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System Requirements

n1zea144 edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 12 revisions

This page describes various system software required to run the cBioPortal.

Hardware requirements will vary depending on the volume of users you anticipate will access your cBioPortal instance. As a guideline, we run on an Intel Xeon 2.60GHz/8-core processor with 64GB of RAM. The public database consumes ~11 GB of disk space.

As of this writing, the cBioPortal software runs properly on MySQL version 5.0.x. The software can be found and downloaded from the MySQL website. After MySQL has been downloaded and properly installed, follow the procedure on the Database Setup page to import our seed database. If using MySQL, the Connector/J JDBC driver is also required.

As of this writing, the cBioPortal runs properly on Apache Tomcat version 6 and above. The software can be found and downloaded from the Apache Tomcat website. After tomcat has been downloaded and properly installed, visit the Software Configuration page for information on setting up required environment variables.

As of this writing, the cBioPortal runs properly within Java 7.0 JVM's and above. The software can be found and download from the Oracle website.

#Apache Maven

As of the writing, the cBioPortal source code is an Apache Maven driven project. The software needs to be downloaded and installed prior to building the application from source code.

If you plan to use our importer tool to annotate your mutation data and your mutation data files are based on build 36 (hg18) human reference sequence, you will need to download the UCSC liftover tool and associated chain file.