Retry asynchronous actions on error (rejection).
Supports signals, delays, max retries, and custom retry handling. If all tries fail, the last error will be thrown.
const response: Response = retry(
async (): Response => {
const res = await fetch('...');
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error('...');
return res;
// If the signal is aborted, retrying is canceled and the next error will
// be thrown.
signal, // Default: undefined
// Default delay, used unless onRetry returns a custom delay. It can also
// be an array to provide different default values based on the number of
// previous retries.
delay: 0, // Default
// Maximum number of retries (not including the first try).
retries: 2, // Default
// Can return a custom delay (number), true, or undefined to allow
// retrying. Returning false or throwing will skip retrying. The count
// will be 1 on the first error
onRetry: (error: unknown, count: number): number | boolean | undefined => {
// Default: Any error except AbortError is retried.
return !(error instanceof Error) || !== 'AbortError';