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File metadata and controls

515 lines (294 loc) · 17.3 KB


qfs node module provides wrappers with exposed q promise capabilities for fs asynchronous methods.

For full description of core node fs module please refer to official node fs documentation:

This module requires module {@link module:node_modules/q}


A promise object provided by the q promise library.

rename(oldPath, newPath)

q-wrapper for fs.rename


  • string oldPath old path
  • string newPath new path


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

ftruncate(fd, len)

q-wrapper for fs.ftruncate


  • number fd file descriptor
  • integer len amount of data to be truncated


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

truncate(fd, len)

q-wrapper for fs.truncate


  • number fd file descriptor
  • integer len amount of data to be truncated


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

chown(path, uid, gid)

q-wrapper for fs.chown


  • string path path to file
  • integer uid owner ID
  • integer gid group ID


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

fchown(fd, uid, gid)

q-wrapper for fs.fchown


  • number fd file descriptor
  • integer uid owner ID
  • integer gid group ID


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

lchown(path, uid, gid)

q-wrapper for fs.lchown


  • string path path to file
  • integer uid owner ID
  • integer gid group ID


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

chmod(path, mode)

q-wrapper for fs.chmod


  • string path path to file
  • integer mode value of mode in octal or integer format


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

fchmod(fd, mode)

q-wrapper for fs.fchmod


  • number fd file descriptor
  • integer mode value of mode in octal or integer format


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

lchmod(path, mode)

q-wrapper for fs.lchmod


  • string path path to file
  • integer mode value of mode in octal or integer format


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.stat


  • string path path to file


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with fs.Stats object.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.lstat


  • string path path to file


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with fs.Stats object.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.fstat


  • number fd file descriptor


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with fs.Stats object.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

link(srcpath, dstpath)

q-wrapper for


  • string srcpath path to source file
  • string dstpath path to destination


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

symlink(srcpath, dstpath, type)

q-wrapper for fs.symlink


  • string srcpath path to source file
  • string dstpath path to destination file
  • string type can be set to 'dir', 'file', or 'junction' (default is 'file'), only for Windows platform


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.readlink


  • string path path to link file


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with string content of link file.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

realpath(path, cache)

q-wrapper for fs.realpath


  • string path path to some location
  • object cache object literal of mapped paths that can be used to force a specific path resolution or avoid additional fs.stat calls for known real paths


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with string containg resolved path.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.unlink


  • string path path to file


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.rmdir


  • string path path to directory


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

mkdir(path, mode)

q-wrapper for fs.mkdir


  • string path path to directory
  • integer mode value of mode in octal or integer format, defaults to 0777


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

readdir(path, cache)

q-wrapper for fs.readdir


  • string path path to directory
  • object cache object literal of mapped paths that can be used to force a specific path resolution or avoid additional fs.stat calls for known real paths


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with array of the names of the files in the directory excluding '.' and '..'.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.close


  • number fd file descriptor


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

open(path, flags, mode)

q-wrapper for


  • string path path to file
  • string flags specify mode in which we open file, acceptable values: 'r' - Open file for reading. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. 'r+' - Open file for reading and writing. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. 'rs' - Open file for reading in synchronous mode. Instructs the operating system to bypass the local file system cache. This is primarily useful for opening files on NFS mounts as it allows you to skip the potentially stale local cache. It has a very real impact on I/O performance so don't use this flag unless you need it. Note that this doesn't turn into a synchronous blocking call. If that's what you want then you should be using fs.openSync() 'rs+' - Open file for reading and writing, telling the OS to open it synchronously. See notes for 'rs' about using this with caution. 'w' - Open file for writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists). 'wx' - Like 'w' but fails if path exists. 'w+' - Open file for reading and writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists). 'wx+' - Like 'w+' but fails if path exists. 'a' - Open file for appending. The file is created if it does not exist. 'ax' - Like 'a' but fails if path exists. 'a+' - Open file for reading and appending. The file is created if it does not exist. 'ax+' - Like 'a+' but fails if path exists.
  • integer mode value of mode in octal or integer format, defaults 0666


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with file descriptor (fd).
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

utimes(path, atime, mtime)

q-wrapper for fs.utimes


  • string path path to file
  • integer atime access time
  • integer mtime modification time


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

futimes(fd, atime, mtime)

q-wrapper for fs.futimes


  • number fd file descriptor
  • integer atime access time
  • integer mtime modification time


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.


q-wrapper for fs.fsync


  • number fd file descriptor


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position)

q-wrapper for fs.write
Original fs.write method return 3 arguments to callback: error, written & buffer.
Author of this wrapper wants to stick to q mantra as close as possible so every method provide to resolver 1 argument. Resolving method combines 2 arguments into one: {written: result, buffer: buffer}


