Azure Quick Review (azqr) creates an excel spreadsheet with the following sections:
The overview section contains the following information:
- Subscription Id
- Resource Group name
- Location
- Resource Type
- Resource Name
- SLA: SLA for the service given the current configuration.
- AZ: True if the service is Availability Zone aware.
- PVT: True if the service has a private IP address.
- DS: True if the service has diagnotic settings enabled.
- CAF: True if the service is compliant with the Cloud Adoption Framework naming covention.
The recommendations section contains a summary of the recommendations for the scanned services:
- Rule Id
- Category: Rule category
- Subcategory: Rule subcategory
- Description: Rule description
- Severity: Rule severity
- Learn: Link to relevant documentation
The services section contains the following information:
- Subscription: Subscription Id
- Resource Group: Resource Group name
- Location
- Type: Resource type
- Service Name
- Category: Rule category
- Subcategory: Rule subcategory
- Severity: Rule severity
- Description: Rule description
- Result: Rule result
- Broken: True if the rule is broken
- Learn: Link to relevant documentation
The defender section contains the following information:
- Name: Microsoft Defender for Cloud plan name.
- Tier
- Deprecated: True if the plan is deprecated.
This section shows the Azure Advisor Recommendations with the following information:
- Subscription Id
- Name
- Type
- Category
- Description
- PotentialBenefits
- Risk
- LearnMoreLink
Shows the Azure Costs for the period between the 1st day of the previous month and the day Azure Quick Review (azqr) is used to scan the services.