Releases: thm-mni-ii/feedbacksystem
Migration from v1.4.x to v1.5.0
Minio (#975)
Minio has been added to store all configuration files and all submission files. If the FBS is run with Docker/Docker Compose, a Minio service must be added. Apart from that, all old tasks should work as before and no further migration is required.
Docker-Compose Changes
The Example User and Password for the Minio Service should be changed
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 1171cb31..06acd23d 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ services:
- MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongodb:27017/sql-checker
- MONGODB_DATABASE=sql-checker
- SELF_URL=https://core
+ - MINIO_URL=http://minio
+ - MINIO_USER=admin
@@ -135,6 +136,27 @@ services:
start_period: 10s
retries: 3
+ minio:
+ image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z
+ volumes:
+ - ./data/minio_storage:/data
+ environment:
+ command: server --console-address ":9001" /data
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ networks:
+ fbs:
+ healthcheck:
+ test: [ "CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:9000/minio/health/live" ]
+ timeout: 10s
+ interval: 10s
+ start_period: 10s
+ retries: 3
context: .
Ldap Configruation (#1082)
If ldap is not used, no changes are required.
It is now possible to change more ldap configurations such as the attributes
used and ldap bind authentication
(Find out more here). As it is now possible to disable/enable ldap, the LDAP_ENABLED
option needs to be set to true
in order to restore the old behaviour.
Docker-Compose Changes
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 1171cb31..9067f9f5 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ services:
- MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongodb:27017/sql-checker
- MONGODB_DATABASE=sql-checker
- SELF_URL=https://core
- MINIO_URL=http://minio
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- Update storage service to use minio instead of local fs by @timst01 in #975
- [Core] Rework ldap authentication by @Zitrone44 in #1082
Fixed bugs 🐞
- After changing the task Media type, the validation will not be reset by @nicosoethe in #1090
- Date Time Picker Bug by @nicosoethe in #1125
- [Minio] Invalid file encoding when reading configuration files by @mxsph in #1123
- [Core] Task Api contains invalid attempts response by @mxsph in #1130
- [Web] Task visibility settings do not display the real value by @Medienkunzt in #1088
New core Features 🎉
- display course progress by @nicosoethe in #1100
- [API] add requirementType practice by @TimonPllkrn in #1111
- [API] Limit the number of submissions done by @SebastianEngl in #1101
- [WEB] add requirementType practice by @SiarNoozai in #1118
- [User] Add bcrypt password hashing by @Zitrone44 in #1050
- [API] Export functionality for multiple tasks or all tasks of a course by @timst01 in #1091
New checker Features 🎉
- [Excel-Checker] Propagated errors analysis by @pdrtzk in #1085
- [Excel-Checker] Optimize error analysis for input cells by @pdrtzk in #1105
- [Excel-Chekcer] Add handlers to extend the functionality of the excel checker by @pdrtzk in #1141
- [Math-Checker] Add formular comparision by @Zitrone44 in #1070
Dependency updates ⬆️
- Bump EvalEx from 2.5 to 2.7 in /modules/fbs-core/api by @dependabot in #809
- build(deps): bump bash from 5.2.12 to 5.2.15 in /runtime-images/bash by @dependabot in #1053
- chore: update and cleanup dependencies by @mxsph in #1150
- [Docker] Switch openjdk images to eclipse-temurin by @mxsph in #1132
Internal 🔒
- [CI/CD] Improvements by @mxsph in #842
- ci(deploy-test-system): wait until Docker image is deployed by @mxsph in #1086
- [CI] Include Kotlin in Coverage Report by @mxsph in #1092
- ci: fix add issue to project by @mxsph in #1112
- [Helm] Remove helm chart by @Zitrone44 in #1128
- docs: Update README by @TimonPllkrn in #1127
- docs: update README badges by @mxsph in #1151
New Contributors
- @SebastianEngl made their first contribution in #1101
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.5.0
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- [Math-Checker] Prevent error when setting empty cells by @Zitrone44 in #1079
- Tasks are not displayed to students by @SiarNoozai in #1084
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.4.2
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- [Docker] Resolve naming conflict for sql-checker image by @Zitrone44 in #1077
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- Logout does not work in the approx. 10 seconds after login. by @nicosoethe in #989
New core Features 🎉
- [Web] Add semester field to courses and auto archive old courses by @Medienkunzt in #920
- [API] Export functionality for single tasks by @pdrtzk in #981
