Unit Tests
Run all unit tests
cd transcribe
python -m unittest discover --verbose .\tests
cd transcribe\app\transcribe
We use bandit for security scanning
bandit -c ./build/bandit.yaml -r .
To find only high level vulnerabilities run this command
bandit -ll -c ./build/bandit.yaml -r .
Install Winrar from https://www.win-rar.com/.
Winrar is required for generating binaries from python code. If you do not intend to generate binaries and are only writing python code, you do not need to install winrar.
Install pyInstaller
pip install pyinstaller==6.7.0
In the file generate_binary.bat
replace these paths at the top of the file to paths specific to your machine.
SET SOURCE_DIR=D:\Code\transcribe
SET OUTPUT_DIR=D:\Code\transcribe\output
SET LIBSITE_PACAGES_DIR=D:\Code\transcribe\venv\Lib\site-packages
SET EXECUTABLE_NAME=transcribe.exe
SET ZIP_FILE_DIR=D:\Code\transcribe\transcribe.rar
SET WINRAR=C:\Program Files\WinRAR\winRAR.exe
Run generate_binary.bat
file by replacing paths at the top of the file to the ones in your local machine. It should generate a zip file with everything compiled. To run the program simply go to zip file > transcribe.exe.
Note that installation files are generated every few weeks. So these file will almost always trail the latest codebase available in the repo. Latest Binary
- Generated: 2024-06-02
- Git version: 3b3502d
- Download the zip file from
Unzip the files in a folder.
(Optional) Replace the Open API key in
file in the transcribe directory:Replace the Open API key in
file manually. Open in a text editor and alter the line:api_key: 'API_KEY'
Replace "API_KEY" with the actual OpenAI API key. Save the file.
Execute the file