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File metadata and controls

673 lines (495 loc) · 19.2 KB



This script is developed to provide an easy, customizable and effective way to monitor IBM TSM - (Tivoli Storage Manager) Servers.

It is composed of functions to check specific TSM resources. Each check returns the resource status. The available status for a resource are:

  • Ok / Warning / Critical

The status returned is based on defined thresholds for each check. For example, the function to check the TSM Database utilization:

        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db -h

        check tsm database utilization

        The default percentages are:
           warning..: 85
           critical.: 90

        Usage..: tsmmonitor db [options] [warning] [critical]

                 -v6     check database utilization for TSM version 6

        Usage..: tsmmonitor db [warning] [critical]
        Example: tsmmonitor db
                 tsmmonitor db 80 95
                 tsmmonitor db -v6 80 90

The status returned from db check depends on the warning and critical threshold values. These values can be customized using command line arguments:

        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db
        db: database utilization 81%, OK

        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db 80 90
        db: database utilization 81%, Warning

        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db 60 80
        db: database utilization 81%, Critical

Some nice features:

  • Supports multiples tsm servers (servername)
  • Can be used transparently as a nagios plugin
  • Alert notification mechanism (by e-mail)
  • Customizable threshold values for ok/warning/critical status in command line
  • Bourne shell (sh) compliance
  • Easy to add news checks

This script should work fine under most *NIX variants. It has been tested successfully under many Linux and AIX (4.3, 5.2 and 5.3). If you have any problem, please let me know.


Version 2.2, released on 07/11/2012 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • added support for TSM 6 for db and log checks
  • dbbkp - replaced sed by egrep. AIX sed does not have OR oper

Version 2.1, released on 11/09/2009 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • added falseprivate check
  • fixed bug drmvol

Version 2.0, released on 28/11/2008 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • the source code was rewritten.
  • there were changes on the command line options, so version 2.0 BREAKS BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY.

Version 1.0, released on 15/06/2007 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • First public version


Just download file: tsmmonitor

Using it is quite simple. It doesn't require installation. All you have to do is set three options in the source code. Edit the script and look for this section:

############### tsm server information
# dsmadmc command path

# tsm user to connect to the tsm server and perform the checks

# tsm user password

Only these variables must be changed. If everything is fine, you can now test the script:

prompt> tsmmonitor --help
prompt> tsmmonitor db

Take a look at the source code for more customizations.


The complete list of the available checks.

No Check Description
1 help show all checks help
2 db check tsm database utilization
3 dbbkp check how many tsm db backup there are in the last 24 hours
4 dbfrag check tsm database fragmentation
5 dbvol check number of database volumes not synchronized (copy status)
6 diskvol check number of disk volumes without readwrite access
7 drive check number of drives not online
8 drmvol check number of DRM volumes
9 falseprivate check false private tapes
10 lic check server license compliance
11 log check tsm recovery log utilization
12 logvol check number of log volumes not synchronized (copy status)
13 nodeslocked check number of nodes locked
14 numnodes check number of nodes
15 numsess check number of nodes sessions
16 path check number of paths not online
17 sched check the number of schedules not completed (only today's schedules)
18 scratch check number of scratch tapes
19 searchanr Search for a specific ANR in the last N hours (default is 1h)
20 stgpool check a storage pool utilization
21 tapeslib check how many tapes are in the library
22 tapesown check how many tapes have a specific owner
23 tapesstgpool check how many volumes are in a specific storage pool
24 unav check number of unavailable volumes
25 volerr check number of volumes with error (error_state)
26 volreclaim check for volumes with percentage reclaimable space greater than

TSMmonitor in Action

Some samples to show tsmmonitor in action:

prompt> tsmmonitor -h
Usage: tsmmonitor [options] [check] [options_check]


-u, --user          tsm user to connect to the tsm server
-p, --pass          tsm user password to connect to the tsm server
-s, --servername    specify tsm servername
-m, --mail          mail addresses separated by blank space
-q, --quiet         quiet mode, suppress all output (except errors)
-S, --source        print the check source code
-h, --help          print this help information and exit
-V, --version       print program version and exit

The following checks are available:

help, db, log, scratch, drive, path, dbfrag, unav, stgpool, volerr,
volreclaim, tapeslib, tapesown, tapesstgpool, dbbkp, numsess, numnodes,
nodeslocked, diskvol, dbvol, logvol, searchanr, drmvol, sched, lic

Try 'tsmmonitor <check> --help' for more information.

    tsmmonitor db --help
    tsmmonitor db
    tsmmonitor db -v6
    tsmmonitor -m='' db
    tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv01 db
    tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv02 db 85 95
    tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=xxx -s=tsmsrv02 db 85 95

Showing the help of db check:

prompt> tsmmonitor db -h

check tsm database utilization

The default percentages are:
   warning..: 85
   critical.: 90

Usage..: tsmmonitor db [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor db
         tsmmonitor db 80 95

Checking the TSM database utilization:

prompt> tsmmonitor db
db: database utilization 79%, Ok
prompt> echo $?