- [Web] Unspecified Deadline by @SiarNoozai in #903
- [Web] show tasks only for lecturers tutors by @SiarNoozai in #1010
- [Mathe-Checker] remove rounding of math checker input values by @Zitrone44 in #1046
- sql playground improvement and enhancement of the db panel by @Medienkunzt in #1047
- sql playground submission of a task in sql playground by @nicosoethe in #1052
- fix duplicate column bug by @Medienkunzt in #1064
- show table data with button click by @Medienkunzt in #1065
New checker Features 🎉
- [Excel-Checker] Generatation of dependency graph for solution file by @mxsph in #1055
- Sql checker having by @Artorin in #783
- [sql-checker] Remove hardcoded mongodb database name by @Zitrone44 in #976
Dependency updates ⬆️
- build(deps): bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 by @dependabot in #890
- build(deps): bump thehanimo/pr-title-checker from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 by @dependabot in #865
- build(deps): bump tibdex/github-app-token from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 by @dependabot in #866
- build(deps): bump bash from 5.2.2 to 5.2.12 in /runtime-images/bash by @dependabot in #1008
- build(deps): bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /modules/fbs-core/web by @dependabot in #1040
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.29.0 to 5.46.1 in /modules/fbs-core/web by @dependabot in #1039
- build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /modules/fbs-core/web by @dependabot in #1035
- build(deps): bump from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /modules/fbs-core/web by @dependabot in #974
- build(deps): bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 in /modules/fbs-core/web by @dependabot in #956
- build(deps): bump php8-pecl-mcrypt from 7 to 8 in /runtime-images/bash by @mxsph in #1044
- [deps] fix dependencies by @TimonPllkrn in #1043
Internal 🔒
- [Chart] delete feedbacksystem-0.1.0.tgz by @Zitrone44 in #984
Other Changes
- [Math-Checker] Fix string comparision by @Zitrone44 in #987
- add Tabs for results by @Medienkunzt in #1038
- adjust templates by @Medienkunzt in #1069
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- Updating the course semester ID does not work by @mxsph in #933
- [SQL Playground] Error while storing larger Database Informations by @mxsph in #958
- [SQL Playground] The database information is deleted if the query returns an error by @mxsph in #966
- [SQL Playground] Error while executing SQL statements with special chars by @mxsph in #963
- [SQL Playground] Error while storing larger SQL statements by @mxsph in #962
- [SQL Playground] Add soft deletion of playground database and auto creation of playground entities by @Zitrone44 in #972
New core Features 🎉
- [API] Sort course results alphabetically by @pdrtzk in #941
- [Core API] Add cid to submission by @Zitrone44 in #946
- [SQL-Playground] implementation of the sql playground api by @Zitrone44 in #953
- extend sql input by optional number of tabs by @SiarNoozai in #902
- implement DB controll component by @Medienkunzt in #954
- docs(SQL Playground api): fix database creation method by @mxsph in #959
- add db schema component by @nicosoethe in #965
- [SQL Playground] Improve the
-Routes Data types by @mxsph in #973 - [SQL Playground] attach api to frontend components by @Medienkunzt in #982
New checker Features 🎉
- [Runner] Improve checker environment support by @Zitrone44 in #936
- Extension of the SQL Checker to cover persistent databases by @mxsph in #947
- [Excel-Checker] Refactor ExcelCheckerService by @pdrtzk in #942
Internal 🔒
- [Helm] Add helm chart by @Zitrone44 in #915
Other Changes
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- Checkers not showing after creation by @Medienkunzt in #886
- [API] Parse JSON null values as None by @mxsph in #885
New core Features 🎉
- add grid layout for sql playground page by @nicosoethe in #827
- add-result-table-for-sql-playground by @nicosoethe in #887
- runner configuration files by @Medienkunzt in #888
- [API] Show tasks only for lecturers/tutors by @timst01 in #814
New checker Features 🎉
- Improvement for the sql checker by @Jonas960 in #736
- [fbs-runner] Improve query isolation by @mxsph in #904
- Add DDL for SQL Runner by @Jonas960 in #850
- [Exel-Checker] Improve Reusability by @MaxRchtr in #896
Internal 🔒
- Add kotlin support to gradle build by @Zitrone44 in #874
- [CI] Fixing errors in the sql-checker deployment by @mxsph in #878
- [CI] Fixing errors in the sql-checker deployment - 2 by @mxsph in #879
- [Docker] Pins image versions in docker compose by @pdrtzk in #913
- Add minio to docker compose by @timst01 in #881
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
What's Changed
