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possible bug with tbl_graph #250

Gian77 opened this issue Jun 18, 2020 · 8 comments

possible bug with tbl_graph #250

Gian77 opened this issue Jun 18, 2020 · 8 comments


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Gian77 commented Jun 18, 2020

I am working with coral microbiome and I have a dataset that includes Fungi, Bacteria, Apicomplexa and Symbiodinium. I am trying to build a network out form nodes and edges data frames and plot with facets in ggraph to display connections between different organisms (e.g. Inter-Kingdorm = Fungi-Fungi and Intra-Kingdom = Bacteria-Fungi connections). I have generated the two networks, I want to compare, in SpecEasi. I pooled out nodes and edges data frames form both. I put them together using and then put them in the same tbl_graph. Please see the code below and the attached image and datasets.

My problem is that the facet do not really work. When I try to facet my graph by edges Inter-Kingdorm and Intra-Kingdom connections I have all the edges plotted wrongly in the two panels (see figure). In the Intra-Kigdom panel I am supposed to see only connections that connect nodes form the same Kingdom. I have checked in the data frames, before tbl_graph and they look fine. I presume there is a bug and when tbl_graph tries to match edges names to nodes, it messes the order up. I am including the code as wee was the data frames so it can be reproduced (see below).

# putting all nodes and edges together -----------------------
edges_total <-, edge_un_Acro)
# rename columns
colnames(edges_total)[1] <- "from"
colnames(edges_total)[2] <- "to"

nodes_total <-, node_un_Acro)
# rename rows
rownames(nodes_total) <- seq(1:228)

# creatign the table_graph -----------------------------
net_ggraph <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodes_total, edges = edges_total, node_key = "OTU")

# inspecting the graph ---------------------------------
net_ggraph %>% activate(nodes) %>% 
net_ggraph %>% activate(edges) %>% # the edges number do not correspond to nodes names!

net_ggraph %>%
  #activate(edges) %>%
  ggraph(layout = "dh") +
  #ggraph(layout = "centrality", cent = graph.strength(net_ggraph_new, mode = "all"))+
  geom_edge_link0(aes(edge_width = weight, edge_colour = Direction)) +
  geom_node_point(aes(fill = Kingdom, size = Abundance, shape = Kingdom, colour = Kingdom)) + 
  #geom_node_text(aes(filter = Abundance >= 10,label = OTU), color="black", size =2) +
  facet_edges(~InterKing) +
  #facet_nodes(~Kingdom) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#F0E442", "#D55E00","#009E73","#56B4E9"))+
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#F0E442", "#D55E00","#009E73","#56B4E9"))+
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(21,22,23,24)) +
  scale_edge_color_manual(values = c("red","grey")) + 
  scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.1, 1.2))+
  scale_size(range = c(0.5, 6)) +
  theme_graph() +
    guides(size = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.key.height = unit(0.2, "cm"), legend.key.width = unit(0.3, "cm")) +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 8, face = "bold"), legend.text = element_text(size = 7)) +
  theme(legend.position = "right") -> test_graph


Thank you so much for your help!



