This is the registration system for the World Cube Association and is currently under development. For more info about the WCA visit the main repo here.
docker compose -f up
The frontend will then be running at http://localhost:3002/.
If you are running tests for development purposes (ie you want to run them multiple times and check passes/fails), do the following:
Run the server locally (see instructions above)
Open a command prompt in the registration-handler container:
2.1: Run
docker ps
and note the {container-id} of the wca_registration_handler (eg, "4ac2f5ba2a83")2.2: Run
docker exec -it {container-id} bash
Inside the docker container, run
bundle exec rspec
If you want to the test suite once-off, run
docker compose -f "docker-compose.test.yml" up wca_registration_handler --abort-on-container-exit
Connect to the docker container, then use one of the following:
- All tests:
bundle exec rspec
- A specific folder only:
bundle exec rspec spec/requests/registrations/{file-name}
- Only success or fail tests in a specific file:
bundle exec rspec spec/requests/registrations/{file-name} -e "{success or fail}
We use RSwag to generate the API docs from the structure of our spec (test) files.
contains theswagger.yaml
files which define our API spec.swagger.yaml
is automatically generated when you runrake rswag:specs:swaggerize
in the docker container (see "Running the tests" for instructions to run a command in the docker container)- With the server running, you can go to localhost:/3001/api-docs to view the swagger-ui
NOTE: Using RSwag can make test definitions appear convoluted. For example:
- You cannot stub requests with WebMock in a
block - you have to add acontext
block before theresponse
block where the request is stubbed. If you have 4 consecutive tests with 4 different stubbed endpoints, you have to add acontext
block before each test defined in aresponse
. It is annoying, but it is the price we pay for the convenience of RSwag
Tests are grouped by "context" into success/fail groups. Add the -e
flag to run tests matching search terms. So:
- To run success tests only:
bundle exec rspec -e success
- To run failure tests only:
bundle exec rspec -e failure