- This doc. describe setting up the HA VPN between 2 GCP networks.
# vpc creation
gcloud compute networks create ha-vpn-vpc-1 --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks create ha-vpn-vpc-2 --subnet-mode custom
# Setting up the GCP region for further resource deployment
export GCP_REGION=us-central1
# subnets creation
gcloud beta compute networks subnets create vpc-01-subnet-1 \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-1 --range --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute networks subnets create vpc-02-subnet-1 \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-2 --range --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud compute routers create ha-vpn-vpc-crt-01 --region=$GCP_REGION --network=ha-vpn-vpc-1 --asn=65001
gcloud compute routers create ha-vpn-vpc-crt-02 --region=$GCP_REGION --network=ha-vpn-vpc-2 --asn=65002
gcloud compute vpn-gateways create ha-vpn-gw-01 --network=ha-vpn-vpc-1 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud compute vpn-gateways create ha-vpn-gw-02 --network=ha-vpn-vpc-2 --region=$GCP_REGION
# Generating the random 32byte string for the tunnels shared-secret-key
export SHARED_SECRET_KEY=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32 ; echo '' `
# Tunnels for the vpc-1 for interface 0,1
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels create ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel0 \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-01 \
--peer-gcp-gateway ha-vpn-gw-02 \
--shared-secret $SHARED_SECRET_KEY \
--interface 0
--region $GCP_REGION \
--ike-version 2 \
--router ha-vpn-vpc-crt-01 \
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels create ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel1 \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-01 \
--peer-gcp-gateway ha-vpn-gw-02 \
--shared-secret $SHARED_SECRET_KEY \
--interface 1
--region $GCP_REGION \
--ike-version 2 \
--router ha-vpn-vpc-crt-01 \
# Tunnels for the vpc-2 for interface 0,1
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels create ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel0 \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-02 \
--peer-gcp-gateway ha-vpn-gw-01 \
--shared-secret $SHARED_SECRET_KEY \
--interface 0
--region $GCP_REGION \
--ike-version 2 \
--router ha-vpn-vpc-crt-02 \
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels create ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel1 \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-02 \
--peer-gcp-gateway ha-vpn-gw-01 \
--shared-secret $SHARED_SECRET_KEY \
--interface 1
--region $GCP_REGION \
--ike-version 2 \
--router ha-vpn-vpc-crt-02 \
- Configure the bgp session from the VPN tunnels console page, for each respective tunnels
"bgp-01" session for the ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel0
Cloud Router BGP IP:
BGP Peer IP:
Peer router ASN: 65002
"bgp-02" session for the ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel1
Cloud Router BGP IP:
BGP Peer IP:
Peer router ASN: 65002
"bgp-03" session for the ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel0
Cloud Router BGP IP:
BGP Peer IP:
Peer router ASN: 65001
"bgp-04" session for the ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel0
Cloud Router BGP IP:
BGP Peer IP:
Peer router ASN: 65001
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ha-vpn-vpc-1-allow-access-from-ha-vpn-vpc-2-fw \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-1 \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp \
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ha-vpn-vpc-2-allow-access-from-ha-vpn-vpc-1-fw \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-2 \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp \
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ha-vpn-vpc-1-allow-iap-access-fw \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-1 \
--allow tcp:22 \
--source-ranges \
--target-tags allow-iap-access
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ha-vpn-vpc-2-allow-iap-access-fw \
--network ha-vpn-vpc-2 \
--allow tcp:22 \
--source-ranges \
--target-tags allow-iap-access
# GCE VM in VPC1
gcloud compute instances create ha-vpn-vpc-1-instance1 --zone $GCP_REGION-a --subnet vpc-01-subnet-1 --no-address --labels=owner=user1 --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform --tags=allow-iap-access
# GCE VM in VPC2
gcloud compute instances create ha-vpn-vpc-2-instance1 --zone $GCP_REGION-a --subnet vpc-02-subnet-1 --no-address --labels=owner=user1 --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform --tags=allow-iap-access
export GCP_REGION=us-central1
gcloud compute instances delete ha-vpn-vpc-1-instance1 --zone $GCP_REGION-a
gcloud compute instances delete ha-vpn-vpc-2-instance1 --zone $GCP_REGION-a
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ha-vpn-vpc-1-allow-iap-access-fw
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ha-vpn-vpc-2-allow-iap-access-fw
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ha-vpn-vpc-1-allow-access-from-ha-vpn-vpc-2-fw
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ha-vpn-vpc-2-allow-access-from-ha-vpn-vpc-1-fw
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels delete ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel0 --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels delete ha-vpn-vpc1-tunnel1 --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels delete ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel0 --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels delete ha-vpn-vpc2-tunnel1 --region $GCP_REGION
gcloud compute vpn-gateways delete ha-vpn-gw-01 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud compute vpn-gateways delete ha-vpn-gw-02 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud compute routers delete ha-vpn-vpc-crt-01 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud compute routers delete ha-vpn-vpc-crt-02 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute networks subnets delete vpc-01-subnet-1 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute networks subnets delete vpc-02-subnet-1 --region=$GCP_REGION
gcloud beta compute networks delete ha-vpn-vpc-1
gcloud beta compute networks delete ha-vpn-vpc-1