Checking the TSM database utilization specifying different percentage for warning and critical status:

prompt> tsmmonitor db 70 85
db: database utilization 79%, Warning
prompt> echo $?
prompt> tsmmonitor db 60 75
db: database utilization 79%, Critical
prompt> echo $?

Checking the number of volumes with error:

prompt> tsmmonitor volerr   
volerr: number of volumes with error 2, Critical

Checking the number of volumes unavailable:

prompt> tsmmonitor unav
unav: number of unavailable volumes 1, Warning.

Checking the number of volumes unavailable with verbose option:

prompt> tsmmonitor unav -v 
unav: number of unavailable volumes 1, Warning. Volumes: R00043L3

Checking the number of drives not online:

prompt> tsmmonitor drive
drive: number of drives not online 0, OK

Nagios Plugin

TSMmonitor can be used transparently as a nagios plugin. Nagios plugins are based on script return code:

  • 0 - normal
  • 1 - warning
  • 2 - critical
  • 3 - unknown

These are the same return codes used by TSMmonitor.

Alert Notification

You can use the alert notification to receive an e-mail when the status changes. This feature is disabled by default. To turn on, you have to change the following options in the source code:

############### send notification
# at every time that a check changes the status,
# an alert (notification) will be sent by mail. default is off
SEND_ALERT=0   # 1 = on and 0 = off

# e-mails which will receive the notifications. mail addresses are separated
# by blank space. ex: MAILTO='xxx@yyy.zzz aaa@bbb.zzz ppp@qqq.lll'

# temp directory where tsmmonitor will record check status.
# it is necessary to send mail when the check status changes

Remeber you can specify different mail addresses in the command line:

prompt> tsmmonitor db

You can use the cron to execute scheduled checks and receive the tsmmonitor alerts by e-mail.

prompt> crontab -l
*/15 * * * *    /PATH/tsmmonitor db      > /dev/null
*/10 * * * *    /PATH/tsmmonitor log     > /dev/null
*/10 * * * *    /PATH/tsmmonitor drive   > /dev/null
*/10 * * * *    /PATH/tsmmonitor path    > /dev/null
*/15 * * * *    /PATH/tsmmonitor scratch > /dev/null


HTML version of the command tsmmonitor help.

show all checks help

Usage..: tsmmonitor help
Example: tsmmonitor help
check tsm database utilization

The default percentages are:
   warning..: 85
   critical.: 90

Usage..: tsmmonitor db [options] [warning] [critical]

	-v6	check database utilization for TSM version 6

Example: tsmmonitor db
         tsmmonitor db 80 95
         tsmmonitor db -v6 80 90
check tsm recovery log utilization

The default percentages are:
   warning..: 60
   critical.: 80

Usage..: tsmmonitor log [options] [warning] [critical]

	-v6	check active log utilization for TSM version 6

Example: tsmmonitor log
         tsmmonitor log 80 95
         tsmmonitor log -v6 70 80
check number of scratch tapes

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 10
   critical.: 6

Usage..: tsmmonitor scratch [options] [warning] [critical]

 -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check for scratch in the library only

Example: tsmmonitor scratch
         tsmmonitor scratch 8 4
         tsmmonitor scratch -l=LTOLIB3 8 4
         tsmmonitor scratch -l=LTOLIB3
check number of drives not online

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor drive [options] [warning] [critical]

 -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check in the specific library only

Example: tsmmonitor drive
         tsmmonitor drive 2 3
         tsmmonitor drive -l=LTOLIB3 1 2
         tsmmonitor drive -l=LTOLIB3
check number of paths not online

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor path [options] [warning] [critical]

-s, --source=SOURCE_NAME   check path with a specific source name

Example: tsmmonitor path
         tsmmonitor path 2 4
         tsmmonitor path -s=LANFREE1 1 4
         tsmmonitor path -s=LANFREE1
check tsm database fragmentation

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 60
   critical.: 80

Usage..: tsmmonitor dbfrag [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor dbfrag
         tsmmonitor dbfrag 50 75
check number of unavailable volumes

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 5

Usage..: tsmmonitor unav [options] [warning] [critical]

-d, --deviceclass=DEVICE_CLASS   check only in a specific device class 

Example: tsmmonitor unav
         tsmmonitor unav 2 4
         tsmmonitor unav -d=LTOCLASS 2 4
check a storage pool utilization

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 80
   critical.: 95

Usage..: tsmmonitor stgpool <storage_pool_name> [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor stgpool DISK_POOL
         tsmmonitor stgpool DISK_POOL 50 75
check for volumes with write error and/or read error

Default, search for volumes with write or read errors

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 5

Usage..: tsmmonitor volerr [options] [warning] [critical]
   -r, --read                   test only read errors
   -w, --write                  test only write errors
   -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library

Example: tsmmonitor volerr
         tsmmonitor volerr -r
         tsmmonitor volerr 3 5
         tsmmonitor volerr -l=LTOLIB
         tsmmonitor volerr -l=LTOLIB 3 5
         tsmmonitor volerr -w -l=LTOLIB 3 5
check for volumes with percentage reclaimable space greater than 

