Releases: themesberg/flowbite-svelte
Releases · themesberg/flowbite-svelte
What's Changed
- feat: make tr and td clickable by @RyanZhiNie in #452
Full Changelog: v0.28.2...v0.28.3
What's Changed
- feat: add target and {...$$restProps} to all footer components by @shinokada in #405
- fix: create MetaTag component by @shinokada in #406
- Modal - color support by @jjagielka in #407
- fix: search on:input by @jjagielka in #408
- fix typo ("typtography" -> "typography") by @jamesscottbrown in #409
- docs: remove duplication in Carousel page by @RyanZhiNie in #416
- fix: autoclose=false (default) by @jjagielka in #417
- feat: make AccordionItem transitions customizable by @RyanZhiNie in #415
- Allow value on Radio input to be a number by @seesharper in #418
- chore: add missing props by @RyanZhiNie in #419
- fix: transition func must return TransitionConfig by @RyanZhiNie in #420
- fix: - dropdown by @jjagielka in #425
- Checkbox group by @jjagielka in #427
- Speed by @jjagielka in #431
- fix: checkbox initial checked by @jjagielka in #434
- fix: floatinginput type changes by @jjagielka in #436
- feat: enhance DarkMode by @RyanZhiNie in #437
- Dependencies update & issue update by @shinokada in #439
- fix: og:image and twitter:image to replace spaces with - by @shinokada in #441
- fix: toggle initial checked by @jjagielka in #442
- add: Copy button to code block (ExampleWrapper) by @oliverwebr in #446
- fix: double scrollbar in docs by @jjagielka in #447
- fix: show the top of page after navigation by @RyanZhiNie in #449
New Contributors
- @jamesscottbrown made their first contribution in #409
- @seesharper made their first contribution in #418
Full Changelog: v0.27.12...v0.28.2
What's Changed
- fix: meta tag by adding type, url, and appId by @shinokada in #399
- fix: update meta images width and height by @shinokada in #400
- Add color to modal frame and type fixes by @shinokada in #401
Full Changelog: v0.27.11...v0.27.12
What's Changed
- feat: modal internal scrolling by @jjagielka in #314
- Modal2 by @jjagielka in #325
- fix: correction in using style and color by @jjagielka in #329
- fix: toc stickiness by @jjagielka in #330
- fix: update props and types page by @shinokada in #331
- feat: toast fine tune by @jjagielka in #332
- feat: add fetchMarkdownPosts in utils/index by @shinokada in #333
- Use API dir to fetch lib/types.ts content by @shinokada in #336
- Input by @jjagielka in #341
- fix: use vite to import a file as text by @shinokada in #342
- Accordion by @jjagielka in #345
- fix: props using vite named import by @shinokada in #347
- types cleanup by @jjagielka in #343
- fix: accordion slots + docs by @jjagielka in #349
- fix: input icons by @jjagielka in #350
- fix: color flicker when changing theme using DarkMode by @524c in #353
- fix: improved focustrap by @jjagielka in #354
- Update Modal.svelte by @jjagielka in #352
- Start CarouselTransition index at 0 by @andocodes in #356
- fix: input number workaround by @jjagielka in #351
- A11y update by @shinokada in #360
- fix: card padding-x in mobile view by @jjagielka in #358
- Fix Frame components delaying page dismount in Svelte-Kit. by @Hirtol in #363
- fix: ts types for Popper by @jjagielka in #362
- Drawer update by @shinokada in #366
- Navbar sidebar using Flowbite-Svelte by @shinokada in #367
- Tabs by @jjagielka in #368
- Modal by @jjagielka in #369
- fix: flitering by @jjagielka in #370
- Adding prefetch and using adapter-vercel edge by @shinokada in #371
- fix: card - restProps by @jjagielka in #373
- docs: add dropdown to sidebar menu by @shinokada in #374
- fix: #376 by @shinokada in #378
- fix: #379 by @shinokada in #380
- fix: restProps for NumberInput by @jjagielka in #382
- fix: optional Frame transition' by @jjagielka in #385
- Adding meta tags by @shinokada in #386
- fix: missing dropdown example by @jjagielka in #388
- feat: add disabling only outside click but not backdrop by @shinokada in #390
- docs: add colors page, primary colors to tailwind.config.cjs by @shinokada in #394
- Pagination by @jjagielka in #395
- Update to correct typo: 'stiped' => 'striped' by @pevey in #396
- fix: add default value to opacity and space of paragraph element by @seanwu1105 in #383
New Contributors
- @andocodes made their first contribution in #356
- @Hirtol made their first contribution in #363
- @pevey made their first contribution in #396
- @seanwu1105 made their first contribution in #383
Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.27.11
