It can open following applications (in windows):
- Notepad
- Calculator
- Paint
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Chrome
- Control Panel
- File Exlorer
It can open following folders (in windows):
- Desktop
- Documents
- Downloads
- Music
- Pictures
- Videos
It can open some common websites:
- YouTube
- GitHub
- Wikipedia
- Gmail
- Amazon
- Netflix
- tell luna to "XYZ Wikipedia" and it'll give you a summary of that page (if it exists)
- tell luna to "Take a screenshot"
- tell luna to "tell me system info" and it'll tell you your cpu usage, disk usage, memory usage, and battery info
- tell luna to "up/down/mute/unmute the volume" to make changes in
- tell luna to "tell a joke/quote/fact" to hear them
- say "bye/exit/stop/quit" to end it all