> sessionInfo()
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_CA.UTF-8     LC_MONETARY=en_CA.UTF-8   
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attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] oaqc_1.0            snahelper_1.1.0     graphlayouts_0.7.0  tidygraph_1.2.0     igraph_1.2.5        ggraph_2.0.2.9000   ggplot2_3.3.1      
 [8] SpiecEasi_1.0.7     Biostrings_2.54.0   XVector_0.26.0      IRanges_2.20.1      S4Vectors_0.24.1    BiocGenerics_0.32.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] bitops_1.0-6                matrixStats_0.55.0          bit64_0.9-7                 RColorBrewer_1.1-2          GenomeInfoDb_1.22.0        
 [6] tools_3.6.3                 backports_1.1.7             R6_2.4.1                    rpart_4.1-15                Hmisc_4.3-0                
[11] DBI_1.1.0                   colorspace_1.4-1            nnet_7.3-14                 withr_2.2.0                 tidyselect_1.1.0           
[16] gridExtra_2.3               DESeq2_1.26.0               bit_1.1-14                  compiler_3.6.3              Biobase_2.46.0             
[21] htmlTable_1.13.3            DelayedArray_0.12.2         colourpicker_1.0            scales_1.1.1                checkmate_1.9.4            
[26] genefilter_1.68.0           stringr_1.4.0               digest_0.6.25               foreign_0.8-76              base64enc_0.1-3            
[31] jpeg_0.1-8.1                pkgconfig_2.0.3             htmltools_0.4.0             fastmap_1.0.1               htmlwidgets_1.5.1          
[36] rlang_0.4.6                 rstudioapi_0.11             huge_1.3.4                  RSQLite_2.2.0               VGAM_1.1-2                 
[41] shiny_1.4.0                 generics_0.0.2              farver_2.0.3                BiocParallel_1.20.1         acepack_1.4.1              
[46] dplyr_1.0.0                 RCurl_1.95-4.12             magrittr_1.5                GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.2      Formula_1.2-3              
[51] Matrix_1.2-18               Rcpp_1.0.4.6                munsell_0.5.0               viridis_0.5.1               lifecycle_0.2.0            
[56] stringi_1.4.6               MASS_7.3-51.6               SummarizedExperiment_1.16.1 zlibbioc_1.32.0             grid_3.6.3                 
[61] blob_1.2.0                  promises_1.1.0              ggrepel_0.8.2               crayon_1.3.4                miniUI_0.1.1.1             
[66] lattice_0.20-41             cowplot_1.0.0               splines_3.6.3               annotate_1.64.0             locfit_1.5-9.1             
[71] knitr_1.28                  pillar_1.4.4                GenomicRanges_1.38.0        pulsar_0.3.6                geneplotter_1.64.0         
[76] XML_3.98-1.20               glue_1.4.1                  latticeExtra_0.6-29         data.table_1.12.8           httpuv_1.5.2               
[81] png_0.1-7                   vctrs_0.3.1                 tweenr_1.0.1                gtable_0.3.0                purrr_0.3.4                
[86] polyclip_1.10-0             tidyr_1.1.0                 xfun_0.13                   ggforce_0.3.1               mime_0.9                   
[91] xtable_1.8-4                later_1.0.0                 survival_3.1-12             viridisLite_0.3.0           tibble_3.0.1               
[96] AnnotationDbi_1.48.0        memoise_1.1.0               cluster_2.1.0               ellipsis_0.3.1             
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Hi - can you try to condense the issue down to a simpler case that does not require me to understand your scientific question. That would make it much easier to follow and debug

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Gian77 commented Dec 11, 2020

Hello @thomasp85 and thanks for your reply,

I think the problem is more related to a network layout than other things, not sure how to solve it though. It could lead to misleading interpretation anyways.
The code below is a small reproducible example:

rstat_nodes <- data.frame(name = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
rstat_nodes$Kingdom <- c("Fungi", "Bacteria", "Bacteria", "Fungi", "Bacteria")
rstat_nodes$degree <- c(7, 12.5, 40, 18, 70)

rstat_edges <- data.frame(from = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5),
                          to = c(2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3))
rstat_edges$tax1 <- c("F","F","F","B","B","B","F","F","F", "B","B", "B")
rstat_edges$tax2 <- c("B","B","F","F","F","B","F","B","B", "F", "F", "B")
rstat_edges$interkind <- paste(rstat_edges$tax1, rstat_edges$tax2, sep = "_")
rstat_edges$InterKing <- ifelse(rstat_edges$tax1 == rstat_edges$tax2,
                         "Intra", "Inter")

ggraph_test <- tbl_graph(nodes = rstat_nodes, edges = rstat_edges, directed = FALSE)

ggraph_test %>%
  activate(edges) %>%
  ggraph(layout = "dh") +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = degree, color = Kingdom)) +
  geom_edge_link0() +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size =5) +

If you look at the graph (attached) the vertex 1 is a Fungus and should not be connected with 3 an 2 in the Intra panel on the right. I think it is not but graphically it seems so. Do you see a way to fix this?

I hope this help to clarify.


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Gian77 commented Dec 11, 2020

I am not totally sure though that is the only issue, if you look at this graph you can see FOTU_115 is connected to FOTU_201, but that connection does not exist in the data frames I used to generate the network.