What's Changed
- Modal by @jjagielka in #189
- fix: megamenu centered in small screen by @jjagielka in #190
- feat: focus trap for modals by @jjagielka in #191
- fix: minor fixes / fine tuning by @jjagielka in #192
- feat: badges new features by @jjagielka in #194
- feat: alerts with lists by @jjagielka in #196
- feat: avatar w/tooltip / initials by @jjagielka in #197
- chore: fixed github typo in docs by @niklashaug in #198
- chore: cards documentation by @jjagielka in #204
- fix: #200 undefined in tooltips by @jjagielka in #205
- fix: alerts with list color removal by @jjagielka in #207
- chore: extra card examples by @jjagielka in #210
- feat: button group by @jjagielka in #218
- fix: dropdown open/close api by @jjagielka in #219
- docs: Spellcheck by @loremdipso in #214
- feat: modal - crypto by @jjagielka in #220
- feat: popover by @jjagielka in #231
- chore: google fonts as in by @jjagielka in #234
- feat: dropdown as Popper + fixes by @jjagielka in #235
- fix: docs for radio by @jjagielka in #236
- Buttons by @jjagielka in #239
- fix: buttongroup divider by @jjagielka in #242
- fix: avatar dot alignment by @jjagielka in #243
- Textarea by @jjagielka in #247
- Prevent DropdownItem to force full page-refresh if it contains a link by @AlessioGr in #250
- feat: toolbar by @jjagielka in #251
- Fix CLS in DropDown / Popper by @AlessioGr in #246
- fix: textarea docs by @jjagielka in #252
- Popper again by @jjagielka in #253
- Tooltip by @jjagielka in #254
- fix: docs fixes due to dropdown api change by @jjagielka in #255
- feat: frame abstraction by @jjagielka in #257
- fix: programatic popper open merged by @jjagielka in #258
- wrong input path by @JustMrMendez in #261
- feat: dropdown button by @jjagielka in #260
- fix: no dropdown docs by @jjagielka in #263
- fix: navbar updates by @jjagielka in #264
- feat: range - clean up by @jjagielka in #268
- fix: toast transitions by @jjagielka in #271
- fix: dropdowns tweaks by @jjagielka in #272
- fix: use relative paths instead of $lib alias inside of lib by @xyassini in #282
- Toc by @jjagielka in #286
- fix: mousenter by @jjagielka in #289
- Start from scratch by @shinokada in #293
- docs: add starters to Getting startedpage by @shinokada in #295
- fix(DropdownItem): remove redundant part after else by @xyassini in #299
- feat: mdsvexamples by @jjagielka in #300
- fix: tooltips/popovers by @jjagielka in #301
- Tweaks by @jjagielka in #303
- Sidebar arrow update by @shinokada in #304
- Fixed typo by @CrystalBallBe in #305
- docs: update titles for better SEO keyword targeting by @zoltanszogyenyi in #306
- docs: add components to README table by @shinokada in #308
- Tooltips update by @shinokada in #309
- feat: dropdown new version by @jjagielka in #310
- Tab update by @shinokada in #313
- Tab update by @shinokada in #315
- fix: add events to IconInput and on:input to Input components by @shinokada in #317
New Contributors
- @niklashaug made their first contribution in #198
- @loremdipso made their first contribution in #214
- @AlessioGr made their first contribution in #250
- @JustMrMendez made their first contribution in #261
- @xyassini made their first contribution in #282
- @CrystalBallBe made their first contribution in #305
Full Changelog: v0.22.17...v0.26.31
Full Changelog: v0.22.16...v0.22.17
What's Changed
- Fixed outdated link to svelte-heros icons list by @navtoj in #160
- feature: dropdowns extended examples by @jjagielka in #161
- forms-buttons reloaded by @jjagielka in #162
- fix: multi-dropdown detach by @jjagielka in #164
- fix: padding issues with dropdown by @jjagielka in #166
- Form buttons by @jjagielka in #167
- forms-buttons: missing examples and tuning by @jjagielka in #169
- fix: #165 toggle bind:group bind:checked by @jjagielka in #171
- fix: dropdown ChevronLeft position by @jjagielka in #172
- feat: select input #50 by @jjagielka in #174
- fix: #177 export visible/autohide by @jjagielka in #178
- feat: form buttons tinted removed by @jjagielka in #179
- Fixed small typo by @Hetarth02 in #180
- Fixed more typos and website layout by @Hetarth02 in #182
- Listgroup by @jjagielka in #183
- Megamenu by @jjagielka in #184
- fix: various minor fixes by @jjagielka in #185
- Cards by @jjagielka in #186
- fix: cards/, buttons by @jjagielka in #187
New Contributors
- @navtoj made their first contribution in #160
- @Hetarth02 made their first contribution in #180
Full Changelog: v0.21.7...v0.22.16
Full Changelog: v0.21.6...v0.21.7
Full Changelog: v0.21.5...v0.21.6