Fixed bugs 🐞
- [Web] Frontend build fails on windows by @mxsph in #722
- [API] Frontend build does not copy dist output by @mxsph in #724
- [API] The API package building process is executed before the web package is copied by @mxsph in #745
- The Excel shows an error for some of the deliveries although they are actually correct by @mxsph in #765
- [Docker] Fix missing frontend build by @mxsph in #813
New core Features 🎉
- [API] Add mongodb url to sql checker call by @Zitrone44 in #734
- [API] Remove
comment from docker service by @Zitrone44 in #735 - Remove Github Wiki from the options menu by @nicosoethe in #739
- [API] Allow unspecified Deadlines for Tasks by @pdrtzk in #753
- Link Logo to start page by @nicosoethe in #748
- Create Modal Component by @nicosoethe in #769
- Improve dialogues for deleting all users by @nicosoethe in #770
- No loading bar is displayed during a file upload for a submission by @nicosoethe in #771
- [API] Mark tasks as mandatory bonus/additional etc by @pdrtzk in #773
- Deadline: Change date format to European by @SiarNoozai in #762
- add navbar item with empty page by @nicosoethe in #815
- [API] Add semester field to courses by @timst01 in #754
- [Tests] Add database tests by @Zitrone44 in #821
- Fix editing task check configurations by @Medienkunzt in #826
- [Docker] Add multi layered build by @Zitrone44 in #824
- [Web] Mark tasks as "mandatory", "bonus/additional", etc. by @nicosoethe in #839
- Hide SQL-Playground for Normal Users by @TimonPllkrn in #858
New checker Features 🎉
- Relocate SQL-Checker from GitLab to GitHub by @Jonas960 in #729
- [Checker] Anonimize Excel submission by @MaxRchtr in #755
- Refactoring of the sql checker by @Jonas960 in #747
- I709 analyze data from the last semester with the sql checker by @JaWiss in #768
- I774 fix error where attempt and statement are swapped by @Jonas960 in #775
- First version for excel analysis by @MaxRchtr in #789
- [Excel-Checker] It should be possible to define multiple output fields by @mxsph in #820
- [Excel-Checker] Further analysis of the existing Excel submissions by @MaxRchtr in #836
New checker-api Features 🎉
Dependency updates ⬆️
- [CI/CD] init dependabot config by @mxsph in #791
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #794
- Bump actions/setup-java from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #792
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #796
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.2 in /modules/fbs-core/api by @dependabot in #797
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.2 in /modules/fbs-runner/checker by @dependabot in #804
- build(deps): bump actions/configure-pages from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #844
- build(deps): bump bash from 5.1.16 to 5.2.2 in /runtime-images/bash by @dependabot in #840
Internal 🔒
- Add a code formatter for the frontend by @mxsph in #684
- Update issue templates by @TimonPllkrn in #688
- Change of the folder structure by @mxsph in #687
- Update issue templates by @Medienkunzt in #712
- Update CODEOWNERS by @Zitrone44 in #727
- [CODEOWNERS] move default owners to the top by @mxsph in #731
- Fix CODEOWNERS by @Zitrone44 in #733
- [CI] Automatically add all new issues to the github Project by @mxsph in #741
- [CI] Update
version by @mxsph in #744 - [Docker] Dockerfile and healthcheck improvements by @Zitrone44 in #742
- [CI/CD] Add a Pull request verifier by @mxsph in #776
- [CODEOWNERS] change Dockerfile owners by @mxsph in #790
- [Docker] Improve Dockerfile build process by @Zitrone44 in #785
- add release notes configuration by @mxsph in #817
- [API] Adds workflow to publish the api docs with redoc on github pages by @pdrtzk in #830
- [API] Fix github pages workflow by @pdrtzk in #832
- [API] Fix publishing of distinct api docs by @pdrtzk in #833
- [CI/CD] Migration should only be able to be added in sequence by @mxsph in #837
- [Docker] Fix dockerfile copy statement by @Zitrone44 in #859
Other Changes
- Fix typos in
by @timst01 in #740 - [API] Adds test cases for task service by @pdrtzk in #829
New Contributors
- @TimonPllkrn made their first contribution in #688
- @Medienkunzt made their first contribution in #712
- @timst01 made their first contribution in #740
- @nicosoethe made their first contribution in #739
- @pdrtzk made their first contribution in #753
- @MaxRchtr made their first contribution in #755
- @JaWiss made their first contribution in #768
- @SiarNoozai made their first contribution in #762
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- #3 serve angular2 app spring boot by @bees4ever in #23
- Added MySQL configuration in docker-compose.yml by @vlad-sokyrsky in #24
- Update build.gradle by @bees4ever in #26
- #4 page login logout in #28