> edges_Pop[edges_Pop$to=="FOTU_115",]
         from       to     weight   Crop Direction V1_taxa V2_taxa    InterKing InterKingTaxa
108 FOTU_1646 FOTU_115 0.02301645 Poplar  positive   Fungi   Fungi Intrakingdom   Fungi_Fungi
154   FOTU_84 FOTU_115 0.00801609 Poplar  positive   Fungi   Fungi Intrakingdom   Fungi_Fungi
> edges_Pop[edges_Pop$to=="FOTU_201",]
        from       to     weight   Crop Direction V1_taxa V2_taxa    InterKing InterKingTaxa
96 FOTU_1440 FOTU_201 0.01108665 Poplar  positive   Fungi   Fungi Intrakingdom   Fungi_Fungi

Additionally, even if existed, it should be in the panel Fungi_Fungi, since connects to fungal otus.
Some problems with POTU_159, connected to two other POTUs in the facet that should show just Fungi_Fungi connections.

Please have a look at test4.pdf

Thanks again,

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The example you show is def a visual artefact of the DH layout - try using a different layout that doesn't have this characteristic... As for the other thing it is har to comment on - my guess is that something has gone wrong in the data-preprocessing but it is hard to tell. I'm pretty sure ggraph would not draw an edge that doesn't exist in the dataset

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Gian77 commented Dec 12, 2020

Thanks for the prompt reply @thomasp85,

I believe you. I am not saying it is wrong, I am just trying to find a solution as I want to really use it in my analyses.
I am kind of lost since now I tried to just subset the nodes in a way that there are only FOTU - POTU edges. However, I am obtaining weird results. In the network there are POTU - POTU connections, bot how it is possible? what am I missing in here?

This is what I did

ggraph_test <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodes_test, edges = edges_test, node_key = "OTU_ID")

ggraph_test %>%
  activate(edges) %>%
  ggraph(layout = "dh") +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = Abundance, color = Kingdom)) +
  geom_edge_link0() +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.1, 1.2)) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = OTU_ID), size =2)

These are the two datasets for nodes and edges

and this is graph I obtained.

Can you please try to reproduce and see if you get the same?
Thanks so much,


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As I said, your graph is encoded wrong. How and when that happened I don't know but the column that encode inter/intra status is not correct. I'm sorry, but I do not have time to help you with the analysis since this does not appear to be an issue with one of my packages

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noelzach commented Dec 14, 2020

Hi, @thomasp85 and @Gian77. I think I have figured out a fix to the problem experienced by @Gian77. I was able to reproduce the issue with the code provided by @Gian77 and the data. The first problem was a visual artifact created by the layout "dh". However, the second problem seems to be related to adding the node_key option not matching the edges correctly. For example, using the data contained in the file in the last comment by @Gian77:

colnames(nodes_Pop_inter) <- c("name", "Abundance", "Kingdom")
ggraph_test <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodes_Pop_inter, edges = edges_Pop_inter, directed = FALSE, node_key = "name")

ggraph_test %>%
  #activate(edges) %>%
  ggraph(layout = "kk") +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = Abundance, color = Kingdom)) +
  geom_edge_link0() +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.1, 1.2)) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size =2) 

clearly has edges connecting fungi to fungi (blue dots to blue dots) and prokaryotes to prokaryotes (red to red) when those edges are not in the original edge table (edges_Pop_inter)

However, when I use the function as_tbl_graph to create a graph object with just the edge data, then left_join the associated metadata to the graph's nodes, everything is match up correctly.

ggraph_test <- as_tbl_graph(edges_Pop_inter)

ggraph_test2 <- ggraph_test %>%
  activate(nodes) %>%
  left_join(nodes_Pop_inter, by = c(name = "OTU_ID"))

ggraph_test2 %>%
  #activate(edges) %>%
  ggraph(layout = "kk") +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = Abundance, color = Kingdom)) +
  geom_edge_link0() +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.1, 1.2)) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size =2)


So, as @Gian77 has mentioned, not sure if this is a bug with the node_key option in tbl_graph or if we are not using tbl_graph properly. If we are not using tbl_graph properly then an explanation of why would be helpful, and I think this issue can then be closed.

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Veeery belated but this was/is an issue in tidygraph that did not correctly match edge and node id if the edge ids are encoded as factors instead of characters. Will push a fix to tidygraph shortly

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