all plugin translations.
+ Returns the read translations.
+ Clears the translations.
+ Returns a value indicating whether translations have been cleared successfully or not.
+ Loads the translations of a plugin based on the default distribution.
+ The plugin which its translation has to be loaded.
+ The raw translations to check whether or not the plugin already has a translation config.
+ The of the desired plugin.
+ Loads the translations of a plugin based in the separated distribution.
+ The plugin which its translations will be loaded.
+ The translation of the desired plugin.
+ A tool to automatically handle updates.
+ Gets the updater instance.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the updater is busy.
+ Initializes the updater.
+ The loader config.
+ The updater instance.
+ Checks for any updates.
+ Creates a HTTP Client, and checks at the Exiled-Team GitHub repository.
+ Client determining if it was successful connecting to the Exiled GitHub repository.
+ Finds an update using the client.
+ The HTTP Client.
+ Whether there is a new version of EXILED.
+ Whether there is an update.
+ Updates the client's version of Exiled.
+ The HTTP Client.
+ The updated version of Exiled.
+ Gets the releases of Exiled.
+ Gets the array of releases that has been made.
+ The last item in the array, which is the newest version of Exiled.
+ Finds the latest release.
+ The list of releases (array).
+ The most recent release of Exiled.
+ Finds the smallest version of the Exiled Library.
+ Whether the specific release was found.
+ Finds the specified asset.
+ Passes in the specified asset name.
+ Passes in the release version.
+ The asset that is tied to the release.
+ Whether it was able to find the asset.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79a346
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.xml b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36c307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/Exiled.Permissions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ Exiled.Permissions
+ Adds a permission to a group.
+ Adds a group to a permission.
+ Handles commands about permissions groups.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Removes a group from a permission.
+ Handles commands about permissions.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Reloads all permissions.
+ Removes a permission from a group.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the debug should be shown or not.
+ Gets the permissions folder path.
+ Gets the permissions full path.
+ Gets groups list.
+ Gets the default group.
+ Create permissions.
+ Reloads permissions.
+ Save permissions.
+ Checks a sender's permission.
+ The sender to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Checks a sender's permission.
+ The sender to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Checks a player's permission.
+ The player to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ if the player's current or native group has permissions; otherwise, .
+ Checks a sender's permission.
+ The sender to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ A response. Contains text only if function returned , otherwise will be .
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Checks a sender's permission.
+ The sender to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ A response. Contains text only if function returned , otherwise will be .
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Checks a sender's permission.
+ The sender to be checked.
+ The permission to be checked.
+ A response. Contains text only if function returned , otherwise will be .
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Checks a player's permission.
+ The player to be checked.
+ The permission for checking.
+ Returns a value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.
+ Represents a player's group.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether group is the default one or not.
+ Gets or sets the group inheritance.
+ Gets or sets the group permissions.
+ Gets the combined permissions of the group plus all inherited groups.
+ Gets or sets the disabled group permissions.
+ Gets the combined disabled permissions of the group plus all inherited groups.
+ Handles all plugin-related permissions, for executing commands, doing actions and so on.
+ Gets the permissions instance.
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0d630
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll.config b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d5861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.dll.config
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175bf66
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/NorthwoodLib.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/NorthwoodLib.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481cd5f
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/NorthwoodLib.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/PluginAPI.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/PluginAPI.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae946a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/PluginAPI.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/YamlDotNet.dll b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/YamlDotNet.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..425f5aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/bin/Debug/YamlDotNet.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d41d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7711476
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902c6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1180adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.Up2Date b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.csproj.Up2Date
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.dll b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0d630
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.dll differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175bf66
Binary files /dev/null and b/JoinLogger/obj/Debug/JoinLogger.pdb differ
diff --git a/JoinLogger/packages.config b/JoinLogger/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e397e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JoinLogger/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file