- #27: Add own builded JAR file to perform CAS Login. Based on https://… by @bees4ever in #31
- #36 lecture search in #37
- #11 lecture list in #38
- #35 implement first prototyp by @bees4ever in #39
- #41 jwt fix by @bees4ever in #42
- #40 rewrite restjson parameters by @bees4ever in #43
- #45 implement role system by @bees4ever in #47
- rework secrettoken-checker by @andrej-sajenko in #48
- #30 authentication service in #51
- #55 reimplement #44#45 by @bees4ever in #59
- #57 rest courses tasks by @bees4ever in #64
- Routes with fake data in #65
- #19 sql checker module by @vlad-sokyrsky in #66
- Moved files for better structural order in #67
- #61 implement testsystems ws by @bees4ever in #68
- #69: New login route: POST /login/token by @bees4ever in #71
- #61 implement testsystems ws by @bees4ever in #73
- #72 mange user logins by @bees4ever in #75
- Fake login in #77
- #70 all submissions by @bees4ever in #80
- #78 course data in #81
- #82 user subs in #85
- #70 all submissions by @bees4ever in #87
- #86 user unsub in #93
- #94 show tasks in #95
- #90 update task routes and controller by @bees4ever in #98
- Submit task in #99
- #88: - field of which subscription, get multiple course docents. by @bees4ever in #96
- Hot-Fix: Consumes JSON causes Exception by @bees4ever in #101
- #100 dashboard user in #102
- #103: First hack to use both files and strings in secret token check by @bees4ever in #104
- #105 manage courses in #106
- #97 submission result in #108
- #56 user roles by @bees4ever in #109
- #110: hotfix remove body params in GET routes by @bees4ever in #111
- #88 provide DB for anonymous courses / tasks by @bees4ever in #112
- #103 support download files by @bees4ever in #114
- #92 jwt token secrettoken checker by @bees4ever in #115
- #116: change 'GET /users/last_login' to 'GET /users' by @bees4ever in #117
- Admin management in #119
- #89: Provide solution to run python unittest by @bees4ever in #121
- Moderator management in #122
- #107 lecturer dashboard in #123
- fix #124 by @bees4ever in #125
- #18 lecturer manage task in #127
- Upload file for task update in #129
- #138: introduce field "deadline". Allow partial update from task by @bees4ever in #139
- #133 fix user delete by @bees4ever in #140
- Added check for uploaded script files for ST-Checker by @vlad-sokyrsky in #141
- enable cors by @bees4ever in #142
- #135 course submission matrix by @bees4ever in #143
- #136 provide zip file of submissions by @bees4ever in #144
- #134 docentsee also his tutors by @bees4ever in #147
- #145 grant rights by @bees4ever in #148
- #150: partial docent calculation by @bees4ever in #152
- #137 provide end date by @bees4ever in #151
- #153: allow also moderator to access GET /api/v1/users by @bees4ever in #155
- #149: use "userid" for grant routes by @bees4ever in #156
- fix embarrassing typo by @bees4ever in #158
- integrate lost jwt support and download files as binaries by @bees4ever in #159
- #160 result info task by @bees4ever in #161
- #157: Store also user string submission as file by @bees4ever in #162
- Privacy routes by @bees4ever in #164
- fix some litte format problem by @bees4ever in #174
- #167 format output by @bees4ever in #176
- Angular fix2 in #177
- #175 multi uploader by @bees4ever in #178
- #167 format output by @bees4ever in #179
- Update, delete of task in #181
- Docent Upload files in #184
- #182: Send role name by @bees4ever in #185
- #183: run every test file for secret-token checker by @bees4ever in #186
- #190 Introducing LDAP with Route fakes by @bees4ever in #191
- Fix angular ws url interaction by @bees4ever in #180
- Add dockerfiles by @vlad-sokyrsky in #188
- Update course in #189
- Login in #192
- added an SQL-Checker with kafka communication by @vlad-sokyrsky in #193
- Urgend Master Fix please merge by @bees4ever in #194
- fix gradle style, also pleas merge, otherwise we crashed travis by @bees4ever in #195
- Fix cas login cookies by @bees4ever in #197
- Timestamps fix by @bees4ever in #198
- Cas login2 in #199
- Make redirection more flexible by @bees4ever in #203
- #190: Implement complete LDAP based login by @bees4ever in #204
- Provide solution to log in with guest account by @bees4ever in #205
- Add extra route for "file acceptance flagg" and update README by @bees4ever in #206
- Fixes in #207
- fix some problems with wrong success information by @bees4ever in #209
- Fix gives back right courses in #210
- SQL-Checker update - order feature and timeout by @vlad-sokyrsky in #211
- fix: user deleting, course creation, task update, deadline, create gu… by @bees4ever in #212
- Angular documentary in #213
- fix student / course matrix passed field by @bees4ever in #214
- Fix submit tutors by @bees4ever in #215
- fix user delete by @bees4ever in #2...