  • number fd file descriptor
  • string|buffer buffer buffer of data that have to be written to the file
  • integer offset determine the starting point of datafrom buffer to be written
  • integer length specifying the number of bytes to read
  • integer position refers to the offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If position is null, the data will be written at the current position (defaults to null)


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with object in following notation {written: result, buffer: buffer}.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position)

q-wrapper for
Original method return 3 arguments to callback: error, bytesRead & buffer.
Author of this wrapper wants to stick to q mantra as close as possible so every method provide to resolver 1 argument. Resolving method combines 2 arguments into one: {bytesRead: bytesRead, buffer: buffer}


  • number fd file descriptor
  • string|buffer buffer is the buffer that the data will be written to
  • integer offset offset in the buffer to start writing at
  • integer length specifying the number of bytes to read
  • integer position specifying where to begin reading from in the file. If position is null, data will be read from the current file position (defaults to null)


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with object in following notation {bytesRead: bytesRead, buffer: buffer}.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

readFile(path, options)

q-wrapper for fs.readFile


  • string path path to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: encoding (string, defaults to null), flag (string, defaults to 'r')


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with readed data.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

writeFile(path, data, options)

q-wrapper for fs.writeFile


  • string path path to file
  • string|buffer data data to be written to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: encoding (string, defaults to 'utf8'), mode (integer or octal, defaults to 0666), flag (string, defaults to 'w')


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

appendFile(path, data, options)

q-wrapper for fs.appendFile


  • string path path to file
  • string|buffer data data to be written to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: encoding (string, defaults to 'utf8'), mode (integer or octal, defaults to 0666), flag (string, defaults to 'a')


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true.
    On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}.

watchFile(path, options)

q-wrapper for fs.watchFile
Original fs.watchFile method accept listener as one of arguments. This listener is used as a callback in case of any change made to the watched file.
By utilizing q notification capabilities we are able to mimic above listener behavior without loosing beauty of q premises. lease use .progress(function(result_object){...}); notation to receive events regarding watched file.
Method return 2 arguments to listener: current_stat & previous_stat. Author of this wrapper wants to stick to q manta as close as possible so this method provide to progress listener 1 argument. Resolver method combines 2 arguments into one: {current: current_stat, previous: previous_stat}


  • string path path to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: persistent (boolean, defaults to true), interval (integer, defaults to 5007 miliseconds)


  • external:Promise On event this promisse will be notified with object in following notation {current: current_stat, previous: previous_stat}.


q-wrapper for fs.unwatchFile
In its pure form this method really don't require wrapper, but because we used q progress as a listenerit will be difficult for user to provide proper function to detach watcher from file. This method will remove all listeners.


  • string path path to watched file


  • boolean Always return true.

watch(path, options)

q-wrapper for
This method is very specific and its port is not so straightforward. To keep simplicity of q promises & to avoid injecting any extra argument to deffered object this method return object that contains promise & object of type fswatch. Usage of promise is straightforward. Object of type fswatch have to be closed to delete handler.
E.g. var a = require('qfs').watch('path/to/file.txt'); a.promise.progress(function(...){...}).error(function(...){...}); ... a.handler.close();
Original method accept listener as one of arguments. This listener is used as a callback in case of any change made to the watched file. By utilizing q notification capabilities we are able to mimic above listener behavior without loosing beauty of q premises. Please use .progress(function(result_object){...}); notation to receive events regarding watched file.
Resolver method return 1 argument to progress listener: filename. This progress event / call == 'change' of file & is not specified (can be related to any type of action against watched file).
Author of this wrapper wants to stick to q manta as close as possible so this method provide error event only once. After that event user is expected to close handler on its own.


  • string path path to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: persistent (boolean, defaults to true)


  • external:Promise Returns object with the following notation: {handler: handler, promise:promise}. On event this promisse will be notified with object in following notation {event: event, filename: filename}. On error the promise will be rejected with an {@link Error}. Please remember to close handler after error.


q-wrapper for fs.exists


  • string path path to file


  • external:Promise On success the promise will be resolved with true or false depanding on fact if file exists.

createReadStream(path, options)

q-wrapper for fs.createReadStream
In its pure form this method really don't require wrapper, created for convinience of usage


  • string path path to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: flags (string, defaults to 'r'), encoding (string, defaults to null), fd (file, defaults to null), mode (integer or octal, defaults to 0666), autoClose (boolean, defaults to true)


  • ReadStream Returns read stream object

createWriteStream(path, options)

q-wrapper for fs.createReadStream
In its pure form this method really don't require wrapper, created for convinience of usage


  • string path path to file
  • object options can contain one of following options: flags (string, defaults to 'w'), encoding (string, defaults to null), mode (integer or octal, defaults to 0666)


  • WriteStream Returns read stream object