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 5
   critical.: 20

Usage..: tsmmonitor volreclaim [options] [warning] [critical]
   -r, --reclaim=PCT_RECLAIM    pct reclaimable space (default: 80 pct)
   -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library
   -s, --stgpool=STGPOOL_NAME   check only volumes in the storage pool
   -V, --verbose                list the volumes found

Example: tsmmonitor volreclaim
         tsmmonitor volreclaim -r
         tsmmonitor volreclaim 3 5
         tsmmonitor volreclaim -l=LTOLIB
         tsmmonitor volreclaim -l=LTOLIB 3 5
         tsmmonitor volreclaim -w -l=LTOLIB 3 5
check how many tapes are in the library

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 90
   critical.: 86

Usage..: tsmmonitor tapeslib [options] [warning] [critical]

   -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library

Example: tsmmonitor tapeslib
         tsmmonitor tapeslib 120 115
         tsmmonitor tapeslib -l=LTOLIB3 120 115
         tsmmonitor tapeslib -l=LTOLIB3
check how many tapes have a specific owner

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 2
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor tapesown <owner> [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor tapesown tsmsrv01
         tsmmonitor tapesown tsmsrv01 4 5
check how many volumes are in a specific storage pool

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 40
   critical.: 50

Usage..: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool <storage_pool_name> [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool DAILY
         tsmmonitor tapesstgpool DAILY 30 45
check how many tsm db backup there are in the last N hours (default is 25h)

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 0
   critical.: 0

Usage..: tsmmonitor dbbkp [options] [warning] [critical]

   -t, --type=I,F,S       Specifies the type of backup to look for   
                          Incremental,Full,dbSnapshot (default is full only)
   -H, --hours=NUM_HOURS  how many hours ago to search for db backup

Example: tsmmonitor dbbkp
         tsmmonitor dbbkp 2 1
         tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12
         tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 2 1
         tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 -t=S
         tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 -t=F,S 2 1
check number of nodes sessions

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 15
   critical.: 20

Usage..: tsmmonitor numsess [options] [warning] [critical] [session_state]

  -s, --state=SESSION_STATE   Count only nodes sessions with a specifc state

Example: tsmmonitor numsess
         tsmmonitor numsess 100 150
         tsmmonitor numsess -s=MediaW 5 10
         tsmmonitor numsess -s=MediaW
check number of nodes

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 80
   critical.: 90

Usage..: tsmmonitor numnodes [options] [warning] [critical]

   -d, --domain=DOMAIN  Count nodes only in the DOMAIN

Example: tsmmonitor numnodes
         tsmmonitor numnodes 20 30
         tsmmonitor numnodes -d=SAP 20 30
         tsmmonitor numnodes -d=SAP
check number of nodes locked

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 4

Usage..: tsmmonitor nodeslocked [options] [warning] [critical]

   -d, --domain=DOMAIN  Count nodes only in the DOMAIN

Example: tsmmonitor nodeslocked
         tsmmonitor nodeslocked 2 4
         tsmmonitor nodeslocked -d=SAP 2 4
         tsmmonitor nodeslocked -d=SAP
check number of disk volumes without readwrite access

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 4

Usage..: tsmmonitor diskvol [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor diskvol
         tsmmonitor diskvol 2 3
check number of database volumes not synchronized (copy status)

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 2

Usage..: tsmmonitor dbvol [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor dbvol
         tsmmonitor dbvol 2 3
check number of log volumes not synchronized (copy status)

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 2

Usage..: tsmmonitor logvol [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor logvol
         tsmmonitor logvol 2 3
Search for a specific ANR in the last N hours (default is 1h)

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor searchanr [options] <ANR> [warning] [critical]

   -H, --hours=NUM_HOURS_AGO   how many hours ago to search for

Example: tsmmonitor searchanr ANR8446W
         tsmmonitor searchanr ANR8446W 2 4
         tsmmonitor searchanr -H=12 ANR8446W
check number of DRM volumes

The default values are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 4

Usage..: tsmmonitor drmvol [options] [warning] [critical]

 -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME  search volumes only in the library
 -s, --state=DRM_STATE       DRM state of volumes (default: MOUNTABLE)
 -i, --invert                Invert the sense of matching, to select
                             non-matching volumes

Example: tsmmonitor drmvol
         tsmmonitor drmvol -i -l=3584LIB # DRM volumes with state different from MOUNTABLE in library
         tsmmonitor drmvol -s=COURIERRETRIEVE
         tsmmonitor drmvol -s=VAULT -l=3584LIB 1 8
         tsmmonitor drmvol 2 6
check the number of schedules not completed (only today's schedules)

The default numbers are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor sched [options] [warning] [critical]
    -a, --admin                   only administrative schedules.
    -s, --schedule=SCHEDULE_NAME  only a specific schedule

Example: tsmmonitor sched
         tsmmonitor sched -a
         tsmmonitor sched -s=DAILY_BKP 4 15
check server license compliance

Usage..: tsmmonitor lic
Example: tsmmonitor lic
check false private tapes

The default percentages are:
   warning..: 1
   critical.: 3

Usage..: tsmmonitor falseprivate [warning] [critical]
Example: tsmmonitor falseprivate
         tsmmonitor falseprivate 3 5