Semantic segmentation with the SwiftNet architecture on Cityscapes with BlockCopy to accelerate video processing.
Follow the installation instructions in the root folder
Follow the dataset instructions in the same doc, and update the configs in the configs
folder to point to the data path. Alternatively, the code can run on dummy/own video data.
Semantic segmentation checkpoints can be found here.
network | static mIoU | dynamic mIoU | link |
SwiftNet-RN18 | 75.6 @ 104 GMACs | 73.5 @ 63.2 GMACs | |
SwiftNet-RN50 | 77.6 @ 210 GMACs | 76.3 @ 126 GMACs | |
Download the resnet50 (RN50) checkpoint and place it in the pretrained/
Note that these checkpoints only have a pretrained static segmentation model, the policy is always trained at test time as specified below.
To test the accuracy of a dynamic model and write output/exection visualizations to output_demo/rn50_t05/
. Then policy is first warmed up on --num-clips-warmup
clips (default 600), and then evaluated on the validation set.
bash configs/swiftnet_rn50/
resulting in
Number of images: 10000
Mean IoU 76.28
Computational cost (avg per img): 125.821 GMACs
To test the speed of a dynamic model (disabling metrics and some other code)
bash configs/swiftnet_rn50/
Which should give around 17 FPS on a GTX 1080 Ti.
Note that if you have an I/O bottleneck, you can use the --single-clip-loop
bash configs/swiftnet_rn50/
Resulting in
Number of images: 10000
Mean IoU 77.65
Computational cost (avg per img): 205.841 GMACs
bash configs/swiftnet_rn50/
Which should give around 12 FPS on a GTX 1080 Ti.
Instead of using the Cityscapes video dataset, you can use the demo-dir
argument to evaluate on an arbitrary set of images. The images will be processed as a video after sorting the filenames with natural sort (e.g. img001.jpg, img002.jpg ...). This can be used to visualize the execution decisions on the dataset. Set the number of dataloader workers to 0 to ensure the ordering.
python --demo-dir /path/to/folder/with/demo/images --network swiftnet_resnet50 --model-checkpoint pretrained/swiftnet_rn50.pth --output-dir demo_rn50_t05 --block-policy rl_semseg --block-target 0.5 --batch-size 1 --